retrieve required features of a specific app - java

i'm tring to get all required features of specific app. i wrote this code
mPackageInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, 0);
mFeatures = mPackageInfo.reqFeatures;
if(mFeatures != null) {
for(FeatureInfo feature : mFeatures) {
else {
Log.d("test", "error");
mFeatures is FeatureInfo[] variable. mString is StringBuffer type variable. in my logcat i see error. why? how can i solve?

Replace 0 in your getPackageInfo() call with PackageManager.GET_CONFIGURATIONS.


Zebra RFID API Read Access Operation Code return null

I'm trying to develop a small Application for a Zebra handheld rfid reader and can't find a way to access the MemoryBank of the tag. My reader configuration is as follows:
private void ConfigureReader() {
if (reader.isConnected()) {
TriggerInfo triggerInfo = new TriggerInfo();
try {
// receive events from reader
if (eventHandler == null){
eventHandler = new EventHandler();
// HH event
// tag event with tag data
// set trigger mode as rfid so scanner beam will not come
reader.Config.setTriggerMode(ENUM_TRIGGER_MODE.RFID_MODE, true);
// set start and stop triggers
} catch (InvalidUsageException e) {
} catch (OperationFailureException e) {
And the eventReadNotify looks like this:
public void eventReadNotify(RfidReadEvents e) {
// Recommended to use new method getReadTagsEx for better performance in case of large tag population
TagData[] myTags = reader.Actions.getReadTags(100);
if (myTags != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < myTags.length; index++) {
Log.d(TAG, "Tag ID " + myTags[index].getTagID());
ACCESS_OPERATION_CODE aoc = myTags[index].getOpCode();
ACCESS_OPERATION_STATUS aos = myTags[index].getOpStatus();
if (myTags[index].getMemoryBankData().length() > 0) {
Log.d(TAG, " Mem Bank Data " + myTags[index].getMemoryBankData());
When I'm scanning a tag I get the correct TagID but both myTags[index].getOpCode() and myTags[index].getOpStatus() return null values.
I appreciate every suggestion that might lead to a successful scan.
I managed to find a solution for my problem. To perform any Read or Write task with Zebra Handheld Scanners the following two conditions must be satisfied. Look here for reference: How to write to RFID tag using RFIDLibrary by Zebra?
// make sure Inventory is stopped
// make sure DPO is disabled
You have to stop the inventory and make sure to disable dpo in order to get data other than the TagID from a Tag. Unfortunately this isn't mentioned in the docu for Reading RFID Tags.

Foolproof way to detect if developer options are enabled?

I use this code to detect if developer options are enabled on a phone or not:
int developerOptions = Settings.Secure.getInt(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED , 0);
However, I tested this and it returns the wrong value on a small number devices (some Huawei phones and others...)
Is there another full proof way to detect if developer options are enabled in a device?
I tried this but it doesn't work (I don't want to use that method anyway because it's not elegant, I'm just testing around):
startActivityForResult(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS), 8080);
// Developer options enabled
catch (Exception e)
// Developer options disabled
My app's minimum API level is 21.
I've taken a look at this question and other similiar ones on SO but I didn't find a fullproof solution. This is not a duplicate question.
You can't do it any more foolproof than Android itself does it:
public static boolean isDevelopmentSettingsEnabled(Context context) {
final UserManager um = (UserManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
final boolean settingEnabled = Settings.Global.getInt(context.getContentResolver(),
Build.TYPE.equals("eng") ? 1 : 0) != 0;
final boolean hasRestriction = um.hasUserRestriction(
final boolean isAdmin = um.isAdminUser();
return isAdmin && !hasRestriction && settingEnabled;
Your code was close, but didn't account for
Build.TYPE.equals("eng") ? 1 : 0)
Min API 17 tested on emulator
public boolean isDeveloperModeEnabled(){
if (Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 17) {
return android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getActivity().getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),
android.provider.Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED, 0) != 0;
return false;
Try the code below:
int devOptions = Settings.Secure.getInt(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED,
Build.TYPE.equals("eng") ? 1 : 0);

How to transcribe bandwidth call recordings in java

My application uses for receiving incoming calls. I have an api to handle the incoming calls which record the calls when the call is not answered(This recording is treated as a voice mail).
if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.ANSWER.toString())) {
Timestamp callStartTime = new Timestamp(;
callStatus = transferCall(callId, incomingCall.getVoiceForwardNumber(), 1);
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.TIMEOUT.toString())) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.SPEAK.toString()) && PLAYBACK_STOP.equalsIgnoreCase(callState)) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.RECORDING.toString()) &&
state.equalsIgnoreCase(BandwidthCallStatus.COMPLETE.toString())) {
else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase(EventType.TRANSCRIPTION.toString()) && status.equalsIgnoreCase(BandwidthCallStatus.COMPLETED.toString())) {
This is the code for recording call
private void recordVoiceMail(String callId) {
BandwidthClient client = BandwidthClient.getInstance();
client.setCredentials(bandwidthUserId, bandwidthApiToken, bandwidthApiSecret);
try {
Call call = Call.get(client, callId);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("An exception occurred while recording voice mail : " +
e.getMessage(), e);
Now i need to transcribe these vocie mails.
From documentation i got methods in python, js, c#, ruby etc. to transcribe the recordings using the recordings.
For example in js,
client.Recording.createTranscription(recordingId, function(err, transcription){});
I searched every where, but i couldn't find any method in java for that.
Can any one help me if you know ?
Anyway, as I see, you need that link for java doc.
And here you can follow to java sdk located on Github.
And, also, you can find some more information about transcriptions API here which you are looking for.
First of all, why do you need that? Perhaps, you do not need that.
As I find, you can't do transcribe with POJO, but you can do something like that.
If you want to do that, you can make it with
public void transcribeOn() throws Exception {
final List<Recording> list = Recording.list(0, 5);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
final Recording recording = Recording.get(list.get(0).getId());
System.out.println("\nRecording by Id");
final String recordingUri = mockClient.getUserResourceUri(BandwidthConstants.RECORDINGS_URI_PATH); + "/" + list.get(0).getId() + "/transcriptions", null);
final JSONObject jsonObject = call.toJSONObject(client.get(recordingUri, null));
I'm not sure it works correctly, but I hope it put you on correct way

Trouble with NdefMessage - Constructor Message in class Message cannot be applied to given types

I have some trouble getting my code to compile correctly...
Android Studio gives me an error at the line "((NdefMessage) messages[i];" with read underlining.
The console-error message says: "Constructor Message in class Message cannot be applied to given types;
Found: NdefMessage
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length.
When I hover over the error - It says: Message () in Message cannot be applied to (android.nfc.NdefMessage).
I hope someone here can explain why I get this error, and maybe what is actually wrong.
It would be cool if someone can point me in the right direction at least, as I am still new to Android Studio/Java and still learning ! :)
The code isn't something I have written. It is from a NFC example code that I grabbed online somewhere.
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
Tag tag = intent.getParcelableExtra(nfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
textView.setText("Tag Found!");
Parcelable[] messages = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES);
if (messages != null) {
vibrate(); // signal found messages :-)
// parse to records
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
try {
List <Record> records = new Message((NdefMessage) messages[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < records.size(); k++) {
Record record = records.get(k);
if (record instanceof AndroidApplicationRecord) {
AndroidApplicationRecord aar = (AndroidApplicationRecord) record;
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
// ignore
You problably import the wrong class of NdefMessage. You should:
import org.ndeftools.Message;
But I guess you're importing "android.nfc.NdefMessage" which is part of Android and not the NdefTools library.
Old answer:
The problem is at this line:
List <Record> records = new Message((NdefMessage) messages[i]);
You're trying to instantiate one NdefMessage (messages[i]) as a List of Records?

Object doesn't support this method or property error

Hi I created a jni jar and i call the jar using applet in java script. I use the following applet tag to create a object to call jar functions through java script. when i call the function i got the following error Object doesn't support this method or property.
Here is my code.
document.write('<applet code="BiomAPI.Legend.class" width="0" height="0" archive="BiomAPI.jar" id="Obj"></applet>');
function GetTemplateAccurate (sUserID,iFingerID)
document.getElementsByName("Enroll")[0].value = "";
document.getElementsByName("Image")[0].value = "";
var lsFeature = null;
var lsImage = null;
lsFeature = Obj.Feature();
lsImage = Obj.StringImage();
if (lsFeature != null && lsImage != null )
document.getElementsByName("Enroll")[0].value = lsFeature;
document.getElementsByName("Image")[0].value = lsImage;
alert("Scanner Working Properly");
alert("Fingerprint not captured");
function GetTemplate(sUserID,iFingerID)
document.getElementsByName("Verify")[0].value = "";
var lsFeature = null;
lsFeature = Obj.Feature();
lsImage = Obj.StringImage();
if (lsFeature != null)
document.getElementsByName("Verify")[0].value = lsFeature;
alert("Scanner Working Properly");
alert("Fingerprint not captured");
as exception itself is describing:
Object doesn't support this method or property error
the property or method you are trying to access with an object is not supported by that object. Please debug or see on error console the object throwing exception and find whether it support that property you are trying to access.
