changes to java program not being reflected - java

echo "Some Programme v1.0.0"
export NEWAPI_DIR=/local/newapi/
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $MY_CLASSPATH /home/clear/dev/app/lse/config/config.xml
The above is my run script. I have an application to which I have changed the code. But this code is not reflected when I have run the code (. ./run) in unix box. When I locate the ftlse.jar within where the LseParser.class exists, it is last date modified some long time ago. Can someone please point me what i'm doing wrong or suggest any checks or alterations I should make ? am i missing any lines in my script i should have ?

Java is a compiled language. You need to run the javac compiler first and then the jar command to create the jar file. You can use the tutorials I linked to to figure out how to run them correctly for your project. Once you have your compile and package commands you can add them to your run script. However, I strongly recommend you look into a build automation tool such as Maven so that you don't have to work with custom built run scripts.

I think you missed export before JAVA_HOME in 3rd line... so the shell, instead of taking $JAVA_HOME it as a variable, interpret it as a command.


Can I use -cp argument twice when executing Java?

I am trying to run a Java application which has many dependencies. In the past I have use the following command to launch the application
java -cp "program.jar:jar1.jar:jar2.jar:jar3.jar:[...]" program
However as the list of dependencies have grown, I have moved them into an arguments file, the contents of this file are:
-cp "\
And I am running the application with
java #arguments-file program
Everything up to this point works fine.
Sometimes I end up with beta versions of program.jar, they share all of the same dependencies, but program.jar is renamed program-beta.jar.
So to run the jar the following command would be used
java -cp "program-beta.jar:jar1.jar:jar2.jar:jar3.jar:[...]" program
or more specifically, I would use an environment variable, so that the same script can be used, and the variable would be set to either program.jar, or program-beta.jar, depending on the circumstance
java -cp "$PROGRAM_JAR:jar1.jar:jar2.jar:jar3.jar:[...]" program
Now that I am using an arguments file I was hoping to be able to be able to do something like:
java -cp "$PROGRAM_JAR" #arguments-file program
However using -cp twice causes one of the two to be ignored, resulting in a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exception.
Is there any way around this that allows me to specify one jar file by name, but abstract away all of the others so that my java command isn't thousands of characters?
This will be running entirely on Linux, so any command line "magic", such as using grep is fine, so long as the resulting code is easily readable
You could just write two bash scripts and that contain a reference on program.jar and program-beta.jar, respectively.
Also, the classpath can contain wildcards (see man-page), so if you can ensure that on disk exists only one of the two versions, you can write it like this:
java -cp "program*:jar1.jar:jar2.jar:jar3.jar:[...]"
In the long term, you might think about building/running it with Maven or Gradle, depending on your requirements.

Java JAR file does not execute in startup script in Ubuntu 14.04

The following process normally works for my startup scripts. However, when I introduce a command to execute a JAR file, it does not work. This script works while I am logged in. However, it does not work as a startup script.
In /etc/init.d I create a bash script ( with the following contents:
pwh=$(/usr/bin/java -jar PWH.jar $pw &)
echo $pwh > test.txt
Make script executable
In /etc/rc.local, I add the following line:
sh /etc/init.d/
I make a reference to the script in /etc/rc.local, because this script needs to run last after all services have started.
Please do not ask me to change the process (i.e., create script in /etc/init.d/ and reference it from /etc/rc.local), because it works for my other startup scripts.
I have tried adding nohup in front of java command, and it still did not work.
As written, there is insufficient information to say what is going wrong. There are too many possibilities to enumerate.
Try running those commands one at a time in an interactive shell. The java command is probably writing something to standard error, and that will give you some clues.

Compiling and running java application using powershell

I am trying to compile and a sample file.
I have my jdk installed in C:\Program Files\jdk1.7\bin.
And I have my in C:\
I am actually a novice in both powershell and java.
I got some examples from web regarding this but many of them advice to run it like this:
java.exe -classpath $Env:CLASSPATH C:\
But when I give this in powershell I get an error called 'CLASSPATH' is not defined even after adding it in env variables.
And when I try to compile the code with the following syntax:
$javac C:\ I get an error "javac is not recognised as a token".
So, I am literally lost in this topic . Any step by step procedure to run java programs using powershell for dummies like me will be greatly appreciated.
Setup environment variables in your system.
set JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\jdk1.7
add to PATH variable the string %JAVA_HOME%\bin
open new cmd session.
navigate your java source folder.
use javac to compile your java files.
also if you are experiencing difficulities upon launching an executable via PowerShell check this Microsoft TechNet article
The variables you speak of do not exist in PowerShell as you name them.
The correct variable names are
$Env:JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.6.0;
$Env:PATH: C:\jdk1.6.0\bin;.;
$Env:CLASSPATH: C:\jdk1.6.0\lib;.;
As they all must be defined in the ENV: PSDrive
To answer it in a much simpler way , its the path problem .
You probably not have set env variables that's it.
This is how you should set it:
JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.6.0;
PATH: C:\jdk1.6.0\bin;.;
CLASSPATH: C:\jdk1.6.0\lib;.;
And later if you open a cmd prompt and type java -version , if you are able to see the java installed version then you are good to go.

Java - classNotFound Exception from Windows command line but not Eclipse

My code works fine in Eclipse, no build path errors or anything, however when I try to run my Java program from the command line, I get a classNotFound Exception on one of my inner classes. Not only do I not understand how I am getting this exception, but I am not even sure how to go about debugging it, since it looks and works fine in the IDE environment. Any help is appreciated!
I am writing a compiler for a subset of Java called J--, so I dont really want to get too into how it all works. But instead of calling javac I would call the equivalent j-- javac works fine. You might say well the issue is with your code, but again it compiles and runs fine in Eclipse. So somewhere there seems to be a disconnect. Here is the Windows bash script if it helps:
set BASE_DIR=%~dp0
set j="%BASE_DIR%\..\"
set JAVA=java
set CPATH="%BASE_DIR%\..\lib\j--.jar;%BASE_DIR%\..\lib\spim.jar"
if "%CLASSPATH%" == "" goto runApp
%JAVA% -classpath %CPATH% jminusminus.Main "j--" %*
set JAVA=
set CPATH=
Thanks to Aubin, outputting the .jar file and comparing that with the class not found was how I was able to solve this conflict.
Usually Eclipse takes the sources from src and produces classes file into bin.
java -cp bin a.b.c.d.MyClass
To call your tool as j-- <args> you need to write a shell which embed the command:
java -cp bin a.b.c.d.MyClass $*

How to Run a Simple Java Program

I dad left Java since so long as a result now it happens that sometimes I forget the simple things and used to behave like a Stupid.
To run a Simple Java program say "Hello World" written in Notepad what do I have to Do?
I know the commands javac "" and java "Filename" respectively to run it from the Command prompt.
But When I try to do that I got this message:
"javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
and I could not Complie the file.
I hava little idea that we need to do some stuffs like setting the classpath or perhaps the path evnironment variables but it was exactly that I don't remember.
Can anybody please help me?
Add a JAVA_HOME env variable to point to the jdk installation directory
To your PATH env variable, add %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Add a CLASSPATH env variable to point to %JAVA_HOME%\lib.
remember to open a new console window and try running javac and java - everything should be fine now.
1) create JAVA_HOME environmental variable set value to java home directory
e.g. c:\program files\java\jdk1.5;
1) set PATH in environmental variable to your java bin directory
e.g. %JAVA_HOME%\bin
and to check classpath is set correctly run javac command on cmd
and this link will help to create and run simple java application
java tutorial
this might be usefull budddy
You need the JDK to be able to run javac.
I suggest you first start coding in eclipse, it provides all the environment set up for you. Once you get good with coding, you can try command prompt compiling and running. That way, you will be confident with language first and then go into the nitty-gritties of the environment and set up.
Its better to use any java IDE either eclipse or netBeans Download Link
But in case if you like to go through Command prompt method, then u need to set the paths. (These are the variables for your OS, that used to know where your commands e.g. java or javac etc are located). Hope from other answers you set the paths.
Good luck
