possibility of music notation rendering for android [closed] - java

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for rendering musical scores in Android.
So far I have just been able to find 2 GPL libraries namely abcj and Jmusic both of which support java.While specifying it in any android's class path application throws up exception this might be possible as Android doesn't support javaSE environment java's byte code differs from Android's dalvik code.. can I somehow get these libraries to work for my android app or are there any 3rd party API's available for Android development ..?

Here is a thesis on "Dynamic Generation of Musical Notation from MusicXML Input on an Android Tablet"
9/20/20: That link is broken, this one appears to work: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/!etd.send_file?accession=osu1338377470&disposition=inline

This open source library has experimental implementations for Android using Xamarin:


Java framework for desktop application development [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Due to some constraints in the project I'm working on, I need to develop a desktop application using Java. Now, I face the decision of which framework should I use. Is there any outstanding one? I've searched in different questions already done in this forum, but most of them are from 2014 or earlier.
You can try JavaFx. You can also find a lot of tutorials on JavaFx in google.
As #StephaneM told this is off topic. Anyways you should use javaFX. Which is a library that has graphics and media controlling capabilities. Your next question would be what kind of IDE you should use. As I have seen both Eclipse and Intellij Idea have the drag and drop UI building interfaces. So you can only focus on the functionality building. Welcome to Stackoverflow and please read what #StephaneM mentioned.

what sdk I need to code in old java base mobile phones? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a very old mobile phone, it does not have android, its an old LG Crystal and Im afraid it only supports java technology.
How should I proceed to develop a simple app for it? Which SDK or IDE I need to use? Never coded in Java, only C#, think its a nice way to start and give some life to my old phone hehe.
In java there is a Micro edition which is for mobiles and other embedded systems.With this you can create mobile apps.You can read about it in wikipedia in the following link. Wikipedia link
You can download this JDK from this oracle website

Running Android UI in JVM [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for a library / framework that lets me develop Java UIs (e.g., for Windows) using the Android views, layouts and animations. Things like a message loop and AsyncTask would be a great bonus. I don't want to run an emulator but simply get a jar-file.
Unfortunately, my google-foo is insufficient for this task.
Kind regards,
The project IcedRobot has the goal to develop such a framework. But unfortunately it seems to be stuck - announced in 2011 and no updates for 2 years now.
I don't think there is and will have such thing. Be able running android view system requires not only the java file but lot other native library such as SurfaceFlinger.
This is not possible as Android java is not standard java and doesn't run on JavaVM but rather on DalvikVM.
Take a look at this question:
DalvikVM Vs JavaVM in Android?

Desktop application help framework [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Consider the requirements for embedding help in a Java desktop application (or applet):
Single source for content (such as AsciiDoc) to generate high quality PDF manuals1
Hooks for context-sensitive help
Robust, simple, and well documented API (under an hour to learn)
Small footprint (a sub-100K Java archive)2
Integrate as a docked MDI-style window, or a separate window
Free open source software
Google says:
Java Programming Help
Help Authoring Tools
Which of these, or any others, would you recommend?
1Storing the content in AsciiDoc format would be ideal, so long as conversion is trivial.
2Up to 500kb.
Have a look at DocBook - last time I looked it could generate PDF, HTML and JavaHelp from files written in DocBook XML .
A crash course is available at: http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/crash-course/
Definitely Asciidoc, or its more recent cousin AsciiDoctor.

Is there source code analysis api in .net similar to those in java? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The APIs that might be of interest to
developers of Java applications that
need to perform source code analysis
are the Java Compiler API (JSR 199),
the Pluggable Annotation Processing
API (JSR 269), and the Compiler Tree
Any similar api or library for .net?
Visual Studio 2008 comes with a tool that run source code analysis: it gives you the code inheritance depth, lines of code (compiled), mainteinability indexes for your solution/project/clases/methods.
Im not sure if there is a plugin for VS2003-2005 with this functionality.
For the comments of the methods/clases, VS 2008, doesn't have a native tool, however, for VS 2003-2005 there is an open project on sourceforge, that take the comments (''' comments) above the member (namespace, class, method, property) header(which is stored on the classes .xml files) and generetes documentation like JavaDoc. For VS 2008, I have developed a tool that does the same, that I can share if you need.
For code analysis, I've been using the free tool from Microsoft is called FxCop for years.
