Resources folder in a Java EE application - java

I'm developing a simple mail sender as Java EE application.
The project structure is shown as follows:
To properly setup email contents, I need to read the *.vm files placed inside the resource folder, that I supposed to have as path classpath:/templates/mail/*.vm (as with Spring)... But my supposition is wrong!
Which is the right path to use?
Should I have to use the META-INF folder? Is this solution more
java-ee-compliant? In that case, where have I to put the META-INF folder inside my project structure?
I packaged the project as .war, then I putted the files in:
org.apache.velocity.Template t = myVelocityEngine.getTemplate("classpath:/templates/mail/account_to_confirm.vm",
Nonetheless, the app returns an error at runtime:
Unable to find resource 'classpath:/templates/mail/account_to_confirm.vm'
What am I doing wrong?
Just to better understand:
Supposing that I'd like to deploy this app as jar (removing the servlet class, of course): in that case, should I have to edit the folder layout in order to still use the same path into the source code?

I think the problem is due to the prefix classpath:: where did you find that you have to use it?
You might find useful understanding how to initialize VelocityEngine reading Loading velocity template inside a jar file and how Configuring Resource Loaders in Velocity.

If you can, use Classloader.getResourceAsStream("templates/mail/*.vm"); or similar getResourceAsURL method.
If not, take a look at where files from resources are placed inside WAR. In your case, the file should be in /WEB-INF/classes/templates/mail .


How do I access a file in this hierarchy?

I have this file hierarchy:
Java Resources
Web Content
I need to access from to datos.txt. I tried using C:\Users\Tomi\Documents\Eclipse\ProyectoWeb\WebContent\datos.txt
but when I use this application in another computer, it doesn't work. How can I modify that direction?
Use relative paths. For example if your application is at C:\Users\Tomi\Documents\Eclipse\ProyectoWeb then use WebContent\datos.txt as the path.
Then even if you move your application it will still look for the folder WebContent in the folder the application is running in then datos.txt within that.
For a more portable way you could embed it in the classpath an access to it via classloader, see Access to resources (images) inside jars/classpath for example or Unable to load picture from resource

How to get src/main/resources path from Java

I have some stuff under src/main/resources path.
Specifically I have a folder with report templates called reports.
I understand that when the application is deployed/run all files and folders under src/main/resources go to the classpath, namely my project's WEB-INF/classes.
This means that a folder WEB-INF/classes/reports will be created in my server.
Now I want to access my reports as paths, not as inputstream, because my reporting code in java supports a filepath and not an inputstream. So I have to be able to get the WEB-INF/classes/reports absolute path (or relative, I don't care as long as it is right).
Reading some answers regarding similar questions, I have already tried the following things:
getClass().getResource(".").getPath(); --> this returns the exact path of the class I am currently at in my classpath, namely: C:\Tools\JBoss Application Server 7.1.1\standalone\deployments\myProject.war\WEB-INF\classes\aaa\bbb\ccc\ddd
getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(".").getPath(); --> this returns: C:\Tools\JBoss Application Server 7.1.1\modules\sun\jdk\main\service-loader-resources, which is completely irrelevant.
I want something to return C:\Tools\JBoss Application Server 7.1.1\standalone\deployments\myProject.war\WEB-INF\classes
If it is not possible, I will get the first path and go as many folders back as needed to reach classes folder.
Thank you.
You need ServletContext.getRealPath(String) method.

Java (maven web app), getting full file path for file in resources folder?

I'm working with a project that is setup using the standard Maven directory structure so I have a folder called "resources" and within this I have made a folder called "fonts" and then put a file in it. I need to pass in the full String file path (of a file that is located, within my project structure, at resources/fonts/somefont.ttf) to an object I am using, from a 3rd party library, as below, I have searched on this for a while but have become a bit confused as to the proper way to do this. I have tried as below but it isn't able to find it. I looked at using ResourceBundle but that seemed to involve making an actual File object when I just need the path to pass into a method like the one below (don't have the actual method call in front of me so just giving an example from my memory):
I had thought there was a way, with a project with standard Maven directory structure to get a file from the resource folder without having to use the full relative path from the class / package. Any advice on this is greatly appreciated.
I don't want to use a hard-coded path since different developers who work on the project have different setups and I want to include this as part of the project so that they get it directly when they checkout the project source.
This is for a web application (Struts 1.3 app) and when I look into the exploded WAR file (which I am running the project off of through Tomcat), the file is at:
<Exploded war dir>/resources/fonts/somefont.ttf
public String getFontFilePath(String classpathRelativePath) {
Resource rsrc = new ClassPathResource(classpathRelativePath);
return rsrc.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
In your case, classpathRelativePath would be something like "/resources/fonts/somefont.ttf".
You can use the below mentioned to get the path of the file:
String fileName = "/filename.extension"; //use forward slash to recognize your file
String path = this.getClass().getResource(fileName).toString();
use/pass the path to your methods.
If your resources directory is in the root of your war, that means resources/fonts/somefont.ttf would be a "virtual path" where that file is available. You can get the "real path"--the absolute file system path--from the ServletContext. Note (in the docs) that this only works if the WAR is exploded. If your container runs the app from the war file without expanding it, this method won't work.
You can look up the answer to the question on similar lines which I had
Loading XML Files during Maven Test run
The answer given by BobG should work. Though you need to keep in mind that path for the resource file is relative to path of the current class. Both resources and java source files are in classpath

How to load StringTemplateGroups from the WEB-INF directory of a web archive

this question is somewhat related to this question: StackOverflow: Howto load a resource from WEB-INF directory of a web archive
I want to use StringTemplate and want to load my templates via a StringTemplateGroup. Until know I use the method shown in the related question to get single files from the WEB-INF folder, but as I read here, it is considered bad practice to load the templates via a path as the application could be inside a WAR file AND I can not use the StringTemplateGroup because of the path.
Is there a way to achieve this that you would recommend? Can I get the entire folder as a stream-like object for the StringTemplateGroup to read or is there a decent (and not so hackish) way already implemented in StringTemplate?
I am somewhat new to Java but willing to learn :)
Thank you very much in advance.
You can add the property of context paht into JVM runtime arguments,for example, in Tomcat container,you add an argument -DcontextPath=[somewhere] into file, and then get the path of context by System.getProperty("contextPath").The context path also can get from -Dcatalina.base in Tomcat.

Java: Accessing properties file inside a war

I already searched StackOverflow for "properties inside war", but none of the results worked for my case.
I am using Eclipse Galileo and GlassFish v3 to develop a set of web services. I am using a "dynamic web project" with the following structure
-java_code_pkg_2 WebContent
I want to access the "" inside one of the source files in "java_code_pkg1". I am using the Spring Framework and this file will be instantiated once the application starts on the server.
I have tried the following with no luck
getResourceBundle(..) didn't work either.
Is it possible to access a file when it's not under the WEB-INF/classes path? if so then how?
Properties props = new Properties();
works when I'm in debug mode. I can see the values in the debugger, but I get a NullPointerException right after executing the "props.load" line and before going into the light below it.
That's a different issue. At least now I know this is the way to access the config file.
Thank you for your help.
If you are in a war, your classpath "current directory" is "WEB-INF/classes". Simply go up two levels.
It is horrible but it works. At least, it works under tomcat, jboss and geronimo and It works today.
P.S. Your directory structure is not very clear. Perhaps it is:
Check the location of the properties file in WAR file.
If it is in WEB-INF/classes directory under com/company/config directory
getResourceAsStream("com/company/config/") should work
or getResourceAsStream(" This should work if the config file is not under WEB-INF/classes directoy
Also try using getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream.
Are you sure the file is being included in your war file? A lot of times, the war build process will filter out non .class files.
What is the path once it is deployed to the server? It's possible to use Scanner to manually read in the resource. From a java file within a package, creating a new File("../applications/") will get you a file pointed at {glassfish install}\domains\{domain name}\applications. Maybe you could alter that file path to direct you to where you need to go?
Since you are using Spring, then use the Resource support in Spring to inject the properties files directly.
Even if the class that requires the properties file is not Spring managed, you can still get access to the ApplicationContext and use it to load the resource
resource would be something like,, presuming that your properties file got picked up by your build and dropped in the war file.
You can also inject directly, from the docs:
<property name="template" value="classpath:some/resource/path/myTemplate.txt">
