Appearance of a triangle strip. Surface normals? Or windings? - java

Below is a picture of what my outcome is.
I am using flat shading and have put each vertex in their respectable triangle objects. Then I use these vertices to calculate the surface normals. I have been reading that because my triangles share similar vertices that calculating the normals may be an issue? But to me this looks like a windings problem given that every other one is off.
I provided some of my code below to anyone who wants to look through it and get a better idea what the issue could be.
Triangle currentTri = new Triangle();
int triPointIndex = 0;
List<Triangle> triList = new ArrayList<Triangle>()
int counter1 = 0;
float stripZ = 1.0f;
float randY;
for (float x=0.0f; x<20.0f; x+=2.0f) {
if (stripZ == 1.0f) {
stripZ = -1.0f;
} else { stripZ = 1.0f; }
randY = (Float) randYList.get(counter1);
counter1 += 1;
GL11.glVertex3f(x, randY, stripZ);
Vert currentVert = currentTri.triVerts[triPointIndex];
currentVert.x = x;
currentVert.y = randY;
currentVert.z = stripZ;
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
float Ux = currentTri.triVerts[1].x - currentTri.triVerts[0].x;
float Uy = currentTri.triVerts[1].y - currentTri.triVerts[0].y;
float Uz = currentTri.triVerts[1].z - currentTri.triVerts[0].z;
float Vx = currentTri.triVerts[2].x - currentTri.triVerts[0].x;
float Vy = currentTri.triVerts[2].y - currentTri.triVerts[0].y;
float Vz = currentTri.triVerts[2].z - currentTri.triVerts[0].z;
normal.x = (Uy * Vz) - (Uz * Vy);
normal.y = (Uz * Vx) - (Ux * Vz);
normal.z = (Ux * Vy) - (Uy * Vx);
GL11.glNormal3f(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
if (triPointIndex == 3) {
Triangle nextTri = new Triangle();
nextTri.triVerts[0] = currentTri.triVerts[1];
nextTri.triVerts[1] = currentTri.triVerts[2];
currentTri = nextTri;
triPointIndex = 2;

You should be setting the normal before calling glVertex3f (...). A call to glVertex* is basically what finalizes a vertex, it associates the current color, normal, texture coordinates, etc... with the vertex at the position you pass and emits a new vertex.
glVertex — specify a vertex
glVertex commands are used within glBegin / glEnd pairs to specify point, line, and polygon vertices. The current color, normal, texture coordinates, and fog coordinate are associated with the vertex when glVertex is called.
When only x and y are specified, z defaults to 0.0 and w defaults to 1.0. When x, y, and z are specified, w defaults to 1.0.
Chances are very good that this is a large part of your problem. Triangle strips are designed to workaround implicit winding issues. You have to reverse the winding of every triangle when you use a strip, but the rasterizer compensates for this by flipping the winding order used for front/back internally on each alternate triangle.
Understand of course that the rasterizer is smart enough to flip the front/back winding for each alternate triangle when using a strip but your code is not (at least not currently). You need to compensate for the alternately reversed winding when you calculate the normals yourself on the CPU side.

Actually it's both in one. The direction of the normal depends on the winding used to calculate it. However ultimately it boils down to a normals problem, since that's what determines lighting calculations.
Winding is also important for OpenGL, but you can't change anything about that in a striped primitive.


How can I check if an object(s) are in front of the camera?

I have got some trees, which are greatly lagging the game, so I would like to check if the trees are in front of the camera or not.
I have had some help from the Mathematics forum, and also had a look at This link to help me convert pitch/yaw to the directional vector needed.
But for some reason, whenever I move the camera to the left, the trees become visible, wheras whenever I move it to the right, they become unvisible (So if camera is pointing at +1 on the Z axis, it seems to be rendering the trees, but -1 on the Z axis and it seems to not render them).
(See for a less-jumpy .mp4)
I am using the following code to check if an object is in front of the camera or not:
Ship you = shipsID.get(UID);
int dis = 300;
Vector3f X = new Vector3f(camera.x(), camera.y(), camera.z());
float x = (float) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.yaw()))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch())));
float y = (float) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(camera.yaw()))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch())));
float z = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch()));
Vector3f V = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
for (Tree tree : trees){
Vector3f Y = new Vector3f(tree.location.x, tree.location.y, tree.location.z);
Vector3f YMinusX = Y.negate(X);//new Vector3f(Y.x - X.x, Y.y - X.y, Y.z - X.z);
float dot =, V);
if (dot > 0){
Is anyone able to tell me what I have done wrong here? I can't work out if it's the math.. Or the code.. Or what?
Camera translation code:
public void applyTranslations() {
glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0);
lastYaw = yaw;
glRotatef(roll, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-x, -y, -z);
It appears to be where the camera is looking. For example, if I look to -Z, nothing happens, but if I look to +Z, they all render.
The if (dot > 0) code appears to somehow being +Z rather than +TheCameraRotation.
Your camera rotations yaw around Y, implying Y is your up vector. However, float z = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch())); gives Z for your up vector. There is an inconsistency. I'd start by swapping y and z here, then print everything out every frame so you can see what happens as you rotate the camera. Also render just one tree and print dot. E.g. you might quickly notice the numbers approach 1.0 only when you look at 90 degrees left of the tree which narrows down the problem. As #DWilches notes, swapping cos/sin will change the phase of the rotation, which would produce such an effect.
You might consider limiting the dot product to the camera's field of view. There are still problems in that trees are not just points. A better way would be to test tree bounding boxes against the camera frustum, as #glampert suggests.
Still, the tree geometry doesn't look that complex. Optimization wise, I'd start trying to draw them faster. Are you using VBOs? Perhaps look at methods to reduce draw calls such as instancing. Perhaps even use a few models for LOD or billboards. Going even further, billboards with multiple trees on them. Occlusion culling methods could be used to ignore trees behind mountains.
Since your trees are all roughly on a plane, you could limit the problem to the camera's yaw:
float angleToTree = Math.atan2(tree.location.z - camera.z(), tree.location.x - camera.x());
float angleDiff = angleToTree - camera.yaw();
if (angleDiff > Math.PI)
angleDiff -= 2.0f * Math.PI;
if (angleDiff < -Math.PI)
angleDiff += 2.0f * Math.PI;
if (abs(angleDiff) < cameraFOV + 0.1f) //bias as trees are not points
Could you write it like this
Ship you = shipsID.get(UID);
int dis = 300;
Vector3f X = new Vector3f(camera.x(), camera.y(), camera.z());
float x = (float) (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.yaw()))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch())));
float y = (float) (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(camera.yaw()))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch())));
float z = (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(camera.pitch()));
Vector3f V = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
for (Tree tree : trees){
Vector3f Y = new Vector3f(tree.location.x, tree.location.y, tree.location.z);
Vector3f YMinusX = Y.negate(X);//new Vector3f(Y.x - X.x, Y.y - X.y, Y.z - X.z);
float dot =, V);
if (dot > 0){
As you can see there is far less calculation being performed for each tree.
For what I see here the correct formulas are:
x = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.cos(yaw);
y = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.sin(yaw);
z = Math.cos(pitch);
Could you try them ?

OpenGL 3+ with orthographic projection of directional light

I'm currently having an issue with directional light shadow maps from a moving (sun-like) light source.
When I initially implemented, the light projection matrix was computed as 3D, and the shadow map appears beautifully. I then learned that for what I'm trying to do, an orthographic projection would work better, but I'm having a hard time substituting the proper projection matrix.
Each tick, the sun moves a certain amount along a circle, as one would expect. I use a homegrown "lookAt" method to determine the proper viewing matrix. So, for instance, daylight occurs from 6AM to 6PM. When the sun is at the 9AM position (45 degrees) it should look at the origin and render the shadow map to the framebuffer. What appears to be happening with the orthographic projection is that it doesn't "tilt down" toward the origin. It simply keeps looking straight down the Z axis instead. Things look fine at 6AM and 6PM, but 12 noon, for instance, show absolutely nothing.
Here's how I'm setting things up:
Original 3D projection matrix:
Matrix4f projectionMatrix = new Matrix4f();
float aspectRatio = (float) width / (float) height;
float y_scale = (float) (1 / cos(toRadians(fov / 2f)));
float x_scale = y_scale / aspectRatio;
float frustum_length = far_z - near_z;
projectionMatrix.m00 = x_scale;
projectionMatrix.m11 = y_scale;
projectionMatrix.m22 = (far_z + near_z) / (near_z - far_z);
projectionMatrix.m23 = -1;
projectionMatrix.m32 = -((2 * near_z * far_z) / frustum_length);
LookAt method:
public Matrix4f lookAt( float x, float y, float z,
float center_x, float center_y, float center_z ) {
Vector3f forward = new Vector3f( center_x - x, center_y - y, center_z - z );
Vector3f up = new Vector3f( 0, 1, 0 );
if ( center_x == x && center_z == z && center_y != y ) {
up.y = 0;
up.z = 1;
Vector3f side = new Vector3f();
Vector3f.cross(forward, up, side );
Vector3f.cross(side, forward, up);
Matrix4f multMatrix = new Matrix4f();
multMatrix.m00 = side.x;
multMatrix.m10 = side.y;
multMatrix.m20 = side.z;
multMatrix.m01 = up.x;
multMatrix.m11 = up.y;
multMatrix.m21 = up.z;
multMatrix.m02 = -forward.x;
multMatrix.m12 = -forward.y;
multMatrix.m22 = -forward.z;
Matrix4f translation = new Matrix4f();
translation.m30 = -x;
translation.m31 = -y;
translation.m32 = -z;
Matrix4f result = new Matrix4f();
Matrix4f.mul( multMatrix, translation, result );
return result;
Orthographic projection (using width 100, height 75, near 1.0, far 100 ) I've tried this with many many different values:
Matrix4f projectionMatrix = new Matrix4f();
float r = width * 1.0f;
float l = -width;
float t = height * 1.0f;
float b = -height;
projectionMatrix.m00 = 2.0f / ( r - l );
projectionMatrix.m11 = 2.0f / ( t - b );
projectionMatrix.m22 = 2.0f / (far_z - near_z);
projectionMatrix.m30 = - ( r + l ) / ( r - l );
projectionMatrix.m31 = - ( t + b ) / ( t - b );
projectionMatrix.m32 = -(far_z + near_z) / (far_z - near_z);
projectionMatrix.m33 = 1;
Shadow map vertex shader:
#version 150 core
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
in vec4 in_Position;
out float pass_Position;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * in_Position;
pass_Position = gl_Position.z;
Shadow map fragment shader:
#version 150 core
in vec4 pass_Color;
in float pass_Position;
layout(location=0) out float fragmentdepth;
out vec4 out_Color;
void main(void) {
fragmentdepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
I feel that I'm missing something very simple here. As I said, this works fine with a 3D projection matrix, but I want the shadows constant as the user travels across the world, which makes sense for directional lighting, and thus orthographic projection.
Actually, who told you that using an orthographic projection matrix would be a good idea for shadow maps? This might work for things like the sun, which are effectively infinitely far away, but for local lights perspective is very relevant. You have to be careful with perspective projection and shadow maps though, because the sample frequency varies with distance and you wind up getting a lot of precision at some distances and not enough at others unless you use things like cascading or perspective warping in general; this is probably more than you should be thinking about at the moment though :)
Also, orthographic projection matrices are no more or no less 3D than perspective, insofar as they work by projecting a 3D "image" onto a 2D viewing plane... the only difference between them and perspective is that parallel lines remain parallel. Put another way, (x,y,near) and (x,y,far) ideally project to the same position on screen in an orthographic projection.
Your use of gl_FragCoord.z in the fragment shader is unusual. Since this is the value that is written to the depth buffer, you might as well write NOTHING in your fragment shader and re-use the depth buffer. Unless your implementation does not support a floating-point depth buffer you are wasting memory bandwidth by writing the depth to two places. A depth-only pass with glColorMask (GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE) will usually get you much higher throughput when constructing shadow maps.
If you actually used the value of pass_Position (which is your non-perspective corrected Z coordinate in clip-space), I could see using a separate color attachment to write this, but you're writing the perspective-correct depth-range adjusted depth (gl_FragDepth) currently.
In any case, when the sun is directly overhead and you are using orthographic projection it is to be expected that no shadows are cast. This goes back to the property I explained earlier where parallel lines remain parallel. Since the distance an object is from the sun has no affect on where the object is projected (orthographically), if it is directly overhead you will not see any shadows. Try tracking the sun's position along a sphere instead of a circle to minimize this.

Getting bullet X to Y movement ratio from 2 points

I'm making pretty simple game. You have a sprite onscreen with a gun, and he shoots a bullet in the direction the mouse is pointing. The method I'm using to do this is to find the X to Y ratio based on 2 points (the center of the sprite, and the mouse position). The X to Y ratio is essentially "for every time the X changes by 1, the Y changes by __".
This is my method so far:
public static Vector2f getSimplifiedSlope(Vector2f v1, Vector2f v2) {
float x = v2.x - v1.x;
float y = v2.y - v1.y;
// find the reciprocal of X
float invert = 1.0f / x;
x *= invert;
y *= invert;
return new Vector2f(x, y);
This Vector2f is then passed to the bullet, which moves that amount each frame.
But it isn't working. When my mouse is directly above or below the sprite, the bullets move very fast. When the mouse is to the right of the sprite, they move very slow. And if the mouse is on the left side, the bullets shoot out the right side all the same.
When I remove the invert variable from the mix, it seems to work fine. So here are my 2 questions:
Am I way off-track, and there's a simpler, cleaner, more widely used, etc. way to do this?
If I'm on the right track, how do I "normalize" the vector so that it stays the same regardless of how far away the mouse is from the sprite?
Thanks in advance.
Use vectors to your advantage. I don't know if Java's Vector2f class has this method, but here's how I'd do it:
return (v2 - v1).normalize(); // `v2` is obj pos and `v1` is the mouse pos
To normalize a vector, just divide it (i.e. each component) by the magnitude of the entire vector:
Vector2f result = new Vector2f(v2.x - v1.x, v2.y - v1.y);
float length = sqrt(result.x^2 + result.y^2);
return new Vector2f(result.x / length, result.y / length);
The result is unit vector (its magnitude is 1). So to adjust the speed, just scale the vector.
Yes for both questions:
to find what you call ratio you can use the arctan function which will provide the angle of of the vector which goes from first object to second object
to normalize it, since now you are starting from an angle you don't need to do anything: you can directly use polar coordinates
Code is rather simple:
float magnitude = 3.0; // your max speed
float angle = Math.atan2(y,x);
Vector2D vector = new Vector(magnitude*sin(angle), magnitude*cos(angle));

2d Ball Collision Problem: no conservation of energy

I am trying to write a simple physics simulation where balls with varying radii and masses bounce around in a perfectly elastic and frictionless environment. I wrote my own code following this resource: and I also tested the code from here: Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling
With the help of Rick Goldstein and Ralph, I have gotten my code to work (there was a typo..). Thanks so much for you help. However I am still confused as to why the other algorithm isn't working for me. The balls bounce off in the correct directions, but the total energy of the system is never conserved. The velocities get faster and faster until the balls just start blinking in static positions on the screen. I actually want to use this code in my program, because it is a lot more concise than the one I wrote.
Here is the functional algorithm that I wrote (although I did take the first bit from that other source). Its in a Bubble class:
public void resolveCollision(Bubble b)
// get the minimum translation distance
Vector2 delta = (position.subtract(b.position));
float d = delta.getMagnitude();
// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
Vector2 mtd = delta.multiply(((getRadius() + b.getRadius())-d)/d);
// resolve intersection --
// inverse mass quantities
float im1 = 1 / getMass();
float im2 = 1 / b.getMass();
// push-pull them apart based off their mass
position = position.add(mtd.multiply(im1 / (im1 + im2)));
b.position = b.position.subtract(mtd.multiply(im2 / (im1 + im2)));
//get the unit normal and unit tanget vectors
Vector2 uN = b.position.subtract(this.position).normalize();
Vector2 uT = new Vector2(-uN.Y, uN.X);
//project ball 1 & 2 's velocities onto the collision axis
float v1n =;
float v1t =;
float v2n =;
float v2t =;
//calculate the post collision normal velocities (tangent velocities don't change)
float v1nPost = (v1n*(this.mass-b.mass) + 2*b.mass*v2n)/(this.mass+b.mass);
float v2nPost = (v2n*(b.mass-this.mass) + 2*this.mass*v1n)/(this.mass+b.mass);
//convert scalar velocities to vectors
Vector2 postV1N = uN.multiply(v1nPost);
Vector2 postV1T = uT.multiply(v1t);
Vector2 postV2N = uN.multiply(v2nPost);
Vector2 postV2T = uT.multiply(v2t);
//change the balls velocities
this.velocity = postV1N.add(postV1T);
b.velocity = postV2N.add(postV2T);
And here is the one that doesn't work
public void resolveCollision(Bubble b)
// get the minimum translation distance
Vector2 delta = (position.subtract(b.position));
float d = delta.getMagnitude();
// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
Vector2 mtd = delta.multiply(((getRadius() + b.getRadius())-d)/d);
// resolve intersection --
// inverse mass quantities
float im1 = 1 / getMass();
float im2 = 1 / b.getMass();
// push-pull them apart based off their mass
position = position.add(mtd.multiply(im1 / (im1 + im2)));
b.position = b.position.subtract(mtd.multiply(im2 / (im1 + im2)));
// impact speed
Vector2 v = (this.velocity.subtract(b.velocity));
float vn =;
// sphere intersecting but moving away from each other already
if (vn > 0.0f) return;
// collision impulse (1f is the coefficient of restitution)
float i = (-(1.0f + 1f) * vn) / (im1 + im2);
Vector2 impulse = mtd.multiply(i);
// change in momentum
this.velocity = this.velocity.add(impulse.multiply(im1));
b.velocity = b.velocity.subtract(impulse.multiply(im2));
Let me know if you find anything. Thanks
Is there a typo in the line that sets v1nPost? Looks like the denominator should be this.mass + b.mass, not this.mass * b.mass.
Also, because you're computing a collision between this and b, are you checking to make sure you're not also doing the same collision between b and this, thus doubling the delta applied to each participating bubble in the collision?
I do a first guess: getMass() return an integer(or int) (and not a float or double)?
If this is true, than you problem is that 1 / getMass() will result in an integer value (and can be only 1 or most time 0)). To fix this replace 1 by 1.0 or 1.0f
Because the general rule is simple:
If you have a math operation (+,-,*,/) the resulting type will be integer if none of the both operants is a floating point data structure (double or float)
Anyway: there could be a second problem, may your calcualtion is not precise enougth. Then you should use double instead of float.
There is a part that looks strange:
The two calculations:
float v1nPost = (v1n*(this.mass-b.mass) + 2*b.mass*v2n)/(this.mass*b.mass);
float v2nPost = (v2n*(b.mass-this.mass) + 2*this.mass*v1n)/(this.mass+b.mass);
are symmetric, except the last operation, in the first it is * in the second it is +

Whats wrong with my Matrix Rotation?

I'm trying to rotate a model by
(float) Math.atan2(-camX.getXf() * padX, -camDir.getZf() * padY)
model.setRotation(new Matrix3(1,0,0,
0,(float) Math.atan2(-camX.getXf() * padX, -camDir.getZf() * padY),0,
It rotates on the y axis (Though it's sideways because it's a md2 model) but rotating the Z axis doesn't make it right side up. Any idea why?
Each variable is in it's respective area of the matrix.
EDIT: alright, now I'm using this code:
float x = 0;
float y = (float) Math.atan2(-camX.getXf() * padX, -camDir.getZf() * padY);
float z = (float) -MathUtils.HALF_PI;
float a = (float) Math.sin(x);
float A = (float) Math.cos(x);
float b = (float) Math.sin(y);
float B = (float) Math.cos(y);
float c = (float) Math.sin(z);
float C = (float) Math.cos(z);
Matrix3 m = new Matrix3(A*b, -(B*a),b,
(C*a)+(A*b*c), (A*C)-(a*b*c), -(B*c),
(a*c)-(A*C*b), (A*c)+(C*a*b), B*C);
But now none of the axis are rotating correctly.
This is how the matrix is set up:
xx, xy, xz,
yx, yy, yz,
zx, zy, zz
Rotation matrices don't work this way. Angles don't go into matrices! Instead I assume that Java handles a rotation matrix just like any other transformation matrix in cartesian coordinates. Since I think you don't want to input the rotation matrix by hand, you are probably better off starting with a new Matrix3 (I hope it is automatically initialized at the identity matrix), and then successively rotating it using rotateX(float x), rotateY(float y) and rotateZ(float z), where x, y, z are the angles you want to rotate about. (In case you are using com.threed.jpct.Matrix, at least.) Note that the result does depend on the succession of the three rotations.
Here is a typical tutorial on how to use rotation matrices The order of applying rotations round the three axes is critical. Alternatively you can rotate about an arbitrary axis. Also you may want to explore quaternions.
This is what a rotation matrix looks like in 2D; it rotates a point in (x,y) space about the z-axis in the counterclockwise direction.
