What version of visualvm works with Java 6? - java

I'm using Mac 10.9.1 and Java 1.6.45 . It is not an option for me to upgrade my Java version at this time. I want to use visualvm to analyze heap dumps, but the latest version on http://visualvm.java.net/download.html only works with Java 7 and above. What version of VisualVM will work with Java 6 and where can I find this mystical version?

VisualVM 1.3.6 works with JDK 6. You can download it from this page: http://visualvm.java.net/releases.html. You can also install JDK 7 next to JDK 6 and use VisualVM 1.3.7.

According to this Oracle site it should be a command-line tool built in to your JDK distribution. From here, it was first bundled in Java 6u7, so you should definitely have it.


Is it impossible to run Java Web Start application using "SDKMAN!"

Hello🙂 I'm not familiar with Java. I'm trying to run Java Web Start (javaws command) using SDKMAN! to use a Supermicro's legacy IPMI application.
It seems that Oracle Java 8 was able to run javaws but it is removed since Java 9. It also seems that SDKMAN! removed Oracle Java due to Oracle's licensing problem.
So I assume that there is no way to install javaws using SDKMAN! currently and we have to install the old Oracle's Java 8 manually out of SDKMAN!. It this right assumption? Thank you.
JavaWebStart has been developed closed source by Oracle and therefore is only part of the Oracle JDK. Since Oracle stopped JavaWebStart it is even in the Oracle JDK not provided for Java 11+.
In general you have 3 ways you can go:
Use an old Java 8 build from Oracle that does not has fixes for security issues of the last 18 month
Buy support for Java 8 at Oracle and use an actual build of the Oracle JDK version. 8
Install AdoptOpenJDK 8 LTS version on windows and select to use IcedTea-Web in the installer
Use OpenWebstart in combination with any Java 8 or Java 11 JRE / JDK. That can provided by SDKMAN for example

Download IBM Java JDK 8 for windows

I am looking to Download IBM Java JDK 8 for windows 10 OS or Windows Server 2012 R2 OS.
Does IBM provide JAVA JDK 8 software so that we can install and test it?
Does IBM provide only AIX and Linux supported IBM Java 8 installation software?
I referred the IBM page, it contains only AIX, Linux version of Java installation software.
IBM says
The SDK is available only as part of an IBM product.
Which means follow the links at the end of the page you linked from your question, download Eclipse, use the JDK that will be installed with Eclispe. Then, if you don't want Eclipse, delete it and keep the SDK.
You can use OpenJ9, which is the JDK used by the IBM SDK.
As an aside I have to wonder why you need the IBM JDK in particular.

Sun Java 6 on Ubuntu

The java library I need (jpcap) only works on Java 6, it won't work with Java 7. Is it still possible to install Java 6 on Ubuntu? According to the Ubuntu Help:
Oracle (Sun) Java 6 is no longer available to be distributed by Ubuntu, because of license issues
I've tried to use the instructions on the same site but they don't seem to work...
./jre-6u34-linux-i586.bin doesn't seem to do anything!
Check out these instructions on how to install Sun JDK 6. In older versions of the repositories the desired package is included.
If you're not obliged to, try using jNetPcap instead. It's another wrapper around pcap, it just works on more recent JVMs and is not restricted to 32 bit architecture.
I would try the OpenJDK 6 which AFAIK is fine on Ubuntu and check you have the right version 32-bit vs 64-bit for your machine. i586 is 32-bit and won't work with a 64-bit build of jpcap.

JStack for Java 1.5?

I want to use the JStack in a Java 1.5 VM. I found in several web pages that a version of JStack exists for this version, but I can't find it.
I have versions 1.5.0_22 and 1.5.0_10 of the JDK and jstack is not included. It is included in Java SDK 1.6
Is it a separate download? or is it included in a different revision?
jstack is not currently available on Windows platforms or on the Linux Itanium platform.
Do you happen to use Windows or Itanium?

Mint Linux - Downgrade Java to 1.5

Currently, I am running Mint Linux (Release 9). I need to downgrade Java from version 1.6 to 1.5, and have been trying to figure out how to go about this. So far, I've had no luck. The package manager doesn't seem to have it.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
- Chris
As you explained in your comments, you need JDK 5 because you are working on the source code of Android itself and the instructions say:
Ubuntu Linux (64-bit x86)
... JDK 5.0, update 12 or higher.Java 6 is not supported, because of incompatibilities with #Override.
You can do this:
Uninstall any Java that you got via the package system of your Linux distro
Download JDK 5 Update 22 for Linux
Run the JDK installer with sudo, install it wherever you like (for example in /opt or /usr/local)
Set your PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the JDK
There should be no need to downgrade your Java installation to develop for Java 1.5. If you are using a tool such as Eclipse, you can set the project attributes so that it tests for Java 1.5 compatibility, and gives errors if you use a Java 6 feature. If you absolutely insist on having a Java 1.5 JDK then just install it alongside the default installation and use it in place of Java 1.6.
This should be a question for SuperUser.com, but my recommendation is to download the 1.5 JDK, and change Java path to where you downloaded it.
Or you could use the info on Ubuntu Help, it should work for you since Mint is based on Ubuntu. That link explains how to select the version of Java.
