Tiled Terrain Generation with Perlin Noise - Java - java

I'm currently generating 2d Perlin noise to a 2d array and (after interpolation) rendering the results held as a height map (essentially array[x][z] = y).
This is fine for one array, but not for tile loading based on the camera position, and I'm having difficulty where the tiles should meet at the seam.
[Noise Tiles]
My best attempt has been to generate a large 2d array of the base noise (-1 to 1), then have each tile as an object that stores an offset value for the base grid (which part of the noise to read).
This has allowed me to sample (for interpolation) areas of the base grid that are much larger than the tile array, but it still not lining up!
My objective is to have a flycam that loads tiles as it moves, and can travel very far without repeating.
Is this approach of 2d arrays solid enough to handle the objective?
If so, how can it be implemented to tile or wrap correctly?

I have had similar problems before and after alot of tweaking and testing I've come to the conclusion that just plain 2D perlin noise as is will never look like natural terrain, it's essentially white noise(ie no huge mountains or valleys, just hills close together)
What I recently found as the way to go is by making a fractal out of multiple Perlin Noises but with different "resolutions" -if you will, added together to get custom terrain resolution using different octaves(ie higher octave = higher noise in your terrain). I usually go about using gain = 0.5(this really do not have to be changed much, it looks pretty good as is), and octaves = ~16
Note; this is made in processing, Java might have some different syntax, but it should be quite the same
float fractal(int x,int y,float gridSubs,float gain,int octaves){
float total = 0;
float freq = 1.0/gridSubs;
float amp = gain;
for(int f=0;f<octaves;f++){
total += noise(x*freq,y*freq)*amp;
freq *= 2.0;
amp *= gain;
return total;
Website where I found it: here
If you replace your noise() function with this you might get better looking results in the end.
As for your problem with your seams you probably have the coordinate offset in the noise function call for each chunk set wrongly, it should look somewhat like this:
noise( localX * tileSize + (chunkX * chunkSize) , localZ * tileSize + (chunkZ * chunkSize) );
You might have to add some resolution koefficent to make the noise somewhat smooth.
Now You said you are storing the heightvalues in a 2D heightMap, now that is fine and makes the heightvalues easy to access if you need to update them often or need to access them easily.
The problem with this is the size of the array easily get very large, and by that I mean, Very large. With my past experiences I could get a small map(can't remember size, but smaller than yours) to eat up 4Gb of my RAM just by loading it. I did use a float array though so using an integer array could have reduced the memory usage slightly.
How I do it now is I just recalculate each point in the terrain whenever I need to update the geometry, how I currently have set it up it does introduce a slight lagspike each time the terrain is changed when moving around. The benefit is that I can have a 4times larger map with greater detail and still use about 1-2Gb of RAM.
Since what I understood, you simply want to move around the terrain and look at it. This would benefit from not storing the heightmap in an array, since you do not really need the values after you have generated the terrain(this may differ if you are manually smoothing out the terrain).
One last thing to note; I am not an professional programmer, this is just what I have learned from my past experiences using randomly generated noise.


Removing lakes from diamond square map

I implemented the diamond square algorithm in Java, but i'm not entirely satisfied with the results as a height map. It forms a lot of "lakes" - small areas of low height. The heights are generated using the diamond square algorithm, then normalized. In the example below, white = high, black = low and blue is anything below height 15: a placeholder for oceans.
This image shows the uncolored height map
How can I smooth the terrain to reduce the number of lakes?
I've investigated a simple box blurring function (setting each pixel to the average of its neighbors), but this causes strange artifacts, possibly because of the square step of the diamond square.
Would a different (perhaps gaussian) blur be appropriate, or is this a problem with my implementation? This link says the diamond square has some inherent issues, but these don't seem to be regularly spaced artifacts, and my heightmap is seeded with 16 (not 4) values.
Your threshold algorithm needs to be more logical. You need to actually specify what is to be removed in terms of size, not just height. Basically the simple threshold sets "sea level" and anything below this level will be water. The problem is that because the algorithm used to generate the terrain is does so in a haphazard way, small areas could be filled by water.
To fix this you need to essentially determine the size of regions of water and only allow larger areas.
One simple way to do this is to not allow single "pixels" to represent water. Essentially either do not set them as water(could use a bitmap where each bit represents if there is water or not) or simply raise the level up. This should get most of the single pixels out of your image and clear it up quite a bit.
You can extend this for N pixels(essentially representing area). Basically you have to identify the size of the regions of water by counting connected pixels. The problem is this, is that it allows long thin regions(which could represent rivers).
So it it is better to take it one step further and count the width and length separate.
e.g., to detect a simple single pixel
if map[i,j] < threshold && (map[i-1,j-1] > threshold && ... && map[i+1,j+1] > threshold) then Area = 1
will detect isolated pixels.
You can modify this to detect larger groups and write a generic algorithm to measure any size of potential "oceans"... then it should be simple to get generate any height map with any minimum(and maximum) size oceans you want. The next step is to "fix" up(or use a bitmap) the parts of the map that may be below sea level but did not convert to actual water. i.e., since we generally expect things below sea level to contain water. By using a bitmap you can allow for water in water or water in land, etc.
If you use smoothing, it might work just as well but you still will always run in to such problems. Smoothing reduces the size of the "oceans" but a large ocean might turn in to a small one and a small one eventually in to a single pixel. Depending on the overall average of the map, you might end up with all water or all land after enough iterations. Blurring also reduces the detail of the map.
The good news is, that if you design your algorithm with controllable parameters then you can control things like how many oceans are in the map, or how large they are, how square they are(or how circular if you want), or how much total water can be used, etc).
The more effort you put in to this you more accurate you can simulate reality. Ultimately, if you want to be infinitely complex you can take in to account how terrains are actually formed, etc... but, of course, the whole point of these simple algorithms is to allow them to be computable in reasonable amounts of time.

Java 2D Perlin Noise for Random Terrain Generation

My name is Chris and I'm working on my first Java game.
Thus far, I have created a tile based 2D game, however my level is done in such a way so that if I create an image and its all green, then that green would stand for a grass tile. If I put a pixel of blue, the game would assign that as a water tile.
However, that limits the game to how I design the level, I'd much rather have an infinite terrain of tiles.
Being a beginner, I looked up different ways to do so. A particularly poignant method was something called a Perlin Noise.
I looked into it but it seemed very complex.
Would somebody mind defining it in simpler terms?
Also, if you have any tutorials that 'dumb' it down a bit and give a brief overview, that'd be fantastic!
Sorry I haven't been too specific, I'm actually avoiding from doing so.
I'd suggest skipping Perlin Noise and taking a look at something called OpenSimplex Noise.
It's useful for basically all of the same things as Perlin Noise, but it has significantly fewer visible directional artifacts. Basically, the noise takes an input coordinate (in 2D, 3D, or 4D) and returns a value between -1 and 1. The output values vary continuously with the input coordinate changes.
Here are three 256x256 images generated using noise (x / 24.0, y / 24.0):
The first one is the raw noise
The second one is green where the values are greater than zero, and blue otherwise
The third one is blue where the values are greater than -0.2 and less than 0.2, and green otherwise.
Note that there's also Simplex Noise (different algorithm from OpenSimplex) that has reduced directional artifacts compared to Perlin Noise, but the 3D and higher implementations of Simplex Noise (if you happen to want to use 3D noise to vary anything in 2D over time) are saddled with a patent.
OpenSimplex Noise is actually an algorithm I've developed for a game of my own, so shameless plug I know, but I think it's the best for you out of what's available.
Perlin noise was brilliantly covered by Daniel Shiffman on The Nature Of Code. It's an online book that has awesome Javascript/ProcessingJS sample code to demonstrate some of the important concepts:
A good random number generator produces numbers that have no relationship and show no discernible pattern. As we are beginning to see, a little bit of randomness can be a good thing when programming organic, lifelike behaviors. However, randomness as the single guiding principle is not necessarily natural. An algorithm known as “Perlin noise”, named for its inventor Ken Perlin, takes this concept into account. Perlin developed the noise function while working on the original Tron movie in the early 1980s; it was designed to create procedural textures for computer-generated effects. In 1997 Perlin won an Academy Award in technical achievement for this work. Perlin noise can be used to generate various effects with natural qualities, such as clouds, landscapes, and patterned textures like marble.
Perlin noise has a more organic appearance because it produces a naturally ordered (“smooth”) sequence of pseudo-random numbers. The graph on the left below shows Perlin noise over time, with the x-axis representing time; note the smoothness of the curve. The graph on the right shows pure random numbers over time.
(The code for generating these graphs is available in the accompanying book downloads.)
Khan Academy dedicated the entire advanced Javascript lessons to dissect some of the stuff shown by Shiffman on his book. They have great lessons on randomness, and of course, one just for the Perlin noise.
You are not obliged to get the full understanding of the perlin or simplex implementation immediately. You can slowly learn while playing with parameters of the various methods you will find. Just use it by feeding x,y, possibly z or more dimension arguments with the coordinates of a grid for example. To keep it simple, you basically mix/superimpose several layers(octaves) of interpolated random images at different scales .
You may also want to evaluate and store your noise offline because of the processing charge it may imply if used at run-time (although depending on the resolution / octaves and your processing budget or testing purposes, you can achieve quite decent real time frame rates too).

Algorithm to make balloon fly to specified altitude/height

I'm looking for a way/algorithm to make a robot balloon fly to a certain altitude. The robot is controlled by a Raspberry Pi and has a propeller. Propeller speed can be set to several values (it uses PWM so technically 1024 different power outputs).
The balloon has a distance sensor pointing down, so it's possible to get the current height several times per second.
Only idea I had so far was to measure the height constantly and set to max speed based on the height left to travel. This doesn't seem like the best option though, but can't figure out how to fit all power outputs in.
Any ideas would be welcome. I'm using Java to code the project but any high-level algorithm/description would be great!
There is a great "game" available that lets you try and play around with exactly that problem: Colobot (seems to be open source now). Create a Winged-Grabber (or shooter if you are more the FPS type of person) and try to get it to fly to a specific destination using only the altitude and motor controls.
in general the Pseudo-Code by MadConan is the way to go, however the main task lies in writing a smart setPower function. In the end you need some smoothing function that reduces the power in relation to how close you are to your desired altitude, however the exact values of that function completely depend on your hardware and the weight of your final system.
Depending on how valuable and/or fragile your setup will be in the end, you might want to develop a learning system, that takes the under-/overshot as a basis to adjust the smoothing function while it runs. Make sure to take factors like up-/down-wind into your calculation.
Pseudo code.
val height = getHeight(); // from sensor
// Get the difference between the current height and
// the TARGET height. Positive values mean too low
// while negative values mean too high
val offset = TARGET_VALUE - height;
// Set the power to some direct ratio of the offset
// When the baloon is at 0 height, the offset should
// be relatively high, so the power will be set
// high. If the offset is negative, the power will be
// set negative from the current power.
setPower(offset);// I'll leave it up to you to figure out the ratio

Implementing a tiling system in Android

I'm a bit stumped on an Android game I am developing, so maybe someone can help me. Don't bother suggesting AndEngine; I've made it this far on my own and I'd prefer to continue on this path if possible.
The game I'm working on is a simple platformer. Originally the levels were loaded as massive bitmaps, but a few out of memory errors made it obvious that I had to come up with a more efficient system. Now I'm parsing out .tmx files into a 2d array and using a method that creates a bitmap slightly bigger than the device's screen and fills it with the appropriate tiles.
The issue is that accessing this 2d array 1500 times (using 16x16 tiles) is very expensive, and I'm having trouble figuring out a way to not do that so much. Currently I'm having to redraw the image every time I pass over 16 pixels. Current ideas include using larger tiles (smaller array, still limits level size though), attempting to shift the contents of my bitmap and only load in the new row about to be displayed, or using a larger bitmap so that new images don't need to be loaded as often. Any suggestions?
Unless already done or impossible; consider separating the background from the foreground.
If you use a simple background (think Super Mario plain blue backgrounds) then you can most likely reuse those tiles/that bitmap/color/gradient much longer than the foreground elements.
This will also make your array/s contain lots of empty spaces where no foreground exists, meaning you could collapse the array and only store the parts containing tiles. Collapsing the arrays will come with the drawback that you will have to store a height attribute for the tiles to know where they are supposed to go.
(A background separate from the foreground also give the possibility of parallax-effects (background moving in different speed than foreground))
An example of how this changes your lookup:
Consider the game is being run on a 480x800 screen in landscape-mode.
This means 50*30 (1500) tiles to look up.
Every tile is saved in a 2d-array.
The current visible area looks like this:
A ground area, 4 tiles high.
A platform, 5 tiles high and 20 tiles wide, somewhere above the ground.
Another platform 3 tiles high and 5 tiles wide, also above ground.
A wall extending from the ground to the top of the screen, 5 tiles wide.
Removing the background tiles and collapsing the arrays we only have to look up the tiles:
Ground tiles: 50*4
Platform1 tiles: 5*20
Platform2 tiles: 3*5
Wall tiles: 26*5
Total lookups: 50*4 + 5*20 + 3*5 + 26*5 = 445 which is less than a third of the original 1500.
Now, of course there is some extra work to be done to figure out the position of each tile and drawing the background, but assuming a badly optimized case where this takes as much time as the lookup it is still less time than 1000 lookups.
Of course, this is just one of possibly many approaches to the problem.
Also remember small things like that 2d arrays are much slower than 'flat' arrays. If you cannot put the data in a 1d-array, try to minimize the nested calls, e.g. get one row or column at a time and perform the lookups from that array before switching to the next:
//Really bad:
for(int x=0; x<array.length; x++){
for(int y=0; y<array[x].length; y++){
Object o = array[x][y];
//Better (can be made even better by using the for(Object o : array)-syntax):
for(int x=0; x<array.length; x++){
Object[] yArray = array[x];
for(int y=0; y<yArray.length; y++){
Object o = yArray[y];
I had to develop this project where we needed to download tiles of image from the web and display them as one whole image. The thing was a casual scroll would end up crashing the entire app because the VM would throw a OutOfMemory Exception. So I developed a view using a TwoDScrollView and MxN ImageViews, which downloaded only those views which were in the users view. As the user scrolls, we maintain a cache and start de allocating images that are "far" away from the viewing region. It was slower but it stopped crashing.
I won't be able to share my part of the code. But here's a Github repo that uses the same approach. Good Luck :)
I can't vouch for them but here's a project specifically fits your needs

Getting boundary information from a 3d array

Hey, I'm currently trying to extract information from a 3d array, where each entry represents a coordinate in order to draw something out of it. The problem is that the array is ridiculously large (and there are several of them) meaning I can't actually draw all of it.
What I'm trying to accomplish then, is just to draw a representation of the outside coordinates, a shell of the array if you'd like. This array is not full, can have large empty spaces with only a few pixels set, or have large clusters of pixel data grouped together. I do not know what kind of shape to expect (could be a simple cube, or a complex concave mesh), and am struggling to come up with an algorithm to effectively extract the border. This array effectively stores a set of points in a 3d space.
I thought of creating 6 2d meshes (one for each side of the 3d array), and getting the shallowest point they can find for each position, and then drawing them separetly. As I said however, this 3d shape could be concave, which creates problems with this approach. Imagine a cone with a circle on top (said circle bigger than the cone's base). While the top and side meshes would get the correct depth info out of the shape, the bottom mesh would connect the base to the circle through vertical lines, making me effectivelly loose the conical shape.
Then I thought of annalysing the array slice by slice, and creating 2 meshes from the slice data. I believe this should work for any type of shape, however I'm struggling to find an algorithm which accuratly gives me the border info for each slice. Once again, if you just try to create height maps from the slices, you will run into problems if they have any concavities. I also throught of some sort of edge tracking algorithm, but the array does not provide continuous data, and there is almost certainly not a continuous edge along each slice.
I tried looking into volume rendering, as used in medical imaging and such, as it deals with similar problems to the one I have, but couldn't really find anything that I could use.
If anyone has any experience with this sort of problem, or any valuable input, could you please point me in the right direction.
P.S. I would prefer to get a closed representation of the shell, thus my earlier 2d mesh approach. However, an approach that simply gives me the shell points, without any connection between them, that would still be extremely helpful.
Thank you,
I would start by reviewing your data structure. As you observed, the array does not maintain any obvious spatial relationships between points. An octree is a pretty good representation for data like you described. Depending upon the complexity of you point set, you may be able to find the crust using just the octree - assuming you have some connectivity between near points.
Alternatively, you may then turn to more rigorous algorithms like raycasting or marching cubes.
Guess, it's a bit late by now to be truly useful to you, but for reference I'd say this is a perfect scenario for volumetric modeling (as you guessed yourself). As long as you know the bounding box of your point cloud, you can map these coordinates to a voxel space and increase the density (value) of each voxel for each data point. Once you have your volume fully defined, you can then use the Marching cubes algorithm to produce a 3D surface mesh for a given threshold value (iso value). That resulting surface doesn't need to be continuous, but will wrap all voxels with values > isovalue inside. The 2D equivalent are heatmaps... You can refine the surface quality by adjusting the iso threshold (higher means tighter) and voxel resolution.
Since you're using Java, you might like to take a look at my toxiclibs volumeutils library, which also comes with sevaral examples (for Processing) showing the general approach...
Imagine a cone with a circle on top
(said circle bigger than the cone's
base). While the top and side meshes
would get the correct depth info out
of the shape, the bottom mesh would
connect the base to the circle through
vertical lines, making me effectivelly
loose the conical shape.
Even an example as simple as this would be impossible to reconstruct manually, let alone algorithmically. The possibility of your data representing a cylinder with a cone shaped hole is as likely as the vertices representing a cone with a disk attached to the top.
I do not know what kind of shape to
expect (could be a simple cube...
Again, without further information on how the data was generated, 8 vertices arranged in the form of a cube might as well represent 2 crossed squares. If you knew that the data was generated by, for example, a rotating 3d scanner of some sort then that would at least be a start.
