Why doesn't Java support multi-line strings? [closed] - java

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Why doesn't Java support multi-line strings? I know they dont, but I dont know why. Is there a good reason? Several other languages have this capability, even older ones, so why doesnt Java? As far as I know (not very far) it shouldnt be too had to add this functionality to your lexers/compilers.
Edit: For clarification, I dont mean a string with a newline character in it. I mean something like this:
String s = "Hello
Edit2: I dont know why people thought I was asking for opinions, I most certainly am not. I specifically asked for good reasons. I suppose I need to explicitly say based on facts as well?


MicroService path /api/v1/ or /v1/api/ [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm building a MicroSerive and I was planning to publish services using this URI naming convention:
But I've also seen URIs named like this (ie vx and api 'swapped'):
In my opinion, the first approach is better. Are there any reasons to go for the second approach?
Technically it doesn't matter
But within an overall REST approach the URL should be easily readable and comprehensible by a humain.
using your first approach is the correct form as it's easily readable as
The Api of Version 1 that exposes ...

What the difference between Java8 Collectors and Collector? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is the difference between Collectors & Collector. I know that one is interface & one is class. I want to know with example what is the actual difference and When to use which one with real time example.
Hi all I already mentioned in my question I know the basic difference and I gone through the documentation also, I just want to know the purpose to introduce this two thing with example and When should use which one?
Collectors is just a class with static methods which create commonly used Collectors.

Is it important to use labels in java? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How important is it to use labels in Java? I haven't seen labels used, except in academic books.
I saw them used with jump statements such as break and continue.
You can use labels, but they are considered bad form in general, sort of unrestrained jumping within a method, it makes the code harder to maintain and can introduce bugs if not handled carefully.
As a rule with OO there is usually an easier/better way to achieve things.
In too many years of coding Java I have never used a label.

Should I assign String message to some variable on corner cases and return in at the end of method, or immediately? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As in the topic name, I wonder what is the best convention
The answer to this question is essentially another question: what makes your code easier to read and maintain?
Martin Fowler, a well-known author and programming guru, suggests a refactoring called Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses.
I am definitely more of the mind to use guard clauses because they usually make the code cleaner and easier to read. However, once in a while there is a scenario where the intent of the code comes through clearer without them.

How to list all methods in a Java class with regex [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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is there any way to search all methods in Java class with regex?
(public|protected|private|static|\s) +[\w\<\>\[\]]+\s+(\w+) *\([^\)]*\) *(\{?|[^;])
With this you can, but search before ask, because i only have used the search to find this answer ^^.
I think you're looking for reflection - see this tutorial for help. Only through reflection can you access information about loaded classes - unless you're thinking of loading in the .java file and analyzing its text.
