Why would ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() return null? - java

Having the following code broken deliberately to identify the source of a NullPointerException in something that should have been very simple but turns out to drive me nuts:
Properties properties = new Properties();
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
InputStream propertiesStream = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties");
if (propertiesStream != null) {
// TODO close the stream
} else {
// Properties file not found!
I get the "Properties file not found!" error, i.e. contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties"); returns null.
This is a CXF-based client and I verified that the "resource.properties" file is in the current directory in which the client's jar resides (and runs).
I also verified the absolute path by including the following diagnostic code:
File file = new File("resource.properties");
The absolute path points to where the client's jar is.
I also tried finding out the context of the class loader, using:
but instead some directory structure as demonstrated here, all I get is:
Why would ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() return null?
What am I missing?

I solved the mystery.
The key to solving was embedding some diagnostic logging when propertiesStream is null:
String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
LOG.info("CLASSPATH: " + classpath);
ClassLoader loader = MyClientMain.class.getClassLoader();
System.out.println("ClassLoader resource path: " + loader.getResource("resource.properties"));
So when I run with the original
I receive the null pointer condition, printing:
INFO: CLASSPATH: myproj.one-jar.jar
ClassLoader resource path: null
I then started suspecting something related to the "jar within a jar" as this is what the com.simontuffs.onejar essentially does (i.e. wrapping my project's jar inside a jar that contains all other library jars), so I opened myproj.one-jar.jar with 7-Zip and noted the full (absolute) path of "resource.properties":
So I modified getResource("resource.properties") to:
which didn't fix the problem but printed the following upon the null pointer condition:
INFO: CLASSPATH: myproj.one-jar.jar
ClassLoader resource path: jar:file:/myproj.one-jar.jar!/main/myproj.jar!//main/myproj.jar/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/resource.properties
Then... divine intervention fell upon me and I had the insight (not reading any documentation that could even hint this, I swear!) that I should be using this path instead:
And Voila! It works.

As EJP pointed out, it means that the resource isn't available via the classpath for this particular classloader (different classloaders can have different classpaths).
Since the classloader is a JarClassLoader, it will only be able to load resources that are included inside the jar file. It won't see files that are in the same directory as the jar file.


right way to make a jar file from javafx application

I have a javafx project, which contains multiple paths for images and text files :
private Image imgMan = new Image(getClass().getResource("../man.gif").toExternalForm());
When i launch from eclipse, it work normally, and access to images and files without any problem.
But when i try to export my project to a jar file, it export correctly, but it don't launch !
I try to launch it from cmd, the trace of stack said that he don't know the paths...
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at application.Client.(Client.java:31)
(line 31 in my code refer to the first line of code given in the question)
I try to create a resource folder and put all files into it, but no result.
So what is the best way to make it ?
where must i create the resource folder ?
and how to access the files into it from the code ?
Thank you
There are several thing you should check:
verify the path in your jar against the class you are looking. Your image must be there.
verify you have successfully loaded a resource because using it, eg: check if getResource returns null.
For the first point, it depends on how you build your jar:
Eclipse will by default copy class file and resources to bin unless you use m2e. If you use the Extract runnable JAR (from File > Export menu), it may ignore some resources.
If you use Maven then your images must be in src/main/resources by default.
For the second point, you should use a method that should check the resource exists before delegating to Image. While it won't change your core problem, you would have a less subtile error:
static javafx.scene.image.Image loadImage(Class<?> source, String path) {
final InputStream is = source.getResourceAsStream(path);
if (null == is) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load image from " + source + " path: " + path);
try (is) { // Java 9 -> you may want to use InputStream is2 = is
return new javafx.scene.image.Image(is); // use is2 for Java < 9
You should also try with an absolute path (from the root of the jar, or your src/main/resources if you use maven):
Image image = loadImage(this.getClass(), "/images/man.gif");

NPE When Getting File. Works on IDE Run but Not Jar Launch [duplicate]

I have a simple java application that loads a properties file from the current package.
This works fine when the property file I want is in the current package. However, I want to package this application as a JAR and define and override with a new properties file where I use it. Is there a way to load the first resource named "props.properties" that is on the classpath?
I want it to be as easy to override the properties file via command line:
java.exe -classpath props.properties;myJar.jar com.test.MyApp
I don't want to have to unpack the JAR and modify the properties file to change something. I feel like I'm missing something obvious...
The javadoc for Class.getResourceAsStream() documents the lookup logic:
If the name begins with a '/' ('\u002f'), then the absolute name of the resource is the portion of the name following the '/'.
Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
Where the modified_package_name is the package name of this object with '/' substituted for '.' ('\u002e').
So in other words, the resource name passed to the method should look like /com/package/p2/props.properties if the props.properties is stored in the com.package.p2 package instead of the current class's.
I'm sure it's too late for the answer but it could be interesting for googlers
this small code snippet helpers to load a properties file from any where in the Classpath.
ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
if (cl != null) {
URL url = cl.getResource(CONF_PROPERTIES);
if (url == null) {
url = cl.getResource("/" + CONF_PROPERTIES);
if (url != null) {
try {
InputStream in = url.openStream();
props = new Properties();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Log the exception
} finally {
// close opened resources
If all else fails you could use two different file names, say props-default.properties inside myJar.jar and props.properties to override on the command-line. In your code, you'd try loading the props.properties file first and fallback to props-default.properties if it wasn't found.
I'm not sure, but maybe: ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream()
I don't think this is significantly different to this.getClass().getResourceAsStream() from the question, since as mentioned you still have to get the ClassLoader you want to use to load the resource.
Since you provide the resource in the -classpath in your example, it should be available from the same class loader as your "main" class (in the SUN JVM, that's sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader, not sure if this can/does vary for other JVM implementations).

Standard/Uniform way to locate files inside and outside JAR file?

What is the uniform or standard way to locate and then access files inside and outside JAR files.
I have InJarClass() defined in JAR file which contains configuration text files.
Then I extend this class in my host project which have more configurations.
Let say I have inside the JAR :
Then in the host project I do :
class MyClass extends InJarClass { .... }
and also :
then I run it something like this :
XENV=test java myclass
The whole configuration process happens inside InJarClass(), based on environment XENV.
As you see InJarClass() have to access both :
So to repeat my question is there uniform way to access both, if the directory structure mirror each other.
If you place both the current directory and the .jar file in your classpath:
XENV=test java -classpath .:myjarfile.jar MyClass
you can do this:
String configFile =
"/config/" +
System.getenv().getOrDefault("XENV", "default") +
InputStream config = MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream(configFile);
if (config == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"Cannot locate " + configFile + " in classpath");
This works because an application resource is a resource which Java searches for within each location in the classpath. So getResourceAsStream will first search for the requested path relative to the first classpath location, .. If it does not find a file with that name, it will look at the second classpath location, myjarfile.jar, and seeing that it is a .jar file, will search for the requested file inside that .jar.

Fetch file from specific directory where jar file is placed

I want to fetch a text file from the directory where my jar file is placed.
Assuming my desktop application 'foo.jar' file is placed in d:\ in an installation of Windows.
There is also a test.txt file in the same directory which I want to read when 'foo.jar' application is running.
How can fetch that particular path in my 'foo.jar' application?
In short I want to fetch the path of my 'foo.jar' file where it is placed.
Note, that actual code does depend on actual class location within your package, but in general it could look like:
URL root = package.Main.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
String path = (new File(root.toURI())).getParentFile().getPath();
// handle file.txt in path
Most JARs are loaded using a URLClassLoader that remembers the codesource from where the JAR has been loaded. You may use this knowledge to obtain the location of the directory from where the JAR has been loaded by the JVM. You can also use the ProtectionDomain class to get the CodeSource (as shown in the other answer; admittedly, that might be better).
The location returned is often of the file: protocol type, so you'll have to remove this protocol identifier to get the actual location. Following is a short snippet that performs this activity; you might want to build in more error checking and edge case detection, if you need to use it in production:
public String getCodeSourceLocation() {
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = CurrentJARContext.class.getClassLoader();
if(contextClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)
URLClassLoader classLoader = (URLClassLoader)contextClassLoader;
URL[] urls = classLoader.getURLs();
String externalForm = urls[0].toExternalForm();
externalForm = externalForm.replaceAll("file:\\/", "");
externalForm = externalForm.replaceAll("\\/", "\\" + File.separator);
return externalForm;
return null;
I found the shortest answer of my own question.
String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");

How do I read the manifest file for a webapp running in apache tomcat?

I have a webapp which contains a manifest file, in which I write the current version of my application during an ant build task. The manifest file is created correctly, but when I try to read it in during runtime, I get some strange side-effects. My code for reading in the manifest is something like this:
InputStream manifestStream = Thread.currentThread()
try {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(manifestStream);
Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
String impVersion = attributes.getValue("Implementation-Version");
mVersionString = impVersion;
catch(IOException ex) {
logger.warn("Error while reading version: " + ex.getMessage());
When I attach eclipse to tomcat, I see that the above code works, but it seems to get a different manifest file than the one I expected, which I can tell because the ant version and build timestamp are both different. Then, I put "META-INFFFF" in there, and the above code still works! This means that I'm reading some other manifest, not mine. I also tried
But the result was the same. What's the proper way to read the manifest file from inside of a webapp running in tomcat?
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions so far. Also, I should note that I am running tomcat standalone; I launch it from the command line, and then attach to the running instance in Eclipse's debugger. That shouldn't make a difference, should it?
Maybe your side-effects come from the fact that almost all jars include a MANIFEST.MF and you're not getting the right one. To read the MANIFEST.MF from the webapp, I would say:
ServletContext application = getServletConfig().getServletContext();
InputStream inputStream = application.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(inputStream);
Please note that running Tomcat from Eclipse is not the same as running Tomcat alone as Eclipse plays with the classloader.
a bit late, but this works for me (web appl in Glassfish)
Properties prop = new Properties();
System.out.println("All attributes:" + prop.stringPropertyNames());
System.out.println(prop.getProperty("{whatever attribute you want}"));
Try to use jcabi-manifests, that does all this loading work for you. For example:
String version = Manifests.read("My-Version");
loads My-Version attribute from one of available MANIFEST.MF files.
Important to mention that (more details are here) in most web containers current thread class loader is not the same as servlet context class loader. That's why you should append your servlet context to the register in runtime (more info):
Also, check this out: http://www.yegor256.com/2014/07/03/how-to-read-manifest-mf.html
The default way class loaders work is to defer to the parent before attempting to lookup their own resources. So if a parent class loader has any manifest available, that's what you'll get. In fact, app servers don't necessarily do this, to allow applications to override versions of libraries. Further, class loaders can have multiple jars and hence multiple manifests.
It may be able to get a resource URL of one of your uniquely named resource. Open a connection. Cast to JarURLConnection. Get the JarFile. Load the manifest from that. That may not work, particularly if Tomcat explodes the war.
[Update] Of course, the war file itself isn't on the classpath. The classpath will have something like WEB-INF/lib/(.jar|.zip) and WEB-INF/classes/. Getting a resource from the ServletContext should work.
Best solution: Do something different. :)
The right manifest exists in application root at server.
Find out the appication root, for instance by finding out classpath of your class:
String rootPath = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()
Then replace the path above with the founded path: Glassfish example:
It work for me.
Don't know about a "official" way to read it, but if the MANIFEST.MF can't be properly loaded as a resource, how about trying to derive its path from a "ServletContext.getRealPath()" on some web path defined in your app?
Writing the app version also to some else place (a property file in WEB-INF/classes) by ant during build is another solution that comes to my mind.
This is what I do to print various versions to a logfile. I have hardcoded an expanded path but apps may use servletContext.getRealPath("/") to read a full path to webapp folder. May print just given libraries or everything from lib folder.
// print library versions (jersey-common.jar, jackson-core-2.6.1.jar)
try {
List<String> jars = Arrays.asList( "jersey-common", "jackson-core", "openjpa", "mylib" );
StringBuilder verbuf = new StringBuilder();
for(File file : new File("/opt/tomcat/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/lib/").listFiles() ) {
String name = file.getName();
if (file.isDirectory() || !file.isFile() || !name.endsWith(".jar") ) continue;
name = name.substring(0, name.length()-4);
boolean found = jars.contains(name);
if (!found) {
int idx = name.lastIndexOf('-');
if (idx>0)
found = jars.contains( name.substring(0, idx) );
if (!found) continue;
JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(file, false);
try {
String ver;
Manifest mf = jarFile.getManifest();
if (mf!=null) {
ver = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-Version");
if (ver==null || ver.isEmpty())
ver = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue("Implementation-Version");
} else ver=null;
if (verbuf.length()>0) verbuf.append(", ");
verbuf.append(name + "=" + (ver!=null?ver:"") );
} finally {
System.out.println( verbuf.toString() );
} catch(Exception ex) {
