Facebook SDK 3.8: publish_actions permission for non-developers - java

I'm following the facebook android sharing tutorial by facebook (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/share).
The app flow is as follows:
Login using facebook
User can share a post by clicking on share button.
The above flow works when I login using facebook developer email.
When I use non-developer email, I am able to login successfully, but when user clicks share button, in the pop up, it says you already authorized the *** app. But when I print the list of permissions, the session doesn't have publish_actions permission.
I have read in some online posts that to obtain publish_actions permission from the users I have to get the app reviewed and approved from facebook. Is that correct?
I have seen similar questions on publish_actions on Stack Overflow, but they don't have any answers yet.
Facebook SDK 3.8 : permission publish_actions not returned
Permission facebook sdk Android
Facebook publish_actions no longer working in desktop app
Can anyone guide me how to publish_posts from my app to users facebook wall using facebook sdk?


How do i publish a firebase login app on amazon app store?

so i have been trying to publish my app on the amazon app store.
but as i have made my app on the firebase system i use mobile authentication or google login to let users login to my app but as amazon is not able to login to my app using those features they're unable to login to my app and is continuously rejecting my app.
can anyone please tell me what is the correct way to let them login to my app.
or do i need to create a fake login system with a fake account just for them to login.
here is my app link http://texts.ga
i did contacted them and told them to login via any of the two methods and they did login via the google login but still they are asking for login credentials again.
thanks in advance for any kind of help
Firebase Authentication, along with some other Firebase products, require Google Play services installed on the device in order to work correctly. Amazon devices don't have Google Play services, so Firebase Authentication will not work on them.

How to use rest API to login facebook in android

I am currently working in a startup and my employer has asked me to login facebook in android using REST API. I have no idea what he is asking me to do and I read a lot on internet but I am still not clear about what to do and how to do. Can anyone help me out?
You can use Facebook SDK to add Facebook login button, or use OAuth2 for Facebook login. You can start from here: link

Remove facebook permissions dialogs from my ANDROID app while sharing contents?

I have integrated facebook SDK in my ANDROID app for sharing functionality,and as per facebook guidline it will asks for permissions before sharing anything if user doesn't grant it before.
so,does there any way to remove that permissions dialog or if it can handle it in background without showing it over the my android app??
Note:for FB SDK integration I am not using webview dialog or FB dialog , I have implemented my own dialog view for sharing and I am sharing with installed Native FB App.
I'm fairly certain it's against the Facebook policy to post on the user's behalf without their explicit permission to access their data.
You may use Account Information in accordance with your privacy policy and other Facebook policies. All other data may only be used outside your app after you have obtained explicit user consent.
See policy.

how to do a facebook like to a given post-id on my android app

I want to integrate my android app with facebook API.
I'm getting from my server a postId and I want the user to be able to
"like" that post on facebook from my android app.
I have search the facebook developers docs
but found nothing regarding such like, only login, share (android)
or like (from html page).
Anyone has an idea?
You need to do a POST request to: https://graph.facebook.com/POST_ID/likes.
Don't forget to include your token.
For this you need to have extended permissions set up properly, to allow liking of posts.

Facebook Authentication in Webview

I am building a native android app that require facebook login each time it's initiated. This authentication is done using the FB SDK (SSO).
Later on in the app, the user opens a WebView to the mobile versions of facebook profile page (http://m.facebook.com/some page). My problem is that when opening the webview, the user is required to enter user name and password for the facebook site. Since I already have a facebook access token, and the user might have installed the facebook app, I assume there some way to skip this annoying phase of signing in to facebook website in the webview.
I have searched the web and tried different solution with no success. It will help me a lot if someone could posts a solution code that works. Thank you!
There's tutorial available on Developer site of Facebook for Single-Sign-On (SSO) login. One is using webview and another is using SDK.
Although I think if the user selected remember the password checkbox, it should not ask for login again.
