This is a maven question, not a ksh one.
I am trying to generate dynamically with maven a ksh script to launch a java application in production environment.
The aim of the script is to setup the classpath of the java application and launch it.
The ksh at end should be like that:
launchbatch() {
setclasspath() {
How could I generate the content of the setclasspath function directly with maven so that it will inject all maven dependencies?
Note: I do not want to specify a directory containing all the jars in the classpath as the $BATCH_LIB directory is common to several batch applications.
So, this simple solution is not possible for me:
setclasspath() {
I would suggest to take a deep look at the appassembler-maven-plugin which generates such scripts.
It creates bash script but i would assume that it runes in many environments. You can find an example of how it works here.
I would like to execute my Gatling simulation from within Java code and not with a command maven or gradle. Is it possible to run the tests/scenarios directly from Java code?
Option 1:
If you want to run Gatling from code you can invoke this class:
Source code:
I probably wouldn't call main directly but rather the start function or custom start function like that. Here is an attempt at that or.
Something like this (copied from the link above):
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingPropertiesBuilder
object Engine extends App {
val props = new GatlingPropertiesBuilder
props.dataDirectory("") //optional
props.resultsDirectory("") //optional
props.bodiesDirectory("") //optional
props.binariesDirectory("") //optional
Option 2:
(Compilation Phase) Use Maven archetype to generate helper classes (you probably need to compile your Java anyway). Docs. This will generate Engine (code) and other classes which you can run. This is similar to Option 1 but helps to resolve paths if you are working from a maven project. Makes sense if you use maven to build your project.
Option 3:
Invoke or gatling.bat as a process from Java with Runtime.getRuntime().exec() or similar.
Bear in mind:
Gatling tests need to be compiled before they are executed. This is basically what gatling.[sh|bat] is doing:
# Run the compiler
"$JAVA" $COMPILER_OPTS -cp "$COMPILER_CLASSPATH" io.gatling.compiler.ZincCompiler $EXTRA_COMPILER_OPTIONS "$#" 2> /dev/null
# Run Gatling
If you call Scala code from Java there is definitely inter-op available. Make sure Scala is compiled first in your case or can be loaded in Java CP easily. Create Java friendly wrapper if needed on Scala side.
I would start with Option 1 or 2 if you want tight integration and with option 3 if you just want to glue things together and don't mind startup/init time.
Pay attention to Classpath needed for Gatling - this will depend where its classes are located (in your proj or outside) and how you invoke it.
You can definitely pass test names, just see how the arguments are used in those classes. For example simulationClass in props. All available methods (simulationsDirectory, simulationClass, etc).
I'm sure it will take a bit of trial and error but definitely can be done.
I know at least 2 ways to get my dependencies into a Spark EMR job. One is to create a fat jar and another is to specify which packages you want in spark submit using the --packages option.
The fat jar takes quite a long time to zip up. Is that normal? ~10 minutes. Is it possible that we have it incorrectly configured?
The command line option is fine, but error prone.
Are there any alternatives? I'd like it if there (already existed) a way to include the dependency list in the jar with gradle, then have it download them. Is this possible? Are there other alternatives?
Update: I'm posting a partial answer. One thing I didn't make clear in my original question was that I also care about when you have dependency conflicts because you have the same jar with different versions.
Thank you for the responses relating to cutting back the number of dependencies or using provided where possible. For the sake of this question, lets say we have the minimal number of dependencies necessary to run the jar.
Spark launcher can used if spark job has to be launched through some application with the help of Spark launcher you can configure your jar patah and no need to create fat.jar for runing application.
With a fat-jar you have to have Java installed and launching the Spark application requires executing java -jar [your-fat-jar-here]. It's hard to automate it if you want to, say, launch the application from a web application.
With SparkLauncher you're given the option of launching a Spark application from another application, e.g. the web application above. It is just much easier.
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher
SparkLauncher extends App {
val spark = new SparkLauncher()
setSparkHome(“/home/knoldus/spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6”) is use to set spark home which is use internally to call spark submit.
.setAppResource(“/home/knoldus/spark_launcher-assembly-1.0.jar”) is use to specify jar of our spark application.
.setMainClass(“SparkApp”) the entry point of the spark program i.e driver program.
.setMaster(“local[*]”) set the address of master where its start here now we run it on loacal machine.
.launch() is simply start our spark application
What are the benefits of SparkLauncher vs java -jar fat-jar?
For example on Cloudera's clusters, there is some set of libraries already available on all nodes which will be available on classpath for drivers, executors.
Those are e.g. spark-core, spark-hive, hadoop etc
Versions are grouped by Cloudera, so e.g. you have spark-core-cdh5.9.0 where cdh5.9.0 suffix means that all libraries with that suffix were actually verified by Cloudera to be working together properly.
Only thing you should do is to use libraries with the same group suffix and you shouldn't have any classpath conflicts.
What that allows is:
set dependencies configured in an app as Maven's scope provided, so they will not be part of fat jar, but resolved from classpath on nodes.
You dind't write what kind of cluster you have, but maybe you you can use similliar approach.
maven shade plugin may be used to create fat jar which additionally allows to set libraries you want to include ina jar, and those not in a list are not included.
I think something similiar is described in this answer Spark, Alternative to Fat Jar but using S3 as dependency storage.
HubSpot has a (partial) solution: SlimFast. You can find an explanation here and you can find the code here
Effectively it stores all the jars it'll ever need on s3, so when it builds it does it without packaging the jars, but when it needs to run it gets them from s3. So you're builds are quick, and downloads don't take long.
I think if this also had the ability to shade the jar's paths on upload, in order to avoid conflicts, then it would be a perfect solution.
The fat jar indeed take a lot of time to create. I was able to optimize a little bit by removing the dependencies which were not required at runtime. But it is really a pain.
I work on a Scala project that uses c++ code, using sbt. Once compiled, this c++ code is imported into Scala through Java code that uses jna.
Now, currently the Java wrapper are manually written, and I like to automatize this. I've found jnaerator that can do that, but I don't know how I should use it in sbt.
I see two general approaches:
use command line, such as java -jar jnaerator ... but I don't know how to setup such command line task in sbt? Also, I would need to know the typical project structure to follow: where to output the jna generated code?
Use jnaerator maven plugin through sbt, if it is possible?
This might take some iteration until we get it do what you need.
For the first approach, here is how you can run custom system command on sbt (you essentially solve this using Scala code). Add the following to your build.sbt file:
lazy val runJnaerator= taskKey[Unit]("This task generates libraries from native code")
runJnaerator := {
import sys.process._
Seq("java" , "-jar", "jnaerator", "..." ).!
To execute:
>sbt runJnaerator
Now the question is where do you need these files files to go? Finally, how do you want to invoke everything?
Disclaimer: I am the author of Jsonix and Jsonix Schema Compiler and I'm trying to figure the canonical way the Jsonix Schema Compiler should be integrated in NPM package.json.
The jsonix-schema-compiler NPM package provides a Java-based tool for code generation. If the jsonix-schema-compiler is installed as dependency then it can be used to generate XML<->JS mappings. The invocation is as something like:
java -jar node_modules/jsonix-schema-compiler/lib/jsonix-schema-compiler-full.jar
This generates a JavaScript file like Mappings.js which is basically a part of module's code.
Ideally, jsonix-schema-compiler invocation above (java -jar ... and so on) should be executed during the module build. But it must be executed after modules dependencies are installed (otherwise node_modules/jsonix-schema-compiler will be missing).
My question is - where should I canonically configure code generation in NPM packages?
Right now I'm doing it in the postinstall scripts, something like:
"dependencies": {
"jsonix": "x.x.x",
"jsonix-schema-compiler": "x.x.x"
"devDependencies" : {
"nodeunit" : "~0.8.6"
"scripts": {
"postinstall" : "java -jar node_modules/jsonix-schema-compiler/lib/jsonix-schema-compiler-full.jar schema.xsd",
"test": "nodeunit src/test/javascript/tests.js"
However having read this:
tl;dr Don't use install. Use a .gyp file for compilation, and
prepublish for anything else.
You should almost never have to explicitly set a preinstall or install
script. If you are doing this, please consider if there is another
I am now confused if postinstall is also OK.
All I want to do is to be able to execute a certain command-line command after dependencies are installed but before other things (like tests or publish). How should I canonically do it?
Typically people are running things like coffeescript-to-javascript compilers, Ecmascript 6->5 transpilers, and minifiers as a build step, which is what it sounds like you're doing.
The difference between doing it pre-publish and post-install is that a prepublish script is probably going to be run in your checked-out directory, so it's reasonable to assume that java is available and various dev-dependencies are available; while the post-install script would be run after every install, and will fail if java (etc.) is not available, as on a minimalist docker image. So you should put your build step in a prepublish or similar script.
Personally what I like to do is define a script 'mypublish' in package.json that ensures all tests pass, runs the build, ensures build artefacts exist, and then runs npm publish. I find this more intuitive than prepublish which is meant to be used as an "I'm about to publish" hook, not a "do the build before publishing".
Here is a package.json that uses this setup: and here's the Makefile with the prepublish target:
Let me know if you have more questions; I'm kind of rambling because there are many legitimate ways to get it done-- as long as you avoid postinstall scripts. ;-)
I'm using Grails 2.1.0, and I have a Groovy class that I've written that's not dependent on services, controllers, or any of the other Grails goodness. It uses some .jar libraries and other classes that are already in the Grails classpath.
I want to:
Run the Groovy class (or a Java class, it shouldn't mattter) use the other libraries/classes that Grails already has on its classpath (not services, not controllers, none of that).
Be able to access the command line arguments [this is required]
Does not require bootstrapping the entire Grails environment (I need the classpath obviously, but nothing else)
Ideally, I'd like to be able to do something like this:
java -classpath (I_HAVE_NO_IDEA_HOW_TO_DETERMINE_THIS) com.something.MyClass param1 param2 param3
Things I've already looked into:
Using "grails create-script" which results in a Gant script.
Using "grails run-script"
The first one (using a Gant script) seems horribly wrong to me. Using an Gant script as some sort of intermediary wrapper seems to require bootstrapping the whole Grails environment, plus I have to figure out how to get a reference to the actual class I want to call which seems to be difficult (but I Am Not A Gant Expert, so enlighten me). =)
The second one (using run-script) sort of works... I've used this approach to call service methods before, but it has two problems: first, it bootstraps the entire Grails environment; second, there does not appear to be any way to pass the command-line arguments easily.
Really, I just want the stuff in the classpath (and my command-line parameters) and to be able to call the main() method of my class with minimial frustration. That being said, if you can come up with a working example of any sort that solves the issue (even if it involves some intermediary Gant or other class) I'll be happy to use that approach.
Update: A solution that works with a Gant task, still open to better ideas if anyone has any...
In scripts/FooBar.groovy
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
target(main: "Runs a generic script and passes parameters") {
def myclass = classLoader.loadClass('com.whatever.scripting.GenericRunScript')
In src/groovy/com/whatever/scripting/GenericRunScript.groovy
package com.whatever.scripting
class GenericRunScript {
public static execute(def args) {
println "args=" + args.inspect()
Then from the command line, at while in the root directory of the Grails project:
$ grails compile
| Environment set to development.....
| Compiling 2 source files.
$ grails foo-bar test one two
| Environment set to development....
Note 1: When I first did this, I kept forgetting the compile statement, so I added that in.
Note 2: Yes, the args are separated by carriage returns; fixing that is left as an exercise to the reader.
The way described above would work but all grails facility will be gone including domains and dependencies.
If you require everything that you have defined in your grails project, the run-script command will do the trick
grails run-script [path to your groovy file]
As described in, you can include targets _GrailsClasspath and _GrailsArgParsing, and whatever else you need. For example, if you want to parse command-line arguments without creating a second script:
$ grails create-script ArgsScript
| Created file scripts/ArgsScript.groovy
Now edit the script scripts/ArgsScript.groovy as follows:
includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsArgParsing") // grailsScript("_GrailsInit")
target(main: "The description of the script goes here!") {
println argsMap
for (p in argsMap['params'])
println p
See the result:
$ grails args-script one two three=four
| Environment set to development....
[params:[one, two, three=four]]
Update: well, it is not as easy as I thought. Basically, you can either run a script as a Gant task, e.g. by doing grails myscript, or as a script, e.g. by doing grails run-script src/groovy/MyScript.groovy. In the first case you have access to parameters, as I already explained, but you still miss some of the Grails environment, which is, perhaps, a bug. For example, you can't really access scripts or classes defined in src/groovy/ from a Gant task. On the other hand, as was already discussed, if you use run-script, you can't get the arguments.
However, you can use System.getProperty to pass command-line arguments with the -Dproperty=value syntax. Also see Java system properties and environment variables