Vaadin 7.1.1: Failed to load the widgetset - java

I have problem to run latest Vaadin 7.1.1 applications. It's mostly because I cannot find documentation for that version. Maven archetype creates old style app extending Root. Root is gone, so I'm trying to extend UI, like they do in Book of Vaadin.
and MainScreen simply:
public class MainScreen extends UI {
Project compiles (with maven) correctly. When I debug I see init method of MainScreen called correctly, but I see only blank screen (bootstrap JavavScript is there) with the alert:
Failed to load the widgetset:./VAADIN/widgetsets/com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet/com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet.nocache.js?1393503103223
I want to start with Default widgetset. I'm almost sure that it's somehow problem in maven build/dependency. I have no Idea what libraries to use: I tried both variants (commented)
I may try to use own widgetset,to see if that solves the issue.

Well I got it finally up by adapting latest demo app pom.xml directly from git. Missing widgetset is in

Than I noticed that if you run tomcat as an adapter in eclipse and you deploy your project into it, then sometimes after you have build your project, the target folder is not in sync with eclipse and you have to press F5 on it. After this action the widgetset could be loaded.


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 59

I am working on my first project with Java restful web services, but I am running into some issues. When I run the server with Tomcat and type the URL of the GET service, I get an HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error. I did the research for hours but cannot find anything. Maybe there is some issue in the pom.xml.
Below is some code:
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.filter.RolesAllowedDynamicFeature;
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyConfig(){
Resource code:
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class ProductResource {
public Response getProducten(){
ProductBeheer beheer = ProductBeheer.getInstance();
return Response.ok(beheer.getAlleProducten()).build();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
Screenshot Error
Can someone help me, please?
I also got same erorr while building android release apk for my flutter project , I resolved this by adding :
in file and rebuild the project and it worked for me.
If this work for you that's good else you can refer to this issue on github here and this.
You've made class files that cannot be read by JDK14 and downwards; you need at least JDK15. That's what '59' means (it's the class file format version emitted by JDK15).
You have two options:
<maven.compiler.source>15</maven.compiler.source> - make this a lower version, at least as low as the version of the JDK you installed on your server.
Upgrade your server to run JDK15 or up. Specifically, when you run your tomcat, somewhere, somehow, the java executable is run. That needs to be JDK15 (you can install multiple JDKs on one system - that's fine, but the one used to run tomcat needs to be 15 or up).
How I fixed this issue, using a mac, clicking on Android Studio on the top left corner of your screen, then click on Preferences
Click on Build, Execution, Deployment, click on Build Tools and select Gradle.
Where you see Gradle JDK, click the drop-down and select any Embedded JDK lower than 15, in this example, I used 11.0.13.
Then click on Apply, and Ok.
You should be good now. 👏

Vaadin 10 maven pom file

I was trying to migrate from Vaadin 8 to 10 and I 'm having issues when i updated the version of the vaadin-bom in my pom file.
Once i update the version to 10.0.1, I already get errors for all dependencies
Project build error: 'dependencies.dependency.version' for com.vaadin:vaadin-server:jar is missing.
Do i explicitly place a version for the dependencies (latest is still 8++)? or are there any steps i should change in my pom file to make the update successful?
Vaadin 10 is packaged in a slightly different way compared to previous versions, which among other things means that there are different artifact ids and a different Maven plugin (which is only needed for production builds). Directly updating simply by changing the version number and resolving compilation errors is not recommended.
You can use one of the "Project Base" starters from to find a working baseline pom.xml setup and then add your own things on top of that.

Jersey web services

I am trying to set up a simple Java web application using jersey for web services. However I have de following problem.
The tomcat server can’t find the resource http://localhost:8081/OnlineShop/rest/books/list but it can find my simple servlet http://localhost:8081/OnlineShop/index
I have the following web.xml
In the other hand I noticed that com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer is present in my project because I added the dependency using maven however jersey.config.server.provider.packages is not present. Maybe that is the problem but I don’t know the exact dependency which I have to add.
My has the following code and is on the package.
Finally my pom.xml has the following dependencies.
Please, please get rid of this whole project. You're obviously a beginner and seem to be just putting random configurations and dependencies together, maybe from different tutorials. Your dependencies are incompatible and your web.xml configuration is wrong. Like i said, scrap the whole project and start from scratch. If you are just beginning, you should use one of the startup apps.
You're in Netbeans, so just do the following
File → New Project
Maven → Project from Archetype
Search jersey-quickstart-webapp
Select the one with the Group ID org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes
The latest version should be displayed.
Should be self explanitory from there
You will that the only dependency added is
<!-- use the following artifactId if you don't need servlet 2.x compatibility -->
<!-- artifactId>jersey-container-servlet</artifactId -->
And the web.xml will look something like
<servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>
This will get you a simple app up and running. You will see a dependency that you need to un-comment for JSON support. Un-comment it. Or better yet, un-comment it, then change jersey-media-moxy to jersey-media-json-jackson. Jackson is IMO a better JSON library.
Also keep the Jersey Documentation handy for some good reading and reference material for working with Jersey

HotSwaping code into "mvnDebug tomcat:run"

Usually i start tomcat using mvnDebug tomcat:run.
After Code-change i need to use mvn tomcat:redeploy.
This is sub-optimal because i often only change content of existing method-bodys.
Can I HotSwap the method's body into the runtime, and hot-redeploy as a fallback?
I have unfortunatally nothing found like a maven-hotswap-plugin.
... <application>
You can use Jrebel - it works exactly as you expect. You just need to specify javaagent and it will reload all classes and framework changes during runtime. It also works with remote servers
To integrate it with maven project you have to add jrebel-maven-plugin, which will generate all configuration (rebel.xml) files.
Without JRebel you can use standard HotSwap mechanism but it only allows to reload method bodies
One of the best solutions for your situation is JRebel
What you need to do is make the appropriate changes to the framework
and integrate it using a jrebel-maven-plugin.
It allows to reload all the method bodies.
Once you are done with the link-up a auto xml configuration file will be generated which will be used as a config file for the plugin.
Mention Your Java Agent as well.
After the successful test you can also integrate it with a build
JRebel is a good option. It isn't cheap but there are open source licences available. The installation instructions for Maven are here:
We get this working through a specific run profile and embedded Tomcat. This is a specific sub-module that depends on the other projects that build the web application wars. So if you configure something like the following in the runner submodule:
You can run this with mvn package -Prun which you should be able to shut down with Ctrl+C.
Then, whilst this is running in one terminal, make your code changes, open a new terminal and run mvn compile. With JRebel going the changes should be reflected virtually instantly in your web app.
There should be nothing preventing you from running these same goals through Eclipse's m2e plugin.
It seems that you may be using some old version of the maven tomcat plug-in, because newer versions should be referred as tomcat6 or tomcat7, e..g. mvnDebug tomcat7:run. I'm on 2.2 and hot swap from Eclipse works just fine.
To clarify a little more, that's what I see in the command prompt when starting the app with mvn tomcat:run:
[INFO] >>> tomcat-maven-plugin:1.1:run (default-cli) # tomcatMvnDebug >>>
Notice the 1.1.
And that's what I see when starting the app with mvn tomcat7:run:
[INFO] >>> tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:run (default-cli) # tomcatMvnDebug >>>
Notice that this time maven uses tomcat plug-in version 2.2.
I'd use the HotSwap functions of Eclipse or IntelliJ. They both work very well for me: Just run maven goal in debug mode (tomcat:run).
We generally develop the web applications using grails which already has reload feature, I believe it's done with the spring-loaded plugin. It may be a replacement to jRebel (although I'm not sure if it will work for you, but if you want to save a few hundreds $$, may be worth trying).
So, basically I see the following options:
Use the framework which already supports reloading classes (Grails, Play)
Use some javaagent like spring-loaded or JRebel
Use some javaagent integrated into the IDE (I use IntelliJ IDEA and highly recommend it. Not sure if it works in the free community edition though).
There is a maven plugin. It doesn't seem to be maintained. However from short look at the source code I believe you can make it work.
It is based on similar plugin for ant, so alternatively you can use maven antrun to execute this
Nevertheless it is going to have the same capabilities (and limitations) as hotswap in any IDE.

When deploying a web application I get the exception NoClassDefFoundError:LocalizableImpl

I have a standard J2EE web application that includes web services. I'm using the webservices-rt library to host the services. [See the maven dependency below]. However, I get the following exception at run time:
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/ws/util/localization/LocalizableImpl
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start( [...]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
... 33 more
Maven WS Dependency
Am I missing a library? I've tried adding jaxws-rt. However, that requires an additional repo [jboss]. I'm a bit leery of that, as that it introduces a lot of new libraries into the project.
If you are using Maven, add below to your project should solve your problem:
You don't have to add others jar because it will automatically pull the rest of dependencies. I prefer to add the jar to my war instead of Tomcat lib. I think it is more portable.
The JAX-WS dependency library “jaxws-rt.jar” is missing.
Go here
Download JAX-WS RI distribution.
Unzip it and copy “jaxws-rt.jar” to Tomcat library folder “{$TOMCAT}/lib“.
Restart Tomcat.
For a maven, tomcat application try these dependencies in your pom.xml
<!-- jax-ws maven dependency -->
<!-- servlet provided by tomcat -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
I hope this works for new people who will face this issue
Declaring the JBoss repo doesn't automatically import the repo libraries. It simply makes the libraries available for importing.
Bottom line is that if you want to use a class that's in a library, then you have to pull the library into your project. If the library is in the JBoss repo, then you have to declare the JBoss repo.
