Can we script database testing using Selenium? - java

If it required to write a script for minimal usage of SQL for database testing of a website using selenium or manual testing is enough?

Not selenium (a browser tester), but you could use JBehave.
You should be using JBehave (or similar BDD tool) to drive your system testing.
You could do it via unit tests, but I wouldn't because it requires a database to be present and that's typically outside the scope of a "unit test". No point in using a mocking framework either, because it;s the database you want to test, not the code calling it.

We use TSQLT. It a unit test framework but I use it as an e2e test automation tool. You can fake tables in Stg, ETL and target. Then you can write scripts that perform inserts, updates, deletes etc., run stored procedures and then compare expected vs actually results. Work pretty well and easy to use


Implementing data driven framework using selenium webdriver

I need to build a datadriven framework using selenium webdriver with java binding. i am bit confused with regards to choosing the right tool for building framework
Could somebody please recommend which framework (i.e. Junit, TestNG, Cucumber) works better with large set of test data
Also, please suggest which data file format i.e. .xls or .tsv to use for executing automated tests from Jenkins(deployed on Linux box)
As fare as I know and what I have earlier used Selenium for is to implement automated test scenarios of a web-application. Would typically be accept-test og end-to-end test (e2e).
These kind of test are what you call Black-Box testing. You give a input and expect a output, but does not know what is going on inside the black-box (you application).
To implement and execute your tests scenarios you would use a test-framework as you also mentioned (JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber etc.).
All test are able to be executed on a build server running Jenkins whether it is unit/integration or e2e-test (which could be implemented with Selenium).
Selenium test are expensive to maintain and often you would run into timing issues which causes test to fail even though the code does not contain any errors.
Therefore it is important to implement the test correct, otherwise you would run into a maintenance hell.
I am not sure if you are new to testing?? Maybe you could benefit from reading a bit about software testing.
The following is a good link:
Let me know, if I have misunderstood you question totally :)

Should we mock in cucumber testing while testing java code. Till what extent we should use cucumber?

I am a Java developer. We want to use cucumber testing in our project. We are working mainly on creating APIs. I am good with unit testing and researching about cucumber.
I am thinking about testing persistence methods - CRUD operations as an starter. My questions is that what could be the scenerios in this testing.
Also should I mock the database by creating tables in the feature file. Should I use mockito with Cucumber to mock call to some other services which connects to database and server.
What should be the cucumber testing in these scenerios and whats the best way to create framework to use cucumber in our Java API's project.
Also, how to populate models if not using database
IMO Gherkin (the language you write Cucumber features in), is good for writing business readable, simple scenarios.
To answer quickly, I would say that Cucumber is not a good fit for testing methods, if it is what you want to do.
As you can see with the file naming convention, you write *.feature files, and I think these files must only contains feature-related descriptions.
However, if you do have features to test, you have to choose how to test them
disconnected, can be run quicky by your CI
you will have to mock everything that cannot start-up in the build lifecycle
and they are solutions to start almost anything using Docker, like Testcontainers
connected to a environment
you do not have to mock anything
your tests may be slower
your tests may break because of the environement (failed deployement, server down, etc.)

Writing Fit/Fitnesse tests using Java

I am really new to Fit/Fitnesse and, in general, to test automation.
I am trying to use them from Eclipse.
I have several question about it:
is there a way to obtain the html tables that Fitnesse pass to Fit?
once I write several tests with Fitnesse, is there a way to call them several times from Java without clicking on the Test button of the wiki?
About passing objects from one table to another in a flow. I read about symbols but it seems that, in java, they works only with ColumnFixturewhile I would like to use DoFixture. how to do this?
Finally,is if there is any plugin for eclipse you suggest to use with Fit/Fitnesse?
Regarding you question 2: I would recommend using the JUnit integration (#RunWith(FitNesseRunner.class) to run the test page (or a suite) as a unit test from Eclipse. This also gives you the ability to debug inside your fixture code.
It takes a bit of configuration to get it running 'just right'. In my pre-packaged FitNesse I provide a unit test FixtureDebug where you only have to enter the test name (and you can also use that to run your tests on a build/continuous integration server).

DB backend webapp testing in java [tool needed]

I want to create a test suit for my java web application. Its a JSP applications with JDBC connectivity . My requirements are as follows,
1 - I should be able to test my database logic (Queries etc) through my models.
2 - Its great if i could test my .jsp pages as well (if possible)
After doing some research I found that DBUnit is good for database backend system testing, but unfortunately i couldnt find any good resource as a starter
What are you all think about testing options I have and it would be great if you could post some links to resources/ examples as well
and I have come across with mock objects (like JMock..), wonder I could use it as a replacement for DBUnit ?
thanks in advance
It's not clear from your question if you want to run Integration tests (Front end + back end) or Unit Tests against you Database layer.
If you need a tool that allows you to write Integration tests, you should definitively look at Selenium.
With Selenium you can generate functional tests by simply navigating your web site (JSP pages) and asserting that stuff on the page exists or it's equal to some values.
Selenium comes with a Firefox plugin that will basically generate the code for you. You can replay the test in the browser or export them as Java code and make them part of your test suite. Selenium is an invaluable tool.
The drawback of using a tool like Selenium is that your application need to be deployed somewhere before you can run your test suite. This may be a limitation if you plan to run automated tests generated using Selenium.
If you are only interested in testing your database access code (DAO, Data Access Layer) DBUnit is the perfect tool.
Generally, DBUnit is used to initialize the database tables before testing and, less often, to run assertions on the database content. DBUnit uses an XML based format to represent the data that will be inserted into the database.
The XML files containing the data to pre-populate the db are normally triggered by a build script (Ant, Maven, etc.) or directly in your unit test code.
I have used both approaches, it really depends on how your code is structured and how you access the database (Hibernate, Spring+Hibernate, JDBC...).
If your database is not too big, I'd recommend you populate it just before running your test suite. Alternatively, you can populate only the tables that you are interested in testing prior to every test.
Here is a link to Unitils, that is an additional library that can be used on top of DBUnit to simplify the database testing strategy. I think it can be used as a reference to get you started:
Here is anoter link (quite old, 2004) showing the basic mechanics of DBUnit:
DBUnit's official getting-started article here worked for me. Re: database logic testing, you might also want to check this out.
As for JSP testing, I have used Cactus to test my servlets before with success. However, I'm don't know about its JSP-testing facilities.
For your 1st question have a look at this StackOverFlow thread...
For 2nd, I would go with Chry's suggestion of Cactus or Selenium.
Hope that helps.

Data-driven tests with jUnit

What do you use for writing data-driven tests in jUnit?
(My definition of) a data-driven test is a test that reads data from some external source (file, database, ...), executes one test per line/file/whatever, and displays the results in a test runner as if you had separate tests - the result of each run is displayed separately, not in one huge aggregate.
In JUnit4 you can use the Parameterized testrunner to do data driven tests.
It's not terribly well documented, but the basic idea is to create a static method (annotated with #Parameters) that returns a Collection of Object arrays. Each of these arrays are used as the arguments for the test class constructor, and then the usual test methods can be run using fields set in the constructor.
You can write code to read and parse an external text file in the #Parameters method (or get data from another external source), and then you'd be able to add new tests by editing this file without recompiling the tests.
This is where TestNG, with its #DataSource, shines. That's one reason why I prefer it to JUnit. The others are dependencies and parallel threaded tests.
I use an in-memory database such as hsqldb so that I can either pre-populate the database with a "production-style" set of data or I can start with an empty hsqldb database and populate it with rows that I need to perform my testing. On top of that I will write my tests using JUnit and Mockito.
I use combination of dbUnit, jMock and jUnit 4. Then you can ether run it as suite or separately
You are better off extending TestCase with a DataDrivenTestCase that suits your needs.
Here is working example:
Unlike parameterized tests, it allows for nicely named test cases.
I'm with, that is exactly what I am doing, however to answer your question literally "and displays the results in a test runner as if you had separate tests," you have to look at the JUnit4 Parameterized runner. DBUnit doesn't do that. If you have to do a lot of this, honestly TestNG is more flexible, but you can absolutely get it done in JUnit.
You can also look at the JUnit Theories runner, but my recollection is that it isn't great for data driven datasets, which kind of makes sense because JUnit isn't about working with large amounts of external data.
Even though this is quite an old topic, i still thought of contributing my share.
I feel JUnit's support for data driven testing is to less and too unfriendly. for eg. in order to use parameterized, we need to write our constructor. With Theories runner we do not have control over the set of test data that is passed to the test method.
There are more drawbacks as identified in this blog post series:
There is now a comprehensive solution coming along pretty nicely in the form of EasyTest which is a a framework extended out of JUnit and is meant to give a lot of functionality to its users. Its primary focus is to perform Data Driven Testing using JUnit, although you are not required to actually depend on JUnit anymore. Here is the github project for refernece:
If anyone is interested in contributing their thoughts/code/suggestions then this is the time. You can simply go to the github repository and create issues.
Typically data driven tests use a small testable component to handle the data. (File reading object, or mock objects) For databases, and resources outside of the application mocks are used to similate other systems. (Web services, and databases etc). Typically I see is that there are external data files that handle the data and the output. This way the data file can be added to the VCS.
We currently have a props file with our ID numbers in it. This is horribly brittle, but is easy to get something going. Our plan is to initially have these ID numbers overridable by -D properties in our ant builds.
Our environment uses a legacy DB with horribly intertwined data that is not loadable before a run (e.g. by dbUnit). Eventually we would like to get to where a unit test would query the DB to find an ID with the property under test, then use that ID in the unit test. It would be slow and is more properly called integration testing, not "unit testing", but we would be testing against real data to avoid the situation where our app runs perfectly against test data but fails with real data.
Some tests will lend themselves to being interface driven.
If the database/file reads are retrieved by an interface call then simply get your unit test to implement the interface and the unit test class can return whatever data you want.
