Custom Implicit Conversion in Java - java

In C# I can create my own implicit conversion for my classes as follows...
public static implicit operator TypeYouWantToChangeTo (ClassYouAreChanging c)
TypeYouWantToChangeTo x;
//convert c to x
return x;
How do you make a class be able to implicitly convert to another class? Also in C# I can change implicit to explicit to also create the ability to cast manually. How do you accomplish this in Java?

You can not overload operators with Java.
Add a method to your class of choice to perform the conversion.
For example:
public class Blammy
public static final Blammy blammyFromHooty(final Hooty hoot)
Blammy returnValue;
// convert from Hooty to Blammy.
return returnValue;
Only built-in types have implicit conversions.
Explicit conversion (in java) is called a cast. for example, int q = 15; double x = (double) q;
There can never be implicit conversions of your custom types.
extends and implements are not conversion.
All implicit conversions are for primitive types.


why the method is giving error eventhough i have bounded gererics type parameter {T extends Number}? Here T should accept Integer,Double,Float...etc? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a generic class in Java that will perform operations on numbers. In the following example, addition, as follows:
public class Example <T extends Number> {
public T add(T a, T b){
return a + b;
Forgive my naivety as I am relatively new to Java Generics. This code fails to compile with the error:
The operator + is undefined for the argument type(s) T, T
I thought that with the addition of "extends Number" the code would compile. Is it possible to do this Java or will I have to create overridden methods for each Number type?
Number does not have a + operator associated with it, nor can it since there is no operator overloading.
It would be nice though.
Basically, you are asking java to autobox a descedant of Number which happens to include Integer, Float and Double, that could be autoboxed and have a plus operator applied, however, there could be any number of other unknown descendants of Number that cannot be autoboxed, and this cannot be known until runtime. (Damn erasure)
Your problem is not really related to generics, rather to operators, primitives vs objects, and autoboxing.
Think about this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Number a = new Integer(2);
Number b = new Integer(3);
Number c = a + b;
The above does not compile
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer a = new Integer(2);
Integer b = new Integer(3);
Number c = a + b;
The above does compile, but only because of autoboxing - which is kind of a hacky syntax glue introduced in Java 5, and only works (in compile time) with some concrete types : int-Integer for example.
Behind the scenes, the Java compiler is rewriting the last statement ("I must unbox a and b to apply the sum operator with primitive datatypes, and box the result to assign it to object c") thus:
Number c = Integer.valueOf( a.intValue() + b.intValue() );
Java can't unbox a Number because it does not know at compile time the concrete type and hence it cannot guess its primitive counterpart.
You can do something like this
class Example <T extends Number> {
public Number add(T a, T b){
return new Double(a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue());
Yes, Nathan is correct. If you want something like this, you have to write it yourself
public class Example <T extends Number> {
private final Calculator<T> calc;
public Example(Calculator<T> calc) {
this.calc = calc;
public T add(T a, T b){
return calc.add(a,b);
public interface Calculator<T extends Number> {
public T add(T a, T b);
public class IntCalc implements Calculator<Integer> {
public final static IntCalc INSTANCE = new IntCalc();
private IntCalc(){}
public Integer add(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; }
Example<Integer> ex = new Example<Integer>(IntCalc.INSTANCE);
Too bad Java has no type classes (Haskell) or implicit objects (Scala), this task would be a perfect use case...
There are similar questions to this one, and the answer is you can't do it like that.
You could check if a and b are an instance of Long/Double/Integer/etc. and delegate the add to methods like:
public Integer add(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b; // this actually uses auto boxing and unboxing to int
And you would need to create one for every type that extends Number, so that's not really feasible. In other words, don't use generics for numeric operations. Number as a superclass is pretty limited.
Consider Example<Number>, how would + work on that? There is no add or similar in Number or even the likes of Integer.
Worse consider final class FunkyNumber extends Number { ... weird stuff, no add op ... }.
Even the java runtime library has this problem, most of the methods dealing with primitives have to duplicate the same functionality.
The fastest option would be to write your code for one type and then copy it and replace the type to generate the methods for the other types. A short script should be enough to do this.

How come the .getClass().getName() method works with type int?

I have been told that primitive types such as int do not have methods to them. How is it that .getClass().getName() works when used on a variable of type int and returns the wrapper class "Integer"? Is this an example of auto boxing?
Important: This only seems to work for me when the int variable is passed into a generic class. Then a method in the generic class is invoked from the main method.
I am using this generic class:
public class gen< T > {
private T thing;
public gen(T thing) {
this.thing = thing;
public String varType() {
return thing.getClass().getName();
public class Driver() {
int i = 5;
gen g = new gen(i);
The output is : java.lang.Integer
Could someone please explain the inner workings of this process?
Something like this will not work:
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i = 5;
Generic type parameters, e.g. T, cannot be primitives. For primitive types, you use the corresponding wrapper class. Said more specifically, T cannot be int.
In your case, the compiler auto-boxed the int value to an Integer for you in the new gen(i) call.
See: Why don't Java Generics support primitive types?
Note 1: gen and new gen are raw generics, since you omitted the type parameter. Do not use raw generics. Besides, what's the point if you ignore them anyway?
Note 2: Java naming convension is for class names to start with uppercase letter, so class should be named Gen, not gen.

Can I have function types in Java's Enum like Swift?

Is it possible to write an equivalent code in Java for the following swift code? In fact, I want to know if it's possible to have a case of functions inside Java's enum (X, Y in MyEnum)
enum MyEnum{
case X((Int) -> String)
case Y((Double) -> Int)
No, you can't; at least, not if you want the differing types to be available when you use the enum. All enum values have to have the same type.
When you want "enum" values to have heterogenous types, you could use a class with static final fields:
final class MyHeterogeneousEnum {
private MyHeterogeneousEnum() {} // Not instantiable.
static final Function<Integer, String> X = ...;
static final Function<Double, Integer> Y = ...;
which allows you to use the values with their full type information:
String s = MyHeterogeneousEnum.X.apply(123);
Integer i = MyHeterogeneousEnum.Y.apply(999.0);
Of course, you don't have useful methods like name(), or values() to iterate over the constants in this class, nor is it inherently serializable. You can make implement these yourself - but for values() you have to use wildcards in the return type, in order that all values can be returned:
static Iterable<Function<?, ?>> values() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(X, Y));
However, note that a Function with a wildcard input type parameter is pretty much useless: you can't actually pass anything into it (other than null); so the values() method has limited utility.
It is possible (technically), but it might not be that useful, as creating a simple class, that consumes a Function instance.
As you might already know, in Java, the enums represent one or more constants of the same type, which could have their own properties - this include java.util.Function instances. However, these Function instances cannot be passed dynamically at Runtime, but should be rather set at compile time, so that the constant is created.
Of course, you could make each enum constant have a different typed Function, by just creating the enum's constructor Generic:
enum MyEnum {
X((String x) -> "Hello"), Y((Double d) -> 1);
Function<?, ?> function;
MyEnum(Function<?, ?> function) {
this.function = function;
This, however, is not quite useful (although it compiles just fine). The Function in X doesn't use it's String parameter and returns a fixed value. So does the one in Y.
I'd rather introduce two separate instances of the same class:
class Instance<T, U> {
private Function<T, U> function;
public Instance(Function<T, U> function) {
this.function = function;
This will allow you to dynamically pass a Function instance, instead of setting it at compile-time.
Yes for sure you can, in java enums can be more that just constants... every one of it values can be an anonymous class (take a look to TimeUnit.class for example)
now, you can do somthing like:
interface IFunction {
double getY(double x);
enum Function implements IFunction {
public double getY(double x) {
return x;
public double getY(double x) {
return Math.sin(x);
and then the implementation
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

Method to box primitive type

Here is a table of primitive types and their equivalent wrapper class.
Primitive type Wrapper class
============== =============
boolean Boolean
byte Byte
char Character
float Float
int Integer
long Long
short Short
double Double
I would like to create a method that would convert any given primitive variable into an appropriate class. I have tried something like below, but that obviously does not work. Any help would be appreciated:
public static <T> T forceBox(T t) {
switch (T) {
case boolean.class : return new Boolean(t);
case int.class : return new Integer(t);
// etc
the caller code looks like:
int x = 3;
System.out.println("x wrapper type: " + forceBox(x).getClass());
Though this is completely unnecessary in most cases, just use
public static <T> T forceBox(T t) { // compiler will add the conversion at the call site
return t;
Though you can also just use
Object o = <some primitive>;
The conversion is already done when needed as part of the boxing process.

Can I do arithmetic operations on the Number baseclass?

I am trying to create a generic class in Java that will perform operations on numbers. In the following example, addition, as follows:
public class Example <T extends Number> {
public T add(T a, T b){
return a + b;
Forgive my naivety as I am relatively new to Java Generics. This code fails to compile with the error:
The operator + is undefined for the argument type(s) T, T
I thought that with the addition of "extends Number" the code would compile. Is it possible to do this Java or will I have to create overridden methods for each Number type?
Number does not have a + operator associated with it, nor can it since there is no operator overloading.
It would be nice though.
Basically, you are asking java to autobox a descedant of Number which happens to include Integer, Float and Double, that could be autoboxed and have a plus operator applied, however, there could be any number of other unknown descendants of Number that cannot be autoboxed, and this cannot be known until runtime. (Damn erasure)
Your problem is not really related to generics, rather to operators, primitives vs objects, and autoboxing.
Think about this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Number a = new Integer(2);
Number b = new Integer(3);
Number c = a + b;
The above does not compile
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer a = new Integer(2);
Integer b = new Integer(3);
Number c = a + b;
The above does compile, but only because of autoboxing - which is kind of a hacky syntax glue introduced in Java 5, and only works (in compile time) with some concrete types : int-Integer for example.
Behind the scenes, the Java compiler is rewriting the last statement ("I must unbox a and b to apply the sum operator with primitive datatypes, and box the result to assign it to object c") thus:
Number c = Integer.valueOf( a.intValue() + b.intValue() );
Java can't unbox a Number because it does not know at compile time the concrete type and hence it cannot guess its primitive counterpart.
You can do something like this
class Example <T extends Number> {
public Number add(T a, T b){
return new Double(a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue());
Yes, Nathan is correct. If you want something like this, you have to write it yourself
public class Example <T extends Number> {
private final Calculator<T> calc;
public Example(Calculator<T> calc) {
this.calc = calc;
public T add(T a, T b){
return calc.add(a,b);
public interface Calculator<T extends Number> {
public T add(T a, T b);
public class IntCalc implements Calculator<Integer> {
public final static IntCalc INSTANCE = new IntCalc();
private IntCalc(){}
public Integer add(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; }
Example<Integer> ex = new Example<Integer>(IntCalc.INSTANCE);
Too bad Java has no type classes (Haskell) or implicit objects (Scala), this task would be a perfect use case...
There are similar questions to this one, and the answer is you can't do it like that.
You could check if a and b are an instance of Long/Double/Integer/etc. and delegate the add to methods like:
public Integer add(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b; // this actually uses auto boxing and unboxing to int
And you would need to create one for every type that extends Number, so that's not really feasible. In other words, don't use generics for numeric operations. Number as a superclass is pretty limited.
Consider Example<Number>, how would + work on that? There is no add or similar in Number or even the likes of Integer.
Worse consider final class FunkyNumber extends Number { ... weird stuff, no add op ... }.
Even the java runtime library has this problem, most of the methods dealing with primitives have to duplicate the same functionality.
The fastest option would be to write your code for one type and then copy it and replace the type to generate the methods for the other types. A short script should be enough to do this.
