Gradle not downloading test dependencies - java

I am very new with Gradle and I would like to download all my test dependencies using Gradle. I used gradle init to generate my build file, and copied some dependencis from my previous scripts. However upon using gradle --refresh-dependencies in the project root, the test dependencies still do not download.
I tried searching for answers as to why this happens, but they don't seem to fix my issue. Is there something wrong with my build file?
Particularly, I am after downloading mockito and hamcrest below.
build file:
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5'
testCompile "junit:junit:4.11"
testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5"
testCompile "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library:1.3"
test {
testLogging {
events 'started', 'passed'
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '1.11' }
I am also using Eclipse if that helps.
EDIT: After adding the Gradle nature to my project, it seemed to work. Can anyone explain why?

As far as I understand, --refresh-dependencies makes sure that the already cached dependencies are ignored and that dependencies are re-downloaded when they're needed.
Just use gradlew build, or gradlew test, and gradle will compile your tests, and thus download the missing dependencies.

It seemed to work now, after I added the Gradle nature to my project, then cleaning and regenerating eclipse files.


How can I create Gradle tasks correctly?

I'm trying to build tasks to allow me to specify my profile for my spring app using Gradle.
buildscript {
ext {
springBootVersion = '2.0.1.RELEASE'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:${springBootVersion}"
plugins {
id "com.diffplug.gradle.spotless" version "3.10.0"
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'
apply plugin: 'maven'
spotless {
java {
licenseHeaderFile ''
group = 'com.remindful'
version = '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
compile group: '', name: 'guava', version: '11.0.2'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile group: 'org.springframework.boot', name: 'spring-boot-starter-test', version: '2.0.1.RELEASE'
// TODO: Add prod profile in application-properties
task prod {
run { systemProperty "", "prod" }
task dev {
run { systemProperty "", "dev" }
// To force debug on application boot, switch suspend to y
bootRun {
tasks.bootRun.dependsOn build
bootRun.mustRunAfter dev
I have two questions:
1) Intellij highlight the tasks with yellow squiggly underline, so I'm wondering if the syntax here is wrong?
2) Do I use gradle-wrapper for something like this or just gradle? I'm trying to better understand the difference.
1) Intellij highlight the tasks with yellow squiggly underline, so I'm wondering if the syntax here is wrong?
Unfortunately, IntelliJ does not support gradle completely, for example, the ext block in the build script is not recognized correctly, so when accessing members defined throught the ext block, IntelliJ fails to resolve its definition & type.
So there's no need for panic when IntelliJ displays a yellow underline, you only need to take notice of the errors reported by the gradle command. If gradle build says OK, then everything is fine.
Meanwhile, IntelliJ is unable to resolve third-party plugins statically, therefore it is also unable to recognize tasks and Task classes added by these plugins. In this case, it will also show this yellowish underline complaining about something like cannot infer argument type.
The solution is to refresh all Gradle projects, by clicking the refresh button on the gradle panel, and if your build script is written correctly, these underlines will most probably vanish. This is because IntelliJ embedds with gradle using the Gradle Tooling API, and during the gradle sync process (fired by refresh all Gradle projects), third-party plugins got resolved and the whole project object model is built, so that IntelliJ would know that nothing is wrong with your tasks.
If gradle build fails, then the problem is with your own build script. On how to write gradle build scripts & tasks correctly, see Authoring Tasks - Gradle User Manual.
2) Do I use gradle-wrapper for something like this or just gradle? I'm trying to better understand the difference.
The Gradle wrapper is explained in the official userguide. To be brief, I would quote:
The Wrapper is a script that invokes a declared version of Gradle, downloading it beforehand if necessary.
So if you don't have a wrapper script in your project, you should execute gradle wrapper to generate one, and then commit it to your VCS. After that, wherever you previously execute gradle <task> in the command line, you can/should replace it with ./gradlew <task> (in *nix environment) or gradlew.bat <task> (in Windows).
The main difference between using the gradle command directly from the command line and the gradle wrapper script is, that the gradle wrapper script will download the gradle binary and uses it to execute gradle builds if no installed gradle binary is found, while using the the gradle command will only result in an error in such case.
Also, when someone else is using your project, he/she can simply clone the repo and run ./gradlew build (in *nix) or gradlew.bat build (in Windows) and your project will build fluently and successfully, regardless of whether he/she has previously installed a gradle distribution.

Gradle compileTestJava fails during gradle clean build

I'm currently having this strange issue with gradle build. Below are the details.
I currently have a java-spring boot based multi module gradle project in the following structure
The build.gradle file of each one of projects is as below
RootProjectDir build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(":SubProjectA")
compile project(":SubProjectB")
compile project(":SubProjectCommon")
SubProjectA build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(":SubProjectCommon")
SubProjectB build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(":SubProjectCommon")
SubProjectCommon build.gradle
dependencies {
When I execute the
gradle clean build
the build is failing during the compileTestJava phase of SubProjectA. SubProjectA tests have compile time dependency on classes in SubProjectCommon.
If I just execute the following
gradle :subProjectA compileTestJava
the build is successful again.
It is failing with the message that SubProjectCommon classes could not be resolved.
The strange thing is that in the IntelliJ IDEA it doesn't show any compilation issues for the SubProjectA test classes and test executes fine. Also when I just execute the
gradle clean test
everything works fine.
I even tried putting a testCompile dependency on SubProjectCommon in the SubProjectA build.gradle like this
SubProjectA build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(":SubProjectCommon")
testCompile project(":SubProjectCommon")
but still doesn't work
PS:-I currently have written test cases only for SubProjectA classes.
IDEs do not honor module paths very nicely, especially Eclipse, so everything is usually included together, thus you do not get any path problems.
Gradle makes clean distinctions between different projects.
So if your classes were in the test folder, You may need to reference the test sets properly using the below:
testCompile project(":SubProjectCommon").sourceSets.test.output
compile project(":SubProjectCommon").sourceSets.test.output
depending on which sourceSet is using classes from the other project.

intellij build jar artifact containing gradle dependencies

I basically want to do something simple - or atleast i think it should be pretty simple.
My goal is to create an Intellij gradle project, add some dependencies to the module using gradle and add some java source code to it.
Then I just want to have an option to somehow compile the whole thing into 1 jar, containing all grade dependencies and being able to execute using "java -jar"
However it turned out that this is not as easy is i had thought.
I just created a new gradle project from intellij and added a Main class.
I´ll give you an overview over my files:
settings.gradle: = 'gradleTestNewJar'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'application'
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
version = '1.0'
repositories {
mainClassName = "com.randomPackage.StarterClass"
dependencies {
compile 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:2.46.0'
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
main class:
package com.randomPackage;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
public class StarterClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_38);
The main method of "MyStart" is executed when running from Intellij via debug.
So it works, when all dependencies get loaded correctly.
NOTE: I use Intellij Community Edition if this makes any difference.
What i tried:
1. I tried to just use "gradlew clean build".
This created a jar, but without libs.
But I didn´t expect it to be as easy as this.
2. I tried to build an artifact of the module as suggested here:
I tried it with extracted and not extracted dependencies.
In both cases the dependencies were added into the jar, but they were added to the root of the jar.
When i tried to run the jar file via "java -jar", it complained:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver
OK, so it couldn´t load the dependencies.
NOTE: I thought that the dependencies were not added to the classpath, but i am not sure about this. However, i would expect Intellij to add dependencies to the classpath( or declare in the manifest file)
3. I also tried to use the gradle application plugin.
However this creates a zip/tar which contains a execute script and a bin folder which was not my intention.
So i started googling for hours and hours but i cann´t find a solution to my problem.
Come on this cannot be so hard - it is just so basic.
I am sure some genius can help me out and point me to my - probably stupid - failure.
My current solution is as follows:
I use gradle to build a jar containing all libs, I do this witha custom task called fatJar.
Here is a part from my build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'
jar {
manifest {
attributes("Manifest-Version": "1.0",
"Main-Class": "com.randomPackage.MainClass");
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
manifest.from jar.manifest
classifier = 'all'
from {
configurations.runtime.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
} {
exclude "META-INF/*.SF"
exclude "META-INF/*.DSA"
exclude "META-INF/*.RSA"
with jar
Then I just execute "gradle fatJar" on the command line and get a perfect jar.

Gradle and Lwjgl 3 Natives

I'm new to gradle and I'm trying to configure gradle with lwjgl3. Because I didn't found a repo where lwjgl3 is hosted i decided that everybody who use this project has to define the path to the lwjgl lib. I created a user.gradle file with contains the paths to the jar and to the natives.
My build.gradle looks like this at the moment.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply from: 'user.gradle'
apply plugin: 'application'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
mainClassName = "mp.Main"
println("LWJGL jar path is configured to: ${config.lwjgl3Jar}")
println("LWJGL natives path is configured to: ${config.lwjgl3Natives}")
repositories {
flatDir {
dir config.lwjgl3Jar
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
testCompile 'com.carrotsearch:junit-benchmarks:0.7.2'
compile name: 'lwjgl'
tasks.withType(Test) {
scanForTestClasses = false
include "**/*Test.class" // whatever Ant pattern matches your test class files
main {
java {
srcDir 'src'
exclude 'mp/graphics/gl/scene/'
exclude 'test'
java {
srcDir 'src/test'
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/DispatchTests/*'
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/'
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.3'
How to set the natives? I tried it different ways. Google didn't helped me out this time. All results are related to older versions of this lib and all are using repositories. Maybe I'm missing the forest for the trees in between. Any ideas?
Best regards!
PS: Not sure if it is important: We are using different IDE's like intelliJ and Eclipse on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
I have run into the same problem and wrote a plugin for handling the natives associated with Java jar files.
It will unpack them from the jar files so that you can use them and deploy them in your project.
I solved the problem for me. The problem for was that I didn't knew how to configure gradle to use the natives. Normally I set the the classpath in the run config. However:
The very simple solution how to set the classpath with gradle:
Apply the java plugin and use the function:
run {
systemProperty 'java.library.path', 'path to ur natives')
The simply run your application via gradle and it should work.
There were so many solutions by searching for "lwjgl gradle natives" that I didn't found the right one :-)
Hope the solution helps somebody.

Maven dependency in a Gradle project

I'm developing a project with gradle. My build file is almost empty so far:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
version = '0.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'
My project depends on a Maven project. Precisely this project:
I've cloned this project into my workspace, but I don't know the best way to declare the dependency in my build.gradle file. This is what I've done so far:
dependencies {
compile files ("C:/path/to/org.eclipse.bpmn2-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar")
But this way I have to manually build the maven project. Does somebody know a better way of doing this dependency management?
I'm using Eclipse Gradle Integration and I've noticed an interesting eclipse project property:
Gradle - Dependency Management
[x] Remap Jars to maven projects (requires Gradle 1.1 and m2e)
This seems to do what I need. But I don't know how to use this feature...
Thanks in advance.
If the Maven project is not available in any Maven repo, Gradle can't find it anywhere, so you'll have to build it. I would at least mvn install it, and tell Gradle to look for artifacts in your local Maven repo rather than in a specific directory, using
repositories {
The eclipse-integration-gradle plugin replaces the mavenLocal() jar dependency with a Eclipse project dependency. This is the easiest way I've found so far. See:
