Transparent JTextField on a transparent JPanel - java

Not sure if this has been discussed before. But I am having a odd issue with transparent JTextFields added on a transparent JPanel. For some reason (I could not dig enough to find why) there are additional paintings that get carried out. Perhaps there are dirty regions that needs to be dealt with? not sure.
Let me present this simple example:
public class TextFieldGame extends JPanel {
public static void main(String [] args){
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
JFrame someFrame = new JFrame("Is this odd?");
someFrame.add(new TextFieldGame());
public TextFieldGame() {
private void setupContentPane() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
final CanvasPanel canvasPanel = new CanvasPanel();
add(canvasPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(new ControlPanel(canvasPanel), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public static class ControlPanel extends JPanel {
private final CanvasPanel canvasPanel;
ControlPanel(CanvasPanel canvasPanel) {
this.canvasPanel = canvasPanel;
private void setupContentPane() {
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
final JButton load = new JButton("load");
load.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
private JComponent getComponent() {
final JPanel container = new JPanel();
container.setLayout(new BoxLayout(container, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
final JTextField textField = new JTextField("why you no work?") {
public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
return new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, getPreferredSize().height);
return container;
public static class CanvasPanel extends JPanel {
private int paintCount = 0;
CanvasPanel() {
public void setupContentPane() {
setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
public void addChildComponent(JComponent component) {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
System.out.println("paint count: " + ++paintCount);
I have added the System out statement to show the count of paint task.
When first loaded, there will be 2/3 paints - fair enough. Then if you are to press the "Load" button, 10 transparent JTextFields will be added to a transparent JPanel, and this transparent JPanel will be added to the CanvasPanel. (Canvas panel is in turn a subchild of the JFrame). You will notice upon doing this, 11 additional paint jobs will be done.
But in theory (well in my understanding) after "Load" is pressed, only one paint job should be carried out. That is because, I have added only one child to CanvasPanel (the child itself might have 10 textfields, but they should all be painted in one shot).
Just to test my understanding, if you are to use 10 JLabels instead of the 10 JTextFields, only one paint job is carried out after "Load" is pressed. Which is what it should be.
Also, if you are to keep JTextField opaque, only one paint job is carried out. (Just tested that if instead of JTextField, a JTextArea is used, one paint is done)
What is going on? Note that JLabel is transparent by default, so I am not sure why transparency of JTextField component causing these additional paints.
Please help/


Why doesn't the image paint over my JPanel?

I have been struggling with this for some time. At first, I only used ActionListener, then I added the paintComponent, but I have no idea what to put there. I read some tutorials and used their code as an example, but it still doesn't work. Right now, the end result is the same as it was without PaintComponent.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Scream extends JPanel {
private JButton button = new JButton("OK");
private Color screenColor;
private JPanel panel = new JPanel();
private JFrame frame;
private Dimension screenSize;
private ImageIcon image;
private JLabel label = new JLabel(image);
private int x;
private int y;
private boolean mouseClicked;
public Scream() {
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e ) {
if (e.getSource() == button) {
mouseClicked = true;
frame.setSize(image.getIconWidth(), image.getIconHeight());
frame = new JFrame ("Existential angst");
screenColor = new Color(150, 100, 0);
panel.setBackground( screenColor );
frame.add(button, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
frame.setSize(1300, 700);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
image.paintComponent(this, g, 1300, 700);
public static void main (String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Scream scream = new Scream();
If you are trying to dynamically add an image to a panel then you need to add the label to the panel. There is no need for any custom painting.
The basic code for adding components to a visible GUI is:
Also, don't attempt to set the size of the frame to the size of the image. A frame contains a titlebar and borders. Instead you can use frame.pack();
I noticed a couple of issues:
image is never initialized to anything so it is null, effectively making the label empty. I assume maybe your example was just incomplete?
Once I initialized the image to something, your example still did not work. Turns out adding label without specifying any constraint basically does nothing (I assume since adding a component to a border layout without a constraint puts it in the center where panel already is). When I added the label to BorderLayout.NORTH, everything worked (though resizing the frame to the size of the image makes it only partially visible since the frame includes the OK button)

Components in JPanel only show after Resizing

The Buttons in my JPanel don't show up when it's loaded, only when I resize the window or move my mouse over it. In other discussions the use of "validate()" or "repaint()" was suggested, but that doesn't work for me.
I'm using a basic model view controller design and I am pretty sure that I'm doing everything else correctly.
Just in case you wonder, of course more panels will be added to the frame, that's the purpose of the update() and changeCards() methods.
Here's my frame:
public class View extends JFrame {
private MainMenuPanel mainMenu;
private final String MAIN_MENU_CONSTRAINTS = "MAIN_MENU";
public View() {
mainMenu = new MainMenuPanel();
private void init() {
// set card-layout
CardLayout cl = new CardLayout();
// expand frame to whole display size
// set unclosable
public void update (Mode mode) {
switch (mode) {
public void changeCard(String card) {
// update cards
CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) getLayout();, card);
And here's the Panel:
public class MainMenuPanel extends Panel implements ActionListener{
private JButton startButton;
private JButton quitButton;
private final String START_ACTION_COMMAND = "START";
private final String QUIT_ACTION_COMMAND = "QUIT";
private MainMenuPanelListenerImpl listener;
public MainMenuPanel() {
private void init() {
private void initComponents() {
startButton = new JButton();
quitButton = new JButton();
private void configureComponents() {
startButton.setBounds((int)(0.5*getWidth()-200), (int)(0.5*getHeight()-75), 400, 75);
quitButton.setBounds((int)(0.5*getWidth()-200), (int)(0.5*getHeight()+25),400,75);
private void configureListeners() {
private void addComponents() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
switch (e.getActionCommand()) {
public void setListener(MainMenuPanelListenerImpl listener) {
this.listener = listener;
After you paint the elements, you put the setvisible(true) because if you put it before, the Jframe will paint no elements
Well first of all you mix the old AWT-Components like Panel with newer SWING-Components like JFrame. Those don´t really work well together so I would try to fix that first. I would highly recommend using SWING or if you want to learn the newest Java GUI Library then JavaFX.
Don´t use the method repaint in the constructor of your JFrame, actually you shouldn´t use repaint in SWING at all. Nor do you need validate in the constructor. If you want to position your JFrame somewhere you should use something like this this.setLocation(0,0)
And to the main question: The panel probably only shows it´s components after resizing because you add it to the JFrame the wrong way. In SWING there is something called a content pane where you should add all of your stuff onto (except JMenuBar but that is a different story).
Simply set the layout of the content pane to the card layout that you want to use and then add your panel onto the content pane.
Here a link regarding the panel levels:

Click button and get draw rectangle

I am new to Java....I studied that we can add two things on frame... I added button and in response by clicking on button I want rectangle as output....but i don't understand that..Why i am not getting output.....
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class customizedgui5 implements ActionListener {
JButton button;
JFrame frame;
public static void main(String[] args) {
customizedgui5 hi = new customizedgui5();
public void go() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JButton button = new JButton("click me");
myclass a = new myclass();
frame.getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.getContentPane().add(a, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.setSize(100, 100);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
class myclass extends JPanel {
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(20, 50, 100, 100);
I would start by taking a look at Performing Custom Painting.
The main problem in your code is you are getting NullPointerException when you click the button because the reference of frame is null.
It is null because you've shadowed it in the constructor (basically, declared another variable of the same name within the constructor)...
// I'm null..
JFrame frame;
public void go() {
// Not the same as frame above...
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
You are also going to not see any changes because of a number of reasons...
The myclass panel has no size. With BorderLayout, this won't be "too" much of a problem, but...
You've drawing outside of the visible range of the panel. The rectangle you are painting won't appear because it is being painted outside of the width and height of the panel.
The rectangle will appear before you press the button as paintComponent will be called to update the state of the panel once it's made visible on the screen...
The first thing you need to is provide some kind of size hints to the BorderLayout. Try adding...
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(120, 150);
To myclass.
You also don't need to repaint the frame, what you really want to repaint is the instance of myclass. Try updating customizedgui5 so that a becomes a instance variable (like frame...
myclass a;
public void go() {
a = new myclass();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
Now, the rectangle will still be shown the moment that the panel is made visible on the screen. Sure you could try setting it invisible, but this will affect the layout of the frame, hiding your component to start with, so, instead, we need some kind of flag we can trip so we know when to paint the rectangle. This is easily achieved by using a simple boolean variable, for example...
class myclass extends JPanel {
private boolean paintRect;
public void setPaintRect(boolean paint) {
paintRect = paint;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(120, 150);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (paintRect) {
g.fillRect(20, 50, 100, 100);
Then in you actionPerformed method, you just need to set the flag...
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
You may also want to take a read through Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. It will make it easier for people to read your code...
When you click on your button, you're calling the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
Take a look at what you did there. Currently, you repaint and re-validate the frame. If you want to add a rectangle to your frame, you need to do so by adding a new component to the frame that will draw the rectangle.
You could add another instance of your myclass JPanel which paints a rectangle like so:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
frame.getContentPane().add(new myclass(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
This would add your custom rectangle-drawing panel to the North section of your BorderLayout. If you want to add the rectangle "on top of" your button, you should embed your button within a JPanel, then add the rectangle-drawing panel to that instead of your main JFrame

JLabel ToolTip interferes with MouseListener

I have Java Swing application ToolTipMouseTest
The critical line is label.setToolTipText("label" + i);. Once it is commented out very click on a label produces 2 mousePressed in console. With this line enabled click on labels would produce nothing.
Is this expected behaviour or a bug? My goal is to show tooltips without disabling MouseListener from working.
Almost SSCCE, but without imports:
public class ToolTipMouseTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new ToolTipMouseTest();
public ToolTipMouseTest() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JLayeredPane lpane = new JLayeredPane() {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(600,400);
MouseAdapter1 mouseAdapter1 = new MouseAdapter1();
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
panel1.setSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
lpane.add(panel1, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER);
JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
JLabel label = new JLabel("Label " + i);
label.setToolTipText("label" + i); //HERE!!
JScrollPane spane = new JScrollPane(panel2) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(300, 200);
MouseAdapter2 mouseAdapter2 = new MouseAdapter2();
private class MouseAdapter1 extends MouseAdapter {
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) {
System.out.println("1 mousePressed");
private class MouseAdapter2 extends MouseAdapter {
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) {
System.out.println("2 mousePressed");
It is working as intended. Let me explain why.
When a component has no listener, the mouse events will be propagated.
When any component has at least one MouseListener set on it - it will consume any mouse enter/exit/click/press/release events from going down in the components hierarchy.
It's the same for any listener such as MouseMotionListener with
mouse dragged/moved.
When you are adding a tooltip to a component (JLabel in your case), the component automatically receive a new MouseListener and a MouseMotionListener from ToolTipManager. The registerComponent method from ToolTipManager class do this (it's invoked by setToolTipText) :
public void registerComponent(JComponent component) {
In your case - JLabels are consuming mouse events and mouse motion events, and as such prevents from propagating the events to the JLayeredPane because ToolTipManager listener added itself when the tooltip is set (setToolTipText) on the component.
In order to work around this, register a listener that will pass events down. You can add that listener to every component with a tooltip that should pass mouse events down (e.g to a JLayeredPane, a JScrollPane, etc).
Here is a small example of how that could be done:
var destinationComponent = // the JLayeredPane, JScrollPane, etc with mouse listeners
componentWithToolTip.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
event.getComponent(), // the component with the tooltip
// implements other mouse* handlers as required.
In that setup componentWithToolTip will have 2 listeners, the one from the ToolTipManager and the propagating one. When componentWithToolTip all its listeners will be triggered, and the propagating listener will dispatch to the declared destination component destinationComponent. So that destinationComponent listeners receive the mouse events as well.

Multiple JLabel MouseListeners

I'm trying to add several JLabels to a JPanel along with mouse listeners using a loop. These JLabels are going to have mouse listeners so that they change their icon when clicked (Using label.setIcon()). However, I only want to have one "selected" at a time. So, I need them to know when another label is clicked so it knows to turn itself off before the new label gets selected. However, my problem is that because I'm adding these labels with a loop they all have the same MouseListener.
Can anyone teach me a simple way to accomplish this?
This is a short example, how you could implement it (please note, that I didn't use the icon, but change the label instead):
public class MouseListenerExample extends JFrame {
public static class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter {
private static final Collection<JLabel> labels = new ArrayList<JLabel>();
private final JFrame frame;
public MyMouseListener(JFrame frame, JLabel label) {
this.frame = frame;
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
for (JLabel label : labels) {
String text = label.getText();
if (text.startsWith("X ")) {
JLabel currentLabel = (JLabel) e.getComponent();
currentLabel.setText("X " + currentLabel.getText());
public MouseListenerExample() {
super("MouseListener Example");
Container c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
JLabel jLabel = new JLabel("Label " + i);
jLabel.addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener(this, jLabel));
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MouseListenerExample();
The main idea is, that you create a new MouseListener for each label, but keep a list of labels outside of each listener's scope (in this example I just use a static variable, but you could also have a field containing the list of labels in the frame.
