I started to use Guava Optional as a part of the null object pattern and would like to improve the use in Mockito, where null is the default return value for mocked objects. To behave correctly one needs to explicitly tell Mockito to use Optional.absent() instead:
import org.mockito.*;
import org.testng.*;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
public class Example {
private MyObject underTest;
public void testExample() {
// fails
// assertNotNull(underTest.get());
public class MyObject {
public Optional<Object> get() {
return Optional.absent();
public void beforeClass() {
Is there a easy way to improve mockito to automatically return Optional.absent() instead of null if the actual type is Optional?
I tried to solve it with reflection in #Before annotated method, however, I didn't manage to get it working.
Solution you found out can be improved by creating your own static factory that creates mocks with an OptionalAnswer and use it instead of default Mockito factory:
class MockitoOptional{
public static <T> T mock(Class<T> classToMock) {
return Mockito.mock(classToMock, new OptionalAnswer());
Next step will be to extend a test runner that will use this factory to inject mocks into #Mock annotated fields. Search for custom JUnit test runners if you haven't heard of them yet.
I got a first shot with the linked answer for strings.
public class OptionalAnswer extends ReturnsEmptyValues {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
Object answer = super.answer(invocation);
if (answer != null) {
return answer;
Class<?> returnType = invocation.getMethod().getReturnType();
if (returnType == Optional.class) {
return Optional.absent();
return null;
public void testExample() {
MyObject test = mock(MyObject.class, new OptionalAnswer());
Won't get much easier, right?
This is all you need to do. Add the type returned from underTest.get() to your absent() call. Yes it is supposed to be on that side of the period.
I have a class that I'm trying to test where it creates a new object of type AWSStepFunctions, and I'm trying to mock it to return a mock of the same type. I cannot change this original line of code, I can only add tests, so I was wondering how I could go about mocking it.
The class looks looks this --
Class class{
public Object handleRequest(Object object, Context context) {
AWSStepFunctions client = AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.standard().withClientConfiguration(new ClientConfiguration()).build();
The testing code looks like this -
public class ClassTest {
public void testHandlerRequest() {
mockStatic(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class); //mockStatic() and when() from PowerMockito
AWSStepFunctions awsStepFunctionsMock = mock(AWSStepFunctions.class);
AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder awsStepFunctionsClientBuilder = mock(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class);
ClientConfiguration configuration = mock(ClientConfiguration.class);
... more when-thenreturns
I'm running into errors such as NoSuchMethodError for the clientBuilder's mock.
I tried to use PowerMockito's whenNew to mock the creation of the new object of type AWSStepFunctions - PowerMockito.whenNew(AWSStepFunctions.class).withAnyArguments().thenReturn(awsStepFunctionsMock), but that doesn't seem to work as well. Is there a way to return this mock correctly?
You can directly mock static methods with Mockito and Junit5 without using Powermock.
void test() throws IOException {
try (MockedStatic<AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder> awsMock = Mockito.mockStatic(AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS)) {
AWSStepFunctions awsStepFunctionsMock = mock(AWSStepFunctions.class);
// You can mock methods chaining when you specify Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS
awsMock.when(() -> AWSStepFunctionsClientBuilder.standard().withClientConfiguration(Mockito.any()).build()).thenReturn(awsStepFunctionsMock);
You can read this post for more explanation about MockedStatic: https://www.baeldung.com/mockito-mock-static-methods
And this one about Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS: https://www.baeldung.com/mockito-fluent-apis
Don't forget to configure Mockito to handle static mock :
I have created a factory to provide instance of IMyProcessor based on some boolean flag.
The below populates the map with both of my implementations.
public class MyProcessorFactory {
private static final Map<String, IMyProcessor> processorServiceCache = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isAsync;
public MyProcessorFactory(final List<IMyProcessor> processors) {
for (IMyProcessor service : processors) {
processorServiceCache.put(service.getType(), service);
public IMyProcessor getInstance() {
IMyProcessor processor = isAsync ? processorServiceCache.get("asynchronous") : processorServiceCache.get("synchronous");
return processor;
I am now trying to write a Unit test using Junit5 but I am struggling to setup the List of implementations:
I have tried the following:
class ProcessorFactoryTest {
private MyProcessorFactory myProcessorFactory;
void testAsyncIsReturned() {
void testSyncisReturned() {}
I want to test based on the boolean flag async true/false, the correct implementation is returned.
It will be helpful to see how you write such test cases. I autowire the implementations of the interface as construction injection into a list then add to a map using a string key.
Along with answer, I am open to other ideas/refactorings that may make the testing easier.
I am writing unit test case for a Class
public class CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider implements CurrentMoreInfoInterface.presenterToModel{
private CurrentMoreInfoInterface.modelToPresenter modelToPresenter;
public CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider(CurrentMoreInfoInterface.modelToPresenter modelToPresenter) {
this.modelToPresenter = modelToPresenter;
public void provideData() {
WeatherApiResponsePojo apiWeatherData = WeatherDataSingleton.getInstance().getApiWeatherData();
if(null != apiWeatherData.getCurrently()){
CurrentlyPojo currently = apiWeatherData.getCurrently();
if(null != currently){
public void populateWeatherData(CurrentlyPojo currently) {....}
I want to just use verify method of power mock to test whether populateWeatherData get executed or not. Below is my test case so far.
public class TestCurrentMoreInfoDataProvider {
private CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider dataProvider;
CurrentMoreInfoInterface.modelToPresenter modelToPresenter;
private CurrentlyPojo currentlyPojo = new CurrentlyPojo();
public void testPopulateWeatherData(){
dataProvider = PowerMockito.spy(new CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider(modelToPresenter));
If I run this I get null pointer exception in provideData method at
if(null != apiWeatherData.getCurrently()){
How should I provide apiWeatherData to provideData method in that class?
You have to mock WeatherDataSingleton.getInstance().getApiWeatherData() too.
This would be much easier if you would not use static access in general and the Singelton pattern in particular.
I tried mocking it, but how should i provide that mock object to provideData() ?
create a mock of WeatherDataSingleton.
Configure your Test so that this mock is used (by properly using dependency injection or by surrendering to your bad design using Powermock).
configure the mock to return the data:
This resolves the NPE.
I dont think you need to go for PowerMockito if you apply a simple refactor to your production code:
public class CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider{
public void provideData() {
WeatherApiResponsePojo apiWeatherData = getApiWeatherData();
if(null != apiWeatherData.getCurrently()){
CurrentlyPojo currently = apiWeatherData.getCurrently();
if(null != currently){
WeatherApiResponsePojo getApiWeatherData(){
return WeatherDataSingleton.getInstance().getApiWeatherData();
then in your test expect that new method to return certain object:
public class TestCurrentMoreInfoDataProvider {
private CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider dataProvider;
CurrentMoreInfoInterface.modelToPresenter modelToPresenter;
WeatherApiResponsePojo apiWeatherDataMock;
private CurrentlyPojo currentlyPojo = new CurrentlyPojo();
public void testPopulateWeatherData(){
dataProvider = PowerMockito.spy(new CurrentMoreInfoDataProvider(modelToPresenter));
I'm using Android SDK and junit4 + Mockito for unit testing. Say I have a class like this in my app:
public class Container{
#NonNull private Set<String> values = new HashSet<>();
public void addValue(String value) {
public Set<String> getValues() {
return values;
And I also have a unit test with Mockito that looks like this:
public class ContainerTest {
private Container container;
public void before() {
container = mock(Container.class);
public void shouldAddValue() {
This test actually fails on line "container.add("test_value");" because mock(Container.class) creates a class in which values field is actually set to null, so values.add(value) in addValue() method throws an NPE. I could add a null check in addValue() to fix this, but that seems absurd, since values are already declared non null.
Is there any way to make Mockito respect #NonNull annotations and initialize the field properly?
I think you aren't using Mockito in the right way, since you have to define the Mockito behaviors.
For instance, you should have something like this:
public void shouldAddValue() {
Set<String> mySet = new HashSet<String>();
// Mock container getValues() method to return mySet
when(container.getValues()).thenReturn(mySet); // do import static for Mockito.when
Mockito works pretty well when you mock responses, but what you want is to let Mockito to initialize classes for you which clearly it isn't Mockito goals.
Therefore, if you want to test your Container object, then you don't have to mock Container itself and you can have something like this:
public class ContainerTest {
private Container container;
public void before() {
container = new Container(); // Initialize container
public void shouldAddValue() {
Is it possible, with a capture for example, to return a mock when a method is called from a new object?
To make it more concrete:
SecurityInterface client = new SecurityInterface();
port = client.getSecurityPortType(); --> I want to mock this.
easymock version: 3.3.1
Yes, if you also use Powermock your test code can intercept the calls to new and return a mock instead. So you can return a mock for new SecurityInterface() and then mock its getter
Powermock is compatible with Easymock
#PrepareForTest( MyClass.class )
public class TestMyClass {
public void foo() throws Exception {
SecurityInterface mock = createMock(SecurityInterface.class);
//intercepts call to new SecurityInterface and returns a mock instead
replay(mock, SecurityInterface.class);
verify(mock, SecurityInterface.class);
No - this is exactly the sort of static coupling that you need to design out of your classes in order to make them testable.
You would need to provide the SecurityInterface via a supplier or a factory which you inject: you can then inject an instance which invokes new in your production code, and an instance which returns a mock in your test code.
class MyClass {
void doSomething(SecurityInterfaceSupplier supplier) {
Object port = supplier.get().getSecurityPortType();
interface SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
SecurityInterface get();
class ProductionSecurityInterfaceSupplier implements SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
#Override public SecurityInterface get() { return new SecurityInterface(); }
class TestingSecurityInterfaceSupplier implements SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
#Override public SecurityInterface get() { return mockSecurityInterface; }