Am trying to call a function called "set" using COM interface
am getting the exception
Exception in thread "main" Can't map name to dispid: set
eventhough when I try to call the function in matlab, it's working okey...
this is the function am using
public void setAttribute(String attribute, int value) {
Variant[] vars = new Variant[3];
vars[0] = new Variant("AttValue");
vars[1] = new Variant(attribute);
vars[2] = new Variant(value);
signalGroup.invoke("set", vars);
public void setIndexedAttribute(String attribute, Variant value) {
Variant[] indecies = new Variant[1];
indecies[0] = new Variant(attribute);
setProperty(signalGroup, "AttValue", indecies, value);
public void setProperty(Dispatch activex, String attributeName, Variant[] indecies,
Variant value) {
Variant[] variants = new Variant[indecies.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < indecies.length; i++) {
variants[i] = indecies[i];
variants[variants.length - 1] = value;
Dispatch.invoke(activex, attributeName, Dispatch.Put, variants,new int[variants.length]);
example to use it....
sg_1.setIndexedAttribute("State", new Variant(10));
I try to get number of post from arraylist in the class into mainactivity.
But it is wrong .
Here is my code.
public static int countNotify;
public static List<Notification> bindNotifyData(JsonElement list)
List<Notification> results= new ArrayList<>();
JsonObject dataJsonObj = list.getAsJsonObject();
// get data api from Json array "updates"
JsonArray notifyJsonArray = dataJsonObj.get("updates").getAsJsonArray();
ArrayList<Notification> notifyList = new ArrayList<>();
if(notifyJsonArray != null && notifyJsonArray.size() > 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < notifyJsonArray.size(); i++) {
JsonObject notifyJson = (JsonObject) notifyJsonArray.get(i);
Notification notification = new Notification();
// Convert timestamp to Datetime
String timestamp= notifyJson.get("time").getAsString();
// count numbers of the post in the list json array.
return results;
And in the MainActivity.class
final int count=BindFetchDataHelper.countNotify;
But the value of count always is 0
Try to create a instance of your class
BindFetchDataHelper bindFetchDataHelper = new BindFetchDataHelper ()
and then call final int count=bindFetchDataHelper.countNotify;
I had the same issue, it should work now.
Try like this :
public class BindFetchDataHelper {
private static int sTest;
static {
public static int countNotify=0;
public static int getcountNotify() {
return countNotify;
public static void setcountNotify(int setcountNotify) {
this.countNotify = countNotify;
//your others functions
And now to access variable or to set it :
BindFetchDataHelper bindFetchDataHelper = new BindFetchDataHelper ()
bindFetchDataHelper.setcountNotify(YOURVALUE); //set
int whatyourwant = bindFetchDataHelper.getcountNotify(); //get
I Have a multithreaded environment in android app. I use a singleton class to store data. This singleton class contains a arraylist that is accessed using a synchronized method.
The app uses this arraylist to render images in app.
Initial problem : Concurrent modification error use to come so I made the get arraylist function syncronized.
Current Problem:Concurrent modification error not coming but in between empty arraylist returned (maybe when there is concurrent access).
Objective : I want to detect when Concurrent modification so that Instead of empty arraylist being return I can return last state of the arraylist.
public synchronized List<FrameData> getCurrentDataToShow() {
List<FrameData> lisCurrDataToShow = new ArrayList<FrameData>();
//for (FrameData fd : listFrameData) {//concurrent modification exception
//todo iterator test
Iterator<FrameData> iterator = listFrameData.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FrameData fd =;
long currentTimeInMillis = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((currentTimeInMillis > fd.getStartDate().getTime() && currentTimeInMillis < fd.getEndDate().getTime()) || (fd.isAllDay() && DateUtils.isToday(fd.getStartDate().getTime()))) {
if (new File(ImageFrameActivity.ROOT_FOLDER_FILES + fd.getFileName()).exists()) {
if (lisCurrDataToShow.size() == 0) {
lisCurrDataToShow.add(new FrameData(defaultFileName, null, null, null, String.valueOf(120), false));
return lisCurrDataToShow;
Referred to Detecting concurrent modifications?
Please help!
This problem occurs rarely not everytime.
If a threads is accessing getCurrentDataToShow() and another thread tries to access this function what will the function return?? I'm new to multithreading , please guide
Edit 2
in oncreate following methods of singleton are called periodically
Complete singleton class
public class DataModelManager {
private static DataModelManager dataModelManager;
private ImageFrameActivity imageFrameAct;
private String defaultFileName;
public List<FrameData> listFrameData = new ArrayList<FrameData>();
// public CopyOnWriteArrayList<FrameData> listFrameData= new CopyOnWriteArrayList<FrameData>();
private String screensaverName;
private boolean isToDownloadDeafultFiles;
private String tickerMsg = null;
private boolean showTicker = false;
private boolean showHotspot = false;
private String hotspotFileName=null;
public String getDefaultFileName() {
return defaultFileName;
public boolean isToDownloadDeafultFiles() {
return isToDownloadDeafultFiles;
public void setToDownloadDeafultFiles(boolean isToDownloadDeafultFiles) {
this.isToDownloadDeafultFiles = isToDownloadDeafultFiles;
private String fileNames;
private DataModelManager() {
public static DataModelManager getInstance() {
if (dataModelManager == null) {
synchronized (DataModelManager.class) {
if (dataModelManager == null) {
dataModelManager = new DataModelManager();
return dataModelManager;
private synchronized void addImageData(FrameData frameData) {
//Log.d("Frame Data","Start date "+frameData.getStartDate()+ " " +"end date "+frameData.getEndDate());
public synchronized void parseData(String jsonStr) throws JSONException {
if (jsonStr == null) {
List<String> listFileNames = new ArrayList<String>();
JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray(jsonStr);
int length = jsonArr.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
JSONObject jsonObj = jsonArr.getJSONObject(i);
dataModelManager.addImageData(new FrameData(jsonObj.optString("filename", ""), jsonObj.optString("start", ""), jsonObj.optString("end", ""), jsonObj.optString("filetype", ""), jsonObj.optString("playTime", ""), jsonObj.optBoolean("allDay", false)));
listFileNames.add(jsonObj.optString("filename", ""));
fileNames = listFileNames.toString();
public void setDefaultFileData(String jsonStr) throws JSONException {
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
defaultFileName = jsonObj.optString("default_image", "");
screensaverName = jsonObj.optString("default_screensaver ", "");
public String toString() {
return fileNames.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") + "," + defaultFileName + "," + screensaverName;
public FrameData getFrameData(int index) {
return listFrameData.get(index);
public synchronized List<FrameData> getCurrentDataToShow() {
List<FrameData> lisCurrDataToShow = new ArrayList<FrameData>();
// for (FrameData fd : listFrameData) {//concurrent modification exception
//todo iterator test
Iterator<FrameData> iterator = listFrameData.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FrameData fd =;
long currentTimeInMillis = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((currentTimeInMillis > fd.getStartDate().getTime() && currentTimeInMillis < fd.getEndDate().getTime()) || (fd.isAllDay() && DateUtils.isToday(fd.getStartDate().getTime()))) {
if (new File(ImageFrameActivity.ROOT_FOLDER_FILES + fd.getFileName()).exists()) {
if (lisCurrDataToShow.size() == 0) {
lisCurrDataToShow.add(new FrameData(defaultFileName, null, null, null, String.valueOf(120), false));
return lisCurrDataToShow;
public String getCurrentFileNames() {
String currFileNames = "";
List<FrameData> currFrameData = getCurrentDataToShow();
for (FrameData data : currFrameData) {
currFileNames += "," + data.getFileName();
return currFileNames;
public ImageFrameActivity getImageFrameAct() {
return imageFrameAct;
public void setImageFrameAct(ImageFrameActivity imageFrameAct) {
this.imageFrameAct = imageFrameAct;
This is the only part of your question that is currently answerable:
If a threads is accessing getCurrentDataToShow() and another thread tries to access this function what will the function return?
It depends on whether you are calling getCurrentDataToShow() on the same target object; i.e. what this is.
If this is the same for both calls, then the first call will complete before the second call starts.
If this is different, you will be locking on different objects, and the two calls could overlap. Two threads need to lock the same object to achieve mutual exclusion.
In either case, this method is not changing the listFrameData collection. Hence it doesn't matter whether the calls overlap! However, apparently something else is changing the contents of the collection. If that code is not synchronizing at all, or if it is synchronizing on a different lock, then that could be a source of problems.
Now you say that you are not seeing ConcurrentModificationException's at the moment. That suggests (but does not prove) that there isn't a synchronization problem at all. And that suggests (but does not prove) that your current problem is a logic error.
But (as I commented above) there are reasons to doubt that the code you have shown us is an true reflection of your real code. You need to supply an MVCE if you want a more definite diagnosis.
So I have a test which is to test the addNewCustomer method which does so by reading in from a text file
public void testAddNewCustomer() {
try {
File nFile = new File("ProductData.txt");
File file = new File("CustomerData.txt");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
ElectronicsEquipmentSupplier ees = new ElectronicsEquipmentSupplier(1, 1, InputFileData.readProductDataFile(nFile));
CustomerDetailsList expResult = ees.getDetails();
CustomerDetailsList result = ees.getDetails();
assertEquals(expResult, result);
} catch (IllegalCustomerIDException | IOException | IllegalProductCodeException e) {
The problem that I'm having is to what to have as the expected result? I tried putting a string with the values that I thought would be entered but it then said I can't compare type string with type CustomerDetailsList. Any ideas?
public class CustomerDetailsList {
private final ArrayList<CustomerDetails> customerCollection;
public CustomerDetailsList() {
customerCollection = new ArrayList<>();
public void addCustomer(CustomerDetails newCustomer) {
public int numberOfCustomers() {
return customerCollection.size();
public void clearArray() {
* #param givenID the ID of a customer
* #return the customer’s details if found, exception thrown otherwise.
* #throws supplierproject.CustomerNotFoundException
public CustomerDetails findCustomer(String givenID) throws CustomerNotFoundException {
CustomerNotFoundException notFoundMessage
= new CustomerNotFoundException("Customer was not found");
int size = customerCollection.size();
int i = 0;
boolean customerFound = false;
while (!customerFound && i < size) {
customerFound = customerCollection.get(i).getCustomerID().equals(givenID);
if (customerFound) {
return customerCollection.get(i - 1);
} else {
throw notFoundMessage;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder customerDets = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCustomers(); i++) {
return customerDets.toString();
The list itself
Generally, you should test if the new customer is in the list. However, the expResult and result from your test are just the same, because at that point the ees already contains the new customer. Therefore the assertion does not make sense.
However, you can test if the Customer List contains the customer with given email (or some unique property of that customer).
I am beginner in Selenium, there are two separate .xls file file one for GmailTestSuite.xls and other for objectrepository.xls.
I have created MainClass, in it I have written a code which read both .xls file, also I've open the driver in it and perform operation. But problem is that it continuously open new driver but don't perform any operation.
Please suggest and let me know where I'm going wrong.
public class MainClass {
static Properties properties= null;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, BiffException{
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ReadPropertyFile readConfigFile= new ReadPropertyFile();
properties= readConfigFile.loadPropertiess();
ExcelHandler testSuite= new ExcelHandler("D:\\GmailTestSuite.xls", "Suite");
int rowCount= testSuite.rowCount();
System.out.println("Total Rows="+rowCount);
for(int i=1;i<rowCount;i++)
String executable= testSuite.readCell(testSuite.getCell("Executable"), i);
// exe. the process
String scenarioName= testSuite.readCell(testSuite.getCell("TestScenario"), i);
System.out.println("Scenario Name="+scenarioName);
ExcelHandler testScenarios= new ExcelHandler("D:\\GmailTestSuite.xls", scenarioName);
int rowWorkBook1= testScenarios.rowCount();
for(int j=1; j<rowWorkBook1;j++){
String framWork= testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("FrameworkName"), j);
String operation = testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("Operation"), j); //SendKey
String value= testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("Value"), j);
ExcelHandler objectRepository= new ExcelHandler("D:\\objectrepository.xls", "OR");
int rowCount1= testSuite.rowCount();
System.out.println("Total Rows="+rowCount1);
for(int k=1;k<rowCount;k++){
String frameWorkName= objectRepository.readCell(objectRepository.getCell("Executable"), k);
String ObjectName= objectRepository.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("ObjectName"), k);
String Locator = objectRepository.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("Locator"), k); //SendKey
//ExcelHandler executeOperation = new ExcelHandler(ObjectName, operation, value);
File file= new File("D:\\softs\\FF installed\\FF18\\firefox.exe");
FirefoxBinary fb = new FirefoxBinary(file);
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(fb,new FirefoxProfile());
WebElement we = driver.findElement("Email"));
A couple of guide lines for better formed code:
Break your code into methods that only do one thing each. That way it's easier to manage and nicely compartmentalized, plus you don't enter into indentation hell with such embedded loop and if structures as the one you have over here.
Use class variables for things like the WebDriver instance, so you can initialize it once and keep calling on it later.
Don't hard code text into the application, use constants. Then you only need to define the text once and can refer to it multiple times. Makes the code much easier to maintain and change, when you don't have to search and replace through entire class, after some details (like a file path) change.
Also, I'm guessing you meant to do the following:
loop the rows in objectRepository in the k-loop, instead of looping the rows in the testSuite again.
get cells from objectRepository rather than from testScenarios when reading the cells from objectRepository
public class MainClass {
private static final String BROWSER_PATH = "D:\\softs\\FF installed\\FF18\\firefox.exe";
private static final String TEST_SUITE_PATH = "D:\\GmailTestSuite.xls";
private static final String OBJECT_REPOSITORY_PATH = "D:\\objectrepository.xls";
private static final String ADDRESS_TO_TEST = "";
private static final By EMAIL_INPUT ="Email");
// other constants
private WebDriver driver;
private Properties properties;
public MainClass() {
File file = new File(BROWSER_PATH);
FirefoxBinary fb = new FirefoxBinary(file);
driver = new FirefoxDriver(fb, new FirefoxProfile());
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, BiffException {
MainClass main = new MainClass();
private void handleTestSuite() {
ReadPropertyFile readConfigFile = new ReadPropertyFile();
properties = readConfigFile.loadPropertiess();
ExcelHandler testSuite = new ExcelHandler(TEST_SUITE_PATH, "Suite");
int rowCount = testSuite.rowCount();
System.out.println("Total Rows=" + rowCount);
for (int i = 1; i < rowCount; i++) {
String executable = testSuite.readCell(testSuite.getCell("Executable"), i);
System.out.println("Executable=" + executable);
if (executable.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
// exe. the process
String scenarioName = testSuite.readCell(testSuite.getCell("TestScenario"), i);
System.out.println("Scenario Name=" + scenarioName);
private void handleScenario(String scenarioName) {
ExcelHandler testScenarios = new ExcelHandler(TEST_SUITE_PATH, scenarioName);
int rowWorkBook1 = testScenarios.rowCount();
for (int j = 1; j < rowWorkBook1; j++) {
String framWork = testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("FrameworkName"), j);
String operation = testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("Operation"), j); // SendKey
String value = testScenarios.readCell(testScenarios.getCell("Value"), j);
System.out.println("FRMName=" + framWork + ",Operation=" + operation +
",Value=" + value);
private void handleObjects(String operation) {
ExcelHandler objectRepository = new ExcelHandler(OBJECT_REPOSITORY_PATH, "OR");
int rowCount = objectRepository.rowCount();
System.out.println("Total Rows=" + rowCount);
for (int k = 1; k < rowCount; k++) {
String frameWorkName = objectRepository.readCell(objectRepository.getCell("Executable"), k);
String ObjectName = objectRepository.readCell(objectRepository.getCell("ObjectName"), k);
String Locator = objectRepository.readCell(objectRepository.getCell("Locator"), k); // SendKey
System.out.println("FrameWorkName=" + frameWorkName +
",ObjectName=" + ObjectName + ",Locator=" + Locator);
private void operateWebDriver(String operation) {
WebElement we = driver.findElement(EMAIL_INPUT);
if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("SendKey")) {
} else if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("Click")) {;
If ExcelHandler is your own implementation, you really should move the getCell(String s) method inside the readCell() method to change the call pattern of handler.readCell(handler.getCell("foo"), i) into handler.readCell("foo", i). If it's a library you're using, you can always make a helper method:
private static String readCell(ExcelHandler handler, String cellName, int row) {
return handler.readCell(handler.getCell(cellName), row);
Since you're having problems with getting WebDriver to work, simplify things and take everything else out of the equation for now. In order to do that let's ignore all the reading data from .xls files. This is where having different methods for different things makes your design shine, since you can just comment one method call instead of having to comment out 50 lines of code from your one mega method.
Changed the above code a bit (just commented call to the other methods out and omitted them from the snippet, moved the line opening the correct page into constructor and rewrote the operateWebDriver() method a bit):
public class MainClass {
private static final String ADDRESS_TO_TEST = "";
private static final By EMAIL_INPUT ="Email");
private static final By PASSWORD_INPUT ="Passwd");
private static final By SIGN_IN_BUTTON ="signIn");
private static final String EMAIL = "";
private static final String PASSWORD = "test123";
private WebDriver driver;
public MainClass() {
File file = new File(BROWSER_PATH);
FirefoxBinary fb = new FirefoxBinary(file);
driver = new FirefoxDriver(fb, new FirefoxProfile());
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, BiffException {
MainClass main = new MainClass();
main.operateWebDriver("Click", EMAIL_INPUT);
main.operateWebDriver("SendKey", EMAIL_INPUT, EMAIL);
main.operateWebDriver("Click", PASSWORD_INPUT);
main.operateWebDriver("SendKey", PASSWORD_INPUT, PASSWORD);
main.operateWebDriver("Click", SIGN_IN_BUTTON);
private void operateWebDriver(String operation, By element) {
operateWebDriver(operation, element, null);
private void operateWebDriver(String operation, By element, String keys) {
WebElement we = driver.findElement(element);
if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("SendKey")) {
} else if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("Click")) {;
Then once you get WebDriver working, you can start reading the data from the files and using it to operate WebDriver.
#user2092132- You require to make changes on two places in your code
1: Insert new line after line- System.out.println("Total Rows="+rowCount);
WebDriver driver = null;
2:Change line from: WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(fb,new FirefoxProfile());
To: driver = new FirefoxDriver(fb,new FirefoxProfile());
Above two changes should resolve initiating new instacne of FF each time.
I am trying to create a Mock class for droplet. I am able to mock the repository calls and req.getParameter but need help on how to mock the repository item list from the repository. Below is the sample code.
for (final RepositoryItem item : skuList) {
final String skuId = (String) item.getPropertyValue("id");
final String skuType = (String) item.getPropertyValue("skuType");
if (this.isLoggingDebug()) {
this.logDebug("skuType [ " + skuType + " ]");
final String skuActive = (String) item.getPropertyValue("isActive");
if EJSD.equalsIgnoreCase(skuType) && (skuActive.equals("1"))) {
skuCode = (String) item.getPropertyValue(ESTConstants.SKU_MISC1);
} else (PJPROMIS.equalsIgnoreCase(skuType) && skuId.contains("PP") && (skuActive.equals("1"))) {
String tmp = "";
if (skuId.lastIndexOf("-") > -1) {
tmp = skuId.substring(skuId.lastIndexOf("-") + 1);
tmp = tmp.toUpperCase();
if (this.getDefaultDisplayNameMap() != null) {
String val = this.getDefaultDisplayNameMap().get(tmp);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(val)) {
displayNameMap.put(skuId, val);
} else {
val = (String) item.getPropertyValue("displayName");
displayNameMap.put(skuId, val);
} else {
final String val = (String) item.getPropertyValue("displayName");
displayNameMap.put(skuId, val);
There are a multitude of ways to 'mock' the list. I've been doing it this was as I feel it is more readable.
#Mock private RepositoryItem skuMockA;
#Mock private RepositoryItem skuMockB;
List<RepositoryItem> skuList = new ArrayList<RepositoryItem>();
#BeforeMethod(groups = { "unit" })
public void setup() throws Exception {
testObj = new YourDropletName();
skuList = new ArrayList<RepositoryItem>();
So when you then call this within a test it will be something like this:
So the key really is that you are not mocking the List but instead the contents of the List.
Creating a mock using mockito is a good option.
But I am here explaining a different way of mocking the repository item.
Create a common implementation for RepositoryItem, say MockRepositoryItemImpl like this in your test package.
Public MockRepositoryItemImpl implements RepositoryItem {
private Map<String, Object> properties;
properties = new HashMap<>();
public Object getPropertyValue(String propertyName){
return properties.get(propertyName);
public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object propertyValue){
properties.put(propertyName, propertyValue);
Use this implementation to create the mock object in your test case.
RepositoryItem mockSKU = new MockRepositoryItemImpl();
mockSKU.setPropertyValue("id", "sku0001");
mockSKU.setPropertyValue("displayName", "Mock SKU");
mockSKU.setPropertyValue("skuType", "Type1");
mockSKU.setPropertyValue("isActive", "1");