restrict logs using log4j - java

I'm using log4j for logging, and it is the first time I'm working on it.
I want to log particular lines from the code, say for exmple
log.debug("this is my an example");
Only want these lines from my project in my log file. Is it possible using log4j?
Here is my
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CA
log4j.appender.CA =org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
log4j.appender.CA.layout.ConversionPattern= %d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c - %m%n
aslo can we route the logging to separate file for each run?

Set loglevel in your code as below and make it as a static block or something where it should load at the startup
private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogClass.class);
and for specific package restrictions of log, you can do like below
Suppose you have a package a.b.c
To specify logging level for this package as debug, add the below line in your


Set JCS log level to ERROR - log4j

I have implemented JCS in my J2ee application which uses log4j for logging.
My Requirement
Set the application rootLogger in DEBUG level and jcs logs in ERROR mode.
What is tried
Tried the following in log4j properties
But nothing is affecting the logging.
Whenever the cache access happens, it logs a bunch of returning first node messages.
Note : I am using the latest JCS commons-jcs-core-2.0-beta-1.jar
This is my complete
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A1
# Use Console Appender for development
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern= %d [%t] %-5p - %m%n
I missed an "s" in commons. Correcting it solved my problem.
Both the below statements can be used to configure JCS log level in log4j.
JCS has a dependency on commons-logging for logging, and not log4j. Hence, log4j configurations won't matter unless you redirect commons-logging to log4j. To do that, create a file named and add the following in that.

How to use log4j in glassfish

I am trying to deploy a tomcat servlet in glassfish and after a couple of weeks making changes I did it.
Now I have another problem. I am using log4f to create log files to store my logs and it doesn't work.
I read that I should make some modifications but I don't know what to do exactly.
I have my and logback.xml files. I have other 2 servlet also with this library and also writing to their own files fine in tomcat. So I need an explanation valid for any servlet.
If you need any config file to be shown here, just tell me. I don't know what to show you.
GlassFish does not provide Log4J support by default can you check this:
Glassfish admin console -> Configurations -> Server-config -> Logger Settings -> Log levels -> Add Logger -> org.hibernate.type : FINEST
The link #Gabriel gives was very helpful but the provided there did not work for me. This did:
# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A1
# A1 Configuration
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=SERVER: %d{DATE} %-5p %c{1} : %m%n

Log4j doesn't log INFO Level

I have the following file, for an application deployed in WebSphere Portal:
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, InfoAppender, DebugAppender
log4j.appender.InfoAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n
log4j.appender.DebugAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n
When I code, I define the logger at class level:
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IWannaLogThis.class);
And I log INFO messages with this:;
When I deploy my application, the debug.log file gets everything I log with logger.debug() but ignores everything I write with On the other side, the info.log file keeps empty.
The weirdest thing is that in debug.log and info.log appears some INFO and DEBUG messages made by some JARS (like Hibernate Validator) I had in the classpath, but just ignores everything I try to log in my code.
Any ideas?
This is most likely a classloading-related problem. WebSphere Portal uses Log4J internally, so I'm guessing that you end up using WebSphere Portal's provided Log4J JAR file as well as its own Log4J properties.
You can verify that by adding the following to the JVM arguments of the server instance:
And then inspect the SystemOut.log file. Log4J will spit out lots of tracing information about the configuration file(s) it reads.
The best way to avoid this is to do the following:
Bundle the Log4J JAR file with your application.
Associate a Shared Library with the server. In that Shared Library, place your Log4J configuration file.
As an alternative to step 2, you can bundle your Log4J configuration file with the application itself, however that would carry its own drawbacks (for example, having to repackage your application whenever you perform a Log4J configuration change).
Another common problem is that the JARs you have in your classpath also use log4j and also have their own appenders set. So depending on the settings that they use, and the packages that your classes reside in, this may lead to the problem you describe.
Make sure that your package names are unique and not used by any of the third party libraries.
Check the log4j settings in all libraries in your classpath. They should not contain general settings which override yours.
Make sure your loggers use your (you can be sure if changes you make in your file affect your loggers as expected).
If you can, make sure that your log4j stuff loads last, in case any of the third party libs reset the configuration. They shouldn't, but who can stop them.
Normally, it should be one of these things. Post more explicit example if it doesn't work.
Good luck!
What I have done in the past is set specific logs for the classes I want to log. It sounds like you can try setting your root logger to INFO and see if that gets you the messages you want. Here's a little bit of my log4j property file. I set a logger for each class and assign it to my "data" appender, which defines the log layout. In the loggers I specify specific classes I want to log and set their Log level individually. Any class that logs that is not defined in the Loggers I have use the default log level for the rootCategory.
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, rollingFile, stdout
#GetData Loggers, data, data, data
# data appender\:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\logs\\MyApp-data.log[%d{ISO8601}]%5p%6.6r[%t]%x - %C.%M(%F:%L) - %m%n
you root logger opens the log properties in the debug mode,
use INFO instead of DEbug in the first line of your properties file.

log4j conflicting?

I have a htmlunit application and I turned off its logging by the following lines since it was printing way too many messages in the console which I don't need.
I then added the latest log4j jar to my project and configured it so I can have my own custom logging messages. But now everything from htmlunit also goes to my log file. How can I prevent this? I only want my own logging messages to go to the log file.
One important thing to understand about log4j is its concept of a 'logger hierarchy', and how this affects its settings. To quote the log4j documentation,
A logger is said to be an ancestor of another logger if its name followed by a dot is a prefix of the descendant logger name. A logger
is said to be a parent of a child logger if there are no ancestors
between itself and the descendant logger.
For example, the logger named "" is a parent of the logger
named "". Similarly, "java" is a parent of "java.util" and
an ancestor of "java.util.Vector". This naming scheme should be
familiar to most developers.
A logger inherits the settings of its parent, and the 'root logger' is always at the top of the hierarchy. Therefore to some extent you can treat the root logger as the 'default' logger settings, and you can then add to these settings for just the loggers contained in your code.
I don't know how to set this up in code, but here is what I would do using a file:
# Direct log messages to a log file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Direct log messages to console
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Root logger settings: by default only log messages at level "ERROR" and above
# will be logged. These messages will be written to console
log4j.rootLogger=error, console
# All loggers with names starting with "org.somecompany.someproject"
# will log messages at all levels "DEBUG" and above.
# They will be written to file as well as console; writing to console
# is enabled since that setting is inherited from the root logger., file
Then, assuming that the logger of each class is named as the fully qualified name of that class, then simply replace "org.somecompany.someproject" in the above config with the root package name for the packages in your project, and that should give you the behaviour you want.
For more information, have a look at the log4j documentation.

log4j warning issue - apache commons

I'm using apache commons library and log4j.
I have an xml configuration file and a files. I want to specify my log4j properties path inside my xml configuration file.
To load my settings i do:
//Loading my xml file
this.config = new XMLConfiguration(this.xmlFileName);
At this moment the following warnings are raised:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
However i haven't yet called any log4j object. Once i have read the xml file i can successfully work with my log4j instance.
Is there any way to remove those warnings?
Check if the file is in the classpath
This link might be useful:
Log4J outputs this error when a logger is created, but no appender(s) is(are) defined.
In practice this error occurs when a logger is created before log4j is initialized.
You say you haven't called any log4j object. But in the error message you see that org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils creates a logger object (see line 66).
You could turn it off before initialization, see How to turn off log4j warnings?
There should be no need to turn it on again since the initialization sets normally the log level of the root logger.
You should at least set the appender and the logger level for the root logger in the loaded log4j configuration file. Otherwise , you will see this warning message.
Example of setting the appender and logger level for the root logger:
#Set root logger 's level and its appender to an appender called CONSOLE which is defined below.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CONSOLE
#Set the behavior of the CONSOLE appender
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
I resolve my issue with this workaround:
//Disable log level
Now i can read my xml configuration file without WARNINGS.
After set log level:
