Google Drive for Android SDK Doesn't List Files - java

I've got a really odd problem with the Google Drive Android SDK. I've been using it for several months now, and until last week it performed perfectly. However, there is now a really odd error, which doesn't occur all the time but does 9 out of 10 times.
I'm trying to list the user's files and folders stored in a particular Google Drive folder. When I'm trying to use the method Drive.files().list().execute(), 9 out of 10 times literally nothing happens. The method just hangs, and even if I leave it for an hour, it just remains doing... nothing.
The code I'm using is below - all of this being run within the doInBackground of an AsyncTask. I've checked credentials - they are all fine, as is the app's certificate's SHA1 hash. No exceptions are thrown. Google searches have yielded nothing. Here is the particular bit of code that's bothering me:
try {
GoogleAccountCredential credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(
SettingsActivity.this, Arrays.asList(DriveScopes.DRIVE));
if (googleAccountName != null && googleAccountName.length() > 0) {
Drive service = new Drive.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
new GsonFactory(), credential).build();
service.files().list().execute(); // Google Drive fails here
} else {
// ...
} catch (final UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) {
// Authorisation Needed
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORISE_GDRIVE);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("SettingsActivity: Google Drive", "Unable to add Google Drive account due to Exception after trying to show the Google Drive authroise request intent, as the UserRecoverableIOException was originally thrown. Error message:\n" + e.getMessage());
Log.d("SettingsActivity: Google Drive", "UserRecoverableAuthIOException when trying to add Google Drive account. This is normal if this is the first time the user has tried to use Google Drive. Error message:\n" + e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("SettingsActivity: Google Drive", "Unable to add Google Drive account. Error message:\n" + e.getMessage());
I'm using Drive API v2. Thanks everyone!
Having played around a bit more, it turns out this isn't for just listing files. Trying to interact with any file on Google Drive behaves the same way - deleting, downloading, creating... Anything! I have also noticed that putting the device in aeroplane mode so it has not internet access makes no difference either: Google Drive doesn't throw an exception, or even return, it just freezes the thread it's on.
I've updated to the very latest Drive API lib but that hasn't helped. I remembered that the error happened soon after I added the JSch SSH library to the project, so I removed that, but it made no difference. Removing and re-adding the Drive API v2 has made no difference either, and nor has cleaning the project.
Edit 2
I've found something which may be significant. On the Google Developer console, I had some Drive errors recorded as follows:
Requests % Requests Methods Error codes
18 38.30% drive.files.list 400
14 29.79% drive.files.insert 500
11 23.40% drive.files.update 500
4 8.51% drive.files.get 400
Do you reckon these are the errors? How could I fix them? Thanks

This is my code and it's work
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, List<File>>() {
protected List<File> doInBackground(Void... params) {
List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
try { list = service.files().list();
list.setQ("'" + sourcePath + "' in parents");
FileList fileList = list.execute();
result = fileList.getItems();
if(result != null) {
return result;
} catch (UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) {
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(List<File> result) {
//This is List file from Google Drive

I've come up with a solution which does work, and thought I'd post it so others could see it if they happen to come across the problem.
Luckily, I had backed up all of the previous versions of the app. So I restored the whole project to how it was two weeks ago, copied and pasted all changes from the newer version which had been made since then, and it worked. I don't see why this should work, since the end result is the same project, but it does!

Google Drive List Files
This might help you.. Try to display it in ListView u will see all fetched folders
public void if_db_updated(Drive service)
try {
Files.List request = service.files().list().setQ("mimeType = 'application/'");
FileList files = request.execute();
for(File file : files.getItems())
String title = file.getTitle();
} catch (UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) {
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION);
} catch (IOException e) {
public void showToast(final String toast) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Jsoup not connecting to webpage in Android Studio

I am working on a project right now where I use jsoup in a class with the function retrieveMedia in order to return an ArrayList filled with data from the webpage. I run it in a thread since you shouldn't be connecting to URLs from the main thread. I run it and join it. However, it doesn't work (I tested the same code in Eclipse separate from Android Studio and it worked fine). It seems that no matter what I do I can't get jsoup to connect to the webpage. Below is my class MediaRetriever.
public class MediaRetreiever {
public ArrayList<Media> retrieveMedia() {
ArrayList<Media> mediaOutput = new ArrayList<Media>(); //Store each scraped post
Thread downloadThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = Jsoup.connect(<Website Im connecting to>).timeout(20000).get();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to connect to webpage.");
mediaOutput.add(new Media("Failed to connect", "oops", "", "oh well"));
Elements mediaFeed = doc.getElementById("main").getElementsByClass("node");
for (Element e : mediaFeed) {
String title, author, imageUrl, content;
Media media = new Media(title, author, "", content);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return mediaOutput;
Running this class's method from another class and it doesn't ever connect. Any ideas?
Since you say that the problem persists only in Android, it looks like that you should add the user agent string to your request - first get the user agent string of a browser that displays correctly the site, and then add it to the request:
doc = Jsoup.connect(<Website Im connecting to>)
And as a sidenote - if you are catching exception, don't print your own error message - print the original message, it may be very useful.

Google Play Install Referrer Library - Referrer Generation

I'm developing an android application in Java where I need to pass the referer information to an URL. I'm getting the referrer information using Play Install Referrer Library.
Here is my code:
InstallReferrerClient referrerClient = InstallReferrerClient.newBuilder(this).build();
referrerClient.startConnection(new InstallReferrerStateListener() {
public void onInstallReferrerSetupFinished(int responseCode) {
switch (responseCode) {
case InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.OK:
try {
Log.v("TAG", "InstallReferrer conneceted");
ReferrerDetails response = referrerClient.getInstallReferrer();
System.out.println("referrerUrl ID: " + response);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
case InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
Log.w("TAG", "InstallReferrer not supported");
case InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
Log.w("TAG", "Unable to connect to the service");
Log.w("TAG", "responseCode not found.");
public void onInstallReferrerServiceDisconnected() {
// Try to restart the connection on the next request to
// Google Play by calling the startConnection() method.
Code is working fine and currently, the above snippet is inside my activity's onCreate method. which means it will start the new connection every time the user opens the activity.
In the library documentation, they have written that
Caution: The install referrer information will be available for 90
days and won't change unless the application is reinstalled. To avoid
unnecessary API calls in your app, you should invoke the API only once
during the first execution after install.
This is where I'm stuck, should I just call this thing when the application starts the first time?
If yes, I can store this referrer in the shared preference, but then how will I able to know that 90 days have been passed and I need to trigger that action again? Or it there something else that should I need to implement? Kindly help me with this issue.

Android HTTP Requests Working In Simulator But Not On Wear Device

I am making a simple Android Wear app to control my thermostats, and I'm sending POST requests with Volley to control them. Everything works great in the Android Wear simulator (the request works), but, while the app does load on my Moto 360, the volley request gets called but invariably times out.
Why could my volley request be failing on my watch but working on the simulator? Other apps' requests succeed on my watch (for example, the built-in weather app can load up weather data in about 3 seconds). And, the weirdest part: I had the app working (successfully making volley requests) on my watch, and, about a day after I installed it to my watch from Android Studio, it suddenly stopped loading data for no apparent reason.
What I've tried so far:
I have requested the Internet permission in my manifest.xml.
I have increased the timeout to 30 seconds (see my code below), which didn't change anything.
I have tried tethering my computer and the simulator to my phone's connection via Bluetooth (to replicate the Bluetooth connection my physical watch has to my phone), and the simulator made the request successfully still (albeit with a two-second delay), ruling out the possibility of Bluetooth being too slow.
I made sure the API level is low enough for my Marshmallow-running watch (my watch and the app are both API level 23).
I tried doing a quick test request to Google before the request to the company's servers with my thermostat data, and while the Google request returns the site's HTML code in the simulator, it times out on my watch (thirty seconds after the request is initiated).
I tried putting some dummy data into the recycler view data should be loaded into, and the dummy data indeed showed up, ruling out that the recycler view is broken.
I deleted the app from my watch and reinstalled it, and deleted the companion from my phone, reinstalled it, and deleted it again, all to no avail.
A lengthy chat with Google Support did not produce anything meaningful.
Here's my code (from my main view's adapter):
public void refreshThermostatsRecyclerView(RequestQueue queue) {
String url = ""; // login call to the thermostats server Skyport
Log.w("myApp", "Starting /login call to Skyport"); // this gets called on simulator and watch
// Request a string response from the provided URL.
StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, url,
Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
// Display the response string.
Log.w("myApp", "Response is: " + response); // this gets called on the simulator but not the watch
try {
// there's some code to parse the data.
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w("myApp", "catching an error parsing the json."); // never gets called.
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.w("myApp", "Skyport request didn't work! " + error); // this always gets called on the watch, with the error being a timeout error (com.Android.Volley.timeouterror) but never gets called in the simulator
}) {
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("Referer", "app:/VenstarCloud.swf");
// here I put some more headers
return m;
protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("version", "3.0.5");
m.put("email", userEmail);
m.put("password", userToken);
return m;
// Add the request to the RequestQueue.
int socketTimeout1 = 30000; // times out 30 seconds after the request starts on the watch
RetryPolicy policy1 = new DefaultRetryPolicy(socketTimeout1, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT);
Which is called from the onCreate() method in my Main Activity with this code:
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
If you'd like to view the logs created by running this in the simulator and on the watch, they're on Google Drive here.
Edit 1: A reboot of my watch fixes the issue temporarily and allows the watch to make HTTP Requests again, but it breaks again once the watch disconnects from Bluetooth, connects to WiFi, disconnects from WiFi, and reconnects to Bluetooth (so it breaks every time I go across my apartment without my phone and then return).
Edit 2: I switched the volley requests all over to HTTPURLConnection Requests in an Async thread, and the same issues occur as with volley.
tl;dr: My app's Volley requests are working in the simulator but not on my Android Wear watch anymore (though Play Store-downloaded apps' similar requests work), how can I get a volley request to work again on my app on the watch?
As per these two conversations below, it seems that WiFi connectivity only allows Android Wear to connect to a phone over WiFi and not directly to the Internet. However, Android Wear 2.0 lets you use regular network APIs.
Direct internet connection on Android Wear?
Does Android Wear support direct access to the Internet?
So, for Android Wear 2.0+ Volley requests from wearable app should work.
If you want to use Android Wear <2.0, then:
On Wearable, in onCreate() add a key that indicates whether the phone should start collecting data.
PutDataMapRequest putDataMapReq = PutDataMapRequest.create("/shouldStart");
putDataMapReq.getDataMap().putBoolean(SHOULD_START_KEY, true);
PutDataRequest putDataReq = putDataMapReq.asPutDataRequest();
PendingResult pendingResult = Wearable.DataApi.putDataItem(mGoogleApiClient, putDataReq);
On phone, in onDataChanged, check if wearable wants to start collecting data. If yes, start Volley request.
for (DataEvent event : dataEvents) {
if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) {
// DataItem changed
DataItem item = event.getDataItem();
if (item.getUri().getPath().compareTo("/shouldStart") == 0) {
DataMap dataMap = DataMapItem.fromDataItem(item).getDataMap();
boolean shouldStart = dataMap.getBoolean(SHOULD_START_KEY));
if(shouldStart) {
} else if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_DELETED) {
// DataItem deleted
Then, your Volley request's onResponse should pass data back to Wearable.
public void onResponse(String response) {
PutDataMapRequest putDataMapReq = PutDataMapRequest.create("/data");
putDataMapReq.getDataMap().putString(DATA_KEY, true);
PutDataRequest putDataReq = putDataMapReq.asPutDataRequest();
PendingResult pendingResult = Wearable.DataApi.putDataItem(mGoogleApiClient, putDataReq);
Finally, you can access data in your Wearable using onDataChanged and store it in your model for passing it onto adapter:
for (DataEvent event : dataEvents) {
if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) {
// DataItem changed
DataItem item = event.getDataItem();
if (item.getUri().getPath().compareTo("/data") == 0) {
DataMap dataMap = DataMapItem.fromDataItem(item).getDataMap();
} else if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_DELETED) {
// DataItem deleted
You'll need Wearable.API to implement this and your class should implement DataApi.DataListener. For more information getting started, refer to Accessing the Wearable Data Layer and Syncing Data Items
Hope this helps.
I am also using volley on an Android wear app I built and I am running it on a Moto 360, I have run into the same problem a couple o times. Try restarting the device. Go to Settings > Restart. It sounds silly but it has worked for me.
You could try an alternative to volley if you can rule out the connection as the problem:
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
The versions are important.
Then to your request:
Map<String, String> contentParams = new HashMap<>();
InputStream is = null;
NetHttpTransport transport = null;
HttpRequest request = null;
HttpResponse resp = null;
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
JSONObject json = null;
try {
transport = new NetHttpTransport();
HttpRequestFactory factory = transport.createRequestFactory();
request = factory.buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(url), null);
contentParams = getContentParameters();
resp = request.execute();
is = resp.getContent();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (is != null) {
string = getJSONFromInputStream(is);
json = new JSONObject(string);
} catch (Exception e) {
protected Map<String, String> getContentParameters() {
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("version", "3.0.5");
m.put("email", userEmail);
m.put("password", userToken);
return m;
protected Map<String, String> getHeaderParameters() {
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put("Referer", "app:/VenstarCloud.swf");
return m;
protected String getJSONFromInputStream(InputStream is) {
if (is == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
//instantiates a reader with max size
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 8 * 1024);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
try {
//reads the response line by line (and separates by a line-break)
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
sb.append(line + "\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
//closes the inputStream
} catch (IOException e) {
return sb.toString();
Then just execute your code from a thread/asynctask/have it delay your frontend slightly
Just in case there is a problem with appending a map:
for (Entry<String, String> entry : getHeaderParameters()) {
headers.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (Entry<String, String> entry : getContentParameters()) {
request.getUrl().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Also as another note, make sure to change the return type from void on both those methods to Map
Is this not just the case of when the watch is connected to the phone via bluetooth the internet will not work, as wifi is turned off. If the watch is using wifi to connect to the phone then it will work.
I'm working on wear 2.0 app and just turn blueooth off on my phone for my watch to get internet connection.

Unable to create link with DBX chooser error android

I am attempting to integrate the Dropbox chooser drop-in api into my application. I am running into an abnormal issue. In my app when I launch the dbx chooser, anytime that I select a file the application fails with the following error code:
Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again later.
Here is the portion of my code that implements the Dropbox API. This portion of the code is where the dropbox api is initially invoked.
public void StartDropboxApplication() {
// create the chooser
DbxChooser chooser = new DbxChooser(APP_KEY);
DbxChooser.ResultType result;
// determine which mode to be in // TODO REMOVE ALL BUT FILE CONTENT TODO SIMPLIFY by making this a setting
switch(( (RadioGroup) ParentActivity.findViewById( ) {
result = DbxChooser.ResultType.DIRECT_LINK;
throw new RuntimeException("Radio Group Related error.");
// launch the new activity
chooser.forResultType(result).launch(ParentActivity, 0);
Here is the position where the code should then pick it up although it never does.
protected void onActivityResult( int request, int result, Intent data ) {
Log.i(fileName, "result: " + result);
// check to see if the camera took a picture
if (request == 1) {
// check to see if the picture was successfully taken
if (result == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
} else {
Log.i(fileName, "Camera App cancelled.");
} else if (request == 0) {
if ( result == Activity.RESULT_OK ) {
} else {
Log.i(fileName, "dropbox related issue.");
Thank you for any help or suggestions that you are able to provide.
I was able to solve my own issues and get this working. On the off chance that someone else has a similar problem I will detail the solution. The first issue was I was that my APP_KEY was incorrect.
The next issue was that I was attempting to read from a direct link instead of a content link. The direct link provides the application with a link to the file on the Dropbox server whereas the content link provides the application with a cached version of the file. If the file is not present on the device, the SDK downloads a copy for you.

Creating Multiple AsyncTask

I am using an external library for my android project. With that library i am getting the ID3 tags from stream Mp3 url. The code uses URLConnection to reach the link and then gets the tag informations.But the problem is its a very slow procedure.
while doing it on a main thread it takes more than 2 minutes to get ID3 tags of 25 songs from their URLs. So i decided to use multiple AsyncTasks to make the process faster and i used this code below. It became faster a bit, but still few seconds below 2 minute mark. When i checked the Threads tab from DDMS and i saw that during the runtime, there is only 6 AsyncTask is created and running.
My question is , how can i increase the number of AsyncTask running , in this loop.
for (final SongDetail e : songs) {
new AsyncTask<Void , Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
MP3 mp3 = new MP3(e.getLink());
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
} catch (IOException e2) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
if(counter==songs.size()) {
Log.d("KA","loop finished");
The Android OS will decide how many parallel threads can be running at any given time. Just because you start 20 of them doesn't mean they'll all run. Android OS will queue them up and will run some of them at a time.
See this answer for more details:
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time -- not possible?
