I have been working on android apps for a long time but now I have decided to create a game aside with my pre-calculus final. I have completed the whole code and it works perfectly except one tiny issue. First of the game is based on flying pig(my classmate's face) avoiding top and bottom osticle. I developed an algorithm so that the obsticles are evenly spaced and based on random selection placed either as the top or bottom of the screen but never both at the same time!. The algorithm that needs improvement is in the 3rd code segment!
This is the screenshot of the problem: screenshot here
(My account is new so stackoverflow wont let me to share photos directly)
This is the class that calls updates for all dynamic objects (ship = pig, bacon = bonus item, BM = BarrierManager class's update() which updates the obsticles)
//this will update the resources
void Update(float dt) {
if (!ship.death) {
for (int i = 0; i % 5 == 0; i++) {
bacon.update(dt, BM.position);
ArrayList<Point> bacon_point = new ArrayList<Point>(bacon.getArray());
if (ship.bump(bacon_point.get(0), bacon_point.get(1), bacon_point.get(2), bacon_point.get(3))) {
Message msg = BM.game_panel.game.handler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < BM.TopWalls.size(); i++) {
ArrayList<Point> temp = new ArrayList<Point>(BM.TopWalls.get(i).getArray());
//after we have accest the TopWalls arraylist we can call bump that check TopWalls object's points position with the pig's points
ArrayList<Point> temp2 = new ArrayList<Point>(BM.BottomWalls.get(i).getArray());
//after we have accest the TopWalls arraylist we can call bump that check BottomWalls object's points position with the pig's points
if ((ship.bump(temp.get(0), temp.get(1), temp.get(2), temp.get(3))) || (ship.bump(temp2.get(0), temp2.get(1), temp2.get(2), temp2.get(3))) || ship.death) {
ship.death = true;
while(f==0) {
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(game, R.raw.explosion_fart);
Message msg = BM.game_panel.game.handler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = 1;
i = BM.TopWalls.size()-1;
if(f == 8){
In the BarrierManager I have created this update method which takes float dt = MainTheards general time for the game.
TopWalls is ArrayList this ArrayList is composed of top obsticles. Bottom walls is the same but BottomWalls.
//zreb decides if it should create TopWalls or BottomWalls object. This parameter is later transfered to the Barier.update method where I work with it
public void update(float dt){
for (int i=0;i<Num+1; i++) {
int zreb = new Random().nextInt(2);
//{if} to make the spacing bigger
if (i % 5 == 0){
**TopWalls.get(i).update(dt, true, zreb);
BottomWalls.get(i).update(dt, false, zreb);**
if(zreb == 0){
position.set(TopWalls.get(i).getX(), TopWalls.get(i).getY());
Now this algoritm in the Barrier.class is where the magic went wrong. This update method takes the float dt mentioned earlier, a boolean variable for determining if the obsticle we work with at that instance is the Top or Bottom, and the zreb random int that determines if the top or bottom obsticle is going to be shown.
//problem! needs to be discussed
public void update(float dt, boolean b, int zreb) {
//checking if the barrier is still there
if (x<-bitmap.getWidth()){
//'b'is passed from the Barriermanager - 'update' method, determining if we have to use monkey-true or farmer-false
int raz = 200;
int vyska = BM.dpos;
//'zreb' helps me to randomly determine if monkey or ballard is going to appear
//here it determines if we are going to have Top or Bottom obsticle in the game
if(zreb == 1) {
vyska = BM.dpos - raz;
else {
vyska = BM.dpos + raz;
//koniec tohto trienedia
if (b)
//setting the y value for the top wall
y = vyska - BM.dl/2 - bitmap.getHeight()/2;
//setting the y value for bottom wall
y = vyska + BM.dl/2 + bitmap.getHeight()/2;
//setting x-value
x = (int) (x +bitmap.getWidth()*(BM.TopWalls.size()-1));
x = (int) (x - BM.game_panel.ShipSpeed*dt);
Do you have any idea why this "one-or-the-other" condition is not working properly?
This would help me lot because this error made me deactivate the app from the store.
I've overridden the LibGdx Pan gesture method for a different functionality (a selector). However, I want the pan functionality to use two fingers(pointers) instead. Is this possible?
It's the same question as this post, however his is specific to iPhone and not LibGdx:
How to implement the traditional imageView-inside-a-scrollView pan gesture with two fingers instead of one?
the pan() method will only fire with one finger, not two. I was thinking of keeping track of number of fingers used, by setting a variable in touchDown() using the int pointer variable, however the pan() method will not fire when there are 2 fingers in use.
Any suggestions? Cheers
After 3+ years of research I finally made it.
public boolean pinch(Vector2 initialPointer1, Vector2 initialPointer2, Vector2 pointer1, Vector2 pointer2) {
// Calculate distances
float initialDistance = initialPointer1.dst(initialPointer2);
float distance = pointer1.dst(pointer2);
// Calculate pinch coordinates
float initialPinchX = (initialPointer1.x + initialPointer2.x) / 2;
float initialPinchY = (initialPointer1.y + initialPointer2.y) / 2;
float pinchX = (pointer1.x + pointer2.x) / 2;
float pinchY = (pointer1.y + pointer2.y) / 2;
// This to avoid first time zooming or panning horrible behavior
if (lastZoomDistance == 0) {
lastZoomDistance = initialDistance;
if (lastPinchX == lastPinchY && lastPinchX == 0) {
lastPinchX = initialPinchX;
lastPinchY = initialPinchY;
// Zoom
float distanceDifference = distance - lastZoomDistance;
camera.zoom -= distanceDifference / 300;
// Pan
float deltaX = (pinchX - lastPinchX) * camera.zoom;
float deltaY = (pinchY - lastPinchY) * camera.zoom;
camera.translate(-deltaX, deltaY);
// We need to update these for future calculations
lastZoomDistance = distance;
lastPinchX = (pointer1.x + pointer2.x) / 2;
lastPinchY = (pointer1.y + pointer2.y) / 2;
return false;
I managed to jig the pinch() method around to calculate a combined two finger panning and zooming gesture, instead of using zoom().
Here's some code which achieves this using the pinch method, by looking at how far the first finger has been dragged from its initial position. The second finger is ignored.
Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new GestureDetector(new GestureDetector.GestureAdapter() {
public boolean pinch(Vector2 initialPointer1, Vector2 initialPointer2, Vector2 pointer1, Vector2 pointer2) {
float panAmount = pointer1.x - initialPointer1.x;
// ...
return true;
To add onto Luis' answe, sometimes you may want Pan/ Zoom to act as exclusive actions (only one can happen at a time). If that's what you're after, this may be useful
val targetVector1 = Vector2(pointer1).sub(initialPointer1)
val targetVector2 = Vector2(pointer2).sub(initialPointer2)
val isZoom = targetVector1.hasOppositeDirection(targetVector2)
val isPan = !isZoom
I'm not sure if I can express this question correctly, but here it goes..
I want to code an example, where small dots have a velocity according to which they move - but also, there is a random motion superimposed to the "proper" motion. Using the Processing code below, I get the following animation:
The right dot is supposed to be going towards the bottom right corner, and I'm OK with how it behaves. The problem is the left dot, which is supposed to be "static" - so it would only show the "random" motion "in place"; however, as the animated .gif shows, it tends to end up veering some distance away from its original location. The random velocity is calculated with:
this.randspeed.set(random(0,1)-0.5, random(0,1)-0.5);
I would have guessed that random(0,1)-0.5 doesn't give me a Gaussian-like "normal distribution" centered around (or converging? to) zero; but then again, even if it was a "proper" Gaussian, I still could have such "luck" so that say, positive values [0:0.5) are returned for a whole day, and then negative values [-0.5:0) are returned the next day, and in the end, it would still be a proper Gaussian.
So, I guess, I'm looking for a way to convert a (pseudo?)-random sequence (as the one generated by random(0,1)-0.5) to a pseudo-random one, but in which the average sum of N samples (say, 10) is 0. I'm not sure how to call this - a random sequence periodically converging to zero, I guess??
Note that I've been trying below with both changing position directly; and saving position with changing finalpos instead - changing the position seems more like a "natural", smoothed motion (especially with the modulo frame operation, so a new random velocity isn't assigned every frame); but then, it also allows that the random noise accumulates, and "pushes" the dot away from its central location. Also, note that it took me a few takes until I could reproduce this on the .gif, running the program "live" seems to cause the dot to diverge from the original location more quickly (I had read something about hardware events like hard-disk writes being used for changing entropy for /dev/random on Linux, but I don't really know if it's related).
Also, I thought of setting some sort of a virtual border around the dot position, and having a collision detection for the random motion going out of the border - but that seems to me like too much work (and CPU cycles for vector operations) for this kind of thing; I would have hoped that the random function can somehow be "tempered" in an easier manner, instead.
So, would there be a recommended way to approach this kind of random motion around a central location in a limited area?
import java.util.*; // added for Iterator;
ArrayList<Marble> marbles = new ArrayList<Marble>();
Iterator<Marble> imarb;
color mclr = #0000FF;
int RNDLIMIT = 2;
int framecount = 0;
void setup() {
Marble m_moving = new Marble(width/2, height/2, 2, 2);
Marble m_stopped = new Marble(width/2-100, height/2, 0, 0);
void draw() {
imarb = marbles.iterator();
while (imarb.hasNext()) {
Marble m = imarb.next();
ellipse(m.finalpos.x, m.finalpos.y, m.radius*2, m.radius*2);
//~ saveFrame("marbles-######.png");
class Marble {
PVector position = new PVector(0,0);
PVector finalpos = new PVector(0,0);
PVector speed = new PVector(0,0);
PVector randspeed = new PVector(0,0);
float radius=4;
public Marble() {
public Marble(float inx, float iny, float invx, float invy) {
this.position.set(inx, iny);
this.speed.set(invx, invy);
public void update() {
if (framecount % 4 == 0) {
this.randspeed.set(random(0,1)-0.5, random(0,1)-0.5);
int algoTry = 1; // 0
switch(algoTry) {
case 0:
this.finalpos.set(PVector.add(this.position, this.randspeed));
case 1:
this.position.set(PVector.add(this.position, this.randspeed));
A typical 'random walk' will always meander away, because statistics don't 'balance'. Moving a lot to the left will not be corrected with movement to the right. So quality of the randomness isn't the issue.
If you want the dot to stay around a specific location, you should store that location and make the "proper" motion (as you called it) always move towards that location. Some subtraction of current location from target location should get you the correct "proper" motion. With this solution, the dot will always be inclined to head back to where is started.
Well, I think I got somewhere; thanks to the comment by #Teepeemm, I learned about Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process, and also that Brownian motion: "is described by the Wiener process ... one of the best known Lévy processes". Rereading Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process ("Over time, the process tends to drift towards its long-term mean ... is a prototype of a noisy relaxation process ...the length x(t) of the spring will fluctuate stochastically around the spring rest length x0;"), I realized it is not what I want - it would have caused my dot eventually to settle in the central position, and then I would have had to "ping" it every once in a while.
Just as I realized that it would take me forever to fist understand, and then code, those processes - I found this:
Generation of noise with given PSD - Newsreader - MATLAB Central
I want to generate noise data with especific frequency
characteristics: That is, the power spectral density (PSD) has to be
proportional to f^0, f, f^2 etc.
f^0 -- use randn
f^(-2) -- low-pass filter the f^0 time series, or integrate with cumsum
f^2 -- differentiate, as with diff
... so I thought, maybe I can somehow process the raw random numbers, to get a "distribution" as I want. So I came up with a Processing patch, which you'll find below as rndquest2.pde. Processing makes it easy to use alpha colors for points, and if the background is not erased, they accumulate - so it's easier to see what is the actual distribution of a random output being tweaked. I got this image:
The "choice 0" seems to point out that random() generates a sequence with uniform distribution (white noise). For instance, "choice 1" would cause the dot to tend to stick on the edges; "choice 2" quite obviously shows folding ; and I'd prefer a circle, too. In the end, I got something most resembling a Gauss (most frequent in the center, and slowly diminishing to the edges) on "choice 9", by something like a radial folding, I guess. There's still a visible threshold border on "choice 9", but if it is implemented in the code above in OP, then I get something like this:
... which is, actually, as I wanted it! (not sure why the start came out as it did, though) The trick is that the random vector, once limited/processed, should be interpreted as a position (or rather, should be added to the position, to obtain a new position, used to calculate a new velocity for finalpos); it should not be directly added to the speed/velocity!
So, only these changes need to be added in the OP code:
float r1 =0, r2 = 0;
PVector rv = new PVector(r1, r2);
float radius = 10;
float pr1 =0; int pr3 =0;
int signum(float f) {
if (f > 0) return 1;
if (f < 0) return -1;
return 0;
float getRandom() {
float ret;
ret = random(-radius,radius);
return ret;
void getRandomVect() {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
pr1 = rv.mag()-radius/2;
pr3 = int(radius-rv.mag());
pr3 = (pr3 == 0) ? 1 : pr3;
if (pr1>0) {
r1 = rv.x - random(1)*2*signum(rv.x)*pr3;
r2 = rv.y - random(1)*2*signum(rv.y)*pr3;
public void update() {
if (framecount % 4 == 0) {
this.randspeed.set(PVector.div(PVector.sub(PVector.add(this.position, rv), this.finalpos), 4));
this.finalpos.set(PVector.add(this.finalpos, this.randspeed));
... to get it working as shown on the gif in this post.
Well, hope this helps someone,
PVector mainpos = new PVector(200.0, 200.0);
float radius = 50;
float x1 =0, y1 = 0;
float r1 =0, r2 = 0;
float pr1 =0, pr2 = 0;
int pr3 =0, pr4 = 0;
PVector rv = new PVector(r1, r2);
color clr = color(0,0,255,30);
int choice = 0;
int framecount = 0;
void setup() {
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
void draw() {
try {
stroke(clr); // #0000FF web colors only
point(mainpos.x, mainpos.y);
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
switch(choice) {
case 0:
x1 = mainpos.x + r1;
y1 = mainpos.y + r2;
println("0"); // these help trigger the draw(), apparently..
case 1:
if(rv.mag() > radius) {
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 2:
if(rv.mag() > radius) {
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 3:
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 4:
pr1 = rv.x;
pr2 = rv.y;
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 5:
pr1 = rv.x;
pr2 = rv.y;
if(rv.mag() > radius) {
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 6:
pr1 = (pr1 + r1)/2.0;
pr2 = (pr2 + r2)/2.0;
if(rv.mag() > radius) {
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 7:
r1 = (pr1 + r1)/2.0;
r2 = (pr2 + r2)/2.0;
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
r1 = (pr1 + r1)/2.0;
r2 = (pr2 + r2)/2.0;
pr1 = rv.x;
pr2 = rv.y;
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 8:
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
//~ pr1 = abs(rv.x)-radius/2;
//~ pr2 = abs(rv.y)-radius/2;
pr1 = rv.mag()-radius/2;
//~ pr3 = int(radius-abs(rv.x));
//~ pr4 = int(radius-abs(rv.y));
pr3 = int(radius-pr1);
pr3 = (pr3 == 0) ? 1 : pr3;
//~ pr4 = (pr4 == 0) ? 1 : pr4;
if (pr1>0)
r1 = rv.x - random(1)*2*signum(rv.x)*pr1; //framecount ; b2i(int(random(radius)) % pr3 == 0)*
if (pr1>0) //(pr2>0)
r2 = rv.y - random(1)*2*signum(rv.y)*pr1;//pr2;
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
case 9:
while(rv.mag() > radius) {
r1 = getRandom();
r2 = getRandom();
pr1 = rv.mag()-radius/2;
pr3 = int(radius-rv.mag()); //pr1);
pr3 = (pr3 == 0) ? 1 : pr3;
if (pr1>0) {
r1 = rv.x - random(1)*2*signum(rv.x)*pr3; //framecount ; b2i(int(random(radius)) % pr3 == 0)*
r2 = rv.y - random(1)*2*signum(rv.y)*pr3;//pr2;
//~ r1 = rv.x - 2*signum(rv.x)*pr3; //like an X for pr3 = int(radius-pr1);
//~ r2 = rv.y - 2*signum(rv.y)*pr3;
x1 = mainpos.x + rv.x;
y1 = mainpos.y + rv.y;
// note: patch does not draw point(mainpos.x + getRandom(), ..)
point(x1, y1);
stroke(255); //~ stroke(255,0,0);
text(String.format("choice %d (f:%d)", choice, framecount), mainpos.x-radius, 100);
if (framecount % 5000 == 0) {
saveFrame(String.format("rndquest2-%d-%d-######.png", choice, framecount));
} catch(Exception e) {
int signum(float f) {
if (f > 0) return 1;
if (f < 0) return -1;
return 0;
int b2i(boolean inb) {
if (inb) return 1;
else return 0;
float getRandom() {
float ret;
ret = random(-radius,radius);
return ret;
void mousePressed() {
choice = (choice + 1) % 10;
framecount = 0;
If you want random movement within a certain distance of an "actual" point, you could try having a fixed, maximum-distance from the "actual" location, and not allowing the ball outside of that radius.
If you don't want a hard limit, you could add some kind of force that attracts the object toward its "actual" location, and make it increase with the distance from that point linearly, quadratically, or by some other function of your choosing. Then the object would be free to move around its "actual" location, but still be kept relatively nearby.
You are simulating a random walk. Generally, a random walk after n steps will be on the order of sqrt(n) from where it started (more specifically, it will obey the Law of the Iterated Logarithm, so that its magnitude after n steps is O(sqrt(n log log n))). Which is a long way of saying that the walk will wander away as time goes on (but because it's two dimensional, it will eventually return to the origin).
To solve this, you want to have a drift back toward the origin. One random process which has this property is the Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process, which has a drift toward the origin that is proportional to its distance from the origin. (And the random part of the random walk would still cause it to wiggle around its origin.)
This could be accomplished in your original code by something along the lines of
double driftScale = .01;
double wiggleScale = 1;
Point origin = new Point(0,0);
It would be better to replace random(0,1)-.5 with a standard normal Gaussian, but I don't know how noticeable that affect would be. The biggest difference is that with the current code, there is a maximum distance the point can get from its start. With a Gaussian, it could theoretically get arbitrarily far (but it would still drift back to the origin).
I'm also not quite sure how much this matches with your eventual solution. I'm having trouble following your logic (using PVector and 10 cases didn't help).
(The event listener is in another class) When Game.render = true, i get a constant stream of bullets that look more like a laser-beam, i want there to be gaps. What I mean is that I would like the bullets to be generated as if they were being fired from a machine gun. I know i should add a time or something, but I'm not sure how to do that, to get the effect I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I've been trying to get this to work for about an hour now.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
public class Bullet {
// ArrayList
static ArrayList<Bullet> arrL = new ArrayList();
public Bullet(int x , int y) throws SlickException{
public static void update(GameContainer gc, int u) throws SlickException{
// when the left mouse button is clicked Game.fire = true, the key listener is in another class
Bullet b = new Bullet(5,5);
reloaded = false;
} if(!reloaded){
public static void renderBullets(GameContainer gc, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
// draws a new bullet for every 'bullet object' in the ArrayList called arrL
for(Bullet b : arrL){
What I do most frequently in this kind of situation is add a time variable that I subtract the delta (the variable you have as u) from every update until it goes below 0, at which point I reset it:
// Set this to whatever feels right for the effect you're trying to achieve.
// A larger number will mean a longer delay.
private static int default_bullet_delay = 500;
private static int time = 0;
public static void update (GameContainer gc, int u) throws SlickException {
time -= u;
if (time <= 0 && Game.fire) {
fireBullet(); // Replace this with your code for firing the bullet
time = default_bullet_delay; // Reset the timer
// The rest of the update loop...
Basically, even if Game.fire is true the bullet won't fire until the timer counts down. Once that happens, the timer is set and the next bullet can't fire until the timer counts down again. If you set this to something reasonably small then there should be a bit of a gap between each bullet.
This is how I did this:
boolean reloaded = false; // Start with a reload becouse weapon not reload itself
float reloadTime = 100; // This is the "timer" (the value doesnt matter)
float startReloadTime = 100; // This is the actual reload time
private void shoot(int delta, float screenWidth, float screenHeight) {
// reload if not reloaded
if (!reloaded) {
reloadTime -= 0.5f * delta; // As I said, this is the timer
// If the reload finished, set the timer back to the reload time
if (reloadTime <= 0) {
reloaded = true; // reloaded, we can shoot
reloadTime = startReloadTime;
// Shoot only if reloaded
if (reloaded) {
// This is some direction calculating, ignore for now
float mouseWorldX = (x + (mouseX - screenWidth / 2));
float mouseWorldY = (y + (mouseY - screenHeight / 2));
float randomX = (float) Math.random() * (2000 / mouseWorldX);
float randomY = (float) Math.random() * (2000 / mouseWorldY);
mouseWorldX += randomX;
mouseWorldY += randomY;
// Add a new bullet element to the world (where will be rendered)
world.add(new Shot(world, camera, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, mouseWorldX - 2.5f, mouseWorldY - 2.5f, 5, 5, new Color(1, 0, 0, 1f)));
// We need to reload
reloaded = false;