Failure to find dependency in proxies Maven repository - java

The Maven Error:
Failed to execute goal on project XXXXXX: Could not resolve
dependencies for project XXXXXX:XXXXXX:0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find in
[http://internal-proxy:8080/nexus-2.6.4/content/groups/XXXXXX] was cached
in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the
update interval of internal-proxy has elapsed or updates are forced.
I have confirmed that the artifact has indeed been proxied from the external source.
Why can the local Maven build resolve the dependency in either the cloud or the intranet proxy? How can I attempt to debug such problems? I am administrator of the local Maven repository, so I can debug/change configuration suggested here.
Any insight would be welcomed.

Do you have this particular ucm jar with you ? The jar is not there on maven central repository and thus will never be fetched since it does not exist there on maven central.
Last I remember, you will have to manually install it in your local repository. Check this post here

Ugh, it was an improper URL in the settings.xml.
I wish the error was more transparent such as connection refused.


“mvn dependency:tree” Return could not resolve dependencies for project com. * was cached in the local repository……

When I execute “mvn dependency:tree”,error:“Could not resolve dependencies for project com..-:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in http://.com/libs-snapshots was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interva”
Via google,I see before I execute this command,execute "mvn clean install" can solve this problem.
But I want to Know why?
Is it necessary to download all dependent packages to local when exporting ependency-graph?

How can I point to the correct location to the parent pom?

I had to re-install Eclipse, and my previously-working project refuses to compile due to Maven POM error.
The error is
Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to transfer my:my-parent:pom:3.0 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced.
Original error: Could not transfer artifact my:my-parent:pom:3.0 from/to central (
maven2): connect timed out and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
I know the SVN location for the parent POM on the company Intranet, but not sure where it should be configured in Eclipse/Maven so parent POM is read from there instead of from Apache Maven repo
You must configure current maven repositories in your .m2 directory in settings.xml file.
And if you want to force to check for artifacts in remote repositories you must do a mvn compile with -U option to force an update
Since you are in company network may be a proxy issue. Check the settings.xml and check the required proxy is setup properly
Try force maven update
mvn clean install -U
As per NullPointerException's comment, the problem was that my previous Eclipse install had a custom .m2 location ( preferences -> maven -> User Settings ) and new install was pointing to incorrect .m2.
Changing that to correct location fixed the issue

Maven dependency for javaplanner not resolving

I have a dependency for javaplanner in my project:
I am having an issue when building the project, giving error not able to resolve the dependency:
Failure to find javaplanner:javaplanner:jar:1.5
in was cached in the local repository,
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has
elapsed or updates are forced
-> [Help 1]
I tried to search the javaplanner dependency in the mvn repository, but its missing there.
How can I resolve this issue? Appreciated!!!!
javaplanner does not exist in Maven Central and does not appear to exist in any other public Maven repository. It has also been discontinued and is no longer downloadable from its provider if it is as I suspect "DHTMLX JavaPlanner" - see
To resolve this issue you'll need to download the dependency's JAR file from a third-party site, verify that the downloaded JAR is what used to be available from and install the JAR as the javaplanner:javaplanner dependency in your local (or private shared - e.g. Nexus, Artifactory, JFrog - see Maven repository. See DHTMLX JavaPlanner maven dependency for more on the local install process.

Maven complains about dependency to a WAR file

I am trying to build a project which has a following dependency
While the WAR file seems to be on the right place in my local repo. Contents of .m2/repository/org/richfaces/examples/richfaces-showcase/4.3.4.Final/
I tried to delete the *.lastUpdated file, *.war.pom seems to be ok too but I am still getting
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project richfaces-showcase-portlet:
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jboss.portletbridge.examples:richfaces-showcase-portlet:war:3.3.1.Final:
Failure to find org.richfaces.examples:richfaces-showcase:war:jbas71:4.3.4.Final in was cached in the local repository, resolution
will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are
forced -> [Help 1]
The dependency is imply wrong, cause a war file is not intended to be a dependency. The war file is intended to be use as an example which can be deployed into a Tomcat etc. to see how it looks like etc.
Apart from that you are trying to get richfaces from Maven Central which is not possible cause Richfaces is not in Maven Central. They have their own repository. You need to add this repository to your configuration or Repository manager.
Furthermore the message:
Failure to find org.richfaces.examples:richfaces-showcase:war:jbas71:4.3.4.Final in was cached in the local repository, resolution
will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are
forced -> [Help 1]
shows that the dependency couldn't be downloaded. I assume the size of the war file is 0..

Java, Maven dependencies

I'm new to Maven and JSF and I have the following problem when compiling my project:
Failed to execute goal on project ViewController: Could not resolve dependencies for project The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.sun.faces:jsf-api:jar:2.0.3-FCS, com.sun.faces:jsf-impl:jar:2.0.3-FCS, org.openfaces:openfaces:jar:3.0.2-KM, cssparser:cssparser:jar:0.9.5, it.eng.spago:sbi-utils:jar:3.3.0: Failure to find com.sun.faces:jsf-api:jar:2.0.3-FCS in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of maven.maven2 has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1
This is means that the artifact com.sun.faces:jsf-api:jar:2.0.3-FCS is absent in repository
Indeed, there is no jsf-api.jar with version 2.0.3-FCS in this repo.
There's a list of available versions. So, you should change artifact version, or repository url
Simple delete the folder local repository com/sun/faces and and retry it.
