Run cmd command without creating a .bat file [closed] - java

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Closed 9 years ago.
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is there a way to execute a cmd command like "move FolderA FolderB" without creating a .bat file and start it?
It would be nice if it would work without creating files on HDD.

Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"cmd.exe","/c","move","dirA/a.txt","dirB"});

Process process = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe",
ProcessBuilder is preferred to Runtime.exec() since Java 1.5, according to JavaDoc.
Be sure to read the Process Javadoc to understand how to read from and write to processes.
Shelling out for commands like move is bad practice, because it's neither portable nor secure. Work with File classes instead. But sometimes you have to shell out to interact with more esoteric external programs.


Unable to execute native binaries file in MacOS? [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I have found a Java application repository on GitHub which provides the application in JAR format and in the native binary format for different operating systems such as MacOS, Windows, Linux.
I am able to execute the JAR file using the java -jar command but I would like to run the native binary file so users can execute it without installing the Java in their system.
Can someone please inform me how can I run the binary file on Macos? I tried to search and found the command chmod +x name-of-binary but this command does not do anything.
I am really new to this and do not have much idea about this so any suggestion would be really helpful.
The most simple way would be to either open a terminal and manually running the binary, like so:
This would only work if you are running the file in a user who has execution privileges on that file. if you run into trouble with priviliges, that's where I would use chmod.
If you need any more specific help, I would recommend posting the link to that GitHub repo for us to look at, and telling us what is it that it should do.

How to send terminal commands [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to send terminal commands to the machine running the jar file, i know in some other languages like shell and python i think its something like this
run("cmd here")
Also, i have read some previous posts here and they all seem to be for the windows command line.
I have not tried anything else yet as i do not know where to start, one thing i tried was using Jsch but that ended up being a giant program and i think its kind of unsatisfying when you need to input your machines details over and over again, even so most machines do not come pre equipped with SSH.
If you only want to execute the command, use
where command is the command you want to execute as String.
If you want to read/write from/to stdin/stdout/stderr, you can use the returned Processes methods getOutputStram(), getInputStream() and getErrorStream().
Note that getInputStream() and getErrorStream() are for stdout and stderr while getOutputStream() is for stdin.

Java interact with windows cmd [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've searched for similar questions, but despite there where a lot with a similar title all have asked something different.
In my case I want that my java program interact with the terminal (Windows) by writing command and reading the response.
I've found the class ProcessBuilder, but does not seem that do what I want
What I' m searching for is something so:
start the cmd at some given position (like C:\Users\federico)
issue a command (dir or cd desktop); this should not open a command prompt window
read any output that command may result in
and so on, up to the user's exit from the program.
I suspect you simply don't know the English terms for this: what you're looking for is a way to execute commands in the OS, which is called "exec" in every programming language I know of, including Java:

Java program to build and run a maven project [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I was trying to create a java application that automatically build my project.Is it possible to create a java program to run a maven project?
You can follow below approach to start:
Create a batch/shell file to build your project using mvn/ant/gradle
command. You would need Maven/Ant/Gradle installed in your system
and environment variable needs to be setup properly.
Run This batch/shell file using java by taking advantage of Runtime
Class. Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start build.bat");
To schedule your java program, Use ExecutorService or Quartz. Or you
can take advantage of Operating System Schedulers as well.
Hope this helps.

How to make a remote shell gui in java [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a java program that needs to be able to connect to a remote server and execute system commands. How would I create a command shell that looked exactly the same as windows command prompt for the client, but executes the commands on the remote server? Thx in advance
It's possible to do, but it's not easy - java has never been great for command-line operation. If you want to do it, look for java-based SSH implementations.
On the other hand, if the user will be running the java program from the command-line, it may be possible to execute an ssh command on the same terminal.
Here is a page that describes executing an external program from java:
