I'm trying to create a small software component in Java which has the following workflow:
As you can see, it receives messages via a single TCP connection (being the client and listening to a stream). Each received message gets processed (means it is converted into another format and some information is added). Afterwards, the newly created message should be distributed among several receivers. The receivers can be grouped: some only unterstand plain TCP or UDP, some of them use a HTTP-REST interface.
Do you know some kind of pattern or best practice to realize this szenario?
You're essentially describing an Enterprise Service Bus. There are plenty of them available, from commercial software to lightweight open-source ones.
So the problem is I have fifteen clients which need to be able to communicate between each other. My question is how should this be done? Clearly one way is to simply make the clients also servers, but that means 120 unique connections necessary to fully connect the fifteen clients. I'd rather not do this as it seems messy.
Current solution:
Each new connection has the server spin off a separate thread for listening to it. Each client has a separate thread monitoring the channel for incoming information.
Server acts as a message router: Process 1 needs to send a message to Process 2 and sends a message to the server indicating intended recipient, sender, and message.
Upon receiving the message the server passes message to Process 2. The listening thread detects it and passes it to the process.
So on for each message between the clients.
This seems clunky. Is there a better methodology/package to use for this?
A UDP multicast system would work for this but will get complicated for you to do yourself (since you have to worry about synchronization and fault detection/correction yourself as well as nodes droping in and out of the group).
There are various middleware solutions including distributed caches that already address this problem pretty well. Look at Infinispan. If that's too high level and you just want a lower level solution, try JGroups. I only list those because I know they are quick and usable, but there are many others out there.
I have a server that needs to stream data to multiple clients as quickly as possible in the Observer pattern.
At least 200 messages need to be sent to each client per second until the client disconnects from the sever, and each message consists of 8 values of several primitive types. Because each message needs to be sent as soon as it is created, messages cannot be combined into one large message. Both the server and the clients reside on the same LAN.
Which technology is more suitable to implement streaming under this situation, RMI or socket?
The overhead of RMI is significant so it would not be suitable. It would be better to create a simple protocol and use sockets to send the data.
Depending on the latency that is acceptable you should configure socket buffer sizes and turn off Nagle algorithm.
I would not use RMI for this, RMI is just there for Remote Method Invocation, i.e. when the client wants to execute a method (i.e. some business logic) on the server side.
Sockets are OK for this, but you might want to consider JMS (Java Messaging Service) for this specific scenario. JMS supports something called a Topic, which is essentially a broadcast to all listeners interested in that topic. It is also generally optimised to be very fast.
You can use something like Apache ActiveMQ to achieve what you want. You also have lots of options such as persistence (in case the queue goes down messages remain in queue), message expiry (in case you want the messages to become outdated if a client does not pick them up) etc.
You can obviously implement all this using normal Sockets and take care of everything yourself, but JMS provides all this for you. You can send text or binary data, or even serialized object (I don't personally recommend the latter).
RMI is a request/response protocol, not a streaming protocol. Use TCP.
I would like to have the clients query each other through the server without delay ( = no polling interval ).
Example: Server S, clients A and B
Client A wants to request Client B.
Client A will make a request to the server S, no problem there.
Then Server S needs to be able to request Client B but how to do that without polling?
All the node.js/APE (for PHP) technos are designed for the web, however I don't use a web server for that. Does Java has something close to a push technology/framework that is not web?
I would really prefer a solution that doesn't require each client to use their own reserved port (I don't want to end up with 1 WebService per client for example)
Note: all the clients are on the same machine.
A couple of options...
Plain socket communication. java.net.Socket, java.net.ServerSocket. Maximum flexibility but requires knowledge of low level TCP/IP API/concepts.
The good old RMI. Java based RPC layer on top of TCP/IP. Works good when client and server are both in Java and generally in same subnet. May give problems when client and/or server are natted.
Spring Remoting, it's actually pretty decent.
Bi-Directional Web Services. i.e. clients host their own WSes which the Server calls when it needs to do a callback.
JMS as someone already mentioned.
Distributed Data Structures, Check out http://www.hazelcast.com/
Lots of options to chose from, no need for webserver.
If you really don't want to use a web server then I would check out JMS. That being said, all the cool kids are using web servers these days since the protocols are so ubiquitous.
Your use case requires a messaging protocol. We don't really know the scope of your problem but you already said you want a server to exchange requests between clients, so I would go with an existing solution rather than a roll your own approach.
JMS has been mentioned and is certainly a viable Java based solution, another would be XMPP which is a real time communication protocol commonly used for instant messaging.
It is an open standard that has both server and client support in every major language and platform. This would allow you to have standalone apps, web based ones and apps for mobile devices all being able to communicate with each other. The only potential gotcha for your use case is that it is text based. Since you haven't said what requests you want to pass back and forth, I don't know if this will fit your bill or not.
You can use Smack for client side development in Java and any OS server you want.
I am looking to build an instant messenger in Java.
Clients will connect to the server to log in.
They will start a conversation with one or more other clients.
They will then post messages to the server that will relay the messages to all the clients.
The client needs to be continually updated when users post messages or log in.
so the way I see it, the client needs to run a server itself in a separate thread so that the main server can send stuff to it. Otherwise the client will have to the poll the main server every xyz seconds to get the latest updates. And that would need a separate thread anayway, as that would be purely for getting updates whereas the 'main' thread would be used for when the client initiates actions such as posting messages/inviting others to conversations etc...
So anyone recommendations on how to write this instant messenger? Does it sound like a good idea to make the connection a 'two-way' connection where both the client and server act as servers? Or is polling a better option? Anyone know how the IRC protocol does this?
There's no real advantage of having 2 connections unless they can be handled independently (for example receiving / sending a file usually done in a separate connection). A connection itself is already a two-way communication channel so it can be used to both send and receive messages, events etc. You don't need to poll server since client is able to maintain persistent connection and just wait for data to appear (optionally sending periodic PING-like message to ensure connection is alive).
IRC uses a single connection to server to exchange text commands. For example one of the main commands:
PRIVMSG <msgtarget> <message>
This command can be originated either by client or by server. Client sends PRIVMSG to notify that it wants to deliver message to one or more destination (in IRC this either user(s) or channel(s)). Server's task here is to properly broadcast this message to appropriate clients.
If you're using raw InputOutput streams then yes this is a good way of doing it. You create one thread on the clientside that acts in a similar fashion as the server thread - waits for any incoming updates and when it does it updates the client. I wouldn't call it a server though. So you'd ideally have 2 TCP/UDP connections one for requests made by the client and one to notify the client of server changes.
This solution in an enterprise environment would probably be done through some kind of messaging framework such as Spring Integration but dig deep enough and it will essentially be a similar way to how you mentioned.
Do you need a fully custom protocol or would it be sufficient to use the XMPP? There are several open source libraries implementing XMPP.
e.g. http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/
For me, to develop instant messaging service, I will use websocket protocol instead of normal java socket because the normal socket can not work well with HTTP protocol and moreover some network providers and firewalls banned custom ports. If you develop it in normal socket, your service could not be accessed by web clients.
Did you plan to develop the instant messaging service yourself? How about using other protocols such as Jabber?
I have a serial hardware device that I'd like to share with multiple applications, that may reside on different machines within or spanning multiple networks. A key requirement is that the system must support bi-directional communication, such that clients/serial device can exist behind firewalls and/or on different networks and still talk to each other (send and receive) through a central server. Another requirement of the system is that the clients must be able to determine if the gateway/serial device is offline/online.
This serial device is capable of receiving and sending packets to a wireless network. The software that communicates with the serial device is written in Java, and I'd like to keep it a 100% Java solution, if possible.
I am currently looking at XMPP, using Jive software's Openfire server and Smack API. With this solution, packets coming off the serial device are delivered to clients via XMPP. Similarly, any client application may send packets to the serial device, via the Smack API. Packets are just byte arrays, and limited is size to around 100 bytes, so they can be converted to hex strings and sent as text in the body of a message. The system should be tolerant of the clients/serial device going offline, meaning they will automatically reconnect when they are available again, but packets will be discarded if the client is offline. The packets must be sent and received in near real-time, so offline delivery is not desired. Security should be provided by messaging system and provided client API.
I'd like to hear of other possible solutions. I thought of using JMS but it seems a bit too heavyweight and I'm not sure it will support the requirement of knowing if clients and/or the gateway/serial device is offline.
Jini might fit the job. It works really well in distributed environments where multicast is available but it also works in unicast, and is quite fast. Not only it provides remote services, but also remote events, and distributed transactions if you need them. A downside is that it only works with Java.
Where I work, Jini is used in a infrastructure with more that 1000 machines, with each machine providing remote services used to access the devices connect to the machine serial ports.
You really need to provide a bit more detail... do the clients need guaranteed delivery? What about offline delivery? Is this part of a larger system? Do you need encryption? Security?
If you want the smallest footprint possible, then should transmit data using SocketServer, Sockets, and serialization. But then you lose all of the advantages of the 3rd party solutions you mentioned, which typically include reliability, delivery guarantees, security, management, etc.
I would personally use JMS, but that's because I'm familiar with it. There are a number of stand-alone servers that can be deployed out-of-the-box with virtually no configuration. They all provide for guaranteed delivery, some security, encryption, and a number of other easy-to-use features. Coding a JMS publisher or subscriber is pretty easy.
If you want the most ease in coding, then I would look at the third-party solutions. Looking at Smack/XMPP, the API seems to be a little easier than a JMS for the functionality you asked for. You still have to setup/configure a server, etc.
The Smack API also has a lot of extra baggage that you don't need either, but its "concepts" are a little more intuitive since its all chat/IM concepts.
I would still look at OpenJMS or ActiveMQ. I think knowing JMS will be more valuable in the future as compared to knowing XMPP. Take a look at their Getting Started documentation or the Sun Tutorial to see how much coding is involved. In JMS parlance, you will want an administered "Topic" and a "Queue" where the Serial Port App will receive and send messages respectively. All of your clients will open a subscription to the Topic and send their outbound messages to the Queue. When you send messages, their delivery mode should be non-persistent.
I ended up using XMPP via the Smack API. What led me to this decision was its native support for presence (is the client online/offline) and robust connection handling (it automatically reconnects if a the underlying connection breaks). Another benefit of XMPP is that it's compatible with Google Talk, so I don't need to setup a server. Thanks for the suggestions. In case anyone is interested, I have released the code on Google Code http://code.google.com/p/xbee-xmpp/