I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here, but it seems that the only way to go about doing this is to get the value, and then see if it returns a null (empty) value, which I would rather not do.
Is there an equivalent to List.contains(Object o) in SQL? Or perhaps the JDBC has something of that nature? If so, what is it?
I am using Microsoft Access 2013.
Unfortunately I don't have any useful code to show, but here is the gist of what I am trying to do. It isn't anything unique at all. I want to have a method (Java) that returns the values of a user that are stored in the database. If the user has not previously been added to the database, the user should be added, and the default values of the user should be set. Then those newly created values will be returned. If a player has already been added to the database (with the username as the primary key), I don't want to overwrite the data that is already there.
I would also advise against using MS Access for this purpose, but if you are familiar with MS Office applications, the familiar UI/UX structure might help you get your footing and require less time to learn other database environments. However, MS Access tends to be quite limited, and I would advise considering alternative options if available.
The only way to see if an SQL table contains a row with some condition on a column is to actually make an SQL query. I don't see why you wouldn't do that. Just make sure that you have an index on the column that you will be constraining the results on. Also for better speed use count to prevent from retrieving all the data from the rows.
SELECT count(*) FROM foos WHERE bar = 'baz'
Assuming you have an index on the bar column this query should be pretty fast and all you have to do is check whether it returns > 0. If it does then you have rows matching your criteria.
You can use "IF EXISTS" which returns a boolean value of 1 or 0.
exists( select * from date1 where current_date()>now() ),
'today > now',
'today is not > now'
) as 'today > now ?' ;
| today > now? |
| today is not > now |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Another Example:
EXISTS( SELECT col from tbl where id='n' ),
colX, colY
) AS 'result'
I'm also new to sql and I'm using Oracle.
In Oracle, suppose we have: TYPE: value.
We can use:
where value not in (select TYPE from table)
to make sure value not exist in the column TYPE of the table.
Don't know if it helps.
You can simply use Query with condition.
For example if you have to check records with particular coloumn, you can use where condition
select * from table where column1 = 'checkvalue'
You can use count property to check the no. of records existing with your specified conditon
select count(*) from table where column1 = 'checkvalue'
I have created the following method, which to my knowledge works perfectly. (Using the java.sql package)
public static containsUser(String username)
//connection is the Connection object used to connect to my Access database.
Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement();
//"Users" is the name of the table, "Username" is the primary key.
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" + username + "'";
Result result = statement.executeQuery(sql);
//There is no need for a loop because the primary key is unique.
return result.next();
It's an extremely simple and extremely basic method, but hopefully it might help someone in the future.
If there is anything wrong with it, please let me know. I don't want anyone learning from or using poorly written code.
IMPORTANT EDIT: It is now over half a decade after I wrote the above content (both question and answer), and I now advise against the solution I illustrated above.
While it does work, it prioritizes a "Java-mindset-friendly" approach to SQL. In short, it is typically a bad idea to migrate paradigms and mindsets of one language to another, as it is inevitable that you will eventually find yourself trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The only way to make that work is to shave the corners off the square. The peg will then of course fit, but as you can imagine, starting with a circle peg in the first place would have been the better, cleaner, and less messy solution.
Instead, refer to the above upvoted answers for a more realistic, enterprise-friendly solution to this problem, especially as I imagine the people reading this are likely in a similar situation as I was when I originally wrote this.
I post a similar question previously, but have opened another question to be more specific as the previous one gave me a solution but I have now encountered another problem.
We have an existing Oracle database that had boolean columns defined like so
And with the corresponding java field defined like private boolean someTableColumn; I've come to understand this is because Oracle does not have a Boolean datatype, but under the hood does the conversion from boolean to integer when inserting data, and the reverse when retriving data.
This has caused an issue when I have been working on migrating our database from Oracle to Postgres. Thanks to answers on my previous question, I have migrated the column type from NUMBER(1) to BOOLEAN. This has solved the issue with inserting data. However, our codebase uses JDBCTemplate and we unfortunately have hundereds of hardcoded queries in the code that make queries like SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE TABLE_COLUMN=1.
When these run against the Postgres DB, I get the following error ERROR: operator does not exist: boolean = integer. We have a requirement to have backwards compatability with Oracle, so I can't simply update these queries to replace 1 and 0 with TRUE and FALSE respectively.
Is there a way I can configure Postgres so it can do a conversion behind the scenes to resolve this? I have looked at casts but I don't really understand the documentation and the examples given don't seem to match my use case. Any help is appreciated.
Can you try to use '0' and '1' instead of 0 and 1 in your requests ?
I used to work on apps compliant with both Oracle and Postgresql using this syntax. Apps were using JPA but can say with certainty that we were also using this syntax with nativeQuery = true.
Note: I would have posted this as a comment but I don't have the required reputation to do so, hence the post as an answer
Duh! Brain Freeze. On later thought there is a way to get this conversion in both directions. Process via a View.
Rename your table.
Create a view having the same name as the old table. In this view
translate the boolean column to the appropriate integer.
Create an trigger function and an instead of trigger on the view for insert/update dml. In the trigger function translate the column value to boolean as appropriate.
See revised demo.
alter table testb rename to testb_tab;
create or replace view testb (id, name, is_ok)
select i,
, name
, is_ok::int
from testb_tab;
create or replace
function testb_act_dml()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if tg_op = 'INSERT' then
insert into testb_tab(name,is_ok)
values (new.name, new.is_ok::boolean) ;
update testb_tab
set name = new.name
, is_ok = new.is_ok::boolean
where id = old.id;
end if;
return new;
create trigger testb_biuri -- before insert update row instead of
instead of insert or update on testb
for each row execute function testb_act_dml();
Finally, there is another option which probably has the lease work. Do not change the column description to Boolean. Either leave it as an integer or define it as a smallint. Either way a check constraint may come in useful. So something along the line of:
create table tests( id int generated always as identity primary key
, name text
, is_ok smallint
, constraint is_ok_ck
check ( is_ok in (0,1) or is_ok is null)
This is one of the issues I have with the concept of "database independence". It simply does not exist. Vendors implementation often simply vary too much. In this case Postures to the rescue, perhaps but also perhaps extreme: create you own create your own operators. Proceed with caution:
-- function to compare boolean = integer
create or replace
function"__bool=int"( b boolean, i int)
returns boolean
language sql
as $$
select (b=i::boolean);
-- create the Operator for boolean = integer
create operator = (
leftarg = boolean
, rightarg = int
, function = "__bool=int"
, commutator = =
The above will not allow your code: SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE TABLE_COLUMN=1 (see demo here).
However, this road may lead to unexpected twists, and lots of function/operator pairs. For example the above does not support SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE TABLE_COLUMN<>1. That requires another function/operator combination. Further I do not see a retrieval function that converts a boolean back to an integer. If you follow this path be sure to massively test your boolean-to-integer (integer-to-boolean) operations. It may just be better to just byte the bullet and updated those few queries (you did say hundreds not thousands) as #mlogario suggests.
I'm looking for a solution to a simple scenario. I need to check if a value is present in a table, and if present I need Y else N
I can do it in two ways, either fetch the count of rows from the database, and code the logic in java, or use DECODE(COUNT(*),0,'N','Y')
Which is better? Is there any advantage of one over the other? Or more specifically, is there any disadvantage of using DECODE() instead of doing it in Java?
The database I have is DB2.
You should use exists. I would tend to do this as:
select (case when exists (select 1 from . . . .)
then 'Y' else 'N'
end) as flag
from sysibm.sysdummy1;
The reason you want to use exists is because it is faster. When you use count(*), the SQL engine has to process all the (appropriate) data to get the count. With exists, it can stop at the first one.
The reason to prefer case over decode() is that the former is ANSI standard SQL, available in basically all databases.
It shouldn't be any considerable difference between those 2 ways that you mentioned.
1) The DECODE will be simple and the IF will be simple.
2) You will be receiving an Int32 versus a CHAR(1) - which is not a significant difference.
So, I would consider another aspect: Which of those 2 will make your code more CLEAR?
And one more thing: if this is the ONLY thing that you're selecting on that query, you could try something like:
SELECT 'Y' FROM DUAL WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM YOURTABLE WHERE YOURCONDITION = 1); --Oracle SQL - but should be fairly easy to translate it to DB2
This is an option to not make the DB count for every occurrence of your condition just to check if it exists.
Aggregated functions like count can be optimized with MQT - Materilized Query Tables
connect to sample
alter table employee add unique (empno)
alter table department add unique (deptno)
create table count_emp_dpto_1 as (select d.deptno, e.empno, count(*) from employee e, department d where d.deptno = 1 and e.workdept = d.deptno) data initially deferred refresh immediate
set integrity for count_emp_dpto_1 immediate checked not incremental
select * from count_emp_dpto_1
connect reset
So I have a MYSQL db in which boolean values are stored as binary(1). I was to investigate why certain queries were slow even though there was an index on the relevant columns. The issue was that when building the SELECT query, the system was using the setBoolean method of PreparedStatement which, as I understand it, converts the value to MYSQL TINYINT. The query found the correct rows, but never used the index since the index was on a binary column. However, if I instead used the setString method and converted the boolean to a string, namely '0' for false and '1' for true, MYSQL was able to use the index and find the wanted rows fast.
Basically, the first query is what I got when using setBoolean and the second when using setString:
SELECT someColumn FROM table WHERE binaryColumn = 1 //Does not use index
SELECT someColumn FROM table WHERE binaryColumn = '1'//Uses index
In Java the change was this:
PreparedStatement ps1 = ...
ps1.setBoolean(1, true);
PreparedStatement ps2 = ...
ps2.setString(1, "1");
My question is simply if there is a better way to do this? Everything works fine but for some reason I think the code "smells" but I cant really motivate why.
I prefer always the setBoolean, because of abstraction.
The real interesting point is when your DB uses the index.
The optimizier of the DB use a index only, if it makes sense. If you have 1000 entries and a booleanvalue only split it into 50/50 it make no sense for that index, especial when its not the PK - but if you use a additional limitation, to get only 10 rows, as result, a good optimizer should use the index you specified - maybe a "composed index" on 2 columns (booleanColumn1, StringColumn1)
MySQL uses TINYINT(1) for the SQL BOOL/BOOLEAN. So I would change the data type to BOOLEAN, in accordance to standard SQL.
By your relay, the issue should then be resolved. By the way BIT(1) would be another option.
I'm working with JDBC and HSQLDB 2.2.9. What's the most efficient and accurate way to insert a new row into a DB and, subsequently, retain its id (PK set to autoincrement) value? The reason I need to do this is probably pretty obvious, but I'll illustrate with an example for discussion:
Say there's a Customer table that has a PersonId field with a FK constraint referring to a row from a Person table. I want to create a new Customer, but to do this I need to first create a new Person and use the new Person.id value to set Customer.PersonId.
I've seen four ways to approach this:
Insert the Person row setting the id field to null. HSQLDB generates the next id value automatically. Then perform a query on the Person table to get the id value just created and use it to create the new Customer row.
This seems expensive just to retrieve a single integer value.
Get the next id value in the Person table and use it in the INSERT statement to set the Person.id value manually. Use the same id value to set Customer.PersonId. No subsequent read from the DB is needed.
Inconsistencies may arise if an id value is obtained, but another connection performs an INSERT in the table before my INSERT INTO Person... statement is executed.
Execute the INSERT statement, as in option 1 above, setting id=null to allow auto-generation. Then use the getGeneratedKeys method to retrieve keys generated in last statement.
I thought this sounded like a good option, but I couldn't get it to work. Here's a snippet of my code:
// PreparedStatement prepared previously...
ResultSet genKeys = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys();
int id;
if (genKeys.next()) {
id = genKeys.getInt(1);
// Finish up method...
This code was returning an empty ResultSet for genKeys. Am I using the getGeneratedKeys method incorrectly? If I could get this to work, this might be the way to go.
Again, execute the INSERT statement allowing for auto-generated id. Then immediately execute CALL IDENTITY() to retrieve the last id value generated by the connection (as explained here and mentioned in this SO question).
This also seems like a reasonable option, even though I must perform an additional executeQuery. On the positive side, I was actually able to get it to work with the following code:
// INSERT statement executed here...
statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("CALL IDENTITY();");
int id;
if (rs.next()) id = rs.getInt(1);
// Finish up method...
So, in summary, the first two options I'm not crazy about. The second two seem ok, but I could only get option 4 to work. Which option is preferred and why? If option 3 is the best, what am I doing wrong? Also, is there a better way that I haven't mentioned? I know words like 'better' can be subjective, but I'm working with a simple DB and want the most direct solution that doesn't open up the DB to possible inconsistencies and doesn't increase the transaction failure rate (due to trying to create a record with an id that already exists).
This seems like a basic question (and essential), but I couldn't find much guidance on the best way to do it. Thanks.
I just found this question that discusses my option 3. According to the accepted answer, it appears I was leaving out the Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS parameter needed to enable that functionality. I didn't show the prepareStatement method in my code snippet, but I was using the single parameter version. I need to retry using the overloaded, two-parameter version.
There are also a few other SO questions which show up with that question that are closly related to my question. So, I guess mine could be considered a duplicate (not sure how I missed those other questions before). But I'd still like any guidance on whether one solution is considered better than the others. For now, if I get option 3 to work, I'll probably go with that.
I don't have enough reputation to comment on neizan's answer, but here's how I solved the same problem:
The column looked like an ID column, but it wasn't defined as IDENTITY;
As said above, you need to specify RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS.
It looks like if you execute 2 INSERT in sequence, the second one won't return the generated keys. Use "CALL IDENTITY()" instead.
Example using HSQLDB 2.2.9:
Then in Java:
PreparedStatement result = cnx.prepareStatement(
int updated = result.executeUpdate();
if (updated == 1) {
ResultSet generatedKeys = result.getGeneratedKeys();
if (generatedKeys.next()) {
int key = generatedKeys.getInt(1);
Not much action here, so I'll go ahead and answer to bring closure to this question. After playing around with the different options, and after see this question, I was able to get my option 3 to work. Like I mentioned in the edit to my question, I'm going to use option 3. Option 4 also worked fine, but since the accepted answer to the linked question is given by a reputable source, I am sticking with that. I wish I'd have seen that question/answer before starting this one, I'd have saved some time!
I need to get an equivalent to this SQL that can be run using Hibernate. It doesn't work as is due to special characters like #.
SELECT place from (select #curRow := #curRow + 1 AS place, time, id FROM `testing`.`competitor` JOIN (SELECT #curRow := 0) r order by time) competitorList where competitorList.id=4;
My application is managing results of running competitions. The above query is selecting for a specific competitor, it's place based on his/her overall time.
For simplicity I'll only list the COMPETITOR table structure (only the relevant fields). My actual query involves a few joins, but they are not relevant for the question:
CREATE TABLE competitor {
id INT,
time INT
Note that competitors are not already ordered by time, thus, the ID cannot be used as rank. As well, it is possible to have two competitors with the same overall time.
Any idea how I could make this work with Hibernate?
Hard to tell without a schema, but you may be able to use something like
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testing ts
WHERE ts.score < $obj.score
where I am using the $ to stand for whatever Hibernate notation you need to refer to the live object.
I couldn't find any way to do this, so I had to change the way I'm calculating the position. I'm now taking the top results and am creating the ladder in Java, rather than in the SQL query.