Can not run Java Applet in the browser - java

When I trying to run Java Applet it prompts Security Block which stops running applet in Firefox. Then I tried it on Chrome, same result.
How can I disable security in java?

Go and click on start button.
Type "Configure Java" and Enter.
Click on Security tab in Java Configure Panel window.
Set security level to Medium.
Click Apply, Ok.
Now you can run Java Applet in your browser.
If this is not working try to reinstall latest Java update in your computer.
Link for download java
Hope this will help you. :)

You need to sign your applet so it could be trusted by the browsers either by issuing a certificate from one of the CAs supported by the browsers or sign it with a certificate which is trusted by your internal CA


Can a self signed Java Applet have full permissions if executed on the localhost?

I know a real Java Applet on a Website should be officially signed to work properly and have full access. I just want to test the functionality of a java applet on my localhost without buying a certificate. So the question to me is can a self signed Java Applet have full permissions if executed on the localhost?
Yes, but it might involve changing the security settings of the Java plug-in and the browser.

Java applet under Two-way SSL

I have java applet in web application with Two-way SSL. Under IE11 and Java7u55 the applet pop ups Identification required. Please select certificate to be used for authentication. dialog box.
Is there any java plugin specification to explain that behavior? It Looks like the applet looses the ssl and try to recreate it again, doesn't it?
Java7u51 doesn't show this dialog box!
In applet's archive attribute I was setting the full path name to each JAR library (about 15).
The solution is to add codebase applet attribute to point the place where all JAR libraries reside.

Java blocks my (signed .jar) applet due to security reasons. How do i fix this?

First i would like to say that the .jar does not contain any malicious software or code. It's not harmfull, everything is fine. I signed my .jar and I'm trying to load it into my website using this code:
<applet width="765" height="503" code="" archive="HolyDivinity718V1.1.jar" name="Holy Divinity"></applet></p>
But when i run it i get this error:
Application Blocked. Click for details. Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running.
The client is a webclient of a game that I'm running. What's the reason that it's getting blocked?
Since recently all self signed java applets are blocked. You can do one of the following things:
Buy and sign your applet with an official certificate
Decrease your security slider to medium
Use the exception site list
Sign your app with a self signed certificate and add your certificate to the java trust store

IE certificate issue in Weblogic server application

Deployed the project in weblogic server 10.3 in local. The application works fine in Firefox but in IE says error
There is a problem with this website's security certificate
after click the login.
Used J_Security_Check for login.
even clicked continue this web site also not help
I am using the default certificates that come with weblogic installation. I have not generated any private keys or certificates.
I am new to the web logic server.
Please let me know we need to do any configurations in Web logic server to work in IE
or how to solve the issue.
Method-1 Install the certificate
1. In Windows Internet Explorer, click Continue to this website (not recommended).
2. A red Address Bar and a certificate warning appear.
3. Click the Certificate Error button to open the information window.
4. Click View Certificates, and then click Install Certificate.
5. On the warning message that appears, click Yes to install the certificate.
Method-2 Add website to Security zone
Check this : Add sites to security zone
Method-3 Disable certificate check.
1. To clear the certificate error, go to Tools --> Internet Options from the menu.
2. Click on the Advanced tab and scroll down to the security section. Clear the boxes for: "Check for publisher's certificate revocation" and "Check for server certificate revocation".
3. Click Apply and Ok.
4. Attempt to reload the page by clicking the Refresh button at the end of the address bar or by pressing the F5 key. Your page should now load as expected.
Personally i don't recommend Method-3. If you are facing the issue in development environment, i suggest you ignore it :)

Sign applet and deploy it in intranet

i wrote a web application which is used in our intranet. I alswo wrote a small Java Applet to integrate with our windows desktops (opening applications and files). Of course i get a security warning everytime i access my web application.
I've read on stackoverflow that it should be possible, to sign my applet and roll out the certificate to all my clients (Windows XP and Windows 7) to get rid of the securitywarning.
Is there a tutorial how to do that? Can i do that without purchasing a expensive certificate because i'm only using this application in my intranet?
Thx for any information and best regards!
I found the solution here:
The last step is to install the generated crt (in the example it's the "server.crt") file into the Trusted Publishers certificate store.
Edit: i just realized that it is just working in Internet Explorer (applet is executed without any warning or dialogue) but not in Firefox. Firefox still shows a security warning. Does anybody know how to get rid of the warning in Firefox?
