How to Pass Multiple Timestamps as Dynamic Parameters into a Derby Query? - java

I'm converting a Java application from PostGresSQL to Derby ( The PG database has many procedures that ideally will transfer to Derby procedures.
One of the PG stored procedures passes an array of Timestamps, similar to this Procedure/SQL:
CREATE FUNCTION getDownloads(_download_array timestamp without time zone[])
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
DECLARE mycurs refcursor;
SELECT * FROM download_time d
WHERE d.downloadtime = ANY(_download_array);
RETURN mycurs;
Derby procedures are basically declarations that reference your procedures class that contains public static Java methods. The methods typically use the java.SQL PreparedStatement object, and may contain dynamic parameters. The procedure is called via the java.SQL CallableStatement object, with set param values, executed to return a ResultSet.
I would like to translate the above PG procedure into a Derby procedure that accepts multiple Timestamp values, possibly using the ANY or IN statements. In limited searches, it appears that Derby does not support arrays as dynamic parameters.
Using the Squirrel SQL client, this syntax proves acceptable:
SELECT * FROM download_time d
WHERE d.downloadtime
IN('2011-11-13 13:24:00.0', '2011-11-13 13:28:00.0', '2014-05-06 07:08:09.0')
However in practice, passing comma-delimited Timestamps to the IN or ANY statements does not work, pseudo-code below:
try {
Connection conn = getConnection();
CallableStatement cstmt = null;
cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call getDownloads(?) }");
cstmt.setTimestamp(3, "'2011-11-13 13:24:00.0', '2011-11-13 13:28:00.0'");
//Also tried this:
cstmt.setString(3, "2011-11-13 13:24:00.0, 2011-11-13 13:28:00.0");
rs = cstmt.getResultSet();
while (null != rs && {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
...handle errors
Following the above examples, this error occurs:
The syntax of the string representation of a date/time value is incorrect.
I'm in search of alternative methods, and am considering solutions I've found in an excellent article on StackOverflow, PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?
I would be willing to consider simply writing dynamic SQL instead of a parameterized procedure, but the real query is rather beastly. :)

Since no one offered an answer, I'm posting my solution to the problem. The solution is to pass a String variable, "downloadTimes" containing concatenated date/times in a comma-delimited-like format. For brevity, the NULL-check condition was excluded. If a NULL is passed, that line is simply excluded.
Here is the procedure:
public static void getDownloads(int theId, String downloadTimes, ResultSet[] rs)
throws SQLException {
String DML = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
DML = "SELECT d.* FROM download_time d WHERE = ? " +
"AND d.downloadtime IN(" + downloadTimes + ") " : "") + //Add chk null condition
"ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC, 3 ";
ps = conn.prepareStatement(DML);
ps.setInt(1, theId);
rs[0] = ps.executeQuery();
Note that the "getDownloads" procedure is declared in Derby later in the same class (see declaration in my original question), left out for simplicity. The procedure is called by a method in a different class:
public Map<GregorianCalendar, List<Fault>> getDownloadFaultList(
Integer theId, String subsystem, List<GregorianCalendar> downloadTimes) {
CallableStatement cstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String downloadCalListToCsv = null;
// parseGregorianCalListToCsv() creates a CSV string out of dates.
// I.e., "2011-11-13 13:24:00.0, 2011-11-13 13:28:00.0"
if (false == downloadTimes.isEmpty()) {
downloadCalListToCsv = DataTypeConverter
.parseGregorianCalListToCsv(downloadTimes, timestampFormat);
try {
cstmt = getConn().prepareCall("{ call getDownloads(?, ?) }");
// Register the parameters
cstmt.setInt(1, theId);
// Get timezone from first entry, assuming all same timezone
if (! downloadTimes.isEmpty()) {
cstmt.setString(2, downloadCalListToCsv);
rs = cstmt.getResultSet();
while (null != rs && {
//Use the download timestamps here
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
//error handling here
} finally {
//Close resources
close(rs, cstmt);
return faultMap;
The solution is not elegant, but works in practice.


Parametrized queries in java

I am facing a problem with retrieving a column from database
This is my code
public String ShowtimeQur(int MovieID)
rs3 = null;
String RoomID=null;
String ShowTime = null;
String qu ="Select Room_ID from Movie_Shows_in where Movie_ID="+MovieID;
//getRoomQur.setInt(1, MovieID);
getShowtimequr.setString(1, RoomID);
catch (SQLException e)
return ShowTime;
I keep get this type of error
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation at current cursor position.
Use PreparedStatement.
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("Select Room_ID from Movie_Shows_in where Movie_ID=?");
statement.setInt(1, MovieID);
ResultSet res = statement.executeQuery()
rest of your code
Never, never, never use string concatenation to build queries, as you put yourself at risk of SQL Injection
Like the answer before, you shoud declare a "ResulSet result" variable, and after the execute of the query, you should call "" method to point the cursor on the first row (initially is pointed to row 0 which does not exist) and then call a retrive data mehod like "result.getString(columnNumber)" by example.

Working with a saved Access parameter query under (JDBC-)ODBC

In my Java application I have to use data that comes from an Access 2010 database. I used the graphical query creator from Access to create the appropriate query and it works great.
Unfortunately, when I try to use a prepared statement with that query (in order to use a parameter) in my Java application I got an NPE
messageChildrenRequest.setString(1, blockId);
ResultSet result = messageChildrenRequest.executeQuery();
The NPE occurs when i set the parameter with setString() and my query is not execute but when i look with the debugger the statement is not null...
My query given by access is :
The StackTrace gives me :
Exception in thread "main"
at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.clearParameter(Unknown Source)
at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setChar(Unknown Source)
at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setString(Unknown Source)
When I tried a very simple prepared statement :
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE = ?
I didn't get any NPE when setting the parameter so I suspect that Access and java JDBC do not have the same way to deal with join.
Does someone already that kind of problem or can confirm that the structure of my query is the problem here?
Connection connection = null;
CallableStatement callStmt = null;
String myParam = "test";
String statement = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE = ?";
try {
connection = DatabasePoolUtil.getDefaultConnection(); //Connects
callStmt = connection.prepareCall(statement);
catch (SQLException ex) {
// Do something
finally { // connection has to be closed
if (callStmt != null) {
if (connection != null) {
The ODBC (and OLEDB) interfaces to an Access database expose different types of saved Access queries as either "Views" or "Stored Procedures":
Access query appears under ODBC/OLEDB as
------------------------------- ---------------------------
Select query without parameters View
Select query with parameters Stored Procedure
Append query (INSERT) Stored Procedure
Update query Stored Procedure
Delete query Stored Procedure
Since your Access saved query has parameters it will look like a Stored Procedure under ODBC and therefore you need to use a CallableStatement to work with it.
For example, given the following saved parameter query named [myParameterQuery] in Access
PARAMETERS specificID Long;
SELECT Table1.*
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.ID)=[specificID]));
we need to use the following Java code to retrieve the row for ID=3:
String connectionString = "jdbc:odbc:"
+ "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"
+ "DBQ=C:/Users/Public/32224442.accdb;";
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
try (CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call myParameterQuery(?)}")) {
cs.setInt(1, 3); // set "specificID" parameter to 3
try (ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery()) {;
} catch (Exception e) {
The corresponding C# code would be:
string myConnectionString =
#"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};" +
using (var con = new OdbcConnection(myConnectionString))
using (var cmd = new OdbcCommand("{CALL myParameterQuery (?)}", con))
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("?", OdbcType.Int).Value = 3; // set "specificID" parameter to 3
using (OdbcDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())

how Can I get the full query that a PreparedStatement is about to execute? [duplicate]

I have a general Java method with the following method signature:
private static ResultSet runSQLResultSet(String sql, Object... queryParams)
It opens a connection, builds a PreparedStatement using the sql statement and the parameters in the queryParams variable length array, runs it, caches the ResultSet (in a CachedRowSetImpl), closes the connection, and returns the cached result set.
I have exception handling in the method that logs errors. I log the sql statement as part of the log since it's very helpful for debugging. My problem is that logging the String variable sql logs the template statement with ?'s instead of actual values. I want to log the actual statement that was executed (or tried to execute).
So... Is there any way to get the actual SQL statement that will be run by a PreparedStatement? (Without building it myself. If I can't find a way to access the PreparedStatement's SQL, I'll probably end up building it myself in my catches.)
Using prepared statements, there is no "SQL query" :
You have a statement, containing placeholders
it is sent to the DB server
and prepared there
which means the SQL statement is "analysed", parsed, some data-structure representing it is prepared in memory
And, then, you have bound variables
which are sent to the server
and the prepared statement is executed -- working on those data
But there is no re-construction of an actual real SQL query -- neither on the Java side, nor on the database side.
So, there is no way to get the prepared statement's SQL -- as there is no such SQL.
For debugging purpose, the solutions are either to :
Ouput the code of the statement, with the placeholders and the list of data
Or to "build" some SQL query "by hand".
It's nowhere definied in the JDBC API contract, but if you're lucky, the JDBC driver in question may return the complete SQL by just calling PreparedStatement#toString(). I.e.
At least MySQL 5.x and PostgreSQL 8.x JDBC drivers support it. However, most other JDBC drivers doesn't support it. If you have such one, then your best bet is using Log4jdbc or P6Spy.
Alternatively, you can also write a generic function which takes a Connection, a SQL string and the statement values and returns a PreparedStatement after logging the SQL string and the values. Kickoff example:
public static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(Connection connection, String sql, Object... values) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]);
logger.debug(sql + " " + Arrays.asList(values));
return preparedStatement;
and use it as
try {
connection = database.getConnection();
preparedStatement = prepareStatement(connection, SQL, values);
resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
// ...
Another alternative is to implement a custom PreparedStatement which wraps (decorates) the real PreparedStatement on construction and overrides all the methods so that it calls the methods of the real PreparedStatement and collects the values in all the setXXX() methods and lazily constructs the "actual" SQL string whenever one of the executeXXX() methods is called (quite a work, but most IDE's provides autogenerators for decorator methods, Eclipse does). Finally just use it instead. That's also basically what P6Spy and consorts already do under the hoods.
I'm using Java 8, JDBC driver with MySQL connector v. 5.1.31.
I may get real SQL string using this method:
// 1. make connection somehow, it's conn variable
// 2. make prepered statement template
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO oc_manufacturer" +
" SET" +
" manufacturer_id = ?," +
" name = ?," +
" sort_order=0;"
// 3. fill template
stmt.setInt(1, 23);
stmt.setString(2, 'Google');
// 4. print sql string
So it returns smth like this:
INSERT INTO oc_manufacturer SET manufacturer_id = 23, name = 'Google', sort_order=0;
If you're executing the query and expecting a ResultSet (you are in this scenario, at least) then you can simply call ResultSet's getStatement() like so:
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
String executedQuery = rs.getStatement().toString();
The variable executedQuery will contain the statement that was used to create the ResultSet.
Now, I realize this question is quite old, but I hope this helps someone..
I've extracted my sql from PreparedStatement using preparedStatement.toString() In my case toString() returns String like this:
org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCPreparedStatement#7098b907[sql=[INSERT INTO
parameters=[[value], [value], [value]]]
Now I've created a method (Java 8), which is using regex to extract both query and values and put them into map:
private Map<String, String> extractSql(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) {
Map<String, String> extractedParameters = new HashMap<>();
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\[sql=\\[(.*)],\\sparameters=\\[(.*)]].*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(preparedStatement.toString());
while (matcher.find()) {
extractedParameters.put("values", Stream.of(","))
.map(line -> line.replaceAll("(\\[|])", ""))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
return extractedParameters;
This method returns map where we have key-value pairs:
"values" -> "value, value, value"
Now - if you want values as list you can just simply use:
List<String> values = Stream.of(yourExtractedParametersMap.get("values").split(","))
If your preparedStatement.toString() is different than in my case it's just a matter of "adjusting" regex.
Using PostgreSQL 9.6.x with official Java driver 42.2.4:
Will show the SQL with the ? already replaced, which is what I was looking for.
Just added this answer to cover the postgres case.
I would never have thought it could be so simple.
Code Snippet to convert SQL PreparedStaments with the list of arguments. It works for me
* formatQuery Utility function which will convert SQL
* #param sql
* #param arguments
* #return
public static String formatQuery(final String sql, Object... arguments) {
if (arguments != null && arguments.length <= 0) {
return sql;
String query = sql;
int count = 0;
while (query.matches("(.*)\\?(.*)")) {
query = query.replaceFirst("\\?", "{" + count + "}");
String formatedString = java.text.MessageFormat.format(query, arguments);
return formatedString;
Very late :) but you can get the original SQL from an OraclePreparedStatementWrapper by
((OraclePreparedStatementWrapper) preparedStatement).getOriginalSql();
I implemented the following code for printing SQL from PrepareStatement
public void printSqlStatement(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, String sql) throws SQLException{
String[] sqlArrya= new String[preparedStatement.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount()];
try {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\?");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int indx = 1; // Parameter begin with index 1
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Executing Query [" + sb.toString() + "] with Database[" + "] ...");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Executing Query [" + sql + "] with Database[" + "] ...");
If you're using MySQL you can log the queries using MySQL's query log. I don't know if other vendors provide this feature, but chances are they do.
Simply function:
public static String getSQL (Statement stmt){
String tempSQL = stmt.toString();
//please cut everything before sql from statement
int i1 = tempSQL.indexOf(":")+2;
tempSQL = tempSQL.substring(i1);
return tempSQL;
It's fine aswell for preparedStatement.
I'm using Oralce 11g and couldn't manage to get the final SQL from the PreparedStatement. After reading #Pascal MARTIN answer I understand why.
I just abandonned the idea of using PreparedStatement and used a simple text formatter which fitted my needs. Here's my example:
//I jump to the point after connexion has been made ...
java.sql.Statement stmt = cnx.createStatement();
String sqlTemplate = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id IN ({0})";
String sqlInParam = "21,34,3434,32"; //some random ids
String sqlFinalSql = java.text.MesssageFormat(sqlTemplate,sqlInParam);
System.out.println("SQL : " + sqlFinalSql);
rsRes = stmt.executeQuery(sqlFinalSql);
You figure out the sqlInParam can be built dynamically in a (for,while) loop I just made it plain simple to get to the point of using the MessageFormat class to serve as a string template formater for the SQL query.
You can try to use javaagent to print SQL:
public class Main {
private static final String mybatisPath = "org.apache.ibatis.executor.statement.PreparedStatementHandler";
private static final String mybatisMethod = "parameterize";
private static final String sqlPath = "java.sql.Statement";
public static void premain(String arg, Instrumentation instrumentation) {
instrumentation.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer() {
public byte[] transform(
ClassLoader loader,
String className,
Class<?> classBeingRedefined,
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
if (!mybatisPath.replaceAll("\\.", "/").equals(className)) {
return null;
ClassPool pool = new ClassPool();
pool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(loader));
try {
CtClass ctClass = pool.get(mybatisPath);
CtMethod method = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(mybatisMethod, new CtClass[]{pool.get(sqlPath)});
return ctClass.toBytecode();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* printSQL
* #param statement statement
private void printSQL(Statement statement) {
String sqlSource = statement.toString();
To do this you need a JDBC Connection and/or driver that supports logging the sql at a low level.
Take a look at log4jdbc

Calling PL/SQL package code in a Java Program

I am trying to call a procedure defined with a PL/SQL package in a Java program.
I am aware one can call stored procedures using connection.prepareCall in Jdbc. But there is very little information out there on how to call a procedure within a package.
I am at a stage in development where i am still considering what db framework to use. Just wondering what are the pros and cons of using JDBC for PLSQL ? For this usecase are there better alternatives to JDBC ?
Follow the simple steps below:
public static final String SOME_NAME = "{call schema_name.org_name_pkg.return_something(?,?)}"; // Change the schema name,packagename,and procedure name.
// Simple JDBC Connection Pooling
// Here I am passing param companyId which is IN param to stored procedure which will return me some value.
Connection conn = null;
CallableStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rset = null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/dbname","username", "password");
stmt = conn.prepareCall(SOME_NAME);//We have declared this at the very top
stmt.setString(1, companyid);//Passing CompanyID here
stmt.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR);//Refcursor selects the row based upon query results provided in Package.
rset = (ResultSet) stmt.getObject(2);
while ( {
String orgId=rset.getString("RPT_ORG_ID");
// When using refcursor easy to get the value just by using Column name
String orgName=rset.getString("RPT_ORG_NAME");
// Some Logic based what do you want to do with the data returned back from query
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error extracting ", e);
} finally {
DBUtils.cleanUp(conn, stmt, rset);
// Clean and close you connection

Unable to get value from ResultSet

I am working on a web application using Java and MySQL.
I created a method that is supposed to return an ArrayList of the respective column name based on the various tables in the database.
However, when I debugged the method, I realised the while( causes an error. I used this site for reference, hence I am not sure what went wrong.
This is the code. Thanks.
// Returns the the all the columns in the table
public ArrayList getColumnName(String tableName) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = null;
List<String> columnName = new ArrayList<String>();
Statement st = null;
Connection con = null;
try {
// Get a connection from the connection factory
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/information_schema", "root", "xxxx");
// Create a Statement object so we can submit SQL statements to the driver
st = con.createStatement();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns " +
"WHERE table_schema = 'testDB' AND table_name = '");
rs = st.executeQuery(sql.toString());
while ( { // getting error..
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ModificationPage.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} finally {
if (con != null || st != null) {
return (ArrayList) columnName;
According to the Javadoc of 1.6 (not sure which version of Java you're using):
SQLException - if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed result set
It's very, very unlikely that if you actually got to the line where was called, that a database error occurred just then. So, the most likely result is that the result set was closed.
Please alter your code to the following and see if you still get the error on the same line:
while (!rs.isClosed() && { // getting error..
Also, Holy SQL Injection Attack, Batman!
Taking the raw string as you're doing and enclosing it within single quotes leads this code to have an SQL injection vulnerability. Basically all a malicious user has to do is end your query with a single quote (') and run a query of their own afterwards.
So, the exception never happens ?
A query error should be thrown at rs = st.executeQuery(sql.toString()) if that were the case, but if it make it to whileand didn't iterate, it's because of an empty resultset
Maybe you're passing wrong arguments to the query ?
