I'm using Google OAuth2 client-side to authorize a web-app (Liferay Portlet) to use the Calendar Service.
On my Development Server, the whole flow completes successfully:
I start creating a GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl
Using com.google.api.client.extensions.jetty.auth.oauth2.LocalServerReceiver I create a new redirect URI and set it to wait for Google Response.
a new window/tab opens in user's browser, to googleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl
user Logs in (if not already logged)
User authorizes the requested scopes
the tab closes automatically, the jetty's Callback URI is fetched from Google,
The flow continues with token exchange etc
But when Deploying on some other remote server (identical environment) the flow gets stuck in step 6. Google seems to be unable to find the redirect_uri. My browsers are landing on an error page, informing that they couldn't establish a connection to the server at localhost:[random port generated from jetty]
Checking the logs, I can see that in both cases (dev/remote server), the redirect_uri created by jetty is localhost:[5digits]/Callback. (not affected by the dns or ip on the remote server) Is this normal ? Did I miss something on the configuration? Maybe jetty was supposed to create another redirect URI, that I should additionally add from Google Dev Console (obviously I cant set to localhost..)
Is it possible that a firewall or proxy setting is blocking the redirect_url?
Any other ideas what I did wrong?
EDIT: posting some code for the URLs creation
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, secrets, scopes)
Credential credents = flow.loadCredential(usermail);
String redirect_url = null;
// Checking if the given user is not authorized
if (credents == null) {
// Creating a local receiver
LocalServerReceiver receiver = new LocalServerReceiver();
try {
// Getting the redirect URI
String redirectUri = receiver.getRedirectUri();
// Creating a new authorization URL
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authorizationUrl = flow.newAuthorizationUrl();
// Setting the redirect URI
// Building the authorization URL
String url = authorizationUrl.build();
// Logging a short message
log.info("Creating the authorization URL : " + url);
//This url will be fetched right after, as a button callback (target:_blank)
//by using :FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect(googleAuthUrl);
googleAuthUrl = url;
// Receiving authorization code
String code = receiver.waitForCode();
// Exchanging it for an access token
TokenResponse response = flow.newTokenRequest(code).setRedirectUri(redirectUri).execute();
// Storing the credentials for later access
credents = flow.createAndStoreCredential(response, id);
} finally {
// Releasing resources
// Setting up the calendar service client
client = new com.google.api.services.calendar.Calendar.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credents).setApplicationName(APPLICATION_NAME)
Instead of creating an instance of LocalServerReceiver by this:
// Creating a local receiver
LocalServerReceiver receiver = new LocalServerReceiver();
You should do this by using a LocalServerReceiver.Builder.
According to documentation non-parameter constructor is: Constructor that starts the server on "localhost" selects an unused port.
So you can use builder, set proper host name (remote server) and build LocalServerReceiver instance. (or you can use LocalServerReceiver(host, port) constructor)
This should set redirect_uri to proper address.
I am new using Azure Graph Rest API Java using this repo.
My aim is to list all of the users in the AAD tenant
So far I was only able to get to this:
List<String> scopes= Arrays.asList("https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All");
AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile(tenantId, subscriptionId, AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
final ClientSecretCredential credential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
TokenCredentialAuthProvider tokenCredentialAuthProvider = new TokenCredentialAuthProvider(scopes, credential);
GraphServiceClient<Request> graphClient =
UserCollectionPage users = graphClient.users()
for(User user: users.getCurrentPage()){
However, I run into this error instead:
Caused by: java.io.IOException:
AADSTS1002012: The
provided value for scope https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All
openid profile offline_access is not valid. Client credential flows
must have a scope value with /.default suffixed to the resource
identifier (application ID URI).
It seems the Scope that I have used is wrong/insufficient, but I am not too sure what should I use the scope with. Any idea?
It is written in the documentation that:
Client credentials requests in your client service must include
scope={resource}/.default. Here, {resource} is the web API that your
app intends to call, and wishes to obtain an access token for. Issuing
a client credentials request by using individual application
permissions (roles) is not supported. All the app roles (application
permissions) that have been granted for that web API are included in
the returned access token.
The Client Credential flow is best suited for situations where you have a Deamon App that will have to authenticate and get access to some kind of a resource through a Non-Interactive way, which in sequence means that the permissions for this Deamon App have been configured and consented from a step done prior to the auth request.
The /.default scope can be translated as the request of the Background App that runs unattended, to get the bulk of the permissions that it has been configured with and access the resource that it asks.
In plain english, the use of the above scope in the Client Credentials flow is a convention that has to be implemented always when this flow is chosen :P.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment via Postman and got below results:
I registered one Azure AD application and added API permissions like below:
When I tried to generate access token with same scope as you via Postman using client credentials flow, I got same error as below:
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>/oauth2/v2.0/token
client_id: <appID>
client_secret: <secret_value>
scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All openid profile offline_access
To resolve the above error, you must change your scope to https://graph.microsoft.com/.default if you are using client credentials flow.
After changing the scope, I'm able to generate access token successfully like below:
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>/oauth2/v2.0/token
client_id: <appID>
client_secret: <secret_value>
scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
When I used the above token to call below Graph query, I got the list of users with display name, id and user principal name successfully like below:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$select=displayName,id,userPrincipalName
In your case, change scope value in your code like below:
List<String> scopes= Arrays.asList("https://graph.microsoft.com/.default");
I'm testing the new Google Chat bot that should post messages asynchronously, thus I must use GoogleCredentials to authenticate requests.
It works perfectly fine when I use GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() while working locally, but when I deploy the bot to Cloud Run it stops.
idiomatic secure way (does not work)
The HangoutsChat is created the following way:
var credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()
var credentialsAdapter = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credentials);
var chat = new HangoutsChat.Builder(
So in order to work locally, I set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and point it to the service account key like this: export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=./credentials/adc.json. While in the cloud environment I expect the same service account to just work, but if not set explicitly from the file, the credentials throw insufficientPermissions error with PERMISSION_DENIED.
workaround (works fine)
As a workaround, I'm creating credentials from the service account stored in Secret Manager like this:
var serviceAccount = Secrets.chatServiceAccount();
var credentials = GoogleCredentials.fromStream(streamFrom(serviceAccount))
var credentialsAdapter = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credentials);
var chat = new HangoutsChat.Builder(
return chat;
private static InputStream streamFrom(String data) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()));
The question is: is anyone able to use default credentials for HangoutsChat API? Is it even possible or I am missing something here?
Can some one help me to setup Oauth 2 Authorisation server Vert.x (3.3.0).I dont find any documentation related to it.
I found vertx-auth-oauth2 this vert.x module but I guess it will be useful if Authorisation server is different
The following code snippet is from vert.x documentation
OAuth2Auth oauth2 = OAuth2Auth.create(vertx, OAuth2FlowType.AUTH_CODE, new OAuth2ClientOptions()
// when there is a need to access a protected resource or call a protected method,
// call the authZ url for a challenge
String authorization_uri = oauth2.authorizeURL(new JsonObject()
.put("redirect_uri", "http://localhost:8080/callback")
.put("scope", "notifications")
.put("state", "3(#0/!~"));
// when working with web application use the above string as a redirect url
// in this case GitHub will call you back in the callback uri one should now complete the handshake as:
String code = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // the code is provided as a url parameter by github callback call
oauth2.getToken(new JsonObject().put("code", code).put("redirect_uri", "http://localhost:8080/callback"), res -> {
if (res.failed()) {
// error, the code provided is not valid
} else {
// save the token and continue...
It is using Github as Authorisation server.I am curious to know how to implement Authorisation server in vert.x ,i know spring security provides this feature i.e Oauth2Server and OAuth2Client.
Vert.x OAuth2 is just a OAuth2Client, there is no server implementation so you cannot get it from the Vert.x Project itself.
Vert.x OAuth2 supports the following flows:
Authorization Code Flow (for apps with servers that can store persistent information).
Password Credentials Flow (when previous flow can’t be used or during development).
Client Credentials Flow (the client can request an access token using only its client credentials)
My goal is to upload videos that are uploaded to my web server to Youtube on my own channel, not the users' Youtube account (my web server is acting as a proxy).
I found the sample code for uploading video to Youtube here with the credential acquired this way. The problem that I have with this sample is that it writes to disk the credential, and it opens an http server. Since my web server can potentially have a lot of users uploading their videos concurrently, the credential file location has to be dynamic, and multiple binding to the same http port is not possible. Further more, after searching through other writing about uploading to Youtube, I think this approach is for users uploading to their Youtube account.
Could you share your experiences/code sample/solutions for my scenario? In short I am just trying to automate the process of me opening up Youtube dashboard, and uploading videos to a channel in my Youtube.
In general, starting at API V3, Google prefers OAuth2 over other mechanism, and uploading a video (or any other action that modifies user data) requires OAuth2.
Fortunately, there is a special kind of token called refresh token to the rescue. Refresh token does not expire like normal access token, and is used to generate normal access token when needed. So, I divided my application into 2 parts:
The 1st part is for generating refresh token, which is a Java desktop app, meant to be run by a user on a computer. See here for sample code from Google.
The 2nd part is is part of my web application, which uses a given refresh token to create a credential object.
Here is my implementation in Scala, which you can adapt to Java version easily:
For generating a refresh token, you should set the accessType to offline for the authorization flow. Note: if a token already exists on your system, it won't try to get new token, even if it does not have refresh token, so you also have to set approval prompt to force:
def authorize(dataStoreName: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String): Credential = {
val builder = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
val CREDENTIAL_DIRECTORY = s"${System.getProperty("user.home")}/.oauth-credentials"
val fileDataStoreFactory = new FileDataStoreFactory(new java.io.File(CREDENTIAL_DIRECTORY))
val dataStore: DataStore[StoredCredential] = fileDataStoreFactory.getDataStore(dataStoreName)
val flow = builder.build()
val localReceiver = new LocalServerReceiver.Builder().setPort(8000).build()
new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, localReceiver).authorize("user")
val credential = authorize(dataStore, clientId, clientSecret)
val refreshToken = credential.getRefreshToken
For using the refresh token on the server, you can build a credential from a refresh token:
def getCredential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.setClientSecrets(clientId, clientSecret)
I have have bypassed the whole AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp authorize() method and created a new subclass which bypasses the jetty server implementation process.
The methods are as follows
getAuthorizationFromStorage : Get access token from stored credentials.
getAuthorizationFromGoogle : Get the authentication with the credentials from Google creates the url that will lead the user to the authentication page and creating a custom defined name-value pair in the state parameter. The value should be encoded with base64 encoder so we can receive the same code redirected from google after authentication.
saveAuthorizationFromGoogle : Save the credentials that we get from google.
Create the GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow object from the credentialDatastorfrom the response received from the google after authentication.
Hit google to get the permanent refresh-token that can be used to get the accesstoken of the user any time .
Store the tokens like accesstoken and refreshtoken in the filename as userid
Checkout the code Implementation here
I have a dot net application that call a java web service. I am trying to implement authentication by passing credentials to the java service. Here is the dot net code setting the credentials. How can I get these credentials in my java application? They aren't set in the headers...
System.Net.NetworkCredential serviceCredentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "pass");
serviceInstance.Credentials = serviceCredentials;
serviceInstance is an instance of SoapHttpClientProtocol.
I've tried injecting the WebServiceContext like so
WebServiceContext wsctx;
and pulling the crentials from the headers but they aren't there.
You are not passing the credentials to your service the correct way. In order to get the Authorize http request header do the following:
// Create the network credentials and assign
// them to the service credentials
NetworkCredential netCredential = new NetworkCredential("user", "pass");
Uri uri = new Uri(serviceInstance.Url);
ICredentials credentials = netCredential.GetCredential(uri, "Basic");
serviceInstance.Credentials = credentials;
// Be sure to set PreAuthenticate to true or else
// authentication will not be sent.
serviceInstance.PreAuthenticate = true;
Note: Be sure to set PreAuthenticate to true or else authentication will not be sent.
see this article for more information.
I had to dig-up some old code for this one :)
After inspecting the request/response headers using fiddler as suggested in the comments below a WWW-Authenticate header was missing at the Java Web Service side.
A more elegant way of implementing "JAX-WS Basic authentication" can be found in this article here using a SoapHeaderInterceptor (Apache CXF Interceptors)