set.contains() and polymorphism? - java

This feels like a really basic question, but it's pestering me. I want to get a diff between two sets, but it seems as if I'm incapable of doing so due to the set potentially containing objects with different implementations of Hash and Equals.
To give a simplified example of my problem lets say I have an IFoo interface which is implemented by two classes, call them BasicFoo and ExtendedFoo. They both describe the same physical object, but ExtendedFoo is enriched with some extra information BasicFoo lacks. Essentially BasicFoo describes what physical object my caller is interested in, which I'll eventually use to look up the appropriate ExtendedFoo object in my model. A BasicFoo could be thought of as being equal to an ExtendedFoo if they describe the same physical object.
I have a method that would do something sort of like this:
public void removeFooInModel(HashSet<IFoo> fooColection){
HashSet<Foo> fooInModel=Model.getFoo();
My problem is that I don't think it will always work. if the user passes in a fooCollection that actually contains BasicFoo objects, and my Model.getFoo() method returns a Set that actually contains ExtendedFoo then their equal and hashCode methods will be different (ExtendedFoo has far more state to compare for equality). Despite my having a very clear understanding of how to map equality and hash between the two objects It seems like there is no way to force this knowledge to be utilized by my Set object.
What I'm wondering is if there is any way to get the convenience of a Sets methods, like removeAll an Contains, when I may wish to mix and match implementations?
One way to do this would be to make my ExtendedFoo and BasicFoo HashCode methods identical, only hashing on state that is available in the IFoo interface, and make their equal methods compare any IFoo object of a different class by only comparing IFoo getter methods. However, if I someone later writes a FooBar object that extends IFoo how can I gaurentee that they also write their hashcode method identical to mine so my method still works with their classes?
I can work around my own issue easily enough by not using a Set in the one place this is an issue. However, what would others consider the 'proper' solution if I needed the efficency gains offered by a HashSet?

Unfortunately, you cannot convince the hash set to compare basic and extended objects for equality as if they both were basic objects. However, you could build a wrapper object that holds a basic or an extended object, and uses the comparison method of the basic object to compare the two.
Here is a sketch of a possible implementation:
class FooWrapper {
private final BasicFoo obj;
public FooWrapper(BasicFoo obj) {
this.obj = obj;
public BasicFoo getWrapped() {
return obj;
public int hashCode() {
// Compute the hash code the way the BasicFoo computes it
public boolean equals(Object other) {
// Compare the objects the way the BasicFoo does
Now you can take a mixed collection of BasicFoo and ExtendedFoo, wrap them in the FooWrapper, and put them in a hash set. You can perform operations on the sets, and then harvest the results by unwrapping the individual BasicFoo objects from the set of wrappers.


Should I override hashCode() of Collections?

Given that I some class with various fields in it:
class MyClass {
private String s;
private MySecondClass c;
private Collection<someInterface> coll;
// ...
#Override public int hashCode() {
// ????
and of that, I do have various objects which I'd like to store in a HashMap. For that, I need to have the hashCode() of MyClass.
I'll have to go into all fields and respective parent classes recursively to make sure they all implement hashCode() properly, because otherwise hashCode() of MyClass might not take into consideration some values. Is this right?
What do I do with that Collection? Can I always rely on its hashCode() method? Will it take into consideration all child values that might exist in my someInterface object?
I OPENED A SECOND QUESTION regarding the actual problem of uniquely IDing an object here: How do I generate an (almost) unique hash ID for objects?
is there anything more or less unqiue in your class? The String s? Then only use that as hashcode.
MyClass hashCode() of two objects should definitely differ, if any of the values in the coll of one of the objects is changed. HashCode should only return the same value if all fields of two objects store the same values, resursively. Basically, there is some time-consuming calculation going on on a MyClass object. I want to spare this time, if the calculation had already been done with the exact same values some time ago. For this purpose, I'd like to look up in a HashMap, if the result is available already.
Would you be using MyClass in a HashMap as the key or as the value? If the key, you have to override both equals() and hashCode()
Thus, I'm using the hashCode OF MyClass as the key in a HashMap. The value (calculation result) will be something different, like an Integer (simplified).
What do you think equality should mean for multiple collections? Should it depend on element ordering? Should it only depend on the absolute elements that are present?
Wouldn't that depend on the kind of Collection that is stored in coll? Though I guess ordering not really important, no
The response you get from this site is gorgeous. Thank you all
#AlexWien that depends on whether that collection's items are part of the class's definition of equivalence or not.
Yes, yes they are.
I'll have to go into all fields and respective parent classes recursively to make sure they all implement hashCode() properly, because otherwise hashCode() of MyClass might not take into consideration some values. Is this right?
That's correct. It's not as onerous as it sounds because the rule of thumb is that you only need to override hashCode() if you override equals(). You don't have to worry about classes that use the default equals(); the default hashCode() will suffice for them.
Also, for your class, you only need to hash the fields that you compare in your equals() method. If one of those fields is a unique identifier, for instance, you could get away with just checking that field in equals() and hashing it in hashCode().
All of this is predicated upon you also overriding equals(). If you haven't overridden that, don't bother with hashCode() either.
What do I do with that Collection? Can I always rely on its hashCode() method? Will it take into consideration all child values that might exist in my someInterface object?
Yes, you can rely on any collection type in the Java standard library to implement hashCode() correctly. And yes, any List or Set will take into account its contents (it will mix together the items' hash codes).
So you want to do a calculation on the contents of your object that will give you a unique key you'll be able to check in a HashMap whether the "heavy" calculation that you don't want to do twice has already been done for a given deep combination of fields.
Using hashCode alone:
I believe hashCode is not the appropriate thing to use in the scenario you are describing.
hashCode should always be used in association with equals(). It's part of its contract, and it's an important part, because hashCode() returns an integer, and although one may try to make hashCode() as well-distributed as possible, it is not going to be unique for every possible object of the same class, except for very specific cases (It's easy for Integer, Byte and Character, for example...).
If you want to see for yourself, try generating strings of up to 4 letters (lower and upper case), and see how many of them have identical hash codes.
HashMap therefore uses both the hashCode() and equals() method when it looks for things in the hash table. There will be elements that have the same hashCode() and you can only tell if it's the same element or not by testing all of them using equals() against your class.
Using hashCode and equals together
In this approach, you use the object itself as the key in the hash map, and give it an appropriate equals method.
To implement the equals method you need to go deeply into all your fields. All of their classes must have equals() that matches what you think of as equal for the sake of your big calculation. Special care needs to be be taken when your objects implement an interface. If the calculation is based on calls to that interface, and different objects that implement the interface return the same value in those calls, then they should implement equals in a way that reflects that.
And their hashCode is supposed to match the equals - when the values are equal, the hashCode must be equal.
You then build your equals and hashCode based on all those items. You may use Objects.equals(Object, Object) and Objects.hashCode( Object...) to save yourself a lot of boilerplate code.
But is this a good approach?
While you can cache the result of hashCode() in the object and re-use it without calculation as long as you don't mutate it, you can't do that for equals. This means that calculation of equals is going to be lengthy.
So depending on how many times the equals() method is going to be called for each object, this is going to be exacerbated.
If, for example, you are going to have 30 objects in the hashMap, but 300,000 objects are going to come along and be compared to them only to realize that they are equal to them, you'll be making 300,000 heavy comparisons.
If you're only going to have very few instances in which an object is going to have the same hashCode or fall in the same bucket in the HashMap, requiring comparison, then going the equals() way may work well.
If you decide to go this way, you'll need to remember:
If the object is a key in a HashMap, it should not be mutated as long as it's there. If you need to mutate it, you may need to make a deep copy of it and keep the copy in the hash map. Deep copying again requires consideration of all the objects and interfaces inside to see if they are copyable at all.
Creating a unique key for each object
Back to your original idea, we have established that hashCode is not a good candidate for a key in a hash map. A better candidate for that would be a hash function such as md5 or sha1 (or more advanced hashes, like sha256, but you don't need cryptographic strength in your case), where collisions are a lot rarer than a mere int. You could take all the values in your class, transform them into a byte array, hash it with such a hash function, and take its hexadecimal string value as your map key.
Naturally, this is not a trivial calculation. So you need to think if it's really saving you much time over the calculation you are trying to avoid. It is probably going to be faster than repeatedly calling equals() to compare objects, as you do it only once per instance, with the values it had at the time of the "big calculation".
For a given instance, you could cache the result and not calculate it again unless you mutate the object. Or you could just calculate it again only just before doing the "big calculation".
However, you'll need the "cooperation" of all the objects you have inside your class. That is, they will all need to be reasonably convertible into a byte array in such a way that two equivalent objects produce the same bytes (including the same issue with the interface objects that I mentioned above).
You should also beware of situations in which you have, for example, two strings "AB" and "CD" which will give you the same result as "A" and "BCD", and then you'll end up with the same hash for two different objects.
For future readers.
Yes, equals and hashCode go hand in hand.
Below shows a typical implementation using a helper library, but it really shows the "hand in hand" nature. And the helper library from apache keeps things simpler IMHO:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
MyCustomObject castInput = (MyCustomObject) o;
boolean returnValue = new org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder()
.append(this.getPropertyOne(), castInput.getPropertyOne())
.append(this.getPropertyTwo(), castInput.getPropertyTwo())
.append(this.getPropertyThree(), castInput.getPropertyThree())
.append(this.getPropertyN(), castInput.getPropertyN())
return returnValue;
public int hashCode() {
return new org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder(17, 37)
17, 37 .. those you can pick your own values.
From your clarifications:
You want to store MyClass in an HashMap as key.
This means the hashCode() is not allowed to change after adding the object.
So if your collections may change after object instantiation, they should not be part of the hashcode().
Note: great care must be exercised if mutable objects are used as map
keys. The behavior of a map is not specified if the value of an object
is changed in a manner that affects equals comparisons while the
object is a key in the map.
For 20-100 objects it is not worth that you enter the risk of an inconsistent hash() or equals() implementation.
There is no need to override hahsCode() and equals() in your case.
If you don't overide it, java takes the unique object identity for equals and hashcode() (and that works, epsecially because you stated that you don't need an equals() considering the values of the object fields).
When using the default implementation, you are on the safe side.
Making an error like using a custom hashcode() as key in the HashMap when the hashcode changes after insertion, because you used the hashcode() of the collections as part of your object hashcode may result in an extremly hard to find bug.
If you need to find out whether the heavy calculation is finished, I would not absue equals(). Just write an own method objectStateValue() and call hashcode() on the collection, too. This then does not interfere with the objects hashcode and equals().
public int objectStateValue() {
// TODO make sure the fields are not null;
return 31 * s.hashCode() + coll.hashCode();
Another simpler possibility: The code that does the time consuming calculation can raise an calculationCounter by one as soon as the calculation is ready. You then just check whether or not the counter has changed. this is much cheaper and simpler.

Is it appropriate to extend List to add fields

The question is framed for List but easily applies to others in the java collections framework.
For example, I would say it is certainly appropriate to make a new List sub-type to store something like a counter of additions since it is an integral part of the list's operation and doesn't alter that it "is a list". Something like this:
public class ChangeTrackingList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private int changeCount;
#Override public boolean add(E e) {
return super.add(e);
// other methods likewise overridden as appropriate to track change counter
However, what about adding additional functionality out of the knowledge of a list ADT, such as storing arbitrary data associated with a list element? Assuming the associated data was properly managed when elements are added and removed, of course. Something like this:
public class PayloadList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private Object[] payload;
public void setData(int index, Object data) {
... // manage 'payload' array
payload[index] = data;
public Object getData(int index) {
... // manage 'payload' array, error handling, etc.
return payload[index];
In this case I have altered that it is "just a list" by adding not only additional functionality (behavior) but also additional state. Certainly part of the purpose of type specification and inheritance, but is there an implicit restriction (taboo, deprecation, poor practice, etc.) on Java collections types to treat them specially?
For example, when referencing this PayloadList as a java.util.List, one will mutate and iterate as normal and ignore the payload. This is problematic when it comes to something like persistence or copying which does not expect a List to carry additional data to be maintained. I've seen many places that accept an object, check to see that it "is a list" and then simply treat it as java.util.List. Should they instead allow arbitrary application contributions to manage specific concrete sub-types?
Since this implementation would constantly produce issues in instance slicing (ignoring sub-type fields) is it a bad idea to extend a collection in this way and always use composition when there is additional data to be managed? Or is it instead the job of persistence or copying to account for all concrete sub-types including additional fields?
This is purely a matter of opinion, but personally I would advise against extending classes like ArrayList in almost all circumstances, and favour composition instead.
Even your ChangeTrackingList is rather dodgy. What does
list.addAll(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"));
do? Does it increment changeCount twice, or not at all? It depends on whether ArrayList.addAll() uses add(), which is an implementation detail you should not have to worry about. You would also have to keep your methods in sync with the ArrayList methods. For example, at present addAll(Collection<?> collection) is implemented on top of add(), but if they decided in a future release to check first if collection instanceof ArrayList, and if so use System.arraycopy to directly copy the data, you would have to change your addAll() method to only increment changeCount by collection.size() if the collection is an ArrayList (otherwise it gets done in add()).
Also if a method is ever added to List (this happened with forEach() and stream() for example) this would cause problems if you were using that method name to mean something else. This can happen when extending abstract classes too, but at least an abstract class has no state, so you are less likely to be able to cause too much damage by overriding methods.
I would still use the List interface, and ideally extend AbstractList. Something like this
public final class PayloadList<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements RandomAccess {
private final ArrayList<E> list;
private final Object[] payload;
// details missing
That way you have a class that implements List and makes use of ArrayList without you having to worry about implementation details.
(By the way, in my opinion, the class AbstractList is amazing. You only have to override get() and size() to have a functioning List implementation and methods like containsAll(), toString() and stream() all just work.)
One aspect you should consider is that all classes that inherit from AbstractList are value classes. That means that they have meaningful equals(Object) and hashCode() methods, therefore two lists are judged to be equal even if they are not the same instance of any class.
Furthermore, the equals() contract from AbstractList allows any list to be compared with the current list - not just a list with the same implementation.
Now, if you add a value item to a value class when you extend it, you need to include that value item in the equals() and hashCode() methods. Otherwise you will allow two PayloadList lists with different payloads to be considered "the same" when somebody uses them in a map, a set, or just a plain equals() comparison in any algorithm.
But in fact, it's impossible to extend a value class by adding a value item! You'll end up breaking the equals() contract, either by breaking symmetry (A plain ArrayList containing [1,2,3] will return true when compared with a PayloadList containing [1,2,3] with a payload of [a,b,c], but the reverse comparison won't return true). Or you'll break transitivity.
This means that basically, the only proper way to extend a value class is by adding non-value behavior (e.g. a list that logs every add() and remove()). The only way to avoid breaking the contract is to use composition. And it has to be composition that does not implement List at all (because again, other lists will accept anything that implements List and gives the same values when iterating it).
This answer is based on item 8 of Effective Java, 2nd Edition, by Joshua Bloch
If the class is not final, you can always extend it. Everything else is subjective and a matter of opinion.
My opinion is to favor composition over inheritance, since in the long run, inheritance produces low cohesion and high coupling, which is the opposite of a good OO design. But this is just my opinion.
The following is all just opinion, the question invites opinionated answers (I think its borderline to not being approiate for SO).
While your approach is workable in some situations, I'd argue its bad design and it is very brittle. Its also pretty complicated to cover all loopholes (maybe even impossible, for example when the list is sorted by means other than List.sort).
If you require extra data to be stored and managed it would be better integrated into the list items themselves, or the data could be associated using existing collection types like Map.
If you really need an association list type, consider making it not an instance of java.util.List, but a specialized type with specialized API. That way no accidents are possible by passing it where a plain list is expected.

Set that only needs equals

I'm curious, is there any Set that only requires .equals() to determine the uniqueness?
When looking at Set classes from java.util, I can only find HashSet which needs .hashCode() and TreeSet (or generally SortedSet) which requires Comparator. I cannot find any class that use only .equals().
Does it make sense that if I have .equals() method, it is sufficient to use it to determine object uniqueness? Thus have a Set implementation that only need to use .equals()? Or did I miss something here that .equals() are not sufficient to determine object uniqueness in Set implementation?
Note that I am aware of Java practice that if we override .equals(), we should override .hashCode() as well to maintain contract defined in Object.
On its own, the equals method is perfectly sufficient to implement a set correctly, but not to implement it efficiently.
The point of a hash code or a comparator is that they provide ways to arrange objects in some ordered structure (a hash table or a tree) which allows for fast finding of objects. If you have only the equals method for comparing pairs of objects, you can't arrange the objects in any meaningful or clever order; you have only a loose jumble of objects.
For example, with only the equals method, ensuring that objects in a set are unique requires comparing each added object to every other object in the jumble. Adding n objects requires
n * (n - 1) / 2 comparisons. For 5 objects that's 10 comparisons, which is fine, but for 1,000 objects that's 499,500 comparisons. It scales terribly.
Because it would not give scalable performance, no such set implementation is in the standard library.
If you don't care about hash table performance, this is a minimal implementation of the hashCode method which works for any class:
public int hashCode() {
return 0; // or any other constant
Although it is required that equal objects have equal hash codes, it is never required for correctness that inequal objects have inequal hash codes, so returning a constant is legal. If you put these objects in a HashSet or use them as HashMap keys, they will end up in a jumble in a single hash table bucket. Performance will be bad, but it will work correctly.
Also, for what it's worth, a minimal working Set implementation which only ever uses the equals method would be:
public class ArraySet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> {
private final ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean add(E e) {
if (!list.contains(e)) {
return true;
return false;
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
return list.iterator();
public int size() {
return list.size();
The set stores objects in an ArrayList, and uses list.contains to call equals on objects. Inherited methods from AbstractSet and AbstractCollection provide the bulk of the functionality of the Set interface; for example its remove method gets implemented via the list iterator's remove method. Each operation to add or remove an object or test an object's membership does a comparison against every object in the set, so it scales terribly, but works correctly.
Is this useful? Maybe, in certain special cases. For sets that are known to be very tiny, the performance might be fine, and if you have millions of these sets, this could save memory compared to a HashSet.
In general, though, it is better to write meaningful hash code methods and comparators, so you can have sets and maps that scale efficiently.
You should always override hashCode() when you override equals(). The contract for Object clearly specifies that two equal objects have identical hash codes, and a surprising number of data structures and algorithms depend on this behavior. It's not difficult to add a hashCode(), and if you skip it now, you'll eventually get hard-to-diagnose bugs when your objects start getting put in hash-based structures.
It would mathematically make sense to have a set that requires nothing but .equals().
But such an implementation would be so slow (linear time for every operation) that it has been decided that you can always give a hint.
Anyway, if there is really no way you can write a hashCode(), just make it always return 0 and you will have a structure that is as slow as the one you hoped for!

A Mechanism for having different equals (physical equals and logical equals) on objects in Collection

Is there any Equalator mechanism like Comparator so I can have different equals for coparing lists?
EDIT: My goal is to differentiate between current list1.equals(list2) which checks if its a shallow copy or also a deep copy with all objects a.equals(b) and list1.identical(list2) which checks if its simply shallow copy with unmodified listing
All these lists are from the same model. Some are copies of themselves so they hold the pointer to same objects, and others are deep copies so hierarchy is totally replicated, because they have updates in content, not just in structure.
I find myself oftenly makin list1.equals(list2) but I need a mechanism for telling if both are TOTAL copies (same objects in same order for collections) or sometimes if they are LOGICAL copies (through my own implemented logic equals), so list would call equals and objects should implement something more than a==b.
My problem is there is no Equalator interface, and if I override objects equals to I loose the capability of comparing by TOTAL EQUAL (a==b)
For example, this would be nice;
Collections.equal(l1,l2,new Equalator(){
#Override public boolean equals(Obj1,Obj2){
//Default lists comparison plus commparison of objects based on
return (obj1.propertyX() == obj2.propertyX());
and still I could do list1.equals(list2) so they use default equals (obj1==obj2) and this would be only true if contained objects are exactly the same.
First operation is useful for checking if list (which could be an updated list with totally recreated objects from the model) is still equals to the old list.
Second operation is useful for checking if list (which was a shallow copy of the old current version of data model), it does not contain any transcendent change from moving it around inside the code when it was the udpdated version.
EDIT: A very good example would be having a list of Point(x,y). We should be able to know if both list are equal because they are exactly same set of points or equal because the points they contain are equal in a logical way. If we could implement both phyEqual and logEqual to object, and have both methods in any object so list.phyEqual(list2) or list1.logEqual(list2)
Your question doesn't really come across clearly, at least to me. If this doesn't answer it properly, could you re-word a little bit?
Within a given Collection concrete type, most equals implementations already do what you hint at.
For instance:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
In this case, something like this might make sense.
You can easily override this:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o.getPrimaryKey() == this.getPrimaryKey())
return true;
return super().equals(o);
[test for nulls should be added]
If you are creating standard collections, you can even anonymously override the equals method during construction.
If this doesn't do what you want, you could extend Collections yourself and override any of the methods there to do a similar thing.
Does that help?
A late answer, but maybe it will be useful for someone...
The Guava Equivalence class is the same for equivalence as Comparator for comparing. You would need to write your own method for comparing the lists (there is no support in Guava for that), but then you could call this method with various equivalence-definitions.
Or you can roll your own interface:
interface Equalator<T> {
boolean equals(T o1, T o2);
Again, you need to write your (trivial) method
boolean <T> listEquals(List<T> list1, List<T> list2, Equalator<T> equalator) {
...but then you can reuse it with different ListEqualator implementations.

Why not allow an external interface to provide hashCode/equals for a HashMap?

With a TreeMap it's trivial to provide a custom Comparator, thus overriding the semantics provided by Comparable objects added to the map. HashMaps however cannot be controlled in this manner; the functions providing hash values and equality checks cannot be 'side-loaded'.
I suspect it would be both easy and useful to design an interface and to retrofit this into HashMap (or a new class)? Something like this, except with better names:
interface Hasharator<T> {
int alternativeHashCode(T t);
boolean alternativeEquals(T t1, T t2);
class HasharatorMap<K, V> {
HasharatorMap(Hasharator<? super K> hasharator) { ... }
class HasharatorSet<T> {
HasharatorSet(Hasharator<? super T> hasharator) { ... }
The case insensitive Map problem gets a trivial solution:
new HasharatorMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_EQUALITY);
Would this be doable, or can you see any fundamental problems with this approach?
Is the approach used in any existing (non-JRE) libs? (Tried google, no luck.)
EDIT: Nice workaround presented by hazzen, but I'm afraid this is the workaround I'm trying to avoid... ;)
EDIT: Changed title to no longer mention "Comparator"; I suspect this was a bit confusing.
EDIT: Accepted answer with relation to performance; would love a more specific answer!
EDIT: There is an implementation; see the accepted answer below.
EDIT: Rephrased the first sentence to indicate more clearly that it's the side-loading I'm after (and not ordering; ordering does not belong in HashMap).
.NET has this via IEqualityComparer (for a type which can compare two objects) and IEquatable (for a type which can compare itself to another instance).
In fact, I believe it was a mistake to define equality and hashcodes in java.lang.Object or System.Object at all. Equality in particular is hard to define in a way which makes sense with inheritance. I keep meaning to blog about this...
But yes, basically the idea is sound.
A bit late for you, but for future visitors, it might be worth knowing that commons-collections has an AbstractHashedMap (in 3.2.2 and with generics in 4.0). You can override these protected methods to achieve your desired behaviour:
protected int hash(Object key) { ... }
protected boolean isEqualKey(Object key1, Object key2) { ... }
protected boolean isEqualValue(Object value1, Object value2) { ... }
protected HashEntry createEntry(
HashEntry next, int hashCode, Object key, Object value) { ... }
An example implementation of such an alternative HashedMap is commons-collections' own IdentityMap (only up to 3.2.2 as Java has its own since 1.4).
This is not as powerful as providing an external "Hasharator" to a Map instance. You have to implement a new map class for every hashing strategy (composition vs. inheritance striking back...). But it's still good to know.
HashingStrategy is the concept you're looking for. It's a strategy interface that allows you to define custom implementations of equals and hashcode.
public interface HashingStrategy<E>
int computeHashCode(E object);
boolean equals(E object1, E object2);
You can't use a HashingStrategy with the built in HashSet or HashMap. GS Collections includes a java.util.Set called UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy and a java.util.Map called UnifiedMapWithHashingStrategy.
Let's look at an example.
public class Data
private final int id;
public Data(int id)
{ = id;
public int getId()
return id;
// No equals or hashcode
Here's how you might set up a UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy and use it.
java.util.Set<Data> set =
new UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy<>(HashingStrategies.fromFunction(Data::getId));
Assert.assertTrue(set.add(new Data(1)));
// contains returns true even without hashcode and equals
Assert.assertTrue(set.contains(new Data(1)));
// Second call to add() doesn't do anything and returns false
Assert.assertFalse(set.add(new Data(1)));
Why not just use a Map? UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy uses half the memory of a UnifiedMap, and one quarter the memory of a HashMap. And sometimes you don't have a convenient key and have to create a synthetic one, like a tuple. That can waste more memory.
How do we perform lookups? Remember that Sets have contains(), but not get(). UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy implements Pool in addition to Set, so it also implements a form of get().
Here's a simple approach to handle case-insensitive Strings.
UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy<String> set =
new UnifiedSetWithHashingStrategy<>(HashingStrategies.fromFunction(String::toLowerCase));
Assert.assertEquals("ABC", set.get("aBc"));
This shows off the API, but it's not appropriate for production. The problem is that the HashingStrategy constantly delegates to String.toLowerCase() which creates a bunch of garbage Strings. Here's how you can create an efficient hashing strategy for case-insensitive Strings.
public static final HashingStrategy<String> CASE_INSENSITIVE =
new HashingStrategy<String>()
public int computeHashCode(String string)
int hashCode = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++)
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + Character.toLowerCase(string.charAt(i));
return hashCode;
public boolean equals(String string1, String string2)
return string1.equalsIgnoreCase(string2);
Note: I am a developer on GS collections.
Trove4j has the feature I'm after and they call it hashing strategies.
Their map has an implementation with different limitations and thus different prerequisites, so this does not implicitly mean that an implementation for Java's "native" HashMap would be feasible.
Note: As noted in all other answers, HashMaps don't have an explicit ordering. They only recognize "equality". Getting an order out of a hash-based data structure is meaningless, as each object is turned into a hash - essentially a random number.
You can always write a hash function for a class (and often times must), as long as you do it carefully. This is a hard thing to do properly because hash-based data structures rely on a random, uniform distribution of hash values. In Effective Java, there is a large amount of text devoted to properly implementing a hash method with good behaviour.
With all that being said, if you just want your hashing to ignore the case of a String, you can write a wrapper class around String for this purpose and insert those in your data structure instead.
A simple implementation:
public class LowerStringWrapper {
public LowerStringWrapper(String s) {
this.s = s;
this.lowerString = s.toLowerString();
// getter methods omitted
// Rely on the hashing of String, as we know it to be good.
public int hashCode() { return lowerString.hashCode(); }
// We overrode hashCode, so we MUST also override equals. It is required
// that if a.equals(b), then a.hashCode() == b.hashCode(), so we must
// restore that invariant.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof LowerStringWrapper) {
return lowerString.equals(((LowerStringWrapper)obj).lowerString;
} else {
return lowerString.equals(obj);
private String s;
private String lowerString;
good question, ask josh bloch. i submitted that concept as an RFE in java 7, but it was dropped, i believe the reason was something performance related. i agree, though, should have been done.
I suspect this has not been done because it would prevent hashCode caching?
I attempted creating a generic Map solution where all keys are silently wrapped. It turned out that the wrapper would have to hold the wrapped object, the cached hashCode and a reference to the callback interface responsible for equality-checks. This is obviously not as efficient as using a wrapper class, where you'd only have to cache the original key plus one more object (see hazzens answer).
(I also bumped into a problem related to generics; the get-method accepts Object as input, so the callback interface responsible for hashing would have to perform an additional instanceof-check. Either that, or the map class would have to know the Class of its keys.)
This is an interesting idea, but it's absolutely horrendous for performance. The reason for this is quite fundamental to the idea of a hashtable: the ordering cannot be relied upon. Hashtables are very fast (constant time) because of the way in which they index elements in the table: by computing a pseudo-unique integer hash for that element and accessing that location in an array. It's literally computing a location in memory and directly storing the element.
This contrasts with a balanced binary search tree (TreeMap) which must start at the root and work its way down to the desired node every time a lookup is required. Wikipedia has some more in-depth analysis. To summarize, the efficiency of a tree map is dependent upon a consistent ordering, thus the order of the elements is predictable and sane. However, because of the performance hit imposed by the "traverse to your destination" approach, BSTs are only able to provide O(log(n)) performance. For large maps, this can be a significant performance hit.
It is possible to impose a consistent ordering on a hashtable, but to do so involves using techniques similar to LinkedHashMap and manually maintaining the ordering. Alternatively, two separate data structures can be maintained internally: a hashtable and a tree. The table can be used for lookups, while the tree can be used for iteration. The problem of course is this uses more than double the required memory. Also, insertions are only as fast as the tree: O(log(n)). Concurrent tricks can bring this down a bit, but that isn't a reliable performance optimization.
In short, your idea sounds really good, but if you actually tried to implement it, you would see that to do so would impose massive performance limitations. The final verdict is (and has been for decades): if you need performance, use a hashtable; if you need ordering and can live with degraded performance, use a balanced binary search tree. I'm afraid there's really no efficiently combining the two structures without losing some of the guarantees of one or the other.
There's such a feature in, unfortunately, there's currently no public way how to set the Equivalence (their Hasharator). Maybe they're not yet done with it, maybe they don't consider the feature to be useful enough. Ask at the guava mailing list.
I wonder why it haven't happened yet, as it was mentioned in this talk over two years ago.
