I am working in a application which consume a webservice. I generated the webservice client using axis2codegen. Since it is generated code there are lot of duplicate codes exist. As per suggestion on code review we have to remove it and add it as jar. I created a jar and add to the local repository of the maven. But the problem is how can i check in the locally generateed jar to the svn, so that the user who check the project does not need to add it to the local repository manually as i did it.
Thanks in advance
Storing the .jar files in subversion isn't really the "maven way". You might want to consider setting up a corporate maven repository using something like nexus or artifactory and then deploy your .jar artifacts there instead.
Once that's done you can distribute a corporate settings.xml file pointing to this repository (or include it in each projects pom.xml file) and you can then manage your generated code like any other maven dependency.
Don't commit jar into SVN: dependency management has introduced the concept of "artifact repository" separating binaries from sources:
binary are saved into artifact repository
source are saved into source code management repository
In order to share the jar with your pears you should:
install the jar in a corporate maven repository like artifactory or nexus
add a dependency to the jar in your project pom
commit the pom into SVN
tell to your pears to check out from SVN the updated pom
You don't. In most circumstances you will use maven to deploy the project (the jar) to a repository manager (Nexus is by far the de facto for this).
Next you configure your co-workers to proxy their maven requests to yuor Nexus installation which itself "knows" about maven Central, thus providing a single point of presence for everything both from the outside world and published internally.
It's usually a good idea for another service such as Jenkins to be paired with a release plugin to execute the maven release procedure on your before, and for it to publish the artefacts too.
Here we have a long list of maven projects that our Jenkins installation builds upon noticing an SVN change. Upon the click of a button within Jenkins for the project, it can perform a complete build and release to our Nexus repository the project's newly built-and-tested artefacts.
I work behind a very massive firewall that likes to hiccup on random connections, which makes all work with remote repositories a living nightmare for me!
I am looking to work with a project from Git (this one https://github.com/mrniko/netty-socketio) which heavily utilizes maven for downloading dependencies.
What I would like to do is on another terminal (such as http://cloud9.io or something) download all the maven dependencies so that the entire project can be run standalone.
I have already tried mvn clean install and then zipping up the source folder, but its actually not enough! I still get ClassNotFound related errors when I try to run the project locally in eclipse. And for the record, I did add the compiled *.class files in the build properties, so Eclipse knows where they are. It seems like there are some random classes that get generated dynamically which still aren't present (such as log4j -- and I really don't want to hunt each one down individually)
I am wondering if there is a fully thorough way to download all possible dependencies from maven and then either run a project 100% standalone, or create a local maven server from it?
I am running Java 7 on Eclipse Luna and I do have Maven installed on my windows 7 machine (though again it barely works on remote repositories). I also have a Cloud9 instance which I could use to run Maven commands, then zip up the results for local download.
When you execute mvn clean install, maven downloads all dependencies of currently built project to your local maven repository. This is usually located in
When you build your project, maven uses that path, to lookup required dependencies.
If you want do download them all, you can try using mvn dependency:copy-dependencies. Then, you'll find all project dependencies intarget/dependencies directory of your project. This also includes transitive dependencies.
To add them all as eclipse dependencies, you may want to try maven-eclipse-plugin. Using that plugin, you can generate eclipse .project and .classpath files, using mvn eclipse:eclipse command. This will populate eclipse files with required dependencies from maven. You should then import the project to eclipse using Import existing projects into workspace, instead of Import existing maven projects.
maven-eclipse-plugin will add all those jars relative to a folder specified by M2_REPO variable. Just make sure you edit this variable inside eclipse project properties, and you should be set.
I've had to deal with similar issues. I would find that due to changes in firewall policies, occasionally all the .jar files in my project had been updated to be a 1K file that, when opened within notepad++ contained a message from the firewall saying that the download had been blocked.
I recommend looking into Nexus for your local repository management, it means your local projects don't have to go past your firewalls to check for maven updates.
Use dependency plugin go-offline task.
I am building my project using maven tool in eclipse.
I want one folder which I am creating in my current local project to get included in all the projects (Package)after building it on jenkins server.
How can I do that .
We are using Subversion to have one source of truth and a nexus as a mirror to all of the other maven-projects(A) using in the organization.
Jenkins tests every single minute if something has been committed to the Subversion, if so it checks-out the changes and call the maven goal "clean install". Install make the modifications available to the nexus. Now, when ever any other project in the organization is built, its asks the nexus if there is a different maven-project(A) available and it downloads the project before compile.
We call it scm and continues delivery.
We have a core set of java libraries, published as jar files, that are used in multiple client projects. Both the library projects and the client projects are on our git server (GitLab EE). Sometimes clients and third-parties (such as sub-contractors) have access to the project source code, but we don't want them to have access to the source for the core java libraries.
So what I need to know is how to set up some kind of dependency or similar in git so that we can automatically pull in the latest version of the library file? I've been looking at git submodule, but that looks like it will pull in, or at least give access to, the full source of the library projects. I've also started looking at Maven, but I'm unclear whether that also needs access to the whole repository. Is there another/better way to do it? Or will Maven actually do what I want? Or do I need to publish my jar files somewhere else, and if so how can I automate that process, as I don't want to have to manually copy the jar file somewhere every time it's updated (which is often)?
Maven and a binary repository like Nexus is the common way to do what you're asking. Nexus stores binary files like .jar's .dll's etc and Maven has the capability to publish and retrieve specific versions of these binaries and include them when building the project. As Ryan commented, Maven Central is a public binary repository that you could publish to if you wanted the whole world access to your .jars, but with Nexus you have fine grained access control over your binaries.
If you build your own projects with Maven, you can configure it to build, test, and publish right to your Nexus repository with a single command mvn deploy. Then clients just have to update their project to point to the new version and Maven will download it and use it on the classpath. It's all very seamless, and I would definitely recommend refactoring your build process to use Maven or a similar product.
I have a maven-java project and I use git at the same time. Now I need to use some libraries which does not have any maven support. I have the .jar files of the libraries.
How will I add them to my maven project? and.. Will the other people who pull my code from my git repo be able to run my code without having the .jars?
If you have an artifact repository manager such as Nexus, Archiva, or Artifactory, you can deploy the jars to it. Then you can define them as dependencies in your pom.xml files.
If you don't, you can install them to your local repository using the maven-install-plugin using the install-file goal.
If you don't want to do that, there's also a not-recommended option of defining a dependency with <scope>system</scope> as illustrated here. Again, this is highly NOT recommended, as you would be expecting people would have the artifact on their file system and quite possibly, this jar might end up in your version control, which is really not the way to do it, but is also possible.
answer is that others will not be able to build your code unless some conditions are met.. As mentioned by carlspring, you would have to either install to your own local repo or put a system scope dependency.
if you add it to your local repo, then your local would have to be
some kind of common network writeable share/location that your entire team maps to in a standardized fashion in your development environment.
if you add a system scope dependency, you could actually put this jar into your codebase into a project relative lib directory and provide a path such as ${basedir}/lib/some.jar
the question is:
i start a local lib to collect some common utils in it.
then i use eclipse m2e to run as Maven Install, and it truely generate the jar into my local cached repos dir.
and now, i want to use that lib as a dependency in my project, i just type the dependency xml as the other (like spring etc.).
but it just can load that lib in the maven dependencies libs.
I search the web and find that systemPath could work, but i don' t like this way. how can i use my local jar in a same way?
Install it into your repository. Either local (mvn install) or run repository software like Artifactory, Archiva or Nexus. http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html
You can do a (non-Maven) build and:
install the JAR in your local "repo" directory,
manually upload it your group / corporate repository, or
install it in a so-called "internal repository" that you manage by hand: see http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-repositories.html.
(I have even resorted to using an "internal repository" that was part of the project's version control check-out; i.e. putting the JAR into version control.)
But I think that the best approach would be to Mavenize the build for the utility JAR, and handle it just like your main Maven projects.
Use goal install-file .
Like , mvn install-file.