Counting Letters Between the First and Last - Java - java

OK, so I'm doing this project that requires that I have the first and last setters of a string appear with the number of letters in between them counted, and output. I've tried repurposing some reverse a string code I had handy, but I cannot get the output to appear in my IDE.
Can anyone look over my code, and make some suggestions?
public static void main(String[] args) {
String countWord;
countWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter the string you wish to have formatted:");
static String countMe(String countWord) {
int count = 1;
char first = countWord.charAt (0);
char last = countWord.charAt(-1);
StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = countWord.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (countWord.charAt(i) != first ) {
if (countWord.charAt(i) != last) {
return countWord + first + count + last;

Just build it using charAt():
return "" + str.charAt(0) + (str.length() - 2) + str.charAt(str.length() - 1);
The "" at the front causes the numeric values that follow to be concatenated as Strings (instead of added arithmetically).
A slightly more terse alternative is:
return countWord.replaceAll("(.).*(.)", "$1" + (str.length() - 2) + "$2")

Once you determined the first and last chars, it is no need for unnecessary conditions. Just try this:
static String countMe(String countWord) {
char first = countWord.charAt(0);
char last = countWord.charAt(countWord.length()-1);
int count=0;
for (int i = 1; i < countWord.length()-1; i++)
return first + String.valueOf(count) + last;
Or, if it is not mandatory to use for loop, you can make it simple as this
static String countMe(String countWord) {
char first = countWord.charAt(0);
char last = countWord.charAt(countWord.length()-1);
int count = countWord.substring(1, countWord.length()-1).length();
return first + String.valueOf(count) + last;

You could use the string.length() method to obtain the total length of the string. Your code would be something like:
int totalLength = countWord.length();
int betweenLength = totalLength - 2; // This gives the count of characters between first and last letters
char first = countWord.charAt(0);
char last = countWord.charAt(str.length() - 1);
String answer = first + betweenLength + last;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
String countWord;
countWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter the word you wish to have formatted:");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, countMe(countWord));
static String countMe(String countWord) {
int count = 0;
String first = String.valueOf(countWord.charAt(0));
String last = String.valueOf(countWord.charAt(countWord.length() - 1));
for(int i = 1; i < countWord.length() - 1; i++) {
if (String.valueOf(countWord.charAt(i)) != first ) {
return first + count + last;


Getting A String Index Out Of Range Error

I am trying to make a program to find the number of characters of the longest palindrome within a word. What the program does is find all different substrings of the given string and should check if its a palindrome and then the number of characters it has.
Right now it is correctly finding all possible substrings and works if I enter an actual palindrome such as hannah, but if i input something like banana, I get the following error StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Here is my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Palindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String word;
String reverseWord;
int palindromeLength = 0;
System.out.print("Enter A Word: ");
word = sc.nextLine();
reverseWord = new StringBuffer(word).reverse().toString();
if (reverseWord.equals(word))
palindromeLength = word.length();
else {
for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
for(int j = 1; j <= word.length() - j; j++) {
String substring = word.substring(i, i + j);
String reverseSubstring = new StringBuffer(substring).reverse().toString();
if (reverseSubstring.equals(substring)) {
if (substring.length() > palindromeLength) {
palindromeLength = substring.length();
Anyone know why this is happening and how I could fix the issue?
This is where the exception occurs (because endIndex is larger than the length of the string):
String substring = word.substring(i, i + j);
Use this instead:
String substring = word.substring(i, word.length());
It prints out 5 for "banana" which is expected behaviour.
Here is my solution:
class Palindrome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(longestPalindrome("" +
"A man once told me, " +
"\"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!\" " +
"But what does that mean?"));
System.out.println(longestPalindrome("" +
"And then he said, " +
"\"No 'x' in Nixon\"... " +
private static int longestPalindrome(final String word) {
assert word != null;
final String sanitized = word
.replaceAll("\\W", "")//strip non-word chars
int currentWinner = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sanitized.length(); i++) {
//odd palindromes
currentWinner = Math.max(detectPalindrome(sanitized, i, 0, 0), currentWinner);
//even palindromes
currentWinner = Math.max(detectPalindrome(sanitized, i, 0, -1), currentWinner);
return currentWinner;
private static int detectPalindrome(final String word,
final int center,
final int currentIndex,
final int polarity) {
final int left = center - currentIndex;
final int right = center + currentIndex + 1 + polarity;
if (left >= 0
&& right < word.length()
&& word.charAt(left) == word.charAt(right)) {
//if you're still on the string and the streak holds, check the next char
return (detectPalindrome(word, center, currentIndex + 1, polarity));
} else {
//else return the longest found so far
return currentIndex * 2 + polarity;

Is there a method to count the number of times a variable has been previously stated in a string in java?

I'm trying to make a program that replaces any vowel with a number, counting up from 0 whenever a vowel occurs, while using loops
what I have so far:
int num = 0;
for (int number = 0; number <= (insert method that returns the number of times num occured in the string here / number of vowels of any type previously seen in the string); number ++)
num = number;
String word = "AEIOUaeiou87878alkjdaslwlejrlajflawjkflwj";
word = word.replaceAll("A", "" + num).replaceAll("E", "" + num)
.replaceAll("I", "" + num).replaceAll("O", "" + num)
.replaceAll("U", "" + num).replaceAll("a", "" + num)
.replaceAll("e", "" + num).replaceAll("i", "" + num)
.replaceAll("o", "" + num).replaceAll("u", "" + num);
what is returned:
Does anybody know of a good way to make this work? Sorry if I'm not making much sense. I'm very new to coding.
Your problem is that you replace all instances of one letter at once. You need to have a counter for the vowels starting a 0, then increment it whenever you find one, then build a string out of that counter and the other non-vowel characters.
For example,
public static void vowelReplacer(String word) {
int vowelCount = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
char c = word.charAt(i);
if ("aieou".contains(String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(c)))) {
} else {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 01234567898787810lkjd11slwl12jrl13jfl14wjkflwj
The most important step is to split the word into an Array. Then you can check your vowels step by step and replace the char with an int if its necessary. If not just leave the char as it is.
But if you have a match, dont forget to add one to i (i++)
public static void main(String[] args) {
String word = "AEIObUaeiou87878alkjdaslwlejrlajflawjkflwj";
private static void replaceVowel(String word){
String[] chars = word.split("");
int i = 0;
StringBuilder replacedWord = new StringBuilder();
for (String oneChar : chars){
private static boolean check(String oneChar){
oneChar = oneChar.toLowerCase();
if(oneChar.equals("a")||oneChar.equals("b")){ // ...the rest of your vowels
return true;
return false;
For checking your vowels you only need lowercase because we are able to change the String to lowercase just for that check. So you have less writing.

implement basic string compression

I am working on question 1.5 from the book Cracking The Coding interview. The problem is to take a string "aabcccccaaa" and turn it into a2b1c5a3.
If the compressed string is not smaller than the original string, then return the original string.
My code is below. I used an ArrayList because I would not know how long the compressed string would be.
My output is [a, 2, b, 1, c, 5], aabc, []. When the program gets to the end of string, it doesn't have a character to compare the last character too.
import java.util.*;
public class stringCompression {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String a = "aabcccccaaa";
String b = "aabc";
String v = "aaaa";
public static void check(String g){
ArrayList<Character> c = new ArrayList<Character>();
int count = 1;
int i = 0;
int h = g.length();
for(int j = i + 1; j < g.length(); j++)
if(g.charAt(i) == g.charAt(j)){
else {
c.add((char)( '0' + count));
i = j;
count = 1;
if(c.size() == g.length()){
In the last loop you're not adding the result to the array. When j = g.length() still needs to add the current char and count to the array. So you could check the next value of j before increment it:
for(int j = i + 1; j < g.length(); j++)
if(g.charAt(i) == g.charAt(j)){
else {
c.add((char)( '0' + count));
i = j;
count = 1;
if((j + 1) = g.length()){
c.add((char)( '0' + count));
I would use a StringBuilder rather than an ArrayList to build your compressed String. When you start compressing, the first character should already be added to the result. The count of the character will be added once you've encountered a different character. When you've reached the end of the String you should just be appending the remaining count to the result for the last letter.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] data = new String[] {
for (String d : data) {
public static String compress(String str) {
StringBuilder compressed = new StringBuilder();
// Add first character to compressed result
char currentChar = str.charAt(0);
// Always have a count of 1
int count = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++) {
char nextChar = str.charAt(i);
if (currentChar == nextChar) {
} else {
// Append the count of the current character
// Set the current character and count
currentChar = nextChar;
count = 1;
// Append the new current character
// Append the count of the last character
// If the compressed string is not smaller than the original string, then return the original string
return (compressed.length() < str.length() ? compressed.toString() : str);
You have two errors:
one that Typo just mentioned, because your last character was not added;
and another one, if the original string is shorter like "abc" with only three chars: "a1b1c1" has six chars (the task is "If the compressed string is not smaller than the original string, then return the original string.")
You have to change your if statement, ask for >= instead of ==
if(c.size() >= g.length()){
} else {
Use StringBuilder and then iterate on the input string.
private static string CompressString(string inputString)
var count = 1;
var compressedSb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < inputString.Length; i++)
// Check if we are at the end
if(i == inputString.Length - 1)
compressedSb.Append(inputString[i] + count.ToString());
if (inputString[i] == inputString[i + 1])
compressedSb.Append(inputString[i] + count.ToString());
count = 1;
var compressedString = compressedSb.ToString();
return compressedString.Length > inputString.Length ? inputString : compressedString;

Compression algorithm in java

My goal is to write a program that compresses a string, for example:
input: hellooopppppp!
Here is the code I have so far, but there are errors.
When I have the input: hellooo
my code outputs: hel2l3o
instead of: he213o
the 2 is being printed in the wrong spot, but I cannot figure out how to fix this.
Also, with an input of: hello
my code outputs: hel2l
instead of: he2lo
It skips the last letter in this case all together, and the 2 is also in the wrong place, an error from my first example.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks so much!
public class compressionTime
public static void main(String [] args)
System.out.println ("Enter a string");
//read in user input
String userString = IO.readString();
//store length of string
int length = userString.length();
int count;
String result = "";
for (int i=1; i<=length; i++)
char a = userString.charAt(i-1);
count = 1;
if (i-2 >= 0)
while (i<=length && userString.charAt(i-1) == userString.charAt(i-2))
if (count==1)
result = result.concat(Character.toString(a));
result = result.concat(Integer.toString(count).concat(Character.toString(a)));
I would
count from 0 as that is how indexes work in Java. Your code will be simpler.
would compare the current char to the next one. This will avoid printing the first character.
wouldn't compress ll as 2l as it is no smaller. Only sequences of at least 3 will help.
try to detect if a number 3 to 9 has been used and at least print an error.
use the debugger to step through the code to understand what it is doing and why it doesn't do what you think it should.
I am doing it this way. Very simple:
public static void compressString (String string) {
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
int count = 1;
while (i + 1 < string.length()
&& string.charAt(i) == string.charAt(i + 1)) {
if (count > 1) {
System.out.println("Compressed string: " + stringBuffer);
You can accomplish this using a nested for loops and do something simial to:
count = 0;
String results = "";
for(int i=0;i<userString.length();){
char begin = userString.charAt(i);
//System.out.println("begin is: "+begin);
for(int j=i+1; j<userString.length();j++){
char next = userString.charAt(j);
//System.out.println("next is: "+next);
if(begin == next){
i+= count+1;
String add = begin + "";
int tempcount = count +1;
results+= tempcount + add;
results+= begin;
I tested this output with Hello and the result was He2lo
also tested with hellooopppppp result he2l3o6p
If you don't understand how this works, you should learn regular expressions.
public String rleEncodeString(String in) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("((\\w)\\2*)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(in);
while(m.find()) {
if( > 1) {
return out.toString();
Try something like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter a string:");
Scanner IO = new Scanner(;
// read in user input
String userString = IO.nextLine() + "-";
int length = userString.length();
int count = 0;
String result = "";
char new_char;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
new_char = userString.charAt(i);
if (new_char != userString.charAt(i + 1)) {
if (count != 1) {
result = result.concat(Integer.toString(count + 1));
result = result.concat(Character.toString(new_char));
count = 0;
if (userString.charAt(i + 1) == '-')
The problem is that your code checks if the previous letter, not the next, is the same as the current.
Your for loops basically goes through each letter in the string, and if it is the same as the previous letter, it figures out how many of that letter there is and puts that number into the result string. However, for a word like "hello", it will check 'e' and 'l' (and notice that they are preceded by 'h' and 'e', receptively) and think that there is no repeat. It will then get to the next 'l', and then see that it is the same as the previous letter. It will put '2' in the result, but too late, resulting in "hel2l" instead of "he2lo".
To clean up and fix your code, I recommend the following to replace your for loop:
int count = 1;
String result = "";
for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
if(i < userString.length()-1 && userString.charAt(i) == userString.charAt(i+1))
else {
if(count == 1)
result += userString.charAt(i);
else {
result = result + count + userString.charAt(i);
count = 1;
Comment if you need me to explain some of the changes. Some are necessary, others optional.
Here is the solution for the problem with better time complexity:
public static void compressString (String string) {
LinkedHashSet<String> charMap = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
HashMap<String, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int count;
String key;
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
key = new String(string.charAt(i) + "");
if(countMap.containsKey(key)) {
count = countMap.get(key);
countMap.put(key, count + 1);
else {
countMap.put(key, 1);
Iterator<String> iterator = charMap.iterator();
String resultStr = "";
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
key =;
count = countMap.get(key);
if(count > 1) {
resultStr = resultStr + count + key;
resultStr = resultStr + key;

Java: method to get position of a match in a String?

String match = "hello";
String text = "0123456789hello0123456789";
int position = getPosition(match, text); // should be 10, is there such a method?
The family of methods that does this are:
int indexOf(String str)
indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
int lastIndexOf(String str)
lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
Returns the index within this string of the first (or last) occurrence of the specified substring [searching forward (or backward) starting at the specified index].
String text = "0123hello9012hello8901hello7890";
String word = "hello";
System.out.println(text.indexOf(word)); // prints "4"
System.out.println(text.lastIndexOf(word)); // prints "22"
// find all occurrences forward
for (int i = -1; (i = text.indexOf(word, i + 1)) != -1; i++) {
} // prints "4", "13", "22"
// find all occurrences backward
for (int i = text.length(); (i = text.lastIndexOf(word, i - 1)) != -1; i++) {
} // prints "22", "13", "4"
This works using regex.
String text = "I love you so much";
String wordToFind = "love";
Pattern word = Pattern.compile(wordToFind);
Matcher match = word.matcher(text);
while (match.find()) {
System.out.println("Found love at index "+ match.start() +" - "+ (match.end()-1));
Output :
Found 'love' at index 2 - 5
General Rule :
Regex search left to right, and once the match characters has been used, it cannot be reused.
See the String javadoc
Finding a single index
As others have said, use text.indexOf(match) to find a single match.
String text = "0123456789hello0123456789";
String match = "hello";
int position = text.indexOf(match); // position = 10
Finding multiple indexes
Because of #StephenC's comment about code maintainability and my own difficulty in understanding #polygenelubricants' answer, I wanted to find another way to get all the indexes of a match in a text string. The following code (which is modified from this answer) does so:
String text = "0123hello9012hello8901hello7890";
String match = "hello";
int index = text.indexOf(match);
int matchLength = match.length();
while (index >= 0) { // indexOf returns -1 if no match found
index = text.indexOf(match, index + matchLength);
You can get all matches in a file simply by assigning inside while-loop, cool:
$ javac
$ java MatchTest
$ cat
import java.util.*;
public class MatchTest {
public static void main(String[] args){
String match = "hello";
String text = "hello0123456789hello0123456789hello1234567890hello3423243423232";
int i =0;
int match_position=text.indexOf(match);
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class Occourence {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String key=null,str ="my name noorus my name noorus";
int i=0,tot=0;
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(str," ");
key = st.nextToken();
System.out.println("position of "+key+" "+"is "+(i-1));
System.out.println("total words present in string "+tot);
I have some big code but working nicely....
class strDemo
public static void main(String args[])
String s1=new String("The Ghost of The Arabean Sea");
String s2=new String ("The");
String s6=new String ("ehT");
StringBuffer s3;
StringBuffer s4=new StringBuffer(s1);
StringBuffer s5=new StringBuffer(s2);
char c1[]=new char[30];
char c2[]=new char[5];
char c3[]=new char[5];
s6.getChars(0,3,c3,0); s3=s4.reverse();
int pf=0,pl=0;
char c5[]=new char[30];
for(int i=0;i<(s1.length()-s2.length());i++)
int j=0;
while (c1[i+j]==c2[j] && j<=s2.length())
System.out.println(s2.length()+" "+j);
System.out.println("first match of(The) :->"+i);
for(int i=0;i<(s3.length()-s6.length()+1);i++)
int j=0;
while (c5[i+j]==c3[j] && j<=s6.length())
System.out.println(s6.length()+" "+j);
//finding a particular word any where inthe string and printing its index and occurence
class IndOc
public static void main(String[] args)
String s="this is hyderabad city and this is";
System.out.println("the given string is ");
char ch[]=s.toCharArray();
System.out.println(" ----word is found at ");
int j=0,noc=0;
for(int i=0;i<ch.length;i++)
if(ch[i]=='i' && ch[j+1]=='s')
System.out.println(" index "+i);
System.out.println("----- no of occurences are "+noc);
String match = "hello";
String text = "0123456789hello0123456789hello";
int j = 0;
String indxOfmatch = "";
for (int i = -1; i < text.length()+1; i++) {
j = text.indexOf("hello", i);
if (i>=j && j > -1) {
indxOfmatch += text.indexOf("hello", i)+" ";
If you're going to scan for 'n' matches of the search string, I'd recommend using regular expressions.
They have a steep learning curve, but they'll save you hours when it comes to complex searches.
for multiple occurrence and the character found in string??yes or no
public class SubStringtest {
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("enter the string");
String str=br.readLine();
System.out.println("enter the character which you want");
CharSequence ch=br.readLine();
boolean bool=str.contains(ch);
System.out.println("the character found is " +bool);
int position=str.indexOf(ch.toString());
System.out.println("the index no of character is " +position);
public int NumberWordsInText(String FullText_, String WordToFind_, int[] positions_)
int iii1=0;
int iii2=0;
int iii3=0;
// iii2 is the number of the occurences
if(iii2>0) {
positions_ = new int[iii2];
while ((iii1 = (FullText_.indexOf(WordToFind_, iii1) + 1)) > 0) {
positions_[iii3] = iii1-1;
iii3 = iii3 + 1;
System.out.println("position=" + positions_[iii3 - 1]);
return iii2;
class Main{
public static int string(String str, String str1){
for (int i = 0; i <= str.length() - str1.length(); i++){
int j;
for (j = 0; j < str1.length(); j++) {
if (str1.charAt(j) != str.charAt(i + j)) {
if (j == str1.length()) {
return i;
return -1;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the string");
String str=sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter the Substring");
String str1=sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("The position of the Substring is "+string(str, str1));
