How to reset the detail formatters in eclipse - java

I think I messed up the detail formatters. I cannot display this page in the settings anymore (it's just white) and I can't hover any varaible anymore in debug (i get "Multiple prolems have occured": "Label Job", "compute variable details").
Where are these settings stored so I can reset them? Are these workspace specific (which settings are workspace specific, which not?)?
Thanks in advance

I think these settings are in the workspace .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.prefs file (along with other Java Debug settings).
Almost all preferences are workspace specific.
Also look in the workspace .metadata/.log file for more detailed errors.


Eclipse Javadoc Background Overrides Default

My default workspace on Eclipse set the Javadoc Background color to black and it is impossible to read the text:
Javadoc black background
I have already tried to "restore defaults" at Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts, but it works until I close the workspace. Next time I open it again, the problem returns:
Preferences Javadoc Background overrides default
I have tried to find the file inside workspace\.metadata\.plugins folder that set this configuration, but I didn't find. I also tried to find other solutions, but I only found solutions for Ubuntu OS, and I am on Windows 7 with an Oxygen.3A Eclipse.
Has anyone faced this problem?
Thanks in advance.
PS1.: New workspaces comes without the error.
PS2.: I work with lots of workspaces at work, so creating new ones is not an option, because it will take hours to reorganize them.
I solved this problem on Eclipse 2018-12 by changing to a theme other than "Classic." Once I did that and restarted Eclipse, it looked like it should.
Make sure Enable theming is checked.
Select a different theme from Classic and restart Eclipse.
Since you lose your current workspace setting for background color whenever you reopen the workspace perhaps Oomph has stored a configuration setting for background color for that workspace (black in your case), and that is being used on startup to override your most recent setting.
To resolve:
Select Window > Preferences > Oomph > Setup Tasks > Preference Recorder
Check Record into and select Workspace from the droplist.
Enter Javadoc.backgroundColor in the search field and then check the entry that is listed, so that your screen looks like this:
Click Apply and Close.
Select Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Color and Fonts, select Java > Javadoc background and then click Edit... to choose the background color you want.
Click Apply and Close then restart Eclipse. After restarting you should see that your most recent color change is still being used.
Optionally, uncheck Record into so that Oomph doesn't record further configuration changes.
(I am not confident that this is necessarily the solution because it implies that someone had previously set the Javadoc background color to black as part of the Oomph configuration for the workspace, and that is not easy to do unintentionally.)

Eclipse kepler - Disable javascript validation

I just installed the new eclipse kepler (eclipse 4.3). It shows me hundreds of errors and warnings from third party javascript libraries.
I tried to disable the javasscript validation completely by unchecking "Enable JavaScript semantic validation" in "Preferences/JavaScript/Validator", but with no effect - Errors and warnings are still shown.
Is there another option to disable them or is this just a bug?
Can other people confirm this issue or is it just me? :)
Edit 1: Lavie Tobey pointed out, i should set all validations to "ignore" -> did not help
Edit 2:
Jim Garrison pointed out, i should disable the builder for the projects -> Actually I don't have a javascript builder in there. Disabled for testing purposes all of them, but did not help:
You can go Project properties/Javascript/Include Path/source and exclude the third party components.
There are two places you have to look. You have found the first. The second is in each project's Properties dialog, accessed by right-clicking on the project in Package Explorer and selecting "Properties". There, under Builders you may find a "Javascript Validation" entry, which you must disable.
You have to do this for every project that contains a Javascript Validation builder.
Try this: Open the .project in notepad and remove the javascript validator
I've found that in previous versions of Eclipse, the only way to really get these to go away is to enable it and change every case to "Ignore".
You can switch off (and configure) validation in Preferences/Validation or (for each project) Properties/Validation. However, this doesn't seem to force a cleanup of the messages.
Like it was said : be sure to go to PROJECT properties (right click on project, properties), and not Workspace (Eclipse/preference).
I searched like 20 min before hitting myself ;)
I solved this by choosing a PHP profile for my javascript instead.
Maybe you don't get the same functionality but for me this profile is just fine. Crashes, hangings & frustration went away.
I had the same issue for XML Validation. I deactivated the validators globally and in the projects itself, nothing worked for me. There wasn't even the slightest hint that anything changed. I even uninstalled XML Editor and Validation Plugins without any effect.
In the end the problem was solved in copy-pasting the XML files with a validation error, deleting the old files and renaming the copies files to the original ones. Somehow Eclipse did not re-validate the old files, but the new ones were okay.

Can't view source in eclipse debug perspective

I was moving around the arrangement of windows in the debug perspective. Afterwards, no matter which .java files I had open in the Java perspective, only the source file with the main method would be open in the debug perspective and I couldn't figure out how to see the other source files.
Then, I accidently closed the main source file and now I don't see any source code in my debug perspective.
If I go to Window -> New Editor, or if I double click on from the navigator, nothing happens.
I reset the perspective to default and in the editor, it says "No editor descriptor for id org.eclipse.ui.internal.emptyEditorTab"
try this based on this link,
Closing eclipse and removing .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi
from your workspace, if you aware of another error, cut and paste to another location..
if you still want to worked with eclipse, re-install again, import your code. It worked against me. happy coding.. ^^
I cut the file workbench.xmi --> C:\User\workspace.metadata.plugins\workbench.xmi
Now the eclipse is running without the Error!
Delete workbench.xmi, it worked for me.

Eclipse 'loading descriptor' takes ages

We have a Java Spring MVC based project using Eclipse (Juno - the latest build), using the latest JVM 1.7 and Tomcat 7. Eclipse is pretty fast, and everything is set to default settings. Once it is all loaded up, it is lightning fast, which makes a pleasant change.
However, the only gripe is that if I open a project, it begins 'Loading descriptor', which as far as I can tell is our 185-line web.xml file. Sometimes this might take 5 minutes to load, sometimes might just not load at all. This prevents any changes being made, as the system waits for the descriptor to load before anything else happens. Pressing the stop button on this leaves the system 'waiting' for the cancel to go through, and the only way out seems to be to kill the java process is the task manager. If it does by chance load, then the system runs fine (unless you open another project for reference, then the fun begin again).
Is there some configuration that skips the descriptor (e.g. is it something to do with validation that can be skipped) or would there be some reason that the descriptor might not load properly?
This happens when your Project Explorer is open. Uncheck unnecessary options at Project Explorer's "Customize View" dialog. On the top right corner of the Project Explorer panel there is menu called "Customize View", go to the second tab called "Content" and uncheck unwanted options...
That problem occurred because "Project Explorer" performs loading of environment descriptor.
So after the eclipse was loaded, choose "Windows" -> "Open Perspective" -> "Java". It will open the "Package Explorer" instead of "Project Explorer".
You need to be quick and get it done before the eclipse load the descriptor.
As you mentioned you could try disabling all 'xml' based validations like so :
Start by disabling all XML / XSL based validation towards the bottom
in Windows -> Preferences -> Validation :
Type 'Validation' in Eclipse preferences and disable any XML related
validations, like so:
Might be worth to try out the following:
Check your proxy settings. Are they such that if required your Eclipse would be able to connect to the internet ? The reason I ask is, with XML files Eclipse attempts to download the related schema files.
Also, check Eclipse' error log view to see whether there is something specific that it's trying to do when it hangs.
Do you have a source control plugin inside eclipse which is linked to the project containing the web.xml file ? If so, if you disconnect your network does it help ? Infact, I would recommend disconnecting your network connection and try opening the problematic project.
If this is an old workspace from a previous version of Eclipse, try importing this project into a new workspace ?
Hope the above helps.
Yes, the problem is in "Project Explorer". If you like to use the "Java EE" perspective (which by default opens "Project Explorer" view) then close the "Project Explorer" view and open the "Package Explorer" view.
Changed Explorer to Package Explorer
Window->Show View->Other->Java->Package Explorer
It works now.
In my case, renaming the web.xml to web-fail.xml stops the hanging.
At least, I replaced my 2.4 schema definition with the 3.1
`<web-app xmlns=""
and everything works fine again
My way to succes was deleting the project from the eclipse. And removing ".classpath",".settings" and ".project" files(".settings" is a directory). After that importing project into eclipse as existing maven project.

Eclipse/Java code completion not working

I've downloaded, unzipped and setup Eclipse 3.4.2 with some plugins (noteable, EPIC, Clearcase, QuantumDB, MisterQ).
Now I find when I'm editing Java projects the code completion is not working. If I type String. and press ctrl+space a popup shows "No Default Proposals" and the status bar at the bottom shows "No completions available".
Any ideas?
Try restoring the default options in 'Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced'
An example of the kind of data you see in this preference screen, however not necessarily what you currently have.
(From Vadim in this blog post " Content Assist Duplicates in Eclipse (Mylyn)":
if have duplicate Mylyn entries, uncheck the duplicate entries that do not contain "(Mylyn)" in their name)
The Eclipse help page defines the default list to restore:
Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist list:
Other Java Proposals,
SWT Template Proposals,
Template Proposals,
Type Proposals
I'm adding an answer here in case someone else finds this on Google. Same symptoms; different problem. For me, the type caches had become corrupt.
Quit Eclipse
Go to workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core
Remove *.index and savedIndexNames.txt
Restart Eclipse and search Ctrl+T for the offending type. The indexes will be rebuilt.
In case someone comes here and want to activate the autocomplete function, go to
Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist.
Then in the Auto Activation section fill in Auto activation triggers for Java:
For those running Xfce + having IBus plugin activated, there might be keyboard shortcut conflict.
See more info on my blog:
as suggested by #nhahtdh's comment, adding the some more info to answer directly: IBus plugin in Xfce uses by default Ctrl+Space shortcut for keyboard layout switching. To change it, go to: Options and change it to whatever else you prefer.
Check the lib of your project. It may be that you have include two such jar files in which same class is available or say one class in code can be refrenced in two jar files. In such case also eclipse stops assisting code as it is totally confused.
Better way to check this is go to the file where assist is not working and comment all imports there, than add imports one by one and check at each import if code-assist is working or not.You can easily find the class with duplicate refrences.
Another solution which worked for me is to go to Java--> Appearence --> Type Filters and do disable all
None of these worked for me.
I was experiencing this issue in only once particular class. What finally worked for me was to delete the offending class and recreate it. Problem solved... mystery not so much!
If you have installed Google Toolbar for IE, may be you can face the same problem. Because, the toolbar capture the shortcut ctrl+Space.
I had this problem and like #Marc, only on a particular class. I discovered that I needed to designate Open With = Java Editor. As a Eclipse newbie I hadn't even realized that I was just using a plain text editor.
In the package explorer, right-click the file and chose "Open With".
I faced this problem, and spent hours trying to figure out the issue. tried to follow the steps mentioned in the different answers above, the solution I found is on the same lines as Mona suggested, but slightly different. Tried to add as a comment to Mona's answer but no option was available.
Issue with my eclipse was, classpath somehow got corrupted and all the jars and dependent projects were missing. after taking the latest .classpath from repository it worked fine.
Check that you did not filter out many options inside the Window > Preferences > Java > Appearance > Type Filters
Items in this list will not be appear in quick fix, be autocompleted, or appear in other various places like the Open Type dialog.
I also face this issue but it is resolved in different way.
Steps that I follow may be helpful for others.
Right click on project (the one you are working on)
Go to Properties > Java Build Path > JRE System Library
Click Edit... on the right
Choose the JRE 7
Once you have you configuration checked and completion is still not working:
make sure you have the right directory structure.
Do you see the right icon beside the file?:
It will tell you how the file will be treated by Eclipse:
I am posting this answer as I had that story with with Maven webapp artifact. By default Maven-WebApp does not create folder for sources and I put my Java into resources, wondering for 5 minutes what was going on... :)
Running STS on Java Spring Boot projects, here's what works for me :
Maybe this helps other people who come across the same issue.
My setup: old Gradle project (version Gradle 2.12) made by someone else, imported using the Gradle Import Wizard into STS (Eclipse Oxygen.2 (4.7.2)).
Code completion did not work either (and I still have hollow Js at the Java files), but at least I got the code completion to work by doing:
right click on the project folder > Properties > Gradle > Configure Workspace Settings > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
check "Java Proposals in upper window.
2x Apply & Close
I have run into this problem since upgrading to Eclipse 2019-09. Based on some of the suggestions above, this is what worked for me.
I had to go to Eclipse -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced.
I found out that if I turn on any of the key binding proposals, Java Non-Type, Java, Java (Task-Focused) or Java Type proposal, then I was able to use auto complete. If I turned them all on, then not only did auto complete work, but I got duplicate methods listed. I am guessing, but I will probably used Java Type Proposals. Any clarification of what differs for these four types would be appreciated.
In my case, Intellisense had only disappeared in a few classes in one project. It turned out this was because of a missing library on the build path (although it worked previously).
So definitely check all the errors or problems in Eclipse and try to find if a library may be missing
For those who use the latest 3-19 eclipse build:
It just happened to me when upgrading from Oxygen to 3-19 eclipse version, so I assume the auto-complete feature does not migrated correctly during the upgrade process.
The only solution that worked for me was to create a new eclipse workspace, and import the project/s to it. It might take a few minutes, but it worth it - comparing to the time spent on other solutions...
I ran into this and it ended up being I was opening the file with the text editor and not the java editor.
For me the issue was a conflict between several versions of the same library. The Eclipse assist was using an older version than maven.
I had to go to the .m2 directory and delete the unwanted lib version + restart eclipse.
I experience problems on Eclipse Neon when editing a file which does not belong to the project directory. When I copy the same file to the project root directory, not even to the src directory, the completion starts working.
When the file is opened from a different directory, only completion for JRE works. That is for example: java. completes, but junit. does not.
Just in case anyone got to a desperate point where nothing works... It happened to us that the content assist somehow shrunk so no suggestion was shown, just the "Press Ctrl+Space for non-Java..." could be seen.
So, it was just a matter of dragging the corner of the content assist to enlarge the pop-up.
I know, embarrassing. Hope it helps.
Note: this was an Ubuntu server with Xfce4 using Eclipse Oxygen.
If you're experiencing this in an enum, or when initializing an array with anonymous classes, it's a known bug in Eclipse. See Eclipse content assist not working in enum constant parameter list.
We can change the settings as per our requirement.
Suppose we want to make java proposal as highest priority we need to do changes as shown below.
Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
Choose Java proposal and click on up button
For me in Sep 2021 it was an odd Eclipse bug. I had a multi-line string inside an annotation in my Class. This caused just that particular class to fail when trying to code complete (even though the class compiled just fine).
