Android: Save two Bitmaps with same name in internal storage - java

If I save a Bitmap called "picture.jpg" in internal storage and some steps later I save another Bitmap called "picture.jpg" too, what happens then?
Does the second Bitmap overwrite the first or are there two Bitmaps with the same name then?

It will show you an error, I suggest you could use a dynamic file name or delete it before saving, in the case of dynamic, you could use something like this:
static int fCount = 0;
File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
+ File.separator + "/test" + String.valueOf(fCount++) +".jpg" );
File file = new File(getExternalCacheDir(), "test.jpg" ); if (file.exists()) { boolean deleted = file.delete(); }


How to Store Image in App Specific Folder? IN Android 11. Help to Store Image

Here is My Code the way I'm creating my folder in app Specific directory.
private File createDirectory(String dirName) {
File file = new File(getApplicationContext().getExternalFilesDir(dirName) + "/" + dirName);
if (!file.exists()) {
return file;
your method returns File, which is a directory. now you have to create new image file object
File dir = createDirectory("imagesDirectory");
File file = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath(), "imageName.jpg");
FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
now you have to compress your Bitmap as JPG (as name set above) and feed this stream
Bitmap pictureBitmap = ...; // your image
pictureBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, outStream);
and don't foregt to close stream
if you want lossless format you can use PNG (Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG), don't forget to name your file extension accordingly
you can only write in your app-specific files
File dir_ = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "YOUR_DIR");
you can use the function "getExternalFilesDir" and you change the value between in parenthesis. Here I put "Environment.DIRECTORY8DCIM" but there are others (you can check in the android developer web site).
I show you an exemple:
private fun getOutputMediaFile(): File? {
val mediaStorageDir = getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM).let {
File(it, "[name_folder]").apply { mkdirs() } }
Log.v(TAG, "storage: $mediaStorageDir") ///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[name_of_your_program]/files/DCIM/[name_folder]
if (!mediaStorageDir?.exists()!!){
if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) {
Log.v(TAG, "Failed to create directory")
return null
Hope that work for you :)

How do I make a new file everytime so nothing gets overwritten?

I have this code here that saves bitmaps of images as a GIF file called test, but everytime the user saves it as test.gif so its constantly overwriting.
What are some ways to avoid overweriting and generate a new filename everytime programmatically?
if(imagesPathList !=null){
if(imagesPathList.size()>1) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, imagesPathList.size() + " no of images are selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
File sdCard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File dir = new File (sdCard.getAbsolutePath() + "/dir1/dir2");
File file = new File(dir, "test.gif");
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch(Exception e) {
A quick and dirty solution is to put the system time in the filename:
File file = new File(dir, "test_" + System.currentTimeMillis() +".gif");
As long as that method isn't executed at the exact same millisecond, you won't have duplicates.
You can use"test", ".gif", dir)
This creates unique filename but they might get significantly long after some time.
Alternatively you can create a method that creates unique filesnames yourself:
private File createNewDestFile(File path, String prefix, String suffix) {
File ret = new File(path, prefix + suffix);
int counter = 0;
while (ret.exists()) {
ret = new File(path, prefix + "_" + counter + suffix);
return ret;
Instead of
File file = new File(dir, "test.gif");
you call
File file = createNewDestFile(dir, "test", ".gif");
This is not thread safe. For that you need a more sophisticated method (e.g. synchronize it and create a FileOutputStream instead of a File which is creating the file already before another call checks of the method checks its existence).

How to output updated image to gallery?

The exif interface is used in my application to write new data to a stored image,captured using the camera intent in Android.
The problem is when the image file is output to storage, my code for updating the attributes of the image doesn't actually update the stored image when I view details of the image in the gallery.
For example I use the UserComment tag to add some generic text as a test input but this is not displayed in the image's details on the device.
My question is, how can I check if the data is actually being written to the file?
If I know that the attributes are being appended to the image then I can debug the storage of the file as the problem.
This is the getOutputPhotoFile() method which retrieves the last captured image in the directory of the project:
private File getOutputPhotoFile() throws IOException {
File directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), getPackageName());
if (!directory.exists()) {
if (!directory.mkdirs()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create storage directory.");
return null;
String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyMMdd_HHmmss", Locale.ENGLISH).format(new Date());
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
File origFile = new File(directory.getPath(), "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg");
if(files.length!=0) {
File newestFile = files[files.length-1];
origFile = new File(directory.getPath() + File.separator + newestFile.getName());
String mString = "Generic Text..";
ExifInterface exifFile = new ExifInterface(origFile.getAbsolutePath());
exifFile.setAttribute("UserComment", mString);
return origFile;
Upon looking into ExifInterface API, it seems that there is no Exif TAG with the name "UserComment".
It seems that it only supports TAGs mentioned in the given API.
After setting the location values, you can use same ExifInterface API getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE,) and getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE) to check whether the file has the values set.

Saving to new txt file each time library saved by user

How would it be possible to enable my application to save to a new .txt file each time the user wishes to save, as opposed to overwriting the existing one?
I have this code which functions and saves information to a text file:
if(Menu.menuChoice == 1 && Library.ManualList.size() > 0){
boolean saveYesNo = Console.readYesNo("The ManualKeeper® app is able to save your current library to a '.txt' \nfile in your workspace directory.\n\nWould you like to save the current library? (Y/N):\n");
try {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("Library.txt");
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < Library.ManualList.size(); i1++){
pw.println("-------------------- Index Number: " + i1 + " --------------------");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error! Library unable to save.");
System.out.println("\n Library saved!\n");
else if(saveYesNo){
Ideally I would like the files to be saved in a numbered fashion, so the user could easily select which .txt file to view, at a later date.
To save it to a new file each time, the file name has to be unique.
You can achieve this in mulitple ways. Some ideas:
Date+Time in file name
Add the current date+time to the file name, this will also be informative as when it was created/saved, and when listing files, newer files will be at the end of the list naturally.
String name = "Library-"
+ new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").format(new Date()) + ".txt";
As an alternative, you could simply append System.currentTimeMillis() which will preserve natural creation order but will not be as nice looking/informative:
String name = "Library-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".txt";
Random String in file name
This might not be as nice looking, but for example:
String name = "Library-" + UUID.randomUUID() + ".txt";
Counter in the file name
The idea is to use a counter in the file name, so the first should be "Library.txt", the next should be "Library (2).txt", the third should be "Library (3).txt" etc.
For this to implement, we have to check existing files to determine the next value of the counter. Here is an example how to do it. This is not optimal, but does the job:
public static Path uniqueFile() {
Path file = Paths.get("Library.txt").toAbsolutePath();
if (!Files.exists(file))
return file;
Path folder = file.getParent();
for (int counter = 2; true; counter++) {
file = folder.resolve(String.format("Library (%d).txt", counter));
if (!Files.exists(file))
return file;
And using it:
String name = uniqueFile().getFileName().toString();
If the application is made with a GUI, a fileDialog would be best (save if he wants to override the file, save as if he wants to save it to a new file, like a lot of applications have).
In your case you should use a counter and add it to the end of the file like Library1.txt.
If rerun the application, of course this counter variable is reset resp. it is not stored. I would suggest to store this variable (and other attributes like that) in another file, e.g. config.txt
This config.txt file you can read (and parse it like I showed you in a previous answer). So everytime you start your application you read the config.txt file, set the counter. Before exiting the application of course you have to save the counter to the config.txt file.
Just pseudocode:
//load at start of application
counter = loaded from config.txt
//save to a new file
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("Library" + counter++ + ".txt");
//save counter to config.txt file

Pass multiple files to another class

How to pass multiple files to another class?
I am developing an application which first compresses the image and after that it'll convert it into pdf.
The program which i have written works well seperately ie; it compresses the image and then in another project i use the path where the image are stores to convert it to pdf.
Now i want to have both these codes in the same project and i am encountering the problem where i am creating a loop where i pass the path name one by one. The source path works well but i need to specify the destination path which changes the name dynamically this where i am facing the problem. I have attached the code below please tell me what to do.
System.out.println("before convert");
Conversion cc = new Conversion();
File directory = new File(Success);
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
for(File f:files){
String path = f.getName();
System.out.println("The Name of file is="+path);
cc.createPdf("path" , "output", true);
System.out.println("the file is ="+output+".pdf");
System.out.println("after convert");
In the above code i need to change the output file name dynamically here cc.createPdf("path" , "output", true);
A simple implementation would be to keep a counter outside loop and increment it before appending it to output file name
int counter = 0;
for(File f:files){
String path = f.getName();
System.out.println("The Name of file is="+path);
counter++; //increment the counter
cc.createPdf("path" , "output"+counter, true); // append it to output
System.out.println("the file is ="+output+".pdf");
System.out.println("after convert");
For more robustness, counter can be replaced by UUID generator, System time in milliseconds etc
Im guessing your having trouble getting a File object with a newly created .pdf extension, you will have to adapt this to your code but it should be pretty straight forward.
File inputFile = new File("c:\\myimage.png");
String fileName = inputFile.getName();
File pdfFile = new File(inputFile.getParent(), fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".")) +".pdf");
System.out.println(inputFile + " " + pdfFile);
I think you should keep things simple by just appending ".pdf" to the names. The fact that you are processing a directory ensures that the source file names are unique. Hence, the new ".pdf" names would also be unique.
Assuming your output files land in the same directory, it also becomes much easier to sort files by names and know immediately which ".pdf" files correlate to which source files.
So, your output file name simply becomes
String path = f.getName();
String output = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".pdf";
