How to specify Fastload utility for jdbc:odbc? - java

My connection string looks like this
String cn = "jdbc:odbc:DSN";
it works fine . However, when i try to modify it to
String cn = "jdbc:odbc:DSN, TYPE=FASTLOAD";
it does not establish connection
I also tried
String cn = "jdbc:odbc:DSN, TYPE=FASTLOADCSV";

Teradata's JDBC driver supports the FastLoad protocol, but you're not using it. You try to connect via JDBC-ODBC bridge, change to jdbc:teradata://...

String cn = "jdbc:odbc:DSN; TYPE=FASTLOAD";

If you want to connect with ODBC, then use semicolons. But if you want to use FastLoad, then you need to connect using JDBC, in which case you should use commas and the forward slash like so:
String cn = "jdbc:teradata://servername/TYPE=FASTLOADCSV";
Also, you'll need to disable auto-committing whenever you fastload (at least if you do batch inserting, which you probably should). Fastload requires an empty table; committing causes the table to be non-empty. To prevent that issue, simply set autocommit to False before inserting, and set it back to True (or whatever you want it to be) after all inserts have been executed and committed.
Alternatively, you can pursue a different approach: commit stuff, but use staging tables. With this method you create new, empty tables for each insert batch. In the end you can consolidate those tables into one with the MERGE operation. If you do this process right, you can avoid any rewriting of data on disk. (Source: this other SO question)
More information:
Teradata JDBC tips on improving performance
Sample code from Teradata about JDBC, with boilerplate code on connectivity, CRUD, etc.
More Teradata docs on connectivity with JDBC


utf8_unicode_ci String is inserted incorrectly?

I have java application through which I do different operations on MySQL DB. The probleam is that when inserting utf8 String it is not inserted correctly. The charset of DB is utf8 and I have set collation to utf8_unicode_ci. Server connection collation is also utf8_unicode_ci. Furthermore when I insert data from phpMyAdmin it is inserted correctly, but when I do it from Java application using JOOQ - it is not. Example:
Result<ExecutorsRecord> executorsRecord =
.values(id, name, surname, region, phone, 0, type)
where name = "Бобр" and surname = "Добр", produces tuple with ???? as a name and ???? as surname. I have checked both strings, they are passed correctly to the method correctly.
As #spencer7593 suggested the problem could be in JDBC connector. So I added into url of connection following: ?characterEncoding=utf8 so that final url was "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb?characterEncoding=utf8", where mydb is a name of database. This has sorted out my problem. Also I would like to add the following statement (again by #spencer7593):
When we've got things configured correctly, and things aren't working, our goto suspect is the JDBC driver. To get timezone differences between the JVM and the MySQL database sorted out, to prevent the JDBC driver from "helping" by doing an illogical combination of various operations, we had to add two extra obscurely documented settings to the connection string.
Further reading

Java Connection String to query from two database

I am having a problem. I have a query that checks one database table and updates another database table. I am using MySQL 5.1
UPDATE dldd.temp,test.temp
SET = dldd.temp.word
this is my SQL statement that is working fine. Now I want to execute this statement using Java PreparedStatement . The problem is I don't know how to write the Connection String to select two database i.e
What should come in place of dbname. Can I select multiple db there.
Have a look at
If the database is not specified, the connection is made with no default database. In this case, either call the setCatalog() method on the Connection instance, or fully specify table names using the database name (that is, SELECT dbname.tablename.colname FROM dbname.tablename...) in your SQL. Opening a connection without specifying the database to use is generally only useful when building tools that work with multiple databases, such as GUI database managers.

Apache Camel example to insert a row in a table

I want to insert exchange.body to a database table for one of the condition of my route.
Is there any example/tutorial of camel-jdbc component to insert message body?
Can I import the SQL statement itself and pass exchange.body to it?
I looked at example, but could not understand it.
Here Spring example is confusing for me. I didn't get why is it setting the body as SQL query and again importing some query from the class path. (There is no insert query example mentioned here.)
If you want to insert using the same statement (changing the parameters only) - use SQL component.
If you want to insert using arbitrary SQL statement into the component - use JDBC component.
SQL component usage:
from("direct:start").to("sql:insert into table foo (c1, c1) values ('#','#')");;
producerTemplate.sendBody("direct:start", Lists.newArrayList("value1","value2"));
JDBC component usage:
producerTemplate.sendBody("direct:start", "insert into table foo (c1, c1) values ('value1','value2')");
You probably need to do some restructure of your payload before inserting it anyway, so there should probably be no issue to do a transformation using whatever method in Camel to set the body to the appropriate INSERT statement.
The important thing is what kind of payload structure your incoming message have. In the basic case - it's a string - it should be fairly simple
// In a Java bean/processor before the JDBC endpoint.
// Update: make sure to sanitize the payload from SQL injections if it contains user inputs or external data not generated by trusted sources.
exchange.getIn().setBody("INSERT INTO MYTABLE VALUES('" + exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class) + "', 'fixedValue', 1.0, 42)");
In case your message contains complex data structures, this code will of course be more complex, but it's pretty much the same way regular application will generate SQL queries.
The classpath example you are refering to
<jdbc:embedded-database id="testdb" type="DERBY">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:sql/init.sql"/>
Simply shows how to test the JDBC component by starting a Database server embedded (Apache Derby) and populate it with some initial data (the sql/init.sql file). This part is not really part of the core jdbc component, but simply in the documentation to get up and running a sample without needing to configure a DB server and setup the JDBC connection properties.
That said, you might want to use the SQL component for more complex scenarios.

Generic query for both oracle and sql server databases?

I am working on a functionality where i need to check whether database is down or not. i have to use single query which works for both oracle and sqlserver dbs. is there any single query which checks whether db is up or not?
similar to select * from dual;
I'd go with a connection.setAutoCommit(true) and not with a select.
I think it would be best to use the Connection's function to check the server is available.
There should be an Exception when it fails to connect and you can check the state to see if it's still open.
To address your specific need, if you decide to continue with a query.
I don't know of a simple way to do what you wish, Oracle and SQL don't share the same naming for system objects. BUT run that command, it won't work on SQL, but the exception won't be of type 'Server is Down' and you can use it in your try/catch.
Hope it makes sense.
Better way is to obtain the connection and then use the database metadata information like the product version or product name to ensure the database is up or not.
Con = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL,username,password);
databasemetadata = con.getMetaData();
String databaseName = databasemetedata.getDatabaseProductName();
//database up and running
catch(Exception e)
// error in connection ...
The java.sql.Connection has a method
Returns true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid. The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other mechanism that positively verifies the connection is still valid when this method is called.

Query from PreparedStatement

Is there any way to get the Oracle query from PreparedStatement .I know its not possible as such I can't use log4jdbc or p6spy as it is a secured application and using this will create bigger problems..toString won't work as I am using Oracle? I can't change PreparedStatement to Statement either.
If only need for debug time then You can use DebuggableStatement follow this article
I don't think you should be doing it this way, as there is no officially documented API for this.
If you can mess with the code, why cannot you use log4jdbc ?
Oracle JDBC also supports java.util.logging, which you could try to enable.
If you are just interested in the SQL itself, you can turn on session tracing on the Oracle server.
Or maybe you can put your code to where the statement is being prepared (using something like #pinichi is suggesting)?
But just for fun, poking around with the debugger, with my version of Oracle JDBC, I can do
if (stmt instanceof oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement) {
String x = ((oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement) stmt)
If you just want to check SQL statement you can also go straight to the database and check v$sql table.
There you can find all sqls and other information about query. More info:
