RabbitMQ receiver need to check for new message in queue - java

I am using spring and Hibernate with RabbitMQ.
I am facing problem that when sender send message to receiver(consumer) that time message add to queue successfully but receiver have to check every time to get new message from queue.
This is increasing overhead.
Is there any proper solution using that receiver automatic knows that new message in a queue.


JMS send same message back to SQS

I am working on an approach where i am required to send a message back to SQS.
I don't want it to go as a new message as that will reset the approximateRecieveCount parameter which is required by the code.
Please note that
I cannot send a NACK to the queue as i am reading it as a batch of 10 messages, I want to manually post it back in certain cases for individual message and not as a batch.
The code I am trying to use
I tried setting the JMSMessageId but it is not possible as according to the documentation -
After you send messages, Amazon SQS sets the following headers and properties for each message:
JMS_SQS_SequenceNumber (only for FIFO queues)
The code i am using right now is
defaultJmsTemplate.send(destinationName, new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
Message message = session.createTextMessage(errorMessage);
if (destinationName.endsWith(".fifo")) {
message.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", property.getMessageGroup());
message.setStringProperty("JMS_SQS_DeduplicationId", java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return message;
Is there anything that i can set/use to make sure the message is not treated as a new message and the approximate receive count is maintained?
Yes. This can be done. As you are using JMS for SQS while setting up your consumer you can define an UNORDERED_ACKNOWLEDGE mode in your consumer session. By doing so if you do not acknowledge a particular message it will be redelivered after its visibility timeout expires and the approximateRecieveCount will be incremented. This will not impact your other messages in the same batch. One downside of this is if you are using the fifo queue and the all your messages have same group id then you next message will only be processed after this unacknowledged message ends up in dead letter queue. This will only happen after your message is retried for the Maximum Receives that you have set up in fifo queue configuration. Note : The key here is to not acknowledge a particular message.

How to delete a message from Queue in RabbitMQ

I am using Rabbit MQ to replicate what Jenkins does.
The only issue I am facing is, lets say, when 10 messages are in queue. And there are some duplicate messages which are in unacknowledged state.
And I need to delete those messages from queue, how do I achieve this?
My rabbitmq configuration is as follows, where each queue only has one consumer. So if I have 10 messages, all will get processed through same consumer's thread.
Queue queue = new Queue(sfdcConnectionDetails.getGitRepoId() + "_" + sfdcConnectionDetails.getBranchConnectedTo(), true);
rabbitMqSenderConfig.amqpAdmin().declareBinding(BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(new DirectExchange(byRepositoryRepositoryId.getRepository().getRepositoryId())).withQueueName());
RabbitMqConsumer container = new RabbitMqConsumer();
container.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerAdapter(new ConsumerHandler(****, ***), new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter()));
You can use any plugin (e.g this) for deduplicating messages on the rabbit side.
Use cache on your consumer for detecting if the same message was processing recently.
As already suggested by #ekiryuhin, One of the approach you could take is assign a request_id tag it to the payload before producing message to RabbitMQ & on your consumer's end cache the request_id. Look out for the request_id if already present ignore payload and delete it.
This request_id might work as deduplication-id for your payloads.

ActiveMQ message content is not cleared after the message is sent

I have java application in which there are a sender and receiver and ActiveMQ Queue
the sender creates messages and sends them to the Queue and the consumer consumes the messages from there.
each time I send a message it gets serialized and its content holds ByteSequence of the message , and the Queue gets that message and the consumer consumes it but, I found that each time I send a message to the Queue, the ByteSequence is not cleared from the memory and eventually I get OutOfMemoryException
shouldn't the message be deleted from the producer after it has been sent to the Queue?
well it appears that the Q is using the prefetch default value of 1000 which caused the consumer to get OOM exception because the processing time of each message was too long and the prefetch was only getting filled quickly

Spring JMS Subscriber not able to receive message?

I'm using Spring JMS and Web Sphere Default Messaging Provider for my Messaging Needs.
I have created a Topic and connection factory on WAS.
I am able to send message to Topic using JMSTemplate from my publisher.
But Whenever I call JmsTemplate.receive() in my Subscriber , it goes into waiting state and I am not able to receive message in my Subscriber.
However I am able to receive message in Subscriber using JmsTemplate if a use a Listener as Subscriber or if a start a new thread whenever I am publishing message using my Publisher.
Looking for help !
Messages are not stored in the topic. If you create a Publisher, send messages ans then start a subscriber no messages will be subscribed. At the time of publishing if there are any subscribers subscribed to that topic then only those subscribers will receive the message. If no subscribers exist then messages will be dropped.
It goes into waiting state that means it is waiting for messages from the JMS server and there are no currently available.
Whatever mode of subscribing you are using - asynchronous(MessageListener) or Synchronous(receive) you need to create subscriber before.
You can use
subscriber.receive(long timeout);
if you do not want to wait indefinitely.

Acknowledge a message from a different Channel/Session in JMS

I need a message to be Acknowledged in a different Session than the one it is created in. If the consumed message is not ACKed in a given time, it should be added back to the queue. Is this possible using JMS( planning to use ActiveMQ as the broker).
I don't think it is possible.
If the message is consumed, it should be acknowledged by the consumer session (it can be auto or client acknowledgement). Acknowledgment is the key for guaranteed messaging and transaction mechanism. JMS server ensures the message is sent/consumed successfully using acknowledgement.
Regarding timeout question, if the JMS server didn't receive the ack in given time period, the message will be redelivered usually with JMSRedelivered flag set. I don't think it will be added back to the Queue then able to be consumed by same session or another session as a new message.
