I have a .jsp page (the main page of my gwt module) and I'm trying to enable super dev mode as I'm migrating to gwt 2.6.
Following the explanations I found out on internet, once I launch the codeserver and add the bookmarklets, next I gotta open the page in my browser, so I call the jsp page from my tomcat server.
The problem is that nothing happens, and looking at the chrome console it seems it is unable to find my module/module.nocache.js
Any idea?
EDIT : added .gwt.xml
<inherits name="XXX.frontend.gwt.Framework"/>
<inherits name="XXX.frontend.gwt.sample.frontend.module.blanc.Module"/>
<!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
<source path='client'/>
<source path='shared'/>
<!-- Specify the application entry point class -->
<entry-point class='XXX.frontend.gwt.client.FrameworkEntryPoint'/>
<!-- Compile for specific browser -->
<!-- <set-property name="user.agent" value="ie8,ie9,ie10,gecko1_8,safari" /-->
<!-- Compile for specific language -->
<extend-property name="locale" values="fr" />
<set-property-fallback name="locale" value="fr" />
<set-configuration-property name='xsiframe.failIfScriptTag' value='FALSE' />
<set-configuration-property name="devModeUrlWhitelistRegexp" value="http://(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)(:\d+)?/.*" />
<add-linker name="xsiframe" />
<set-property name="compiler.useSourceMaps" value="true" />
You have to load your .nocache.js file from your codeserver instance.
In your .jsp you must have something like this:
<script src="http://localhost:9876/myapp/myapp.nocache.js"></script>
In your gwt.xml you need these lines as well:
<add-linker name="xsiframe"/>
<set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled" value="true"/>
<set-property name="compiler.useSourceMaps" value="true" />
For some reason, my custom appearance is not being used to replace gxt class any longer (worked yesterday).
All I did was comment out this part, recompile application and then revert it and recompile again:
<replace-with class='com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.header.TestColumnHeaderAppearance'>
<when-type-is class='com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAppearance' />
Relevant code:
<inherits name="com.sencha.gxt.theme.base.Base" />
<replace-with class='com.acdlabs.Test_portal.web.theme.client.header.TestColumnHeaderAppearance'>
<when-type-is class='com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAppearance' />
public class TestColumnHeaderAppearance extends ColumnHeaderDefaultAppearance {
public interface TestColumnHeaderResources extends ColumnHeaderResources {
#Source({ "com/sencha/gxt/theme/base/client/grid/ColumnHeader.gss", "TestColumnHeader.gss" })
public TestColumnHeaderStyle style();
public interface TestColumnHeaderStyle extends DefaultColumnHeaderStyles {
String filterIcon();
public TestColumnHeaderAppearance() {
super(GWT.<ColumnHeaderResources> create(TestColumnHeaderResources.class));
public class TestColumnHeader<M> extends ColumnHeader<M> {
public TestColumnHeader(Grid<M> container, ColumnModel<M> cm, ColumnHeaderAppearance appearance) {
super(container, cm, appearance);
if (appearance.styles() instanceof TestColumnHeaderStyle) {
styles = (TestColumnHeaderStyle) appearance.styles(); // <-- this is never reached and I that's why I get exceptions like "Cannot read property 'filterIcon_0_g$' of undefined"
Can my browser be caching themes and ignoring my TestColumnHeaderAppearance?
Added a comment in TestColumnHeader, which shows that TestColumnHeaderAppearance is not being loaded.
Any ideas?
It's working in different browser (fire fox), so it does seem like cache problem. Though I clear cache of the browser that's not working (chrome) and still no change. Deleted /target folter, recompile everything, still no changes.
When application is built in .war format and deployed to tomcat, everything works (I can see that styling has changed). Might be a problem with super dev mode then or its configuration.
<inherits name="com.sencha.gxt.theme.base.Base" />
<!-- Buttons -->
<replace-with class="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.button.TestWebButtonCellAppearance">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.cell.core.client.ButtonCell.ButtonCellAppearance" />
<replace-with class="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.field.TestWebDualListFieldAppearance">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form.DualListField.DualListFieldAppearance" />
<replace-with class='com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.header.TestColumnHeaderAppearance'>
<when-type-is class='com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAppearance' />
<!-- Slider -->
<replace-with class="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.slider.TestWebSliderAppearance">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.cell.core.client.SliderCell.SliderAppearance" />
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.cell.core.client.SliderCell.HorizontalSliderAppearance" />
<!-- TreeAppearance -->
<replace-with class="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.tree.TestTreeAppearance">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.tree.Tree.TreeAppearance"/>
<!-- DatePicker -->
<replace-with class="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.client.datepicker.TestDatePickerAppearance">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.DatePicker.DatePickerAppearance"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module rename-to='TestWeb'>
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User' />
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.inject.Inject' />
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.resources.Resources' />
<!-- Other module inherits -->
<inherits name='com.gwtplatform.mvp.Mvp' />
<inherits name='com.gwtplatform.dispatch.Dispatch' />
<inherits name="org.atmosphere.gwt20.AtmosphereGwt20" />
<inherits name='com.sencha.gxt.chart.Chart' />
<inherits name='com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT' />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.logging.Logging" />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.uibinder.UiBinder" />
<inherits name="com.googlecode.gwt.crypto.Crypto" />
<inherits name="com.test.chemwidgets.ChemWidgets" />
<inherits name="com.test.gxt_widgets.GxtWidgets" />
<inherits name="com.test.Test_portal.web.theme.WeblibTheme" />
<collapse-property name="user.agent.os" values="*" />
<collapse-property name="gxt.user.agent" values="air, safari*, chrome" />
<collapse-property name="gxt.user.agent" values="ie9, ie10" />
<collapse-property name="gxt.user.agent" values="gecko*" />
<replace-with class='com.sencha.gxt.chart.client.draw.engine.VML'>
<when-type-is class='com.sencha.gxt.chart.client.draw.Surface' />
<when-property-is name='user.agent' value='ie8' />
<!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
<entry-point class='com.test.Test_portal.web.client.TestWeb' />
<!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
<source path='client' />
<source path='shared' />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO" />
<set-configuration-property name='gin.ginjector'
value='com.test.Test_portal.web.client.gin.ClientGinjector' />
<set-configuration-property name='gin.ginjector'
value='com.test.Test_portal.web.client.gin.ClientGinjector' />
<!-- By default (GWT 2.7.0) CssResources uses CSS instead of GSS -->
<set-configuration-property name="CssResource.enableGss"
value="true" />
<!-- GWT Compiler converts all .css files to .gss, if value for CssResource.enableGss
is true -->
<set-configuration-property name="CssResource.conversionMode"
value="strict" />
<!-- The default for GSS in UiBinder -->
<set-configuration-property name="CssResource.gssDefaultInUiBinder"
value="true" />
<set-property name="compiler.stackMode" value="emulated" />
<set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordFileNames"
value="true" />
<set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordLineNumbers"
value="true" />
<set-property name="compiler.stackMode" value="emulated" />
<set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordFileNames"
value="true" />
<set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordLineNumbers"
value="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module rename-to='TestWeb'>
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name="com.test.Test_portal.web.TestWeb" />
<!-- Collapsing all permutations into one. -->
<collapse-all-properties />
EDIT (fixed, no idea why):
Cleared my AppData\Local\Temp\ folder and recompiled the application. Maybe super dev mode ignored the changes made to modules until as long as temp folder held previous version?
I am trying to use the GXT4 in my GWT project but it gives me an error when i launch the app. I followed the GXT guide from their site and added the inherit in the module of my project but it gives me this error: Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.core.Core'
[ERROR] Line 67: Unexpected element 'resource'
[ERROR] Failure while parsing XML
PS I'm not using maven. What is wrong?
My module
<module rename-to='myproject'>
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
<!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet. You can change -->
<!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting -->
<!-- any one of the following lines. -->
<!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.clean.Clean'/>-->
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
<inherits name="com.google.maps.gwt.GoogleMaps" />
<inherits name='com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT' />
<stylesheet src="reset.css" />
<!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.chrome.Chrome'/> -->
<!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.dark.Dark'/> -->
<!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
<entry-point class='com.myproject.project.client.Myproject'/>
<!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
<source path='client'/>
<source path='shared'/>
<!-- allow Super Dev Mode -->
<add-linker name="xsiframe"/>
I use GWT 2.7 and want to provide logging with Level INFO and WARNUNG in my app. In my gwt.xml file I have:
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.logging.Logging"/>
<set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO"/>
It works perfect in Dev mode but in SuperDevMode I only get Log level SEVERE to be logged.
Why does SuperDevMode only provides LogLevel SEVERE?
I just checked one of my applications (which uses GXT) and there I see the log message:
I use this lines inside my module descriptor:
<!-- values are: severe, warning, info, config, fine, finer, finest -->
<set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO"/>
<set-property name="gwt.logging.enabled" value="TRUE" />
<!-- Write messages to browser consoles and to the jvm and dev mode -->
<!-- Note that these are the defaults, so we don’t actually need to list them -->
<set-property name="gwt.logging.consoleHandler" value="ENABLED"/>
<set-property name="gwt.logging.developmentModeHandler" value="ENABLED"/>
<set-property name="gwt.logging.systemHandler" value="ENABLED"/>
<!-- Leave RPC logging disabled, as we aren’t setting that up in this example -->
<set-property name="gwt.logging.simpleRemoteHandler" value="DISABLED"/>
<!-- Ask GXT to log all internal details -->
<set-property name="gxt.logging.enabled" value="true"/>
and add this code to my presenter:
private static final Logger logger = logger.getLogger(ShellPresenter.class.getName());
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting module Hermes");
I don't spent time to find out which one of the configurations enables logging nor if it is related to GXT.
And some more informations:
To change log level in SDM, add this option to command line when running it:
I use GWT Logging with a simple web application project. I have the following on my module gwt.xml:
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.logging.Logging" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.enabled" value="TRUE" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.consoleHandler" value="ENABLED" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.simpleRemoteHandler"
value="ENABLED" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.developmentModeHandler" value="ENABLED" />
In my onModuleLoad function I set:
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("");
rootLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "root SEVERE");
rootLogger.log(Level.INFO, "root INFO");
When I run the app in SuperDevMode I get the following output in my browser console:
Even with log level INFO I do not get the info log message.
How do I get all GWT log level to be displayed?
Check your GWT run configuration. On the Arguments tab, you should see something like this:
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -logLevel INFO -codeServerPort 9997 -port 8888 -server com.google.appengine.tools.development.gwt.AppEngineLauncher -war C:\Users\username\workspace\ProjectName\war com.domain.name.ProjectName
If you see "-logLevel SEVERE" instead of "-logLevel INFO", that's your problem.
Since GWT 2.7.0 you need to explicitly include few properties in your .gwt.xml file. This should fix your problem:
<set-property name="gwt.logging.enabled" value="TRUE"/>
<set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="INFO" />
<set-property name="gwt.logging.consoleHandler" value="ENABLED"/>
I just did a checkout of a project with SVN, and is showing me the following error.
I am really new using gwt and be very grateful if you could help me.
This is the error:
Loading inherited module 'com.google.web.bindery.event.Event'
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/google/web/bindery/event/Event.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a
a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] Line 22: Unexpected exception while processing element 'inherits'
This is my xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
<inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwt" />
<inherits name="com.smartgwt.tools.SmartGwtTools" />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.activity.Activity" />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.place.Place" />
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
<inherits name="com.google.web.bindery.event.Event" />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.core.Core" />
<entry-point class='ch.datalynx.clessidra.client.Clessidra' />
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
<!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.chrome.Chrome'/> -->
<!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.dark.Dark'/> -->
class="ch.datalynx.clessidra.client.mvp.clientfactories.ClientFactory" />
<source path='client' />
<source path='shared' />
Make sure the gwt-user.jar file is in your build path. It's part of the GWT SDK.
It is unable to find gwt-user.jar/com/google/web/bindery/event/Event.gwt.xml