I am using the jxbrowser from teamdev.
I found a little flaw on downloading items, it will always pop up a blank window with jxbrowser popup as title which break down the user experience here.
Attempt 1:
I try to override the download handler class without any popup code. It does not work.
Attempt 2:
I also try to override the popup handler that disable popup. It disable all the popup universally and it is not what I want. Plus, it return abstract method error.
browser.setPopupHandler(new PopupHandler() {
public PopupContainer handlePopup(PopupParams params) {
return new PopupContainer() {......}
does anyone familiar with jxbrowser? I would like to talk you.
I will setup a bounty shortly.
That depends your JxBrowser version but on JxBrowser 4 (Chromium) you can handle a download with the DownloadHandler by adding a DownloadListener and invoke a JFileChooser (Swing component) for example.
how can I show a dialog to stay or leave the current page with Vaadin 23, when a user clicks back button on browser?
It depends what you wish to achieve.
See this older discussion: Vaadin onbeforeunload event
Generally: use the onBeforeUnload javascript even for this
This is executed when the user would go away from your vaadin app, but not when using the back button inside your vaadin app.
For these you can use the navigation lifecycle events as documented here
Not sure if it also catches, when a user leaves your app...
Assuming you mean, that is it possible to prevent the navigation happening, you simply can't do that. If disabling back button is important for you, the only way is to enforce your users to use the application via desktop shortcut which starts the app using --app paramater (if using Chrome). This is not a limitation in Vaadin, but a general restriction in browser behavior.
There is already a possibility to handle Browser Back Button Event on Vaadin (https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/routing/tutorial-routing-lifecycle):
public class SignupForm extends Div implements BeforeLeaveObserver {
public void beforeLeave(BeforeLeaveEvent event) {
if (this.hasChanges()) {
ContinueNavigationAction action = event.postpone();
ConfirmDialog.build("Are you sure you want"+
" to leave this page?")
private boolean hasChanges() {
// no-op implementation
return true;
This code works once but when you click on Cancel on Confirm Dialog so that you want to stay on current page and click again on Back Button on Browser, than you don't see any Confirm Dialog again... I can not understand, why...
I am working with Selenium, now there is a condition:
when I hit a button in my webpage a window pop up opens up.
Now I have to click a radio button (one out of two, it will work even if we send a TAB ) and then click an OK button. I searched in the net and got to know about "driver.getWindowHandle()".
But I don't have any idea dealing with the newly opened window popup.
Need help in this.
For switching purpose u can use enhanced for loop:
for (String winHandle : objDriver.getWindowHandles()) {
So it will switch the control from one driver window to child windows.
To interact with elements on the window try to find element with whatever tool u r using and perform the required action after switching to the window.
To return back to parent window you can use the same loop or use:
Check my answer in this post and also read the comments to help you understand the difference between getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles()
Java: focus is not on pop-window during window handling
We handled this situation using AutoItX - https://www.autoitscript.com/site/ in our Windows/IE C# project:
AutoItX3 autoIt = new AutoItX3();
var handle = autoIt.WinWaitActive("[window title]", "", 20);
Assert.IsTrue(handle != 0", string.Format("Was not able to find: {0}", [window title]);
autoIt.Send("{ESCAPE}"); // tab may work as well for selection
The pop up was a Windows window, and not part of IE, therefore the WebDriver didn't know about it.
Hope this helps.
we have the following problem:
In our Eclipse RCP 4 application there are multiple parts and the parts are closable. When the user is closing a part there should be a custom pop-up (depending on some internal part state) which is asking the user if he really wants to close the part or not.
It seems to be not that easy to implement in Eclipse RCP 4 or we have just totally overseen something.
I'll just give you a short brieifing about the things we tried:
Use dirtable with a #persist method in the part. Though the problem is, we don't want this standard eclipse save dialog. So is there a way to override this?
public int promptToSaveOnClose(): This seemed to be promising but not for Eclipse 4 or is there a way to integrate it that way? Compare: http://e-rcp.blogspot.de/2007/09/prevent-that-rcp-editor-is-closed.html
Our last try was to integrate a custom part listener, simple example shown in the following:
partService.addPartListener(new IPartListener() {
public void partVisible(MPart part) {
public void partHidden(MPart part) {
partService.showPart(part, PartState.ACTIVATE);
public void partDeactivated(MPart part) {
public void partBroughtToTop(MPart part) {
public void partActivated(MPart part) {
The problem with this was we are running into a continuous loop. Something similar is posted over here in the last comment: Detect tab close in Eclipse editor
So I could write some more about this problem, but I think that's enough for the moment. If you need some more input just give me a hint.
Thanks for helping.
The save prompt is generated by the ISaveHandler registered in the context of the MWindow containing the MPart. You can write your own ISaveHandler and set it in the window context to replace the default.
You might also want to look at the IWindowCloseHandler also in the window context.
Thanks greg, this has helped and I was able to achieve changing the pop-up when the user closes a part. Here's a short description of what I've done:
Use the MDirtyable for marking the part as dirty whenever it's needed.
Create a custom save handler which implements ISaveHandler (when a part got closed the save method is called). Add the additional logic to this handler (e.g. a custom message dialog)
Register this handler at application start-up (I just chose a method which is called at the start-up):
private MWindow window;
ISaveHandler saveHandler = new CustomSaveHandler(shell);
window.getContext().set(ISaveHandler.class, saveHandler);
Note that the registration via a model processor was sadly not that easy because the model processor is called too early. (Take a look at: http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/369989/)
The IWindowCloseHandler is just needed when the complete window is closed, though this was not an requirement for us :).
I'm creating screenshots in my testcases with selenium webdriver, and while these indeed show what is visible in my web application, it doesn't show popups created by the browser.
I have found that in IE in some cases, my app triggers a JS debug popup in IE. This is of course an error and breaks the rest of my test, but the screenshot does not show the error. I presume this is because it's an IE native popup, rather than one trigger by my application.
Is it possible to get this included in the screenshots? I was thinking of maybe creating the screenshot with Robot#createScreenCapture() but obviously that wouldn't show anything useful if the browser is minimized.
So, a few possible solutions:
- can you detect if an error message pops up in a browser
- is it possible to maximise/focus the browser while running?
- can you take screenshots from selenium with the popups showing?
Selenium will take a screenshot that represents the rendered DOM that the browser shows the end user by intercepting the rendered image that the browser is displaying and taking a copy of it.
It does not take a desktop screenshot so the screenshots shown will not show anything covering the browser window. JavaScript alerts are not part of the rendered DOM so you will not see these in Selenium screenshots.
Maybe because the driver is not with the Alert/Window active?
You could try something like this:
private void CheckForOtherWindows()
//Check for any other window open
if (driver.WindowHandles.Count > 0)
foreach (string window in driver.WindowHandles)
//Check for alert window
This is not tested, not sure if works. Just giving the idea. :)
To maximize the window is easy:
Hope it helps.
You can use this as below:
FileUtils.copyFile(((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE), new File("E:\\ScreenShot\\screenshot.png"));
I am a tester and just installed oracle application test suite to use testing eBus apps
Anyway the only language it supports for coding test scripts (I don't want to use the recorder for a number of reasons). The problem I am having is that everything I search or google is javascript not java (even googling with -script I still ended up looking at javascript. This just gets rejected by the oats editor
The only other examples I have seen, appear to be defining a variable then setting the value of that variable as the window they want to maximize. Aside from the fact that my java skills are not up to doing that - I do not need to do this for a newly opened browser window do I? (The assumption is that this will be the only browser window open (ie test is executed with browser closed)
Is there any easy way to do this?
Below is the very simple initiate of the browser which is generated from a recording plus part of the first step which loads the url the test starts at: (I realize the first step is not complete below -I didn't paste it all, just enough to hopefully allow someone to show me what I need to edit to force the browser to load maximized, or maximize it immediately after loading?
public void initialize() throws Exception {
* Add code to be executed each iteration for this virtual user.
public void run() throws Exception {
beginStep("[1] Login (/RF.jsp)", 0);
"/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']")
web.window(4, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='Login']")
I am not sure whether you already got the answer for this.. if not this code should help you
DOMBrowser currentExecutionBrowser = web.window("/web:window[#index='0' or #index='1']");
Let me know if this helps!
There is a function in the Oracle Functional Tester API Reference which has a build in function called object.WindowState It says you can get or set using this function and it has values
0 - Normal, 1- minimized and 2-maximised.
Only issue is that these examples look more like VB than Javascript but presumably there is a similar function built into to the Oracle libraries for Java.
I did a quick search for Oracle Openscript API and came up with this link which asks for the same thing. They suggest using Help->Search from within the openscript application and then searching for "openscript API" which should provide a list of the functions available.
Hope that helps.
To Maximize browser in OATS, follow the below code
Open script ha in built methods which helps coding easy
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").navigate("http://www.google.com/");
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").maximize();
for more OATS Tips/Tricks follow here
If it is the only browser window open, you can use the below code. It must be used with caution since the code maximizes any window that is open above the browser window.
try {
Robot a = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException e) {