I am hoping that someone can help me here. I am using the yCad library to read a number of dxf files and output a composite model, to dxf format.
The initial process of reading the file is complete. However, when I save the file it is saved without the model.
Here is an example of the code used to save the dxf file
public static boolean SaveDxf(String outputPath, String fileName, Yxxf model)
model.iohandler = new YutilIOHandler();
model.ioname = new YutilIOHandlerName(fileName);
model.ioname.dstfile = outputPath + "\\" + fileName + ".dxf";
YdxfPutHandler handler = new YdxfPutHandler();
handler.commandPutMainStart(model.iohandler, model);
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("failed to save dxf file: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
When the file is viewed from an editor an error is reported stating the model is empty.
The error occurs even when a dxf file is read and then saved with no manipulation.
I have resolved this issue.
The resolution required a modification to the version of the YCad library that I was using due the following selection.
if (ent instanceof YxxfEntLine)
YdxfPutEntLine.put(putbfr, (YxxfEntLine)ent);
NOTE: This may have been due to an out of date version of the library.
The method was modified to include all required types.
else if(ent instanceof YxxfEntPolyline)
YdxfPutPolyline.put(putbfr, (YxxfEntPolyline)ent);
A number of new classes were added to the solution.
When I get time I will see if I can submit these modification to the source library, if they are required.
This is a non-xpages application.
I have inherited some code that I need to tweak....this code is used in a drag&drop file attachment subform. Normally, this will create a document in a separate dedicated .nsf that stores only attachments, and uses the main document's universalid as a reference to link the two....I need to change what the reference is to the value in a field already on the main document (where the subform is).
Java is challenging to me, but all I need to do is GET the value of the field from the main document (which has not necessarily been saved yet) and write that string value onto the attachment doc in that storage database, so I think I am just needing help with one line of code.
I will paste the relevant function here and hopefully someone can tell me how I get that value, or what else they need to see what is going on here.
You can see my commented-out attempt to write the field 'parentRef' in this code
private void storeUploadedFile( UploadedFile uploadedFile, Database dbTarget) {
File correctedFile = null;
RichTextItem rtFiles = null;
Document doc = null;
String ITEM_NAME_FILES = "file";
try {
if (uploadedFile==null) {
doc = dbTarget.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("form", "frmFileUpload");
doc.replaceItemValue("uploadedBy", dbTarget.getParent().getEffectiveUserName() );
Utils.setDate(doc, "uploadedAt", new Date() );
doc.replaceItemValue("parentUnid", parentUnid);
//doc.replaceItemValue("parentRef", ((Document) dbTarget.getParent()).getItemValue("attachmentDocKey"));
//get uploaded file and attach it to the document
fileName = uploadedFile.getClientFileName();
File tempFile = uploadedFile.getServerFile(); //the uploaded file with a cryptic name
fileSize = tempFile.length();
targetUnid = doc.getUniversalID();
correctedFile = new java.io.File( tempFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + java.io.File.separator + fileName );
//rename the file on the OS so we can embed it with the correct (original) name
boolean success = tempFile.renameTo(correctedFile);
if (success) {
//embed original file in target document
rtFiles = doc.createRichTextItem(ITEM_NAME_FILES);
rtFiles.embedObject(lotus.domino.EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", correctedFile.getAbsolutePath(), null);
success = doc.save();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
com.gadjj.Utils.recycle(rtFiles, doc);
try {
if (correctedFile != null) {
//rename the temporary file back to its original name so it's automatically
//removed from the os' file system.
} catch(Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); }
dbTarget.getParent does not do what you think it does. It returns a Session object that is the parent session containing all your objects. Casting it to (Document) won't give you your main document.
I don't see the declaration for it, but you appear to have a variable available called parentUNID. You can use it to get a handle on the main document.
You need to use the parentUNID value in a call to getDocumentByUNID() in order to retrieve the Document object representing your main document. But in order to do that, you need the Database object for the nsf file containing the main document, and if I understand you correctly, that is a different database than targetDb.
I'm going to have to assume that you already have that Database object in a variable called parentDb, or that you know the path to the NSF and can open it. In either case, your code would look like this (without error handling):
Document parentDoc = parentDb.getDocumentByUNID(parentUNID);
doc.replaceItemvalue("parentRef", parentDoc.getItemValue("attachmentDocKey"));
I want to convert any file extension to .ttl (TURTLE) and I need to use Apache Jena, I am aware of how it can be accomplished using RDFJ4 but the output isn't as accurate as it is using Jena. I want to know how I can auto-detect the extension or rather file type if I am not aware of the extension when reading a file from a directory. This is my code when I hardcode the file-name, it works, I just need help in auto detecting the file type. My code is as follows:
public class Converter {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
String fileName = "./abc.rdf";
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
//I know this is how it is done with RDF4J but I need to use Apache Jena.
/* RDFParser rdfParser = Rio.createParser(Rio.getWriterFormatForFileName(fileName).orElse(RDFFormat.RDFXML));
RDFWriter rdfWriter = Rio.createWriter(RDFFormat.TURTLE,
new FileOutputStream("./"+stripExtension(fileName)+".ttl"));*/
InputStream is = FileManager.get().open(fileName);
if (is != null) {
model.read(is, null, "RDF/XML");
model.write(new FileOutputStream("./converted.ttl"), "TURTLE");
} else {
System.err.println("cannot read " + fileName);
All help and advice will be highly appreciated.
There is functionality that handles reading from a file using the extension to determine the syntax:
RDFDataMgr.read(model, fileName);
It also handles compressed files e.g. "file.ttl.gz".
There is a registry of languages:
For more control see RDFParser:
... many options including forcing the language ...
I am doing a conversion from docx to pdf format. I successfully did the variable replacement and have a WordprocessingMLPackage template.
I have tried both approches. The old deprcated version of converting to pdf and the newer method. Both fails giving this exception error
Don't know how to handle "application/pdf" as an output format.
Neither an FOEventHandler, nor a Renderer could be found for this
output format. Error: UnsupportedOpertaionException
I have tried everything I can. This thing works on my local machine but now at my workplace. I think I have all the necessary jars. Can u please instruct what course of action should I take.
Code :
Method 1:
Docx4J.toPDF(template, new FileOutputStream("newPdf.pdf"));
Method 2:
public static void createPDF(WordprocessingMLPackage template, String outputPath) {
try {
// 2) Prepare Pdf settings
PdfSettings pdfSettings = new PdfSettings();
// 3) Convert WordprocessingMLPackage to Pdf
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(
PdfConversion converter = new org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaXSLFO.Conversion(
converter.output(out, pdfSettings);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Both are giving the same error. Any help is appreciated!
My issue is resolved. The problem was that the required fop-1.1.jar was there on my eclipse classpath but it was not there on the local server classpath. I added them there and it worked like a charm.
I am trying to upload jar file using zk(5.0.5). While uploading i have checked its format (extension) for that I have used getFormat() API of the Media (org.zkoss.util.media.Media).
browsebtn.addEventListener("onUpload",new EventListener() {
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
private Media uploadedMedia;
uploadEvent=(UploadEvent) event;
String fileName=uploadedMedia.getName();
System.out.println("File Format Name"+fileFormat);
Problem is that for internet explorer i get format as zip , for chrome and Firefox i get its format as octet-stream . Why there is such mismatching for different browsers . How to solve this problem ?(I dont want to any hard coding such as browser check)
You can try with;
LobData data = ZkUtils.media2LobData(uploadedMedia);
Then use that data:
I think the best way is to check the mime type to get the type, format, extension... of your file and to prevent some security attacks, for example you can use this :
File f = new File("test.pdf");
System.out.println("Mime Type of " + f.getName() + " is " +
new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(f));
// "Mime Type of test.pdf is application/pdf"
You can find here the list of the most popular mime types.
Hope this helps.
I need a way to change id3 tag version of mp3 files to some id3v2.x programatically, preferably using java though anything that works is better than nothing. Bonus points if it converts the existing tag so that already existing data isn't destroyed, rather than creating a new tag entirely.
Edit: Jaudiotagger worked, thanks. Sadly I had to restrict it to mp3 files and only saving data contained in previous tags if they were id3. I decided to convert the tag to ID3v2.3 since windows explorer can't handle v2.4, and it was a bit tricky since the program was a bit confused about whether to use the copy constructor or the conversion constructor.
MP3File mf = null;
try {
mf = (MP3File)AudioFileIO.read(new File(pathToMp3File));
} catch (Exception e) {}
ID3v23Tag tag;
if (mf.hasID3v2Tag()) tag = new ID3v23Tag(mf.getID3v2TagAsv24());
else if (mf.hasID3v1Tag()) tag = new ID3v23Tag(mf.getID3v1Tag());
else tag = new ID3v23Tag();
My application must be able to read id3v1 or id3v11, but shall only write v23, so I needed a little bit longer piece of code:
AudioFile mf;
Tag mTagsInFile;
mf = ... // open audio file the usual way
mTagsInFile = mf.getTag();
if (mTagsInFile == null)
//contrary to getTag(), getTagOrCreateAndSetDefault() ignores id3v1 tags
mTagsInFile = mf.getTagOrCreateAndSetDefault();
// mp3 id3v1 and id3v11 are suboptimal, convert to id3v23
if (mf instanceof MP3File)
MP3File mf3 = (MP3File) mf;
if (mf3.hasID3v1Tag() && !mf3.hasID3v2Tag())
// convert ID3v1 tag to ID3v23
mTagsInFile = new ID3v23Tag(mf3.getID3v1Tag());
mf3.setID3v1Tag(null); // remove v1 tags
mf3.setTag(mTagsInFile); // add v2 tags
Basically we have to know that getTagOrCreateAndSetDefault() and similar unfortunately ignores id3v1, so we first have to call getTag(), and only if this fails, we call the mentioned function.
Additionally, the code must also deal with flac and mp4, so we make sure to do our conversion only with mp3 files.
Finally there is a bug in JaudioTagger. You may replace this line
String genre = "(" + genreId + ") " + GenreTypes.getInstanceOf().getValueForId(genreId);
in "ID3v24Tag.java" with this one
String genre = GenreTypes.getInstanceOf().getValueForId(genreId);
Otherwise genre 12 from idv1 will get "(12) Other" which later is converted to "Other Other" and this is not what we would expect. Maybe someone has a more elegant solution.
You can use different libraries for this purpose, for example this or this.