Options to put corners in Android ImageView - java

I'm trying to put corners im my ImageView and I find these "workarounds":
1 - Take the Bitmap soure and paint then
2 - put a second ImageView on my layout and use shape+corners as its source
It's not possible take the image view and put a corner around then?
In my app i have a List with a lot of ImageView (the Bitmap used in this ImageView's is programmatically) and I want to put corners in every ImageView.
There is any other option?

You can create a selector that contains shape with rounded corners, and then apply it as the ImageView's background using xml.
Look at this answers here
You can also do it via code by using PorterDuffXfermode. PorterDuffXfermode uses alpha compositing that will allow you to create and intersection (things of mathematical sets here) between the Canvas you get from onDraw() and an off screen Canvas you will have to create. You will use one of the PorterDuff.Mode flags to tell the framework you want to only render the pixels that intersect from the two Bitmaps in each Canvas.
More on Alpha Compositing


How to draw border aound image

I have a ImageView with image, how can I draw border around image. The main problem is that image not a rectangle or circle and not cover full View. For example I want make something like this:
This is not so trivial. But I think if you use these steps, you should be able to pull this off:
1) Extract Bitmap from ImageView (or instead just take it directly from the resource you are using).
2) Iterate over all the pixels. If one of the neighbor pixels is not empty (transparent/white) and current pixel is empty then set pixel to red (do this only after you finished the iteration).
3) Set bitmap back to ImageView.

Displaying a part of an image in libGDX - looks stretched

I'm trying to build an progress bar in libGDX, for that I have one full horizontal image and in two lines I trying to display 2 different widths of that image:
the result is:
Its looks like when the width is 'small' its stretched and looks bad.
Why I can't display only part of the image without destroying the left side of the image?
Any ideas how to fix it?
That is normal behavior. If you stretch a image without keeping it's aspect ratio it will deform, it does not know the stretchable part by itself.
9-patch will help you here but you cannot simply draw the sprite as you are doing now (maybe with SpriteDrawable though?).
If I where you I would use the Scene2D Actor named ProgressBar. Feed that a 9-patch image, then it should stretch correctly. Or just use a Image if you want to control it yourself, and feed this image a ninepatch.
A quick way to create a ninepatch is to specify it's stretching regions yourself by hardcoding it.
texture = new NinePatch(yourTexture, A, B, C, D)
Where ABCD corresponds to the following image:
Now create a Scene2D Image with that ninepatch and it should stretch properly.
If you have a this texture already in a Atlas you can also supply the line split:a,b,c,d to the image data in the .atlas file and Scene2D will automatically pick it up as a ninepatch.
If you don't want to use Scene2D and/or ninepatch (but I recommend you to use it) you have to code the behavior yourself. Or cut the texture up yourself and stick the caps on the left and right side of your rectangle. But Scene2D is invented for this and a ton more GUI functionality.

How to create a custom Android view? Using XML objects or a drawing API?

I'm trying to create a new view that would:
load an image
allow the user to zoom and rotate the image with two fingers while a "cropping box" stays translucent over the top while the image extends beyond the "cropping box"
with the end goal of being able to mark the rotation and position of the main image (so that later i could crop out or show the area within the cropping box)
I'm wondering if I can do this with an ImageView holding the image in the background and another ImageView holding the crop box on top of it, then using TouchEvents to move the image, would this work?
Or do I need to use some drawing API on a 2D surface?
I'm just really new to creating custom objects in Android that aren't just customized out-of-the-box Views.
What's the standard way of creating something like this?
Create a Compound View by extending RelativeLayout with two overlapping ImageViews in it. Then override onTouch event or override onGestureDetector interface in that newly created View.
Official Documentation: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/custom-components.html
Another Tutorial: http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/AndroidCustomViews/article.html

ImageView doesn't stretch image properly

So I have no clue why this is happening. I am using Universal Image Loader to load these images. It seems like the last line of pixels is being streched for some weird reason. I want the image to just stretch out evenly. (I don't care that it will look weird. The images below are for demo purposes.)
Also, don't mind the first and last image. I purposely blurred that out because it had someone's face on it.
This is how I set up my Universal Image Loader:
//setup Image Loader for loading cruise line logos
displayImageOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
.showImageOnLoading(R.drawable.ic_launcher)//show this image when image is loading
.showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.ic_launcher)//show this image incase image doesn't exist
.showImageOnFail(R.drawable.ic_launcher)//show this image if fetching image from URL didn't work
.cacheInMemory(true)//cache image in RAM
.cacheOnDisc(true)//cache image in device for later use
.displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(5))//super subtle rounded corners on images
This is caused by the way RoundedBitmapDisplayer draws the bitmap.
If you look at the source, you'll see that it uses a RoundedDrawable, which uses canvas.drawRoundRect() to draw a rounded rectangle of the desired size of the Drawable, using the downloaded image as the texture via a BitmapShader. BitmapShader does not support scaling (only clamping and tile modes). Try using a SimpleBitmapDisplayer instead which uses the normal ImageView.setImageBitmap() way of displaying the image.
If you need rounded corners, you'll have to find a different way to implement that, for example by scaling the Bitmap to the desired size first. Another option is to call Canvas.saveLayer() before delegating to BitmapDrawable for the scaling, and then applying the rounded corner masking effect using PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN. Either way you'll end up writing a bit more low-level code, but you should be able to encapsulate everything nicely in a custom BitmapDisplayer.

How to create a custom ImageView with nonrectangular shape?

how can I make custom ImageViews in Android like in the picture which all have non-rectangular shapes? I want to be able to load images into these ImageViews and have the images clipped accordingly so that each image stays in its specified area (1,2,3 4). I would preferrably like to specify the shapes of the ImageViews in the layout if that is at all possible.
I also want touches to be recognized only in the exact areas where the ImageViews are.
If not, is there a way to do it with a canvas where I define these different areas and then clip the images loaded into them programatically?
