opening the same dialog from a list in android - java

I have a listActivity with many items.
For each item, I want to open the same popup while sending an item id\position\other
info object unique to that item.
But basically all the time I open the exact same popup.
Its buttons will send the extra unique data to the server.
I have read few tutorials, and saw a dialog is usually opened like this:
final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context);
// set the custom dialog components - text, image and button
TextView text = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(;
text.setText("Android custom dialog example!");
ImageView image = (ImageView) dialog.findViewById(;
Button dialogButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(;
// if button is clicked, close the custom dialog
dialogButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
I think it's more readable to create a different file to the dialog.
like this:
public class SocialActionsDialog extends Dialog {
public SocialActionsDialog(Context context) {
mContext = context;
Context mContext;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
but then I get a syntax error on the OnCreate.
Is it common and good practice to create new file? and if so- how to do it properly?
is it more efficient somehow - just showing the same dialog instead of initializing a new one each time? or is both ways the same?

For the syntax error, make sure you are importing the R class from your app and not the Android SDK class R resources.
For an experienced programmer your instinct is to move the dialog to a separate file, especially if it contains a lot of code. And that can be the right decision at times.
However, it is often convenient to have the dialog as an embedded class or to just create it inline (as in your example) because then it is within the scope of your activity and can access your state variables and protected methods on the Activity itself.
So you end up passing all this information to the dialog if you have it in a separate file, and at some point it just isn't worth it because the code becomes more complex and less maintainable.


How do I get the correct Context for an OnClickListener?

I'm trying to open a custom dialog when a user clicks on a LinearLayout using the following code:
each_pays = (TextView) findViewById(;
each_pays_vert.setOnClickListener(new LinearLayout.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View _v) {
// custom dialog
final Dialog multiples_dialog = new Dialog(this);
Button closeMultiplesDialogButton = (Button) multiples_dialog.findViewById(;
// if button is clicked, close the custom dialog
closeMultiplesDialogButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
The custom dialog code etc works elsewhere (when run from an option menu item click, for example), but when I try it here I get a compile time error Error:(303, 71) error: incompatible types: Intent cannot be converted to Context.
The error is in the line:
final Dialog multiples_dialog = new Dialog(this);
If I replace this with getApplicationContext() I get a run time crash.
I'm confused.
Your declaration is inside of a Object-Declaration (OnClickListener). So this is not your Activity in this case, but the OnClickListener.
Three options to work around:
reference the activity for example with final Dialog multiples_dialog = new Dialog(MainActivity.this)
put the code to show the dialog in a separate function in your Activity and call that function in your OnClickListener.
save a reference to the Context to be used within the OnClickListener, (mark it as final). This option would look something like this:
each_pays = (TextView) findViewById(;
final Context ctx = this;
each_pays_vert.setOnClickListener(new LinearLayout.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View _v) {
// custom dialog
final Dialog multiples_dialog = new Dialog(ctx);
Note: the Application Context can not be used for any UI-actions. This is the reason of the crash when using getApplicationContext().
You can get a Context from a View by using getContext():
final Dialog multiples_dialog = new Dialog(_v.getContext());

Dynamically Add and Save buttons in Android studio

Currently i managed to create the buttons dynamically on a view
Here is the my code to create the buttons;
public void Add_on(View v) {
AlertDialog.Builder mbuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Mb.this);
View mview = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.activity_mb1, null);
EditText number = (EditText) mview.findViewById(;
Button Create = (Button) mview.findViewById(;
Button Cancel = (Button) mview.findViewById(;
Create.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
if (!number.getText().toString().isEmpty())
Toast.makeText(Mb.this, "Number can be NULL",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
LinearLayout yenilayout = new LinearLayout(Mb.this);
int n =1;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
Button yeniButton = new Button(Mb.this);
yeniButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Toast.makeText(Mb.this, "Button is working",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(Mb.this, "Number cannot be NULL",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
But whenever i recall the activity, the buttons are no longer exist. So May i know can i place the button there permanently?
Thank you for suggestions
You can use Bundle to save an activity's state and recreate it in the onCreate() method. This works for a particular instance of Activity, so can be used to save data concerning selection, or user input etc., but not data that you need to be persistent across application launches.
To use the Bundle, override the onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) and onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) methods in the Activity class. You can use methods from Bundle to save whatever data you like in a map, and get it back in onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle), which is called in onStart().
The default implementations already handle most UI stuff though, and I would have thought this would keep track of your buttons for you, so it may be that your question is actually about associating some persistent data with your application. (this also means that if you do override the above methods, you should make sure to call the super methods in the first line of your implementation).
If you need persistent data across application launches, then the quickest and easiest way would be to use SharedPreferences, see this answer for an example.

OnClickListener in custom dialog

This is what is working correctly
>>The user swipes on a part of the main activity ui we will call the MainTitleBar.
>>This creates a dialog with stuff in it
Now I need to make it so when someone clicks on the buttons or imageviews within that dialog STUFF happens. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to handle this.
Code I have currently inside the class (which extends view) and is the view they are swiping on to create the dialog box.
--- bunch of stuff like ui stuff and swipe calculations etc
public void onDownSwipe() {
// custom dialog object created
Dialog ntd = new Dialog(getContext(),;
ImageView cancelbutton = (ImageView) ntd.findViewById(;
cancelbutton.setOnClickListener(new OnclickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
In the xml for the dialog, the create_task_dialog is the overall xml for the dialog.
the cancelbutton (id) is the id for the cancel button (which is properly added with + sign into resource file).
Should I be putting the onclicklistener and clicky stuff somewhere else in my code?
So confused as to how to make my dialog buttons/imageviews clickable.

How to dynamically add rows from a table (sqlite) to layout? (Android)

I am trying to take all the rows from my db and add it to the current layout, also, making each row clickable in the layout to take the user to a new screen with the id...
Here is my current code, but stuck on that part... I understand that I can put an onClickListener, but then does it have to be a button?
For a visual representation refer to a notepad app on any device where each note title appears and clicking on it takes you to that note.
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
private Button add_new_dictionary;
// Database helper
private DatabaseHelper db;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// db setup
db = new DatabaseHelper(getApplicationContext());
// get all dictionaries
List<db_dictionary> allDictionaries = db.getAllDictioniaries();
for (db_dictionary dictionary_found : allDictionaries) {
// create new view for each dictionary name include id and make it
// dynamic and include onclick to take to dictionary_view screen
Button dictionary_button = new Button(this);
add_new_dictionary = (Button) findViewById(;
public void onClick(View v) {
if (v == add_new_dictionary) {
Intent add_new_dictionary_intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,
To re-iterate the question: How do I go about dynamically taking rows from my db and adding it to my layout dynamically based on how many results are returned from the query? (However, the rows should be able to point to a new screen with the dictionary id)
All views in android can implement the OnClickListener interface. So no, it doesn't HAVE to be a button.
As you've decided to use the activity to handle this then you need to tell your code to pass the event to your implementation wihin your activity.
// create new view for each dictionary name include id and make it
// dynamic and include onclick to take to dictionary_view screen
Button dictionary_button = new Button(this);
A trick I use to store information is the setTag method which would allow you to retrieve the correct reference during your onClick:
Then retrieve it later:
public void onClick(View v) {
if (v == add_new_dictionary) {
Intent add_new_dictionary_intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,
else (
Object tag = v.getTag();
//now launch the detail activity using the data from the tag
You should really look into ListAdapters and cursors to do this properly, but this method should get you going for now
If you need to pick data from a db and show it as a list (getting click events) you should probably look into CursorAdapter and ListView
You can fins many examples on the web on how to use a cursoradapter and the listview

Custom AlertDialog fails to initialize in onCreate()

I'm trying to build a custom AlertDialog by extending the AlertDialog class.
As usual, I'm setting up the dialog inside its onCreate() method. Or, I'm trying to do so:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this.setTitle("Some title");
this.setButton(BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Click me", (DialogInterface.OnClickListener)null);
final FrameLayout custom = (FrameLayout) this
custom.addView(this.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.mydlg, null),
LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
Now, when it comes to displaying an instance of this dialog, nothing is shown. The current Activity fades out and loses focus but not a single pixel of my dialog is displayed. Pressing Back brings the Activity back to the foreground, indicating to me that a dialog actually is shown, but just a completely empty one.
However, when I create an AlertDialog and use, for instance, dlg.setButton(BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Click me", (DialogInterface.OnClickListener)null);
the dialog is shown with the respective button.
Even when I set up my custom dialog in its constructor using the very same code as above everything seems to work ok.
Now, how can this be? Why can't I seem to initialize my dialog in its onCreate() method? Isn't this the way you're supposed to initialize any GUI element? What am I missing?
Please note, that something is 'shown', fading out the Activity and taking focus from it. It's just that it seems to be completely empty/invisible.
Here another attempt:
this.setTitle("Some title");
this.setButton(BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Click me", (DialogInterface.OnClickListener)null);
final View v = this.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.mydlg, null);
These exact lines do work when put into my dialog's constructor.
These exact lines do not work when put into my dialog's onCreate().
What is going on here?!
Generally, am I not supposed to do it in onCreate()? - Am I facing trouble if I resort to doing the above initialization in the constructor instead? (This does not seem too clean to me, anyway.)
You need to call the show() method in order to see something.
You should consider using AlertDialog.Builder instead of subclassing AlertDialog itself. It allows you to do all the things you need in your example (in order: setTitle(),setPositiveButton() and setView() ). Don't forget to call create() at the end to actually get your dialog.
Also, check if your onCreateDialog() and onPrepareDialog() activity methods are implemented correctly. If you don't have them implemented at all (an unmanaged dialog), consider doing that anyway, especially if your app allows for orientation changes. You probably know about this, but here is a tutorial:
also, DialogFragments are a bit easier way to implement this, but you need a newer API version or the Compatibility package:
One final issue - where are you calling show() in your activity? onResume() should be OK, onCreate() not as much.
Sorry I'm late to the party :)
You have to thing differently for the alert dialog.
The way I did it is to customize the view before creating the alert dialog:
// This is the activity that is the background of the AlertDialog
public class Main extends Activity {
public static final int DIALOG_CONFIG = 1;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onStart() {
// Open the alert dialog on openning the Activity
showDialog(Main.DIALOG_CONFIG );
protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(this);
switch (id) {
// Here, we load the existing view R.layout.config
configView = factory.inflate(R.layout.config, null);
configDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
// Using configView, you can do whatever you want with the view. Here, we add value to a spinner.
Spinner spinner = (Spinner)configView.findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item);
return configPrinter;
return null;
you should call custom_alertDialog.create(); before;
