Configuring IntelliJ to Use Groovy Compiler Instead of Java Compiler - java

In my maven project, I'm currently mixing my Java code with some Groovy code. I'm using Groovy mostly to construct the beans at this point. Some of my Java code uses the Groovy beans directly.
I configured the Maven Compiler Plugin like this:-
When I run my testcases using mvn test, it works just fine.
However, when I run the testcases directly from IntelliJ by right clicking the test file and run it, I'm getting "cannot find symbol" errors on the Groovy beans. When I read the error log, IntelliJ uses Java compiler to compile my project before running the test... thus, the tests fail.
I can't seem to figure out how to instruct IntelliJ to always use the Groovy compiler instead of Java compiler.
What should I change under SDK so that Groovy compiler will be used? I tried adding Groovy related JAR files, but I got other errors.
UPDATE 1: Per #Seagull suggestion
I added groovy JARs under "Global Libraries":-
When I executed the test file directly from IntelliJ, I'm getting some Groovy warnings and I still get the same error:-

I had this problem on the latest version of Intellij ideaIC-15.0.3-custom-jdk-bundled.dmg on MAC 10.10.5, JDK 1.8.0_60.
Including all steps for posterity...
From the terminal, I installed the latest version of groovy, using sdkman: sdk install groovy 2.4.5
In Intellij, right-click on top project > select "Add Framework Support..." > Add groovy 2.4.5 (if it hasn't already been added).
In Intellij, "Preferences" > "Build, Execution, Deployment" > "Compiler" > "Resource patterns:" > change the order from !?*.java;!?*.groovy to !?*.groovy;!?*.java
Recompile the project (Command+Shift+F9), it should now compile successfully.

This is the reply from the IntelliJ support team on January 2, 2014 regarding this problem:-
IDEA uses groovyc to generate Java stubs for Groovy classes to allow
for seamless interop. Unfortunately stub generation code doesn't
launch AST transformations (e.g. Immutable) and so the methods
generated by those transformations don't make it into Java stubs,
hence Java compiler doesn't see them.
Unfortunately I see no workarounds that don't require modifying your
project. One would be to place Groovy files into a separate module.
Another would be to change the call places into Groovy. The third one
would be to replace #Immutable with #Canonical and generate the
constructor so that it's actually in the code (and the stubs will
contain it).
You may also vote/watch
to support Eclipse Groovy compiler.
I ended up removing both #Immutable and #Canonical and create my own constructors, for 2 reasons:-
It allows me to run my test case directly from IntelliJ.
It cleans up JaCoCo code coverage report significantly caused by the unused constructors provided for free by #Immutable and #Canonical.


JavaFX Maven project in IntelliJ. JavaFX runtime components are missing only in IntelliJ. JAR through mvn package executes without issues

I have a Java Project with Spring Boot and JavaFX added through maven. The code compiles and even i can execute the fat jar without the JavaFX SDK in the computer. But when I try to execute it in IntelliJ it results in
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
I have seen this output in many questions and in most of those cases the jar wasn't built at all or code compilation failed.
But in this scenario the mvn package works with no errors and I can execute the JAR with java -jar <jar_name> to cross out the fact that I might have the javafx sdk installed somewhere I tried it in a VM with only the JRE installed.
As for plugins spring-boot-maven-plugin and maven-compiler-plugin.
Attempted Solutions
I tried the solution which said to add the
But what it does is add the ability to run with: mvn clean javafx:run
The need to execute with IntelliJ is to debug the code because Debugging with souts isn't efficient.
Trying to module build with a module-info.jar with following
module com.example.demofx {
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
// all other required modules including spring
opens com.example.demofx to javafx.fxml;
exports com.example.demofx;
This might have worked but due to some of old dependencies not working properly with modularized build this results in lots of breaking changes to the codebase.
Missed to mention the environment
JDK - 11.0.8
IntelliJ IDEA - 2021.2.2
Added second solution tried.
This is more a troubleshooting and research guide than an actual fix. Fixes for environmental issues are difficult to provide in a StackOverflow context. However, if you study the information here, it might help you fix your project.
Recommended troubleshooting approach
Use the Intellij new JavaFX project wizard. Ensure that it works in your environment, then gradually add components from your current project into the working project, checking that everything still works after each small addition.
Debugging when executing via the JavaFX maven plugin
I think the above recommendation is the preferred approach, however, you can alternately get the following to work:
run with: mvn clean javafx:run
The need to execute with IntelliJ is to debug the code"
intellij idea : how to debug a java:fx maven project?
I also think you can just right-click on the maven target for javafx:run and select Debug. I am not sure, I don't make use of the JavaFX maven plugin.
Creating fat jars for JavaFX applications
the fat jar
This is not a recommended configuration, but if you really must do it, you can review:
Maven Shade JavaFX runtime components are missing
That answer doesn't discuss getting such a configuration to work in conjunction with an Idea run/debug configuration, so it may not assist you.
If you do continue with a fat jar, I would not advise using a module-info, as you will be running code off the classpath anyway.
Modular versus non-modular JavaFX applications
If you don't use a fat jar, getting all the module dependencies correct for Spring is tricky anyway because Spring is not currently architected to directly support modules well. Spring 6 will be designed to work well with modules, though I think you should be able to get Spring 5 to work if you try hard enough (I have got it to work in the past for some applications).
Alternately you can just have the JavaFX components as modules and run the rest off the classpath. For example, the "Non-modular with Maven" approach at Note that in that approach, the JDK and JavaFX modules are still loaded as modules off of the module path, it is only Spring your application that is not providing a file and running off the classpath.
Creating runtime images for JavaFX applications
I also advise studying:
these resources for the creation of an appropriate runtime image.

SystemPropertyVariable is not read in Eclipse IDE

In ma maven project I have something like below in pom.xml
And of course I use this property in my Java code.
However my problem is that if I run my tests in Eclipse then this property is not read from pom file and finally my 'environment' property stays empty.
If I run my tests from console adding ' -Denvironment=DEV ' then it's ok.
My question is how to configure Eclipse so that it sees my 'environment' property as it is while I run it from console?
Can anyone help please?
I cannot find solution by myself...
This is a common misunderstanding of how Maven works.
The core of Maven defines a build lifecycle, essentially a state machine that tells it how to transition to a given phase. For example, if you run:
mvn test-compile
Maven knows that it first needs to through a series of steps (states) before it can execute test-compile. Each of these states may or may not have a plugin attached to it that Maven will execute, given how the POM is written. So essentially, Maven itself doesn't do any resource copying, compiling, testing, packaging, etc. All of these tasks are delegated to plugins.
When you import a Maven project into Eclipse, it will provide its own mapping of plugins, for various reasons. Some of these (like compiling) will make sense for the IDE to do, it will use its own plugins to do the job. Other phases that is not part of what Eclipse normally does (such as packaging) will have no mapping and thus no plugin to execute.
Running JUnit tests is not what Eclipse does normally as part of the build, so that's why you run JUnit tests manually (right-click test class > Run as > JUnit test). Eclipse simply ignores the surefire plugin since it uses its own internal JUnit runner to run the tests and as such it doesn't pick up the configuration from the surefire plugin.
I have no doubt that this could be made to work in Eclipse but at the time of writing, it simply doesn't. Have you tried IntelliJ by any chance?
However, since one could argue that Eclipse always is in "DEV" mode, would a suitable workaround be that you statically set the system property on the JRE in Eclipse?
Like so:
Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs > select your JRE >
Edit... > Default VM arguments: -DDEV

Executing Java and Kotlin program with the Kotlin runtime library in the classpath

I created a mixed project Java+Kotlin in eclipse oxygen. I added the kotlin plugin to eclipse and added kotlin nature to the project. No problem compiling or building with maven.
When I executed the project I got an exception because the kotlin runtime jar is not there. No problem again, I added the jar manually in the run configuration like so:
But this is a hack.
Can anybody tell me the most elegant way to tell eclipse to add the same runtime used by the eclipse kotlin plugin when I execute the program so that said runtime jar will stay in sync if I ever update the plugin.
If it helps, this is what the library looks like in the project's build path:
It seems simple enough but I can't figure the right way to do it...
As I mentioned in the comment above, the fact that one doesn't need to add anything in Maven to have eclipse compile the Kotlin classes but needs the maven dependency to run it, confused me.
In order to run a Maven project with a Kotlin nature, containing Java and Kotlin code in Eclipse + Kotlin plugin, it is necessary to add the runtime as a dependency in the pom.xml.
Incidentally it is also advisable to add the standard library since, in all likelyhood, classes from it will be needed by the code.
The second part is finding out the right version of Kotlin to use, which has to be the same used by the plugin.
For that, we can check the plugin version
The version of the compiler is already there (1.1.1 in this case), but we can also ensure this by going to the public Kotlin plugin source code repository.
In github select the correct branch. Probably "master" if the plugin is up to date. And check the Kotlin version in the pom.xml.
If that version is not in the maven central it will be necessary to add the pertinent repository both under the repositories and pluginRepositories sections in the pom.xml.
Don't remove the Kotlin library from the libraries tab in the classpath section of the project properties dialog (it's what appears in the image in my question above)

Antlr4 "Test Rig" and maven

I am struggling a little bit to figure out how I can use the antlr4 maven plug in to run the TestRig class?
I've read though the output of mvn antlr4:help -Ddetail=true, which is the only documentation I have been able to find, but this doesn't mention how to use the TestRig. So, what's the recommended way of using the test rig together with maven? using the grun alias method doesn't seem very elegant here.
UPDATED - Reasoning
Hello :)
Right, don't get me wrong but I really don't understand why you wouldn't want this functionality in the maven plugin? And I don't understand why its soul purpose should be to compile grammars?
Currently, if I maintain a build with Maven, and I use the antlr4-maven-plugin , it will install both the plugin and the antlr 4.1 in my maven repository. With this already there, why would I start adding things to my classpath and creating aliases when maven can take care of that? I mean, this is what maven is for really. If I had a antlr4:TestRig goal, then all I would do was use that. No need to manually maintain the class path, or create bash aliases. It would just work.
And be far far more elegant that hard-coding elements from my local maven repository in my class path, and maintaining bash aliases. Or alternatively, maintain two installations per. version of antlr I wish to use (one maintained by me, simply to use TestRig, and one maintained by maven for everything else).
Additionally, if I wanted to use a different version of antlr, then I wouldn't need to update the classpath and my aliases, maven would simply manage all this for me :)
This is how I invoke TestRig with Maven:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig"
-gui <INPUT_FILE>"
So if you've got MyGrammar.g4 in src/main/antlr4/com/test/parser with a starting rule of startRule:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig"
-Dexec.args="com.test.parser.MyGrammar startRule
-gui <INPUT_FILE>"
I had a similar question, in that I wanted to use the TestRig -gui option for debugging my grammar. I didn't find a way to run the GUI via the antlr4-maven-plugin, but I did manage to build a satisfactory CLASSPATH. The key was to include target/classes.
# Assuming your project is in $PROJECT ..
alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig'
mvn -q compile
grun MyGrammer startingRule -gui < test_input
Should produce a lovely GUI view of the syntax tree.
Why would the Maven plugin run the TestRig class? The Maven plugin's job is converting the .g4 grammar files to .java source files in the proper package locations and ensuring those generated files get compiled. TestRig is not used for any part of that.
Edit: I have been using ANTLR for many years, in many applications. In all that time I have never updated my system classpath, nor operated ANTLR/gunit/TestRig from the command line or created aliases for it. Doing so is not helpful for automated testing and inevitably leads users into the problems you described. That said, the thought that TestRig needed special support in the Maven plugin also never crossed my mind, because better solutions already exist.
Some alternatives
You can use the surefire plugin, and write a JUnit test that performs operations on your grammar directly (create a lexer/parser, parse some input, and perhaps even call inspect() on the resulting parse tree.
You can use the surefire plugin, and write a JUnit test that explicitly calls TestRig.main(String[]) with the correct arguments.
You can modify the ANTLR 4 Maven plugin to add a new goal for running TestRig, and submit a pull request to the project to have it included in a future release (you would need to make a very compelling case since there are already 2 alternatives that are more suited to long-term successful testing of a project using ANTLR 4).
I like the idea of using Maven to run the TestRig. But I do not like to add the dependency org.antlr:antlr4 to my code (because I already have org.antlr:antlr4-runtime) so my solution is to configure the exec plugin with an additional dependency.
<!-- Grammar -->
<!-- start rule -->
<!-- enable gui -->
<!-- input file -->
Then use: mvn exec:java#TestRigGui to start the GUI
BTW: in ANTLR 4.7.1 the TestRig main class is: org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig

Error in POM.xml

I am trying to build the openNMS in eclipse helios using maven. After importing the source using "import existing maven project" i get the around 10k errors. Also i have some error in pom.xml itself, i thought fixing it could reduce the no of errors. The error in pom.xml is
maven-resources-plugin prior to 2.4 is not supported by m2e. Use maven-resources-plugin version 2.4 or later.
Iam referring to for building the openNMS
Iam using maven available at
It would help if you told us which versions of Eclipse & m2eclipse you are using, and which version of OpenNMS you are trying to build.
If all else fails, you should be able to run the Maven build from the command line. In my experience, command line builds are always more reliable and predictable.
Also make sure that you are using the instructions that match the version of OpenNMS you are trying to build.
I have run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse from cmd line which downloaded the libraries in repository then i tried to import the same source directory into eclipse only to find 10k errors
That's not what I meant.
Get out of eclipse.
Get a command prompt.
Create a new directory somewhere the is not in your eclipse workspace.
Checkout the source code.
From the command prompt run "mvn install".
And you haven't answered the questions I asked above. If you don't want to answer, fine ... but don't expect us to be able to help you.
... and i get the error as Build Failure [INFO] There are test failures.
What has happened is that the unit tests have failed, presumably because something needs to be set up to enable testing. (Perhaps, the tests are trying to talk to a database?)
There are two solutions:
Find out what is causing the tests to fail, and fix it. The surefire reports may give you some clues, and there may be some developer documentation on the test setup.
Turn off the tests by adding -Dmaven.test.skip=true to the mvn command line; see this page.
It would also be a good idea to read the Maven documentation if you haven't done so already.
You cannot combine eclipse:eclipse with the m2eclipse support. You cannot use m2eclipse with a project that uses the old resource plugin.
If you want to use eclipse:eclipse, you must use NOT use the 'maven' import from eclipse. Use just 'import existing project'. If you want to use m2eclipse, don't use eclipse:eclipse.
I had this issue with the PDFBox source, with the parent pom for that project. I put this in the pdfbox/pom.xml (just to get it to compile in eclipse at lease, which is the only thing I wanted):
<!-- had a process goal here that i removed because it was not compatible -->
