I have a project which has Main method to invoke the application. Which is bundled in a JAR file.
I am trying to invoke the application using following line:
java -jar sample.jar -sample 123
This sample.jar bundled with config/config.properties in it.
I have following line of code to read the property file from the JAR.
InputStream inputStream =
InputStream inputStream =
This code is not able to find property file from the JAR file, While this property file is already exist in the JAR.
Does any one know the solution on this ?
When i moved config.properties out from the config Folder, it's working fine...
I am not sure why that's the case. But if i use following line of code it's working now..
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream("config.properties");
I have a java .jar file I created using NetBeans. I am using apaches procrun (prunsrv.exe) to install that .jar as a Windows Service. I modified the code to get a property from a config.properties file.
I added the config.properties file to the same folder that my .jar file resides in.
My code is as follows:
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream inputStream = MyService.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("config.properties");
On the last line of my code, I am getting a NPE when I attempt to start my service. I assume this is because the file is not found.
I modified the manifest.mf as follows:
Class-Path: .
I also tried copying config.properties to the "lib" folder (subfolder to where my .jar file is located). Same results.
I modified the "set PR_CLASSPATH" line in the batch file that installs the service as follows:
set PR_CLASSPATH=MyService.jar;.
Still same NPE.
How can I get my code to recognize my config.properties file once the service has been installed?
This is what I use to load resources in these situations and seems to work most of the time:
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path) {
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
Could you check, if this helps in your case?
Another strategy to overcome this problem is the one described in my comment:
"copy the configuration file to a specific absolute folder path (i.e. c:\test) and change the classpath to point to that folder (set PR_CLASSPATH=MyService.jar;.;c:\test)"
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("abc.txt")
is throwing a FileNotFoundExceptionn while running as a jar. Why ? Normally it is able to find while running from main method.
class MyClass{
InputStream fstream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("abc.txt");
This code should be used.
And the files(in this case abc.txt) should be kept , in the Object references class location. That means , this.getClass refers to the location of some folder i.e, com/myfolder/MyClass.java folder .
So we should keep the abc.txt in com/myfolder this location.
If your file is packaged with your jar then you should to get information using getClass().getResource(url):
FileInputStream inputStream =
new FileInputStream(new File(getClass().getResource(/path/to/your/file/abc.txt).toURI()));
Else you need to create it always in the same path with your jar and you can get it like you do :
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("folder/abc.txt");
You can read here also :
How do I load a file from resource folder? and File loading by getClass().getResource()
You can use FileInputStream only when you actually have a file on the computer's filesystem. When you package your text file in the jar file for your program, it is not a file in the filesystem. It is an entry inside the jar file.
The good news is that it is even easier, in Java, to access the file this way: it is in your classpath, so you can use getResourceAsStream().
InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("abc.txt");
If you have your classpath set up correctly, this will work regardless of whether it is a file in a directory (such as during development), or an entry in a jar file (such as when released).
It's because your working directory will probably be different under the two environments. Try adding the line
System.out.println(new File("abc.txt").getAbsolutePath());
to see where it is actually looking for the file.
I am using classLoader to load xml files located under /src/XMLS :
String m_path = "XMLS/file.xml"
ClassLoader cl = getClass.getClassLoader();
file f1 = new file(cl.getResource(m_path).getFile));
Running on windows it works fine but after export to jar and running it on Linux I get FileNotFoundException - /XMLS/file.xml.
I had tried this solutions and I dont think that the problem is in the read from the .jar file. any other ideas for what I am doing wrong?
This will not work for a resource inside a jar file, which is not a file on the filesystem. Instead, you need to use getResourceAsStream(), which returns an InputStream to use directly:
InputStream in = someClass.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/XMLS/file.xml");
I put a file inside my Java project file and i want to read it but how can i find the path name with Java.
Here i put it in C driver but i just want to find path by just writing the name of file. Is there a function for it?
FileInputStream fstream1 = new FileInputStream("C:/en-GB.dic");
If the file is inside the jar file generated for your project (or in the classpath used by your project, generally), under the package com.foo.bar, you can load it using
If it's not in the classpath, and you launch the application (using java.exe) from the directory c:\baz, and the file is under c:\baz\boom\, the you can load it using
new FileInputStream("boom/en-GB.dic");
Place it in your classpath, If it is a web application WEB-INF/classes/yourfile.ext, if it is a standalone application place it in bin directory of your application (default class directory is bin).
Then you could read by using one of the following ways.
InputStream in = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("yourfile.ext");
InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/yourfile.ext");
You can read online for the differences between above two approaches.
I have the problem running executable .jar file. I've created a project which contains a .properties file. It works just fine when I start it from eclipse, but when I export it to executable .jar file and try to run it with:
java -jar myfile.jar
I get the following exception:
(couldn't post image here)
I've checked my manifest file in the .jar and it contains the
Class-Path: .
And here's the properties file loading:
properties = new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(
Any idea what causes this exception?
If the properties file is inside the jar file, you cannot access it as a file.
You need to ask the classloader to get the resource as an inputstream. See Getting the inputstream from a classpath resource (XML file)
In Eclipse (and in most IDEs) the current directory is the project's root directory. This means that Class-Path: . means something else in Eclipse than when you run it from the command line. This is why you wrote "src/com/...". Remove "src":
properties.load(new FileInputStream("com/resources/treeView.properties"));
Your properties file is within JAR file. So, use : ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream().