I built a servlet that compiles java code and returns compilation errors (if any).
I'm calling it from an html form where I type the code. The thing is, whenever I use the "+" operator for arithmetic addition or to concatenate strings, it just doesn't like it.
This is my servlet class:
public class Compiler extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {}
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String code = request.getParameter("codeToCompile").toString();
String results = this.compile(code);
private String compile(String codeToCompile){
String compilationResults = null;
String toCompile = "class test {" + codeToCompile + "}";
/*Creating dynamic java source code file object*/
SimpleJavaFileObject fileObject = new JavaObjectFromString ("ejercicio", toCompile);
JavaFileObject javaFileObjects[] = new JavaFileObject[]{fileObject} ;
/*Instantiating the java compiler*/
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
/*Create a diagnostic controller, which holds the compilation problems*/
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
/*get a standard file manager from compiler, this file manager helps us to customize how a compiler reads and writes to files*/
StandardJavaFileManager stdFileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, null, null);
/* Prepare a list of compilation units (java source code file objects) to input to compilation task*/
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = Arrays.asList(javaFileObjects);
/*Prepare any compilation options to be used during compilation
//In this example, we are asking the compiler to place the output files under bin folder.*/
String[] compileOptions = new String[]{"-d", "c:"} ;
Iterable<String> compilationOptions = Arrays.asList(compileOptions);
/*Create a compilation task from compiler by passing in the required input objects prepared above*/
CompilationTask compilerTask = compiler.getTask(null, stdFileManager, diagnostics, compilationOptions, null, compilationUnits) ;
/*Perform the compilation by calling the call method on compilerTask object.*/
boolean status = compilerTask.call();
/*On compilation failure, we can use the diagnostic collector to read the error messages and log them in specific format.*/
if (!status){//If compilation error occurs
/*Iterate through each compilation problem and print it*/
for (#SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Diagnostic diagnostic : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()){
compilationResults = "ERROR IN LINE "+ diagnostic.getLineNumber() + ": " + diagnostic.getMessage(new Locale(null));
compilationResults = "SUCCESS";
/*Finally close the fileManager instance to flush out anything that is there in the buffer.*/
try {
stdFileManager.close() ;//Close the file manager
} catch (IOException e) {
return compilationResults;
It instantiates a class called "JavaObjectFromString" which looks like this:
public class JavaObjectFromString extends SimpleJavaFileObject{
private String contents;
private String name;
public JavaObjectFromString(String className, String contents){
super(URI.create(className.replace('.', '/') + Kind.SOURCE.extension), Kind.SOURCE);
this.contents = contents;
this.name = className;
public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException {
return this.contents;
Everything works fine until I attempt to use the + operator either with Strings or with numbers.
I've been testing different scenarios. For example, some code like this:
String someText = "test" + "test";
trows Error on line 1: ';' expected. Also happens when I use the operator inside a method:
public String testMethod(){
return "test" + "test";
If I then try:
public String testMethod(String one, String two){
return one + two;
it throws Error on line 2: not a statement
If I do:
public int someNumber = 12 + 345;
I also get Error on line 1: ';' expected
Where in my servlet code am I breaking the + operator??
SOLVED. The problem was not in how the servlet handles the code but in how it was sent using ajax to post the form contents. All I needed was to encode the text before sending it:
Hi I am working on a project and using PrintWriter class for opening and writing in the file. But when I am writing the test case for same it gives following error at Line 153
Wanted but not invoked:
mockPrintWriter.println("ID url1
-> at x.y.z.verify(ProcessImageDataTest.java:153)
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
Code: (Uses Lombok Library)
public class ProcessImageData implements T {
private final File newImageDataTextFile;
public void execute() {
LineIterator inputFileIterator = null;
try {
File filteredImageDataTextFile = new File(filteredImageDataTextFilepath);
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(newImageDataTextFile);
inputFileIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(filteredImageDataTextFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.displayName());
while (inputFileIterator.hasNext()) {
**Line51** writer.println(imageDataFileLine);
//FileUtils.writeStringToFile(newImageDataTextFile, imageDataFileLine + NEWLINE, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
**LINE63** writer.close();
#PrepareForTest({ ProcessImageData.class, FileUtils.class, Printwriter.class })
public class ProcessImageDataTest {
private ProcessImageData processImageData;
private static final String FILTERED_IMAGE_DATA_TEXT_FILE_PATH = "filteredFilepath";
private File FILTEREDFILE = new File(FILTERED_PATH);
private static final File IMAGE__FILE = new File("imageFilePath");
private LineIterator lineIterator;
private PrintWriter mockPrintWriter;
public void init() throws Exception {
processImageData = new ProcessImageData(Palettes_file, FILTERED_PATH, IMAGE_FILE);
PowerMockito.when(FileUtils.lineIterator(FILTERED_FILE, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.displayName())).thenReturn(lineIterator);
PowerMockito.when(lineIterator.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, true, false);
public void testTaskWhenIDInDBAndStale() throws IOException {
PowerMockito.when(lineIterator.nextLine()).thenReturn(ID2 + SPACE + URL1, ID1 + SPACE + URL2);
List<String> exepctedFileContentOutput = Arrays.asList(ID2 + SPACE + URL1 + NEWLINE);
verify(exepctedFileContentOutput, 1, 1);
public void testTaskWhenIDNotInDB() throws IOException {
PowerMockito.when(lineIterator.nextLine()).thenReturn(ID2 + SPACE + URL1, ID3 + SPACE + URL2);
List<String> exepctedFileContentOutput = Arrays.asList(ID3 + SPACE + URL2 + NEWLINE);
verify(exepctedFileContentOutput, 1, 1);
private void verify(List<String> exepctedFileContentOutput, int fileWriteTimes, int fileReadTimes) throws IOException {
for (String line : exepctedFileContentOutput){
**Line153** Mockito.verify(mockPrintWriter, Mockito.times(fileWriteTimes)).print(line);
FileUtils.lineIterator(FILTERED_IMAGE_DATA_TEXT_FILE, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.displayName());
I am mocking a new operator for PrintWriter also, injecting using beans. What is the mistake I am doing?? I am stuck on it from long time and not getting the error?
Any help is appreciated.
Updated :
I did changes suggested below and updated the code, but now I get the error:
Wanted but not invoked: mockPrintWriter.print("ASIN2 url1 "); ->
at softlines.ctl.ruleExecutor.tasks.ProcessImageDataTest.verify(ProcessImageDataTest.java:153)
However, there were other interactions with this mock: -> at softlines.ctl.ruleExecutor.tasks.ProcessImageData.execute(ProcessImageData.java:51) ->
at softlines.ctl.ruleExecutor.tasks.ProcessImageData.execute(ProcessImageData.java:51) ->
at softlines.ctl.ruleExecutor.tasks.ProcessImageData.execute(ProcessImageData.java:58) –
I see 3 issues in your test:
You don't try to mock the correct constructor, indeed in the method execute, you create your PrintWriter with only one argument of type File while you try to mock the constructor with 2 arguments one of type File and the other one of type String.
So the code should rather be:
To be able to mock a constructor you need to prepare the class creating the instance which is ProcessImageData in this case, so you need to add ProcessImageData.class in the annotation #PrepareForTest. (I'm not sure ProcessImageDataTest.class is needed there)
The field lineIterator should be annotated with #Mock.
Instead of verifying print with a new line, you should verify directly println without new line it is much less error prone.
I simplified your code to show the idea.
Assuming that ProcessImageData is:
public class ProcessImageData {
private final File newImageDataTextFile;
public ProcessImageData(final File newImageDataTextFile) {
this.newImageDataTextFile = newImageDataTextFile;
public void execute() throws Exception{
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(newImageDataTextFile)) {
LineIterator inputFileIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(
newImageDataTextFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.displayName()
while (inputFileIterator.hasNext()) {
My unit test would then be:
#PrepareForTest({ProcessImageData.class, FileUtils.class})
public class ProcessImageDataTest {
private File file = new File("imageFilePath");
private ProcessImageData processImageData;
private PrintWriter mockPrintWriter;
private LineIterator lineIterator;
public void init() throws Exception {
processImageData = new ProcessImageData(file);
FileUtils.lineIterator(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.displayName())
PowerMockito.when(lineIterator.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, true, false);
public void testExecute() throws Exception {
PowerMockito.when(lineIterator.nextLine()).thenReturn("Foo", "Bar");
Mockito.verify(mockPrintWriter, Mockito.times(1)).println("Foo");
Mockito.verify(mockPrintWriter, Mockito.times(1)).println("Bar");
For more details please refer to How to mock construction of new objects.
how can I add verification in unit test for writer.close?
One way could be to simply check that close() at be called once by adding the next line to your unit test:
Mockito.verify(mockPrintWriter, Mockito.times(1)).close();
Your construction of the PrintWriter doesn't match the mock. You told PowerMockito to return your mock like this:
PowerMockito.whenNew(PrintWriter.class).withArguments(IMAGE_FILE , StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()).thenReturn(mockPrintWriter);
So you would have to say:
new PrintWriter(IMAGE_FILE, "UTF-8"); // 2 arguments
But instead in your execute method in the code that is being tested, you do:
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(newImageDataTextFile); // only 1 argument
So you either need to change the PowerMockito withArguments clause, or you need to add "UTF-8" to the constructor invocation in the execute method.
How do I print the entire stack trace using java.util.Logger? (without annoying Netbeans).
The question should've originally specified staying within Java SE. Omitting that requirment was an error on my part.
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/rainmaker/build/empty
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/rainmaker/build/generated-sources/ap-source-output
[javac] Compiling 13 source files to /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/rainmaker/build/classes
[javac] /home/thufir/NetBeansProjects/rainmaker/src/model/TelnetEventProcessor.java:44: error: 'void' type not allowed here
[javac] log.severe(npe.printStackTrace(System.out));
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error
code with the error:
package model;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class TelnetEventProcessor extends Observable {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TelnetEventProcessor.class.getName());
private String string = null;
public TelnetEventProcessor() {
private void stripAnsiColors() {
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("\\e\\[[0-9;]*m");
Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(string);
string = regexMatcher.replaceAll(""); // *3 ??
public void parse(String string) {
this.string = string;
// [\w]+(?=\.)
private void ifs() {
if (string.contains("confusing the hell out of")) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\w]+(?=\\.)"); //(\w+)\.
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
String enemy = null;
GameData data = null;
while (matcher.find()) {
enemy = matcher.group();
try {
data = new GameData.Builder().enemy(enemy).build();
log.fine("new data object\t\t" + data.getEnemy());
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
} else if (string.contains("Enter 3-letter city code:")) {
log.fine("found enter city code");
} else {
see also:
The severe method is only used to log severe messages without associated throwable information. If you need to log throwable information then you should use the log method instead:
try {
data = new GameData.Builder().enemy(enemy).build();
log.fine("new data object\t\t" + data.getEnemy());
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, npe.getMessage(), npe);
Why don't you put the exception in the logger?
You can use this method :
logger.log(Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
Maybe a duplicated question? Java - Need a logging package that will log the stacktrace
Below the explanation from the given url
Using log4j
this is done with:
logger.error("An error occurred", exception);
The first argument is a message to be displayed, the second is the
exception (throwable) whose stacktrace is logged.
Another option is commons-logging,
where it's the same:
log.error("Message", exception);
With java.util.logging
this can be done via:
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Message", exception);
You don't explicitly print the stack trace; Throwables have stack traces attached to them, and you can pass a Throwable to the log methods:
log(Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
You could use Apache ExceptionUtils. In your case
try {
data = new GameData.Builder().enemy(enemy).build();
log.fine("new data object\t\t" + data.getEnemy());
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
You should redirect the System.err to the logger, the process is not too simple but you can use this code:
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class LogOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {//java.io.OutputStream {
private String lineSeparator;
private Logger logger;
private Level level;
public LogOutputStream(Logger logger, Level level) {
this.logger = logger;
this.level = level;
this.lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public void flush() throws IOException {
String record;
synchronized (this) {
record = this.toString();
if ((record.length() == 0) || record.equals(this.lineSeparator)) {
// avoid empty records
this.logger.logp(this.level, "", "", record);
And The code to set this (that should called the when you first create the logger
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Exception");
LogOutputStream los = new LogOutputStream(logger, Level.SEVERE);
System.setErr(new PrintStream(los, true));
This will redirect the System.err stream to the logger.
You can also try to use ExceptionUtils from apache commons
The exception is due to the printstacktrace method being void, meaning it doesn't return anything. You are trying to do:
My guess is that the severe method needs a String and not void.
What my application is doing is creating a large csv file (its a report) and the idea is to deliver the contents of the csv file without actually saving a file for it. Here's my code
String csvData; //this is the string that contains the csv contents
byte[] csvContents = csvData.getBytes();
response.contentType = "text/csv";
response.headers.put("Content-Disposition", new Header(
"Content-Disposition", "attachment;" + "test.csv"));
response.headers.put("Cache-Control", new Header("Cache-Control",
The csv files that are being generated are rather large and the error i am getting is
org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.TooLongFrameException: An HTTP line is larger than 4096 bytes.
Whats the best way to overcome this issue?
My tech stack is java 6 with play framework 1.2.5.
Note: the origin of the response object is play.mvc.Controller.response
Please use
String csvData; //this is the string that contains the csv contents
byte[] csvContents = csvData.getBytes();
ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.csv");
We use this to show the results of an action directly in the browser,
window.location='data:text/csv;charset=utf8,' + encodeURIComponent(your-csv-data);
I am not sure about the out of memory error but I would at least try this:
request.format = "csv";
renderBinary(new ByteArrayInputStream(csvContents));
Apparently netty complains that the http-header is too long - maybe it somehow thinks that your file is part of the header, see also
as nylund states, using renderBinary should do the trick.
We use writeChunk oursleves to output large reports on the fly, like:
public static void getReport() {
final Report report = new Report(code, from, to );
try {
while (report.hasMoreData()) {
final String data = await(report.getData());
} catch (final Exception e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause != null && cause.getMessage().contains("HTTP output stream closed")) {
logger.warn(e, "user cancelled download");
} else {
logger.error(e, "error retrieving data");
in report code
public class Report {
public Report(final String code, final Date from, final Date to) {
public boolean hasMoreData() {
// find out if there is more data
public Future<String> getData() {
final Job<String> queryJob = new Job<String>() {
public String doJobWithResult() throws Exception {
// grab data (e.g read form db) and return it
return data;
return queryJob.now();
I have a problem regarding java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. This program is about Compiler API (JSR 199). When I create a prototype for this it run work, but when I try to make it to become library it throw NoSuchMethodError Exception.
Here is the First Prototype:
public class DynaCompTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fullName = "HelloWorld";
StringBuilder sourceCode = new StringBuilder();
sourceCode.append("public class HelloWorld {\n")
.append("\tpublic static void main(String[] args) {\n")
.append("\t\tSystem.out.println(\"Hello World\")\n")
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
JavaFileManager fileManager = new ClassFileManager(compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null));
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<>();
List<JavaFileObject> jFiles = new ArrayList<>();
jFiles.add(new CharSequenceJavaFileObject(fullName, sourceCode));
compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnostics, null, null, jFiles).call();
for (Diagnostic diagnostic : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()) {
System.out.format("Error on line %d in %s\n", diagnostic.getLineNumber(), diagnostic);
public class CharSequenceJavaFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
private CharSequence content;
public CharSequenceJavaFileObject(String className, CharSequence content) {
super(URI.create("string:///" + className.replace('.', '/') + Kind.SOURCE.extension), Kind.SOURCE);
this.content = content;
public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {
return content;
public class ClassFileManager extends ForwardingJavaFileManager {
private JavaClassObject jClassObject;
public ClassFileManager(StandardJavaFileManager standardManager) {
public ClassLoader getClassLoader(Location location) {
return new SecureClassLoader() {
protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
byte[] b = jClassObject.getBytes();
return super.defineClass(name, jClassObject.getBytes(), 0, b.length);
public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(Location location, String className, Kind kind, FileObject sibling) throws IOException {
jClassObject = new JavaClassObject(className, kind);
return jClassObject;
public class JavaClassObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
protected final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
public JavaClassObject(String name, Kind kind) {
super(URI.create("string:///" + name.replace('.', '/') + kind.extension), kind);
public byte[] getBytes() {
return bos.toByteArray();
public OutputStream openOutputStream() {
return bos;
I changed the DynaCompTest become DynamicCompiler for the library:
public class DynamicCompiler {
private JavaCompiler compiler;
private JavaFileManager fileManager;
private List<JavaFileObject> jFiles;
private DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics;
public DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> getDiagnostics() {
return diagnostics;
public DynamicCompiler(String className, StringBuilder sourceCode) {
compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
fileManager = new ClassFileManager(compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null));
diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<>();
jFiles = new ArrayList<>();
jFiles.add(new CharSequenceJavaFileObject(className, sourceCode));
public boolean doCompilation() {
return compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnostics, null, null, jFiles).call();
And I created Second Prototype to test the library:
public class Compiler {
private static StringBuilder sourceCode = new StringBuilder();
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean status;
sourceCode.append("public class HelloWorld {\n")
.append("\tpublic static void main(String[] args) {\n")
.append("\t\tSystem.out.println(\"Hello World\");\n")
DynamicCompiler compiler = new DynamicCompiler("HelloWorld", sourceCode);
status = compiler.doCompilation();
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder();
if (!status) {
for (Diagnostic diagnostic : compiler.getDiagnostics().getDiagnostics()) {
messages.append("Error on line ")
.append(" in ")
} else {
messages.append("BUILD SUCCESSFUL ");
When I test with code above it run well and print BUILD SUCCESSFUL but when I tried to make it error for example I deleted the semicolon ; like the first prototype, it throw the NoSuchMethodError Exception when access the compiler.getDiagnostics().getDiagnostics() inside the looping.
The question is, why in the First Prototype it run well when try to make an error but when I tried with my own library it become Exception?
Here is the stacktrace:
/HelloWorld.java:3: error: ';' expected
System.out.println("Hello World")
1 error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.ert.lib.DynamicCompiler.getDiagnostics()Ljavax/tools/DiagnosticCollector;
at org.ert.exp.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:28)
Java Result: 1
It should be like this:
Error on line 3 in /HelloWorld.java:3: error: ';' expected
System.out.println("Hello World")
When trying to debug it, it shown an error:
public DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> getDiagnostics() {
return diagnostics; // Set Breakpoint here
Here is the error message:
Not able to submit breakpoint LineBreakpoint DynamicCompiler.java : 25, reason: No executable location available at line 25 in class org.ert.lib.DynamicCompiler.
Invalid LineBreakpoint DynamicCompiler.java : 25
Got the problem, this problem will occur if we add the whole project instead build the jar of the library. So when I build the library jar it works. But anyone can explain why this thing happen when I try add the whole project instead the jar file?
I'm using:
JDK 1.7 from Oracle
Netbeans 7.1.1
It seems that you have similar class exists in two different libraries(jars).
com.test.Example.class in a.jar
com.test.Example.class in b.jar
Now class loader will load the first first Example.class and it seems that you need class which is there in b.jar. Then it will not throw exception such as NoMethodFound but throw an Exception that NoSuchMethodFound because class still exists in memory but can not find required method.
Such problems can be resolved by changing library order. You need to make required library's order higher. You can do this from the eclipse
Project Setting -> Java Build Path -> Order and Export.
Hope this is helpful.
After I tried with Eclipse Indigo, I found that it works when add the Project or add the jar file. While in Netbeans 7.1.1 will get an error if add the Project, but works if add the jar file.
Maybe it one of the bugs of Netbeans...
Thank you for your attention...
I get the following problem when trying to display a list of items. For each item, I have to display an image which is dynamically loaded via a Wicket WebResource. The items are loaded step by step — 50 at a time — upon user scrolling, using an Ajax scroll.
[ERROR] 2011-04-19 09:58:18,000 btpool0-1 org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.logRuntimeException (host=, request=, site=):
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: component documentList:scroller:batchElem:666:content:item:3:batchItemContent:linkToPreview:imageThumbnail not found on page com.webapp.document.pages.DocumentListPage[id = 1]
listener interface = [RequestListenerInterface name=IResourceListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IResourceListener.onResourceRequested()]
org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.InvalidUrlException: org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: component documentList:scroller:batchElem:666:content:item:3:batchItemContent:linkToPreview:imageThumbnail
not found on page com.webapp.document.pages.DocumentListPage[id = 1] listener interface = [RequestListenerInterface name=IResourceListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IResourceListener.onResourceRequested()]
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebRequestCycleProcessor.resolve(WebRequestCycleProcessor.java:262)
at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.step(RequestCycle.java:1310)
at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.steps(RequestCycle.java:1428)
at org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle.request(RequestCycle.java:545)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.doGet(WicketFilter.java:479)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter$$EnhancerByGuice$$51619816.CGLIB$doGet$6()
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter$$EnhancerByGuice$$51619816$$FastClassByGuice$$6d42bf5d.invoke()
at com.google.inject.internal.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invokeSuper(MethodProxy.java:228)
at com.google.inject.internal.InterceptorStackCallback$InterceptedMethodInvocation.proceed(InterceptorStackCallback.java:64)
at com.freiheit.monitoring.PerformanceMonitoringMethodInterceptor.invoke(PerformanceMonitoringMethodInterceptor.java:115)
at com.google.inject.internal.InterceptorStackCallback$InterceptedMethodInvocation.proceed(InterceptorStackCallback.java:64)
at com.google.inject.internal.InterceptorStackCallback.intercept(InterceptorStackCallback.java:44)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter$$EnhancerByGuice$$51619816.doGet()
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.doFilter(WicketFilter.java:312)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter$$EnhancerByGuice$$51619816.CGLIB$doFilter$4()
How can this problem be solved?
Here is the part of the code responsible for adding the image:
previewLink.add(createThumbnailSmall("imageThumbnail", documentModel));
createThumbnailSmall(final String id, final IModel<BaseDocument> documentModel) {
// thumbnailResource is an object that contains the path of the image
if (thumbnailResource != null) {
final WebResource resource = getWebResource(thumbnailResource);
final Image image = new Image(id, resource);
return image;
return new InvisibleContainer(id);
WebResource getWebResource(final DocumentResource documentResource) {
return new WebResource() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
return new BaseStreamResource(documentResource);
where BaseStreamResource is the following:
public class BaseStreamResource extends AbstractResourceStream {
private InputStream _fileInputStream = null;
private DocumentResource _resource = null;
public BaseStreamResource(final DocumentResource documentResource) {
_resource = documentResource;
public InputStream getInputStream() throws ResourceStreamNotFoundException {
if (_fileInputStream == null) {
try {
if (_resource == null) {
throw new ResourceStreamNotFoundException("Resource was null");
_fileInputStream = _resource.getFileInputStream();
} catch (final ResourceNotAvailableException ex) {
throw new ResourceStreamNotFoundException(ex);
return _fileInputStream;
<a wicket:id="linkToPreview" href="#">
<img wicket:id="imageThumbnail" alt="Attachment"></img></a>
The code added hasn't really added any clues for me, but maybe I can help narrow it down a bit anyway.
The stacktrace includes a reference to com.webapp.document.pages.DocumentListPage, which is likely calling some of the code you've posted. The error indicates a bad url, so debugging into that class, adding debug prints, and looking at the values of any field containing a url might be worthwhile.
It might even help to modify the code in DocumentListPage (maybe temporarily for debugging) to catch org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.InvalidUrlException and adding debugging prints specifically when the exception is caught.
This isn't really an answer, but it's too big for a comment, and maybe it'll help you get closer to an answer.
The following solution solved the problem:
- extend WebResource class
- add extended class as a resource to application shared resources
public class MyWebResource extends WebResource {
final ValueMap map = new ValueMap();
public IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
String fileName = getFileName();
File file = new File(basePath, fileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
LOG.error("File does not exist: " + file);
throw new IllegalStateException("File does not exist: " + file);
return new FileResourceStream(file);
public final void addResource() {
Application.get().getSharedResources().add(getClass().getName(), this);
protected String getFileName() {
return getParameters().getString("id");
public final String urlFor(final String fileName) {
final ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference(getClass().getName());
final String encodedValue = WicketURLEncoder.QUERY_INSTANCE.encode(fileName);
map.add("id", encodedValue);
final CharSequence result = RequestCycle.get().urlFor(resourceReference, map);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The resource was not added! "
+ "In your Application class add the following line:"
+ "MyConcreteResource.INSTANCE.addResource()");
String absoluteUrl = RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath(result.toString());
return absoluteUrl;
In Application class, in init(), I have added MyWebResource to shared resources:
public void init() {
new MyWebResource().addResource();