I want to set up my own id to vertex like the way mentioned below.
BaseConfiguration configuration = new BaseConfiguration();
configuration.setProperty("storage.backend", "hbase");
configuration.setProperty("storage.hostname", "slave05");
configuration.setProperty("storage.port", "2181");
configuration.setProperty("storage.tablename", "REC_GRAPH1");
TitanGraph graph = TitanFactory.open(configuration);
Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex(200);
But I'm not able to.. I guess I'm missing some configuration setup.
Please help me..
Titan assigns it's own identifiers. You can not assign your own. This behavior is typical of most graph databases (you will find this situation in nearly all Blueprints implementations). If you have an identifier you wish to persist that is custom to you, you should create an appropriate index for fast lookup of that value and treat it as a property on your vertex.
When I use gremlin-server connection using gremlin-driver in Java, I am not able to use "sideEffect" of GraphTraversal.
graph = EmptyGraph.instance()
cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml");
graphTraversalSource = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster));
My query that uses sideEffect looks like:
AtomicLong level1 = new AtomicLong(0);
.has("uuid", "1234")
.sideEffect(it -> it.get().property("level", level1.getAndIncrement())).emit().repeat(in())
.until(loops().is(5)).valueMap("uuid", "name", "level");
This query used to work when I was using janusgraph-dynamodb-storage-backend as dependency and running gremlin server within Java application and connecting to dyamodb. When i switched to using remote connection to gremlin server running in EC2, i started getting below error message:
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: WebSocketGremlinRequestEncoder must produce at least one message., took 3.895 sec
If I remove the sideEffect part from the above query, it works fine. I really need to add a custom property during traversal and include that in results without saving it in the database.
You have a few problems. The first problem is that you are trying to remote a lambda in the sideEffect() Lambdas can't be serialized to Gremlin bytecode - at least not in the form you've provided. However, you can do this:
gremlin> cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml")
gremlin> g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster))
==>graphtraversalsource[emptygraph[empty], standard]
gremlin> g.addV('person').as('p').addE('link').to('p')
gremlin> g.V().sideEffect(Lambda.function("it.get().property('level',1)")).valueMap()
Note that I had to import import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.* to the console to make that last line work there - That will be fixed for 3.2.7/3.3.0.
So, you could pass your lambda that way, but:
I don't think your traversal will work as before because you are referencing a variable local to the client with level1 - the server is not going to know anything about that.
TinkerPop generally recommends that you avoid lambdas.
I don't quite follow what your Gremlin is doing to provide a suggestion on how to resolve this. You do give this hint:
I really need to add a custom property during traversal and include that in results without saving it in the database.
...but the Gremlin above does write the value of level1 to the database so I'm not sure of what you are after.
I spent a week at Gremlin shell trying to compose one query to
get all incoming and outgoing vertexes, including their edges and directions. All i tried everything.
output i need is (just example structure ):
So i just whant to get 1) all Vertices with exact name , edge of each this vertex (including type inE or outE), and connected Vertex. And ideally after that i want to get their map() so i'l get complete object properties. i dont care about the output style, i just need all of information present, so i can manipulate with it after. I need this to train my Gremlin, but Neo4j examples are welcome. Thanks!
There's a variety of ways to approach this. Here's a few ideas that will hopefully inspire you to an answer:
gremlin> g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6]
gremlin> g.V('name','marko').transform{[v:it,inE:it.inE().as('e').outV().as('v').select().toList(),outE:it.outE().as('e').inV().as('v').select().toList()]}
==>{v=v[1], inE=[], outE=[[e:e[9][1-created->3], v:v[3]], [e:e[7][1-knows->2], v:v[2]], [e:e[8][1-knows->4], v:v[4]]]}
The transform converts the incoming vertex to a Map and does internal traversal over in/out edges. You could also use path as follows to get a similar output:
gremlin> g.V('name','marko').transform{[v:it,inE:it.inE().outV().path().toList().toList(),outE:it.outE().inV().path().toList()]}
==>{v=v[1], inE=[], outE=[[v[1], e[9][1-created->3], v[3]], [v[1], e[7][1-knows->2], v[2]], [v[1], e[8][1-knows->4], v[4]]]}
I provided these answers using TinkerPop 2.x as that looked like what you were using as judged from the syntax. TinkerPop 3.x is now available and if you are just getting started, you should take a look at the latest that has to offer:
Under 3.0 syntax you might do something like this:
gremlin> g.V().has('name','marko').as('a').bothE().bothV().where(neq('a')).path()
==>[v[1], e[9][1-created->3], v[3]]
==>[v[1], e[7][1-knows->2], v[2]]
==>[v[1], e[8][1-knows->4], v[4]]
I know that you wanted to know what the direction of the edge in the output but that's easy enough to detect on analysis of the path.
UPDATE: Here's the above query written with Daniel's suggestion of otherV usage:
gremlin> g.V().has('name','marko').bothE().otherV().path()
==>[v[1], e[9][1-created->3], v[3]]
==>[v[1], e[7][1-knows->2], v[2]]
==>[v[1], e[8][1-knows->4], v[4]]
To see the data from this you can use by() to pick apart each Path object - The extension to the above query applies valueMap to each piece of each Path:
gremlin> g.V().has('name','marko').bothE().otherV().path().by(__.valueMap(true))
==>[{label=person, name=[marko], id=1, age=[29]}, {label=created, weight=0.4, id=9}, {label=software, name=[lop], id=3, lang=[java]}]
==>[{label=person, name=[marko], id=1, age=[29]}, {label=knows, weight=0.5, id=7}, {label=person, name=[vadas], id=2, age=[27]}]
==>[{label=person, name=[marko], id=1, age=[29]}, {label=knows, weight=1.0, id=8}, {label=person, name=[josh], id=4, age=[32]}]
I am new to BO, I need to find universe name and the corresponding metadata information like(Table name, column names, join conditions etc...). I am unable to find proper way to start. I looked with Data Access SDK, Semantic SDk.
Can any one please provide me the sample code or procedure for starting..
I googled a lot but i am unable to find any sample examples
I looked into this link but that code will work only on R2 Server.
Help is Highly Apprecitated.....
Assuming you're talking about IDT based universes, you'll need to code some Java. The JavaDoc for the API is available here.
In a nutshell, you do something like this:
SlContext context = SlContext.create() ;
LocalResourceService service = context.getService(LocalResourceService.class) ;
String blxFile = service.retrieve("universe.unx","output directory") ;
RelationalBusinessLayer businessLayer = (RelationalBusinessLayer)service.load(blxFile);
RootFolder rootFolder = businessLayer.getRootFolder() ;
Once you have a hook on the rootFolder, you can use the getChildren() method to drill into the folder structure and access the various subfolders/business objects available.
You may also want to check the CmsResourceService class to access universes stored on the repository.
To get the information you are after will require a 2 part solution. Part 1 use the Rebean SDK looking at WebI reports for the Universe and object names being used with in it.
Part 2 is to break out your favorite COM programming tool, since I try to avoid COM I use the Excel Macro editor, and access the BusinessObjects Designer library. Main code snippets that I currently have are:
Dim boUniv As Designer.Universe
Dim tbl As Designer.Table
For Each tbl In boUniv.Tables
Debug.Print tbl.Name
Next tbl
This prints all of the tables in a universe.
You will need to combine the 2 parts on your own for a dependency list between WebI reports and Universes.
I just started looking at neo4j to use it for my social-network related project. During this I came across the following code:
While going through it (please refer to above link for code), I was struggling to know, how to get the total number of nodes added to a given graphDb. Is there any way to find it (total number of nodes) using graphDb or nodeIndex or referenceIndex or anything else? If yes, How?
I also need help to know, how to store the graphdb to any given path on disk? How to load this stored graphdb and perform operations on it like searching for a node/relationship etc?
(There are several files like *.db, *.id, *.keys etc.. created at given DB_PATH when above code is executed. What are all those files useful for? Does any of those files contain nodes created? if yes, how can we use them?)
How can we access this graphDb from web-interfaces like, Dashboard at http://localhost:7474/webadmin/ or data at http://localhost:7474/db/data/ ?
Please let me know in case you need any specific information to help me..
Thanks, Nitin.
For getting started with Neo4j Embedded and the Java API see:
Getting correct counts of nodes and relationships:
For accessing an embedded graph database with an integrated neo4j server, see
Phewww! Those are a lot of questions for one entry...
To get the total number of nodes and relationships in your DB, use:
NodeManager nodeManager = ((GraphDatabaseAPI) graphDb).getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(
long currentRelationships = nodeManager.getNumberOfIdsInUse(Relationship.class);
long currentNodes = nodeManager.getNumberOfIdsInUse(Node.class);
To change the path of the graph DB, simply pass the path to the GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase method. In the example you mentioned, you could simply set DB_PATH e.g. to /home/youruser/neo4j.
To access your DB with the webadmin, download neo4j, change the org.neo4j.server.database.location property in the file conf/neo4j-server.properties and point it to the path of your DB and launch the server.
For some reason my LDAP search doesn't seem to be returning all the attributes available for a given DN.
Using the folling code:
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(mEnv);
DirContext obj = (DirContext)ctx.lookup(dn);
Attributes attrs = obj.getAttributes(new CompositeName(""));
(Where mEnv is a valid Properties class, and dn is a valid DN)
I'm getting back just 7 attributes ("cn", "orclpassword", "objectclass", "mail", "authpassword;orclcommonpwd", "userpassword", "sn"), whereas I can see in Oracle Directory Manager that there are many more (including "orclIsEnabled" and "pwdaccountlockedtime")
Is anyone able to shed any light on the "missing" attributes.
(Note: my experience with LDAP is pretty limited)
Thanks :-)
There are 2 basic possibilities why an LDAP search will not return attributes you know are there:
You don't have permission to see them (check access control information, or bind as
a more privileged user)
They are defined as "operational" (internal) attributes that are not returned by
default, but will be present if you ask for them by name (by using the version
of getAttributes() that takes an array of attribute names).
Came across this:
"oracle doesn't expose the needed
attributes via the OID LDAP
pwdaccountlockedtime is definitely an operational attribute according to the documentation.
Querying the underlying database (as in your link) should be a last resort.