I'm writing a Java code which have to send some data to an elecronic system and to receive some data from it through wireless. The electronic system is made of PIC32 and RN-171 module. I'm now trying to connect to the RN-171 network and to send and receive some data. Although I can in my java code set up an OutputStream and send some data to the RN-171 properly, I can't set up an InputStream and my app launches the following exception:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header: 2A48454C
at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:804)
at java.io.ObjectInputStream.<init>(ObjectInputStream.java:299)
at TestController.sendParametersToWirelessModule(TestController.java:44)
at TestController.main(TestController.java:30)
The code in my java app, which generates the exception is:
//1. creating a socket to connect to the server
requestSocket = new Socket("", 2000);
System.out.println("Connected to localhost in port 2004");
//2. get Input and Output streams
out = new ObjectOutputStream(requestSocket.getOutputStream());
--> in = new ObjectInputStream(requestSocket.getInputStream());
//3: Communicating with the server
sendMessage(message); }
(The arrow indicates the code line which generates exception)
Is there a solution? Could anyone help me please?
Use the following code instead:
out = requestSocket.getOutputStream();
in = requestSocket.getInputStream();
ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream are used to serialize/deserialize Java objects. There is also no point in flushing the output stream before writing to it.
I'm trying to create application that will send object through local network using Sockets. When i run server and client code in Intellij Idea they work fine, but when i run server code on one pc and client code on another pc i get errors like java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: 00 or java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header: 6C69656E
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int num = inStream.read(readBuffer); //inStream is socket input stream
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(readBuffer);
ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
Object o = in.readObject(); //this line throws error
The thing is that writing and reading object to socket stream works on server (which is on pc where i created project) but reading from input stream on client (another pc where i copied project) throws error.
Can someone help me with this? I searched everywhere for solution but i can't figure out what is problem with serializing, because it works on same pc but won't on another. Is there any way that i can make this pc independent? This also happens when i create jar files and run it on same pc where it works in Intellij Idea.
It can because that client didnt read message fully.
But the real mistake is that you work with TCP socket like a message protocol transport but TCP is a stream protocol so you have to create your own message protocol on top of TCP.
Why it works fine on local system?
Because transport data between client and server happen too fast in local test and maybe in just one frame so all the message transported in just one IO-call but in internet or a network it doesn't work like you think.
There is 2 way to handle this mistake:
1- Pass SocketInputStream directly to ObjectInputStream instance and let it handle read objects.
2- Create a message protocol for example you can put the size of message in 2 or more first bytes. Then you can workd like this :
Read 2(or more) first bytes and detect size of packet.
Create a buffer for this size and read packet bytes.(make sure you read all of packet data from socket . You can use return value of SocketInputStream.read(byte[]) method to calculate it)
Pass the packet to ObjectInputStream and read object !
Hello stack overflow world, I've been struggling with the most straight forward and common problem within Java IO, for some time, and now need your help to tackle it.
Check out this piece of code I have in a try block, within a thread.run():
// connect to client socket, and setup own server socket
clientSocket = new Socket(serverHostname, CLIENT_PORT);
//send a test command to download a file
String downloadFileName = "sample.txt";
DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
System.out.println("Sending a request to download file : " + downloadFileName + " from user: Arsa node"); //todo: replace with node user later
//close socket if host isn't detected anymore, and if socket doesn't become null suddenly
System.out.println("****File has been sent****");
in = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
byte[] retrievedFileData = new byte[8036];
if (in.readInt() > 0) {
System.out.println("Starting file download!");
System.out.println("File data has been read, converting to file now");
//closing input stream will close socket also
2 Main questions that have been confusing me to death:
Why does dataOutputStream.close() need to be run for writeUTF to actually send my string to the server socket, I find that when I don't have dos.close(), data isn't retrieved on the other side, further because I close it, I no longer can read from the socket - as it seems the socket connection becomes closed when the Output Stream is previously closed...
What's a better way, following some sort of pattern to do this? For context, all I'm trying to do is write the filename I'm looking to download to my client, then read the response right away, which I expect to be bytes with the file, any error handling I will consider as a part of my development.
Overall, it shouldn't be complicated to write something to a socket, then read and ingest it's response...which doesn't seem to be the case here,
any help would be greatly appreciated! If the ServerSocket code snippet is needed I'm happy to share.
The observed behavior is just a side-effect of close(), as it calls flush() before closing to make sure any buffered data is sent. To solve your problem, you need to call the flush() method instead of closing.
This behavior is not unique to DataOutputStream: a lot of other OutputStream (or Writer) implementations apply buffering, and you will need to flush when you want to ensure the data is sent to the client, written to disk or otherwise processed.
BTW: The DataOutputStream and DataInputStream is for a very specific type of data serialization protocol that is particular to Java. You may want to consider carefully if this is the right protocol to use.
I am trying to send HTTP request to Abstract Unix Socket within an Android Application, using LocalSocket but it gives java.io.IOException: Broken pipe. Status of isConnected() is true at the same time and I have also confirmed that the request I send is correct by forwarding the port using adb and making the same request using netcat.
LocalSocket receiver = new LocalSocket();
receiver.connect(new LocalSocketAddress("chrome_devtools_remote", LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.ABSTRACT));
InputStream input = receiver.getInputStream();
StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder().append("GET /json HTTP/1.0")
Unable to figure out what's going wrong. Help appreciated, Thanks in advance.
I'd like to fetch a webpage, just fetching the data (not parsing or rendering anything), just catch the data returned after a http request.
I'm trying to do this using the high-level Class Socket of the JavaRuntime Library.
I wonder if this is possible since I'm not at ease figuring out the beneath layer used for this two-point communication or I don't know if the trouble is coming from my own system.
Here's what my code is doing:
1) setting the socket.
this.socket = new Socket( "www.example.com", 80 );
2) setting the appropriate streams used for this communication.
this.out = new PrintWriter( socket.getOutputStream(), true);
this.in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream() ) );
3) requesting the page (and this is where I'm not sure it's alright to do like this).
String query = "";
query += "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
query += "Host: www.example.com\r\n";
query += "\r\n";
4) reading the result (nothing in my case).
System.out.print( this.in.readLine() );
5) closing socket and streams.
If you're on a *nix system, look into CURL, which allows you to retrieve information off the internet using the command line. More lightweight than a Java socket connection.
If you want to use Java, and are just retrieving information from a webpage, check out the Java URL library (java.net.URL). Some sample Java code:
URL ur = new URL("www.google.com");
URLConnection conn = ur.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
String foo = new Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
That'll grab the specified URL, grab the data (html in this case) and spit it out to the console. Might have to tweak the delimiter abit, but this will work with most network endpoints sending data.
Your code looks pretty close. Your GET request is probably malformed in some way. Try this: open up a telnet client and connect to a web server. Paste in the GET request as you believe it should work. See if that returns anything. If it doesn't it means there is a problem with the GET request. The easiest thing to do that point would be write a program that listens on a socket (more or less the inverse of what you're doing) and point a web browser to localhost:[correct port] and see what the web browser sends you. Use that as your template for the GET request.
Alternatively you could try and piece it together from the HTTP specification.
I had to add the full URL to the GET parameter. To make it work. Although I see you can specify HOST also if you want.
Socket socket = new Socket("youtube.com",80);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
out.println("GET http://www.youtube.com/yts/img/favicon_48-vflVjB_Qk.png
Yes, it is possible. You just need to figure out the protocol. You are close.
I would create a simple server socket that prints out what it gets in. You can then use your browser to connect to the socket using a url like: http://localhost:8080. Then use your client socket to mimic the HTTP protocol from the browser.
Not sure why you're going lower down than URLConnection - its designed to do what you want to do: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/networking/urls/readingWriting.html.
The Java Tutorial on Sockets even says: "URLs and URLConnections provide a relatively high-level mechanism for accessing resources on the Internet. Sometimes your programs require lower-level network communication, for example, when you want to write a client-server application." Since you're not going lower than HTTP, I'm not sure what the point is of using a Socket.
I'd like to establish a server(Java)/client (Matlab) communication using socket. They can send messages to each other. An example shows how to do this in Java server and Java client, http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/networking/sockets/clientServer.html.
When I try to rewrite the client part in Matlab, I only can get the first message that the Java server sends and display it in the Matlab command window.
When I type a message in the Matlab command window, I can't pass it to the Java Server.
Jave code:
kkSocket = new Socket("localhost", 3434);
Matlab equivalent:
kkSocket = Socket('localhost', 3434);
Java code for client:
out = new PrintWriter(kkSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(kkSocket.getInputStream()));
What would be a Matlab equivalent for this? Thanks in advance.
For the input stream:
input_stream = input_socket.getInputStream;
d_input_stream = DataInputStream(input_stream);
For the output stream:
output_stream = output_socket.getOutputStream;
d_output_stream = DataOutputStream(output_stream);
If you are trying to use MATLAB and the Java application on the same machine then matlabcontrol may do everything that you are looking for. It automatically establishes a connection to a session of MATLAB. It uses Java's Remote Method Invocation under the hood which makes use of sockets. matlabcontrol is designed specifically to only enable communication on localhost; the sockets it creates will not accept remote connections due to the security issues that could allow. However, if you need to allow remote connections you may find parts of matlabcontrol's source code to be useful.