I'm developing an application where I would like to create a compiled and defined custom text-protocol. I.e. I want to send textstrings that represent information / actions to take in a server-client based system.
Is there any reference / best practice way to do this object oriented (in java)?
Some examples of the actual text strings that might be sent, for convenience separated with spaces (will be split by something else in the real case):
command1 <timestamp> <id> <arg1> <arg2>
command2 <timestamp> <id> <arg1> <arg2> <arg3>
command3 subcommand1 <timestamp> <id>
command3 subcommand2 <timestamp> <id>
So some things are included in all messages, but in other ways the messages could be totally different, depending on future implementations and so on.
What I would like to achieve with this is that the received textstring should be parsed with this protocol so that the parties that use it only have to pass the received text string to the protocol and then be able to switch to different functionality depending on the message type. My first thought was if it was possible to implement a base class, let's say "Message", and then subclasses for more specific message types (example Register or UpdateSomething).
Pseudo code to explain roughly what I wanted to achieve:
object msg = new Message(rawText);
switch (msg.getType()) {
case Message.Register:
// Register logic, data needed would be available in the msg-object.
// Most likely a function, for instance: handleRegistration(msg.uid, msg.password)
case Message.SomeData.Get:
// logic/function to return SomeData, args/data needed would be available in the msg-object.
case Message.SomeData.Update:
// logic/function to update SomeData, args/data needed would be available in the msg-object.
// Some default logic.
But I realized that even if I was able to parse the rawText and somehow transform it into different objects depending on its contents (How can I do this?), it wouldn't be possible to switch on object type in a nice way and I've seen that many argue that it isn't a good approach.
I can get all this to work in lots of ugly ways, that's no problem, I'm just very unsure about the correct approach to this. I'd really like to learn how to do this in a nice and usable way also considering scaling (the protocol will grow). I want the protocol to just be a package (jar) that each party (different clients and the server) can use after which no one needs to bother with what (text) is actually sent over the connection.
Any help and guidance is greatly appreciated, I'm open to take other completely different paths. Do note again however that I'm not asking for help to just "get it working". I'm asking about the best practice(s) to implement those things, or references where I and others reading this can learn how to do this.
I guess the main problem I have is the problem itself. The messages differ quite a bit from each other, meaning I will end up in quite a few classes if I want the data members to be unique. This in itself isn't really a problem, it's just the names have to be unique as well. I'd like to group them up in some hierarchy.
For example with the REGISTER type:
A REGISTER message is a type of MESSAGE. But there are also different kinds of register messages:
REGISTER REQUEST <id> <password>
I would like to group these up in the sense that they are all register messages, but they are also different types of register messages with different payloads (ie need a different set of members if translated to objects). So if I'd like an object to be able to extract this information from variables I'd need 3 classes for this (example RegisterRequestMessage, RegisterOKMessage, RegisterErrorMessage) and it just feels as if all those classes and names could get a bit too much.
I wish to achieve:
Readability and usability for the developer using the protocol, when
they make their switch case to see which message they received or
when they make a new message they should easily (in a IDE that
supports it) be able to list the message-types they can choose from.
Be able to extract information from a message that is unique for
different message-types depending on what is being sent. I'd like the
data available to such a message to be visible (again in a IDE that
supports it) when the object is being used.
I guess there won't be any real smooth way here, either I'll end up with lots of classes (the problem is really lots of long names for messagtypes/classes), or I'll end up having to make it more generic, filling up a json-object or similar with the data.
Lots of classes:
handleRegisterMessage(MyLongNameSpecifiedMessageClass msg) {
this.id = msg.id;
this.password = msg.password;
// etc etc
More generic json or such:
handleRegisterMessage(JSONObject msg) {
this.id = msg.get("id");
this.password = msg.get("password");
// etc etc
I'm not sure if there's much more to do, but if you guys with more experience see some more elegant or easier solution here that I don't I'm happy to try it out.
Decided to use a unique class for each message type, even though there will be quite a few messages and the names might get somewhat long / ugly It felt like the most encapsulated and easy-to-use way. It will be compiled into a jar file and used that way anyways. Thanks for all suggestions though since other people might decide to take other paths.
If I understand what you mean, basically, a message is something that must
be parsed from a string,
be used to do something.
So, you could have something like
abstract class Message {
public abstract void doSomething();
private String myType; // or enum, or whatever
public String getMyType() {
return myType;
public static Message parse(String s) {
// parse s
// if s contains command 'register', return a new RegisterMessage
// if s contains command 'someDataGet', return a new SomeDataGetMessage
return // a newly created message;
class MessageRegister extends Message {
public void doSomething() {
// do what a Register message does
public MessageRegister() {
myType = "REGISTER";
class MessageSomeDataGet extends Message {
public void doSomething() {
// do what a SomeDataGet message does
public MessageSomeDataGet() {
Then, you create a new message with
Message m = Message.parse("some command");
You can switch on the message type like this:
switch (m.getMyType()) {
// whatever
The way I usually do this is with an interface, lets call it ConsoleProgram that takes string arguments and a HashMap that couples a string to a Program. Basically doing something similar to your switch statement and then each Program can worry about its own format when its passed the rest of the string (excluding the first program selecting part of the string)
public interface ConsoleProgram {
public String getProgramName(); //what the command string starts with to call this program
public void runProgram(String[] arguments);
Then a single class can deal with recieving strings and passing them to ConsolePrograms without ever worrying about what the ConsoleProgram actually does
public class Console{
public static HashMap<String, ConsoleProgram> availablePrograms=new HashMap<>();
public void registerProgram(ConsoleProgram program){
availablePrograms.put(program.getProgramName().toLowerCase(), program);
public void recieveCommand(String command){
String[] parts = command.split(" ");
ConsoleProgram program=availablePrograms.get(parts[0].toLowerCase());
if (program!=null){
program.runProgram(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 1, parts.length));
System.out.println("program unavailable");
availablePrograms.get("availableprograms").runProgram(parts, this, null)
This is something I myself use to support administrative functions within a game I am developing and it scales very nicely. Furthermore if a ConsoleProgram needs access to unusual things you don't need to have Console know about them, the specific ConsoleProgram can take those objects in its constructor before being registered using registerProgram
Instead of writing your own serializers/parcers I recommend using one of well-known tools that are created exactly for that.
One of my favourites is protocol buffers from google and there are many others.
With protocol buffers you would need to define your custom message formats (look at their simple java tutorial for reference), and then generate java code for it.
You would do it on both server/client sides, or, I guess you could simply include generated files along with dependency jar in your library and share it between server/clients.
This will have number of benefits :
You won't need to write your serializer/parser (and more importantly spend time debugging it!)
It is flexible, you can change/extend your messages in future
You are not limited to Java implementations, same message format can be understood by other servers/clients written in C++/Python.
I'm very new to programming language. My question might not even make sense. My environment is using java and trying to implement both ios and android apps in the same automation testing framework.
So, the idea is that any test script should be able to run on both the apps. Ex: one signin test script should be run for both ios and android.
I've decided to use interface and class implementation approach. The problem I'm facing is with test data. My company doesn't want to use excel. They want to use json for test data.
Here's my problem, look at the following line of code:
ValidBuy goodBuy = JsonFileReader.loadDaTa(TestBase.DATA_PATH, "good-buy.json", ValidBuy.class);
As you can see I have a class "ValidBuy" that has all the getters for a particular json file. I have another class "JsonFileReader" which takes the json filePath, fileName, and a class as an input and returns the data for that class name that I passed in. For this example I've passed ValidBuy.class
So, when I run a positive test, I'm passing "goodBuy" variable which is of type "ValidBuy". The problem starts here.
The test case is now specified with the data from goodBuy because it's type is "ValidBuy" and I'm passing goodBuy as a parameter.
Look at one of my extracted methods:
private void enterBuyInfo(ValidBuy goodBuy) {
itemPage = nativeApp.getItemPage(goodBuy);
You can see those getters I'm using are coming from ValidBuy class.
If I run this test with the data for a badBuy:
InvalidBuy badBuy = JsonFileReader.loadDaTa(TestBase.DATA_PATH, "bad-buy.json", InvalidBuy.class);
It fails because now I have to change "ValidBuy" class with "InvalidBuy" class. Since, changing the parameter in the extracted method in every run is not possible, how can I make it more generic?
I want something like this:
TestData data = JsonFileReader.loadDaTa(RESOURCES_PATH, "good-client.json", InvalidBuy.class);
Here, TestData is generic. It could either be a class or interface (I don't know if that's possible) and the return type will be specified by whichever class I pass into the loadData() method. In this case InvalidBuy.class
The extracted method should look like this:
private void enterBuyInfo(TestData data) {
itemPage = nativeApp.getItemPage(data);
If I can do this, I can use those extracted methods to create more tests.
I know I wrote a lot. I've only tried to make it as clear as possible. If it doesn't make any sense, just disregard it.
Any suggestions, ideas, code samples will be highly appreciated.
Firstly let me see if I understand your question. I think you are saying that loadData may return a value of type ValidBuy or InvalidBuy and you want to pass into it the class that you want returned. You then want to know how to use an interface that might represent either of these classes in your test methods so you can test various return values (both valid and invalid). You use the term "generic" in your question but I'm guessing you don't mean to use it in the specific way it's used in Java.
If I've understood your question correctly, then here's an answer:
Passing the class you wish to have returned into a method is an unusual usage and almost certainly not ideal. Better OOD would be to extract the common methods for all objects returned from loadData into an interface.
interface Buy {
String getItemName();
boolean isValid();
class ValidBuy implements Buy {
public boolean isValid() {
return true;
class InvalidBuy implements Buy {
public boolean isValid() {
return false;
class JsonFileReader {
Buy loadData(Path path) {
Then your tests can look like:
void testValidBuy() {
void testInvalidBuy() {
I realise I've simplified it a bit but hopefully you get the idea.
I have a backend system which we use a third-party Java API to access from our own applications. I can access the system as a normal user along with other users, but I do not have godly powers over it.
Hence to simplify testing I would like to run a real session and record the API calls, and persist them (preferably as editable code), so we can do dry test runs later with API calls just returning the corresponding response from the recording session - and this is the important part - without needing to talk to the above mentioned backend system.
So if my application contains line on the form:
Object b = callBackend(a);
I would like the framework to first capture that callBackend() returned b given the argument a, and then when I do the dry run at any later time say "hey, given a this call should return b". The values of a and b will be the same (if not, we will rerun the recording step).
I can override the class providing the API so all the method calls to capture will go through my code (i.e. byte code instrumentation to alter behavior of classes outside my control is not necessary).
What framework should I look into to do this?
EDIT: Please note that bounty hunters should provide actual code demonstrating the behavior I look for.
Actually You can build such framework or template, by using proxy pattern. Here I explain, how you can do it using dynamic proxy pattern. The idea is to,
Write a proxy manager to get recorder and replayer proxies of API on demand!
Write a wrapper class to store your collected information and also implement hashCode and equals method of that wrapper class for efficient lookup from Map like data structure.
And finally use recorder proxy to record and replayer proxy for replaying purpose.
How recorder works:
invokes the real API
collects the invocation information
persists data in expected persistence context
How replayer works:
Collect the method information (method name, parameters)
If collected information matches with previously recorded information then return the previously collected return value.
If returned value does not match, persist the collected information (As you wanted).
Now, lets look at the implementation. If your API is MyApi like bellow:
public interface MyApi {
public String getMySpouse(String myName);
public int getMyAge(String myName);
Now we will, record and replay the invocation of public String getMySpouse(String myName). To do that we can use a class to store the invocation information like bellow:
public class RecordedInformation {
private String methodName;
private Object[] args;
private Object returnValue;
public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;
public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName;
public Object[] getArgs() {
return args;
public void setArgs(Object[] args) {
this.args = args;
public Object getReturnValue() {
return returnType;
public void setReturnValue(Object returnValue) {
this.returnValue = returnValue;
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode(); //change your implementation as you like!
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj); //change your implementation as you like!
Now Here comes the main part, The RecordReplyManager. This RecordReplyManager gives you proxy object of your API , depending on your need of recording or replaying.
public class RecordReplyManager implements java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler {
private Object objOfApi;
private boolean isForRecording;
public static Object newInstance(Object obj, boolean isForRecording) {
return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new RecordReplyManager(obj, isForRecording));
private RecordReplyManager(Object obj, boolean isForRecording) {
this.objOfApi = obj;
this.isForRecording = isForRecording;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Object result;
if (isForRecording) {
try {
System.out.println("method name: " + method.getName());
System.out.print("method arguments:");
for (Object arg : args) {
System.out.print(" " + arg);
result = method.invoke(objOfApi, args);
System.out.println("result: " + result);
RecordedInformation recordedInformation = new RecordedInformation();
//persist your information
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected invocation exception: " +
} finally {
// do nothing
return result;
} else {
try {
System.out.println("method name: " + method.getName());
System.out.print("method arguments:");
for (Object arg : args) {
System.out.print(" " + arg);
RecordedInformation recordedInformation = new RecordedInformation();
//if your invocation information (this RecordedInformation) is found in the previously collected map, then return the returnValue from that RecordedInformation.
//if corresponding RecordedInformation does not exists then invoke the real method (like in recording step) and wrap the collected information into RecordedInformation and persist it as you like!
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected invocation exception: " +
} finally {
// do nothing
return result;
If you want to record the method invocation, all you need is getting an API proxy like bellow:
MyApi realApi = new RealApi(); // using new or whatever way get your service implementation (API implementation)
MyApi myApiWithRecorder = (MyApi) RecordReplyManager.newInstance(realApi, true); // true for recording
myApiWithRecorder.getMySpouse("richard"); // to record getMySpouse
myApiWithRecorder.getMyAge("parker"); // to record getMyAge
And to replay all you need:
MyApi realApi = new RealApi(); // using new or whatever way get your service implementation (API implementation)
MyApi myApiWithReplayer = (MyApi) RecordReplyManager.newInstance(realApi, false); // false for replaying
myApiWithReplayer.getMySpouse("richard"); // to replay getMySpouse
myApiWithRecorder.getMyAge("parker"); // to replay getMyAge
And You are Done!
The basic steps of recorder and replayers can be done in above mentioned way. Now its upto you, that how you want to use or perform those steps. You can do what ever you want and whatever you like in the recorder and replayer code blocks and just choose your implementation!
I should prefix this by saying I share some of the concerns in Yves Martin's answer: that such a system may prove frustrating to work with and ultimately less helpful than it would seem at first blush.
That said, from a technical standpoint, this is an interesting problem, and I couldn't not take a go at it. I put together a gist to log method calls in a fairly general way. The CallLoggingProxy class defined there allows usage such as the following.
Calendar original = CallLoggingProxy.create(Calendar.class, Calendar.getInstance());
original.getTimeInMillis(); // 1368311282470
CallLoggingProxy.ReplayInfo replayInfo = CallLoggingProxy.getReplayInfo(original);
// Persist the replay info to disk, serialize to a DB, whatever floats your boat.
// Come back and load it up later...
Calendar replay = CallLoggingProxy.replay(Calendar.class, replayInfo);
replay.getTimeInMillis(); // 1368311282470
You could imagine wrapping your API object with CallLoggingProxy.create prior to passing it into your testing methods, capturing the data afterwards, and persisting it using whatever your favorite serialization system happens to be. Later, when you want to run your tests, you can load the data back up, create a new instance based on the data with CallLoggingProxy.replay, and passing that into your methods instead.
The CallLoggingProxy is written using Javassist, as Java's native Proxy is limited to working against interfaces. This should cover the general use case, but there are a few limitations to keep in mind:
Classes declared final can't be proxied by this method. (Not easily fixable; this is a system limitation)
The gist assumes the same input to a method will always produce the same output. (More easily fixable; the ReplayInfo would need to keep track of sequences of calls for each input instead of single input/output pairs.)
The gist is not even remotely threadsafe (Fairly easily fixable; just requires a little thought and effort)
Obviously the gist is simply a proof of concept, so it's also not been very thoroughly tested, but I believe the general principle is sound. It's also possible there's a more fully baked framework out there to achieve this sort of goal, but if such a thing does exist, I'm not aware of it.
If you do decide to continue with the replay approach, then hopefully this will be enough to give you a possible direction to work in.
I had the same needs some months ago for non-regression testing when planning a heavy technical refactoring of a large application and... I have found nothing available as a framework.
In fact, replaying may be particularly difficult and may only work in a specific context - no (or few) application with a standard complexity can be really considered as stateless. It is a common problem when testing persistence code with a relational database. To be relevant, the complete system initial state must be restored and each replay step must impact the global state the same way. It becomes a challenge when a system state is distributed into pieces like databases, files, memory... Let's guess what happens if a timestamp taken from a system's clock is used somewhere !
So a more pratical option is to only record... and then do a clever comparison for subsequent runs.
Depending of the number of runs you plan, a human-driven session on the application may be enough, or you have to investing in an automated scenario in a robot playing with your application user interface.
First to record: you can use dynamic proxy interface or aspect programming to intercept method call and to capture state before and after invocation. It may mean: dump concerned database tables, copy some files, serialize Java objects in text format like XML.
Then compare this reference capture with a new run. This comparison should be tuned to exclude any irrelevant elements from each piece of state, like row identifiers, timestamps, file names... to only compare data where your backend's added value shines.
Finally nothing really standard, and often a few specific scripts and codes may be enough to achieve the aim: detect as much errors as possible and try to prevent non-expected side-effects.
This can be done with AOP, aspect oriented programming. It allows to intercept method calls by byte code manipulation. Do a bit of search for examples.
In one case this can do recording, in the other replaying.
Pointers: wikipedia, AspectJ, Spring AOP.
Unfortunately one moves a bit outside the java syntax, and a simple example can better be sought elsewhere. With explanation.
Maybe combined with unit tests / some mocking test framework for offline testing with recorded data.
you could look into 'Mockito'
//You can mock concrete classes, not only interfaces
LinkedList mockedList = mock(LinkedList.class);
when(mockedList.get(1)).thenThrow(new RuntimeException());
//following prints "first"
//following throws runtime exception
//following prints "null" because get(999) was not stubbed
after you could replay each test more times and it will return data that you put in.
// pseudocode
class LogMethod {
List<String> parameters;
String method;
addCallTo(String method, List<String> params):
this.method = method;
parameters = params;
Have a list of LogMethods and call new LogMethod().addCallTo() before every call in your test method.
The idea of playing back the API calls sounds like a use case for the event sourcing pattern. Martin Fowler has a good article on it here. This is a nice pattern that records events as a sequence of objects which are then stored, you can then replay the sequence of events as required.
There is an implementation of this pattern using Akka called Eventsourced, which may help you build the type of system you require.
I had a similar problem some years ago. None of the above solutions would have worked for methods that are not pure functions (side effect free). The major task is in my opinion:
how to extract a snapshot of the recorded object(s) (not only restricted to objects implementing Serializable)
how to generate test code of a serialized representation in a readable way (not only restricted to beans, primitives and collections)
So I had to go my own way - with testrecorder.
For example, given:
ResultObject b = callBackend(a);
ResultObject callBackend(SourceObject source) {
you will only have to annotate the method like this:
ResultObject callBackend(SourceObject source) {
and start your application (the one that should be recorded) with the testrecorder agent. Testrecorder will manage all tasks for you, such as:
serializing arguments, results, state of this, exceptions (complete object graph!)
finding a readable representation for object construction and object matching
generating a test from the serialized data
you can extend recordings to global variables, input and output with annotations
An example for the test will look like this:
void testCallBackend() {
SourceObject sourceObject1 = new SourceObject();
sourceObject1.setState(...); // testrecorder can use setters but is not limited to them
... // setting up backend
... // setting up globals, mocking inputs
ResultObject resultObject1 = backend.callBackend(sourceObject1);
assertThat(resultObject, new GenericMatcher() {
... // property matchers
... // assertions on backend and sourceObject1 for potential side effects
... // assertions on outputs and globals
If I understood you question correctly, you should try db4o.
You will store the objects with db4o and restore later to mock and JUnit tests.
I have a form made in JSP, here I have multiple buttons - "Approve, Reject, Save, Cancel".
For every submit, the control goes to a single Controller(Servlet), and there I am handling this submit as ::
String methodName = (String) request.getParameter("methodName");
else if(methodName.trim.toLower().equals("reject"))
else if(methodName.trim.toLower().equals("save"))
else if(methodName.trim.toLower().equals("cancel"))
Is there a way to remove these multiple if's,
please suggest
It looks like you basically want a mapping from methodName.trim().toLower() to some sort of "claim action" which takes parameters. Create an interface like this:
interface ClaimAction
void execute(Parameters parameters);
Then implement this with classes of CancelClaimAction, ApproveClaimAction etc. Next create a Map<String, ClaimAction> mapping "approve" to an ApproveClaimAction etc. Then:
String actionName = methodName.trim().toLower(Locale.US));
ClaimAction action = CLAIM_ACTION_MAPPING.get(actionName);
if (action != null)
// Error case, presumably.
You could use enums to do this, but I'd expect each of these classes to have enough work to do that it's worth separating them out and testing each one individually.
Some alternatives coming in my minds are with switch statement:
Pass integers instead of strings in parameter, parse them to int in servlet and then use switch case on this integers.
If you are using Java 7 then use switch case over string.
In java 6 take Enum of this strings and then switch over them - for older versions, upto java 5, (as Enum are introduced in java 5, mentioned by Jon skeet)
The comparison about wich action was triggered has to be done somewhere. You can remove this logic from this place by using maybe something like this
public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String action){}
but as i said , the validation has to come somewhere in your code....
Well first suggestion will be that you can re-think on the approach itself. Lots of MVC frameworks are out there (like struts, struts2, spring MVC, play framework) which does all the handling part for you keeping you actual code very simple and clean.
Assuming you have some specific purpose to use your own implementation I would suggest you can use java reflection for this.
String methodName = (String) request.getParameter("methodName");
What you need to do here, is keep the methodNames same as the acutal java methods.
To pass the parameters, you can do it this way -
String methodName = (String) request.getParameter("methodName");
this.getClass().getMethod(methodName, Paramter.class).invoke(this, parameters);
I was wondering how people with more experience and more complex projects get along with this "uglyness" in the REST Communication. Imagine the following Problem:
We'll need a fair amount of functionalities for one specific resource within our REST Infrastructure, in my case that's about 50+ functions that result in different querys and different responses. I tried to think of a meaningful resource-tree and assigned these to methods that will do "stuff". Afterwards, the Server Resource Class looks like this:
public class SomeResource {
public Response resourceFunction1 ( ...lots of Params) {
... logic ....
// lots of functions ...
public Response resourceFunctionN ( ...lots of Params) {
... logic ....
To construct the urls my client will call, I made a little function to prevent Typos and to take better use of Constants
so my Client looks like this:
public class Client() {
public returnType function1 () {
client.resource = ResourceClass.build(Constants.Resouce, "meaningfulPath");
return response.getEntity(returnType);
Now the questions that bothers me is how could I link the client function and the server function better?
The only connection between these two blocks of code is the URL that will be called by the client and mapped by the server, and if even this URL is generated somewhere else, this leads to a lot of confusion.
When one of my colleagues needs to get into this code, he has a hard time figuring out which of the 50+ client functions leads to wich server function. Also it is hard to determine if there are obsolete functions in the code, etc. I guess most of you know about the problems of unclean code better than I do.
How do you deal with this? How would you keep this code clean, maintainable and georgeous?
Normally, this would be addressed by EJB or similar technologies.
Or at least by "real" web services, which would provide at least WSDL and schemas (with kind of mapping to Java interfaces, or "ports").
But REST communication is very loosely typed and loosely structured.
The only thing I can think of now, is: define a project (let's call it "Definitions") which would be referenced (hence known) by client and server. In this project you could define a class with a lot of public static final String, such as:
public static final String SOME_METHOD_NAME = "/someMethodName";
public static final String SOME_OTHER_METHOD_NAME = "/someOtherMethodName";
Note: a static final String can very well be referenced by an annotation (in that case it is considered to be constant by the compiler). So use the "constants" to annotate your #Path, such as:
Same for the client:
ResourceClass.build(Constants.Resouce, Definitions.SOME_METHOD_NAME);
You are missing the idea behind REST. What you are doing is not REST but RPC over HTTP. Generally you are not supposed to construct URLs using out of band knowledge. Instead you should be following links received in the responses received from the server. Read about HATEOAS:
There's something very unsatisfactory about this code:
Given a command string in which the first 8 characters are the command name
padded on the right with whitespace, construct the appropriate kind of
Command object.
public class CommandFactory {
public Command getCommand(String cmd) {
cmdName = cmd.subString(0,8).trim();
if(cmdName.equals("START")) {
return new StartCommand(cmd);
if(cmdName.equals("END")) {
return new EndCommand(cmd);
// ... more commands in more if blocks here
// else it's a bad command.
return new InvalidCommand(cmd);
I'm unrepentant about the multiple exit points - the structure is clear. But I'm not happy about the series of near-identical if statements. I've considered making a Map of Strings to Commands:
commandMap = new HashMap();
// ... etc.
... then using Reflection to make instances of the appropriate class looked up from the Map. However while conceptually elegant, this involves a fair amount of Reflection code that whoever inherits this code might not appreciate - although that cost might be offset by the benefits. All the lines hardcoding values into the commandMap smell almost as bad as the if block.
Even better would be if the factory's constructor could scan the classpath for subclasses of Command, query them for String representations, and automatically add them them to its repertoire.
So - how should I go about refactoring this?
I guess some of the frameworks out there give me this kind of thing for free. Let's assume I'm not in a position to migrate this stuff into such a framework.
How about the following code:
public enum CommandFactory {
Command create(String cmd) {
return new StartCommand(cmd);
Command create(String cmd) {
return new EndCommand(cmd);
abstract Command create(String cmd);
public static Command getCommand(String cmd) {
String cmdName = cmd.substring(0, 8).trim();
CommandFactory factory;
try {
factory = valueOf(cmdName);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return new InvalidCommand(cmd);
return factory.create(cmd);
The valueOf(String) of the enum is used to find the correct factory method. If the factory doesn't exist it will throw an IllegalArgumentException. We can use this as a signal to create the InvalidCommand object.
An extra benefit is that if you can make the method create(String cmd) public if you would also make this way of constructing a Command object compile time checked available to the rest of your code. You could then use CommandFactory.START.create(String cmd) to create a Command object.
The last benefit is that you can easily create a list of all available command in your Javadoc documentation.
Your map of strings to commands I think is good. You could even factor out the string command name to the constructor (i.e. shouldn't StartCommand know that its command is "START"?) If you could do this, instantiation of your command objects is much simpler:
Class c = commandMap.get(cmdName);
if (c != null)
return c.newInstance();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(cmdName + " is not as valid command");
Another option is to create an enum of all your commands with links to the classes (assume all your command objects implement CommandInterface):
public enum Command
private Class<? extends CommandInterface> mappedClass;
private Command(Class<? extends CommandInterface> c) { mappedClass = c; }
public CommandInterface getInstance()
return mappedClass.newInstance();
since the toString of an enum is its name, you can use EnumSet to locate the right object and get the class from within.
With the exception of the
part, this doesn't look too bad to me. You could go with the Map and use reflection, but, depending on how often you add/change commands, this might not buy you much.
You should probably document why you only want the first 8 characters, or maybe change the protocol so it's easier to figure out which part of that string is the command (e.g. put a marker like ':' or ';' after the command key-word).
Its not directly an answer to your question, but why don't you throw an InvalidCommandException (or something similar), rather then returning an object of type InvalidCommand?
Unless there is a reason they can't be I always try to make my command implementations stateless. If that's the case you can add a method boolean identifier(String id) method to your command interface which would tell whether this instance could be used for the given string identifier. Then your factory could look something like this (note: I did not compile or test this):
public class CommandFactory {
private static List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>();
public static void registerCommand(Command cmd) {
public Command getCommand(String cmd) {
for(Command instance : commands) {
if(instance.identifier(cmd)) {
return cmd;
throw new CommandNotRegisteredException(cmd);
I like your idea, but if you want to avoid reflection you could add instead instances to the HashMap:
commandMap = new HashMap();
commandMap.put("START",new StartCommand());
Whenever you need a command, you just clone it:
command = ((Command) commandMap.get(cmdName)).clone();
And afterwards, you set the command string:
But using clone() doesn't sound as elegant as using reflection :(
Taking a Convetion vs Configuration approach and using reflection to scan for available Command objects and loading them into your map would be the way to go. You then have the ability to expose new Commands without a recompile of the factory.
Another approach to dynamically finding the class to load, would be to omit the explicit map, and just try to build the class name from the command string. A title case and concatenate algorithm could turn "START" -> "com.mypackage.commands.StartCommand", and just use reflection to try to instantiate it. Fail somehow (InvalidCommand instance or an Exception of your own) if you can't find the class.
Then you add commands just by adding one object and start using it.
One option would be for each command type to have its own factory. This gives you two advantages:
1) Your generic factory wouldn't call new. So each command type could in future return an object of a different class according to the arguments following the space padding in the string.
2) In your HashMap scheme, you could avoid reflection by, for each command class, mapping to an object implementing a SpecialisedCommandFactory interface, instead of mapping to the class itself. This object in practice would probably be a singleton, but need not be specified as such. Your generic getCommand then calls the specialised getCommand.
That said, factory proliferation can get out of hand, and the code you have is the simplest thing that does the job. Personally I'd probably leave it as it is: you can compare command lists in source and spec without non-local considerations like what might have previously called CommandFactory.registerCommand, or what classes have been discovered through reflection. It's not confusing. It's very unlikely to be slow for less than a thousand commands. The only problem is that you can't add new command types without modifying the factory. But the modification you'd make is simple and repetitive, and if you forget to make it you get an obvious error for command lines containing the new type, so it's not onerous.
Having this repetitive object creation code all hidden in the factory is not so bad. If it has to be done somewhere, at least it's all here, so I'd not worry about it too much.
If you really want to do something about it, maybe go for the Map, but configure it from a properties file, and build the map from that props file.
Without going the classpath discovery route (about which I don't know), you'll always be modifying 2 places: writing a class, and then adding a mapping somewhere (factory, map init, or properties file).
Thinking about this, You could create little instantiation classes, like:
class CreateStartCommands implements CommandCreator {
public bool is_fitting_commandstring(String identifier) {
return identifier == "START"
public Startcommand create_instance(cmd) {
return StartCommand(cmd);
Of course, this adds a whole bunch if tiny classes that can't do much more than say "yes, thats start, give me that" or "nope, don't like that", however, you can now rework the factory to contain a list of those CommandCreators and just ask each of it: "you like this command?" and return the result of create_instance of the first accepting CommandCreator. Of course it now looks kind of akward to extract the first 8 characters outside of the CommandCreator, so I would rework that so you pass the entire command string into the CommandCreator.
I think I applied some "Replace switch with polymorphism"-Refactoring here, in case anyone wonders about that.
I'd go for the map and creation via reflection. If scanning the class path is too slow, you can always add a custom annotation to the class, have an annotation processor running at compile time and store all class names in the jar metadata.
Then, the only mistake you can do is forgetting the annotation.
I did something like this a while ago, using maven and APT.
The way I do it is to not have a generic Factory method.
I like to use Domain Objects as my command objects. Since I use Spring MVC this is a great approach since the DataBinder.setAllowedFields method allows me a great deal of flexibility to use a single domain object for several different forms.
To get a command object, I have a static factory method on the Domain object class. For example, in the member class I'd have methods like -
public static Member getCommandObjectForRegistration();
public static Member getCommandObjectForChangePassword();
And so on.
I'm not sure that this is a great approach, I never saw it suggested anywhere and kind of just came up with it on my own b/c I like the idea of keeping things like this in one place. If anybody sees any reason to object please let me know in the comments...
I would suggest avoiding reflection if at all possible. It is somewhat evil.
You can make your code more concise by using the ternary operator:
cmdName.equals("START") ? new StartCommand (cmd) :
cmdName.equals("END" ) ? new EndCommand (cmd) :
new InvalidCommand(cmd);
You could introduce an enum. Making each enum constant a factory is verbose and also has some runtime memory cost. But you can eaily lookup an enum and then use that with == or switch.
import xx.example.Command.*;
Command command = Command.valueOf(commandStr);
command == START ? new StartCommand (commandLine) :
command == END ? new EndCommand (commandLine) :
new InvalidCommand(commandLine);
Go with your gut, and reflect. However, in this solution, your Command interface is now assumed to have the setCommandString(String s) method accessible, so that newInstance is easily useable. Also, commandMap is any map with String keys (cmd) to Command class instances that they correspond to.
public class CommandFactory {
public Command getCommand(String cmd) {
if(cmd == null) {
return new InvalidCommand(cmd);
Class commandClass = (Class) commandMap.get(cmd);
if(commandClass == null) {
return new InvalidCommand(cmd);
try {
Command newCommand = (Command) commandClass.newInstance();
return newCommand;
catch(Exception e) {
return new InvalidCommand(cmd);
Hmm, browsing, and only just came across this. Can I still comment?
IMHO there's nothing wrong with the original if/else block code. This is simple, and simplicity must always be our first call in design (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork)
This seems esp true as all the solutions offered are much less self documenting than the original code...I mean shouldn't we write our code for reading rather than translation...
At the very least, your command should have a getCommandString() -- where StartCommand overrides to return "START". Then you can just register or discover the classes.
+1 on the reflection suggestion, it will give you a more sane structure in your class.
Actually you could do the following (if you haven't thought about it already)
create methods corresponding to the String you'd be expecting as an argument to your getCommand() factory method, then all you have to do is reflect and invoke() these methods and return the correct object.