How to set eclipse with JRE 8? - java

I tried to update my jre version in eclipse,
I added the jre 8 to my installed JRE's an checked him.
When I click OK it gives me an ERROR:
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from
required .class files
It happens only when I am trying to use JRE 8.
Someone know how to fix this?
I use Indigo Eclipse. Version: Service Release 2.

The problem is rt.jar in the JVM 8.0.
java.lang.CharSequence is a class under rt.jar.
rt.jar under JVM 7.0 has no problem, but rt.jar under JVM 8.0 has a problem with Eclipse Indigo. Solition is downloading Eclipse Kepler, JVM 8.0 with Kepler has no problem.

Create new workspace. Create new java project and select jvm8 as jvm. Changing the vm in an existing project is quite difficult and cached class file compiled with the previous vm can generate some strange unpredictable behavior

You need Eclipse Kepler (4.3) Service Release 2. After startup you need to install a patch that enables using Java 8 in eclipse from this update site (Help -> install new Software... -> use site):
But a Android Project will not benefit from Java 8 because it still uses Java 6 and you cannot use Lambda Expressions or even the diamond Operator from Java 7.


How to Use Java 8 settings to build project in eclipse 4.18(2020-12)

*Due to some project requirements I "have" to use eclipse 4.18 (2020-12) which uses Java 11 by default and is mandatory to start.
But my entire project is/was written in Java 1.7 earlier. Now , in my mac i have both java 1.8 and 11 installed also my eclipse settings are such shown below.
I have made sure removed all java 11 references in my eclipse and made the project and workspace configure to take the 1.8 jdk and run at 1.7 compiler level.*
but when i run ,project -->clean-->build, i run into the JaxB missing in java 11 ( in java 11 JAXB was removed and my project uses jaxB extensively) This is known.
So i am wondering what am i missing that my projects are still building my project with java 11 and not java 1.7 (using jdk 1.8 configured).
Please help.. stuck on this since some days.
Eclipse Compiler setting-1
Eclipse Setting Execution Envs
Eclipse installed JRE's
Eclipse Project specific setting
Java 11 JaxB error
If Eclipse itself is being run with Java 11, and you have a plug-in installed that has not been properly update to work under Java 11, as it appears, you will need an updated version of that plug-in. Update to the latest "oracle design studio", and if you still see this problem, contact Oracle support.
The latest Eclipse may require Java 11 to run, but it's simple to set up Eclipse projects that use older Java versions. Don't mess with the Java version it uses to start up, as long as that is a proper Java 11 version.
As one commenter mentions, you'll have to have a particular Java distribution configured in "Installed JREs->Execution Environments", and then you'll have to have the project configured to use that Java version symbol, like "JavaSE-1.7".

How can i use eclipse 2020-09 to develop java 8 projects?

I am a regular IntelliJ user, but most of my co-workers use Eclipse. A lot of them say the latest version of Eclipse "2020-09", which requires a JRE "higher than Java 8" in order to run, cannot be used to develop projects requiring JRE8.
This is pretty surprising to me, since I know it is possible to install multiple JDKs and JREs on one machine, I've done it plenty of times.
What is the typical way a person would configure Eclipse 2020-09 (already installed) to work on a project that requires a Java 8 JRE?
JRE 8 apps in eclipse workspace is possible by having the jre 8 jdk. It is true that in order to use eclipse 2020-09 you need java 11+ jdk/jre, but making projects that support jre 8 is still possible.Even I still use 2020-06 and before. Here is a method you could use to get JRE 8 implemented back in your project. Although you can change the defaults, this one will help you change the environment back to java 8 for 1 project.
Right click the library named somthing like "JRE system library[JavaSE-11]". Press properties. This is what you will see JRE System Library chooser image
Choose "Alternate JRE" then click "Installed JREs"Step Image
Press "Add" then you will see 3 options. Choose standard VM. Find your java 8 jdk directory. Usually it is something like C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_251.
You can configure the default arguments for your jvm runtime. Then simply hit ok,select the jdk-8 library and close it. Then choose alternate jre again and in the drop-down choose jdk-1.8.0 or some name like that. This will only work if you also have java 8 installed alongside java 11 that is configured properly JDK
You can use Java 11 to start the Eclipse 2020-09 and configure a project to compile with Java 8. The problem is if you want a Eclipse plugin that uses CORBA for example. This module was removed from Java 11 earlier. In this case, I recommend to use Eclipse 2020-06.
Earlier versions of 2020-09 was working with Java 8. I had it, too. Then I updated and I got the same error message like you.
I propose to use an older one or to install JRE 11 and set the JAVA_HOME env variable to it.
The inside the IDE you can set java 8 like an JDK and develope your project with Java 8 while eclipse is running with 11.

java version in not match for eclipse

I had java version 8 previous and my eclipse worked just fine. But now I have java version 7 and I can't open eclipse on my computer. What should I do? please help.
I think there are two options:
Upgrade to Java version 8 (or newer).
If you can't do that, downgrade to a version of eclipse that supports Java 7. eclipse 4.5 (Mars) (or earlier as noted on the linked page), as of eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Java 8 is required.
I feel I should note that newer versions of Java (and eclipse) can still target Java 7 (and many earlier versions).
But now I have java version 7 and I can't open eclipse on my computer. What should I do?
Use versions that work together. When you for example look at your second screen shot, it says something like "requiredJavaVersion=1.8" or so.
In other words: you can't just come in and run eclipse with any version of java.
The other answer gives you the required details.
And a final note here: in case you tried to start eclipse with that older JVM in order to "allow" to ensure that eclipse won't allow "java 8" stuff in a project: that isn't the right way then. Instead: eclipse allows you to "define" JDKs to be used for your project. So you can easily tell eclipse: "I have a Java7 jdk sitting here, please use that for project X".
You do not need to run eclipse itself with a Java7 JVM in order to use a Java7 JDK for an eclipse project!
There will be a file under the Eclipse installation directory named as eclipse.ini.
It will launch the eclipse for that specific jdf and you can change the path to your jdk7.
Hope it helps.
It depends basically on which version of the eclipse you have.
If you have eclipse 4.6(Neon) or the latest version, then you must need a newer JDK version of Java (>=1.8 which you need to download). Or If you want to roll back to an older version of Eclipse then consider downloading eclipse 4.5(Mars).
Or If you have an eclipse version of 4.5(Mars) or older then see in eclipse.ini
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.8 and change it to -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.7 which can be found in the folder containing eclipse.exe file.

Programming Java 8 in Eclipse

The development of Eclipse support for Java 8 is ongoing in a branch (
To try out the current Eclipse support for Java 8, I did the following:
I installed a build of JDK 8 (This step is optional).
I checked out branch BETA_JAVA8 of git://
I imported the checked out projects in an instance of Eclipse Juno SR1 (Build ID: 20120920-0800).
I ran a new instance of Eclipse from my running Eclipse.
To use the new syntax available in Java 8, Eclipse said that I have to set the compliance level of my code to 1.8. To set the compliance level, I have to set the execution environment to JavaSE-1.8. This execution environment was not available at Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs -> Execution Environments.
How can I set the execution environment to JavaSE-1.8?
The following summarizes some of my attempts to install the execution environment:
I followed the wiki instructions looking for a description of JavaSE-1.8 at the update site But, the definition of the execution environment wasn't there.
I looked for the JavaSE-1.8 profile in the git repository of rt.equinox.framework, but, it wasn't there.
I just went to the Eclipse Marketplace from inside of Eclipse (Help/Eclipse Marketplace...) and installed the "Java 8 support for Eclipse Kepler SR2", and the new "JavaSE-1.8" execution environment showed up automatically. I had previously installed Java 8 and added it as a 'Installed JREs' entry. No need to mess with property files.
Think you just have to change the 'settings' directly in the 'preference file' : org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs .
e.g. org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.8
If you have Kepler you can get it using a patch that has installation instructions on this page:
Starting with I20140318-0830 all Luna (4.4) builds on our downloads
page contain the Eclipse support for Java™ 8. For Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) a
feature patch needs to be installed. This page describes how to do
Eclipse version >=Luna (that's one after Kepler) runs smoothly with java 8.

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError in eclipse [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version
(51 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am not a Java programmer really, so I am posting this question. The exception is being thrown java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError in my main class in an eclipse project. If I comment out the imports that this class has, it compiles and runs fine. If I put the imports back in, it does not work. Does this mean that the libraries I am importing were compiled with a newer or older version of java than I have? when i do java -version on the system i get 1.5_07
I could've sworn this was actually working last week, but maybe some setting in eclipse got tweaked? Is the Java Build Path in eclipse what I need to look for to check the JRE and compiler versions?
In Eclipse, the compiler version is set independent of the JRE version. That means you can set the compiler to Java version 1.6 and use the JRE 1.5. In this case, you compiled classes cannot be run.
You can check the preferences in Window / Preferences / Java / Compiler for the default compiler compliance level, or the properties of your project for a project specific compiler compliance level. Compare that level with the JRE used in your project (Project / Properties / Java Build Path -> Libraries / JRE System Library) and in your program's launch configuration (via the Run / Run Configurations... menu).
UnsupportedClassVersionError means that the Java runtime environment you are using doesn't recognise the version of a class file that you are trying to execute. The most common cause for this error is trying to use a class file compiled for a newer Java version on an older Java version - for example, you are trying to use a class compiled for Java 6 on a Java 5 runtime environment.
As Eugene explained, Eclipse has its own built-in compiler, it does not use the compiler from the JDK - so that's how you can end up with Java 6 class files even if you're running on Java 5.
Christian explains how to set the Java class file version in Eclipse.
Eclipse is not using JDK compiler, but has its own compiler which can produce bytecode for any JRE. You need to make sure that compiler settings in your project are set to the same or lower version as the JRE you have registered in Eclipse. See Window / Preferences / Java / Installed JREs and also check what JRE is used in your launch configuration (see Run menu for that).
If your imported classes come from an external library (i.e., not compiled from sources within your project), then you should validate that the JRE used for your project is new enough for this library.
If you are using Maven with Eclipse, you can use the Maven plugin to update the project and then do a Maven "clean" . This resolved a goofy and unexpected show of this error in my case.
I know this is an OLD thread now but I had a recent adventure with this type of error.
When trying to compile my project within Eclipse using an Ant build file.
Eclipse Kepler (Java 1.7)
Ant 1.7
Project = Java 1.5
All internal paths and compiler settings were amended to look at Java 1.5 and the project built fine in Eclipse.
When trying to compile using Ant I got the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError in eclipse and began looking around - including on here and finding this page.
My resolution was this :
Windows > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Global Entries
Global Entries was pointing at the Java 1.7 tools.jar
I added a new External Jar (on the right menu) and pointed it at the Java 1.5 tools.jar
I removed the original entry (for 1.7 tools.jar) and my ant builds started working.
