I want to send multiple parameters to a servlet named cart using this code.but it isending null.plz help.rs is a reference to resultset here
String name=rs.getString("name");
int cost=rs.getInt("cost");
out.println("Name: "+name);
out.println("\nPrice: "+cost);
out.println("\n<a href=\'cart\'?n=name&&c=cost>Add to Cart</a>");
There are several problems with the way the link is constructed.
This should work:
out.println("\n<a href='cart?n=" + name + "&c=" + cost + "'>Add to Cart</a>");
In addition, it may be necessary to URL encode the content of name if it can contain characters with special meaning in an URL.
I am trying to pass a URL as a path variable, but when I input the URL as a parameter and access the route, it returns an error. I want to be able to see the address after it passes into the route as a parameter.
public String addAddress(#PathVariable("address") String address) {
System.out.println("Address: "+address)
return address;
For example, if I put into the URL:
I should see
printed out in the back end.
The forward slashes are your issue.
You have a few choices.
Use 2 path variables. This still works with a double forward slash. This works with URL: "localhost:8080/addAddress/http://samplewebsite.com"
public String addAddress(#PathVariable("schema") String schema, #PathVariable("address") String address) {
System.out.println("Address: "+ schema + "//" + address);
return schema + "//" + address;
Use a query (request) param, your url would then be URL: "localhost:8080/addAddress/?address=http://samplewebsite.com"
public String addAddress2(#RequestParam("address") String address) {
System.out.println("Address: "+address);
return address;
Encode the slashes in URL:
and configure Tomcat or Jetty, whatever you use to allow encoded slashes. Here is an example in Tomcat
You can do the following;
public String addAddress(HttpServletRequest request) {
String fullUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString();
String url = fullUrl.split("/addAddress/")[1];
return url;
with #PathVariable that is not doable due to the / char breaking the behaviour you are looking for, unless you encode/decode, but I feel like this is a simpler way to go for both user of the endpoint, and for the backend.
Also this will not fetch the request query part, e.g. ?input=user,
to do that you can add this logic
You can use SafeUrl to parse your URL in your path.
Some documentation:
It let you pass parameters safe by the url and you can decode where you need.
I am trying to open new email from my Java app:
String str=String.valueOf(email);
String body="This is body";
String subject="Hello worlds";
String newStr="mailto:"+str.trim()+"?subject="+URLEncoder.encode(subject,"UTF-8")+"&body="+URLEncoder.encode(body, "UTF-8")+"";
Desktop.getDesktop().mail(new URI(newStr));
Here it is my URLEncoding. As I cannot use body or subject string in URL without encoding them, my output here is with "+" instead of whitespace. Which is normal, I understand that. I was thinking if there is a way to visualize subject and body normally in my message? I tried with .replace("+"," ") but it is not working as it is giving an error. This is how it is now:
I think there might be different character set but I am not sure.
That's the way URLEncoder works.
One possible approach would be to replace all + with %20 after URLEncoder.enocde(...)
Or you could rely on URI constructor to encode your parameters correctly:
String scheme = "mailto";
String recipient = "recipient#snakeoil.com";
String subject = "The Meaning of Life";
String content = "..., the universe and all the rest is 42.\n Rly? Just kidding. Special characters: äöü";
String path = "";
String query = "subject=" + subject + "&body=" + content;
Desktop.getDesktop().mail(new URI(scheme, recipient, path, query, null));
Both solutions have issues:
In the first approach, you might replace actual + signs, with the second, you'll have issues with & character.
So I have successfully post data onto a Google Spreadsheet using the Google Form source. Everything works perfect UNTIL I make the field (in the Google Form) "required." When I do that, the Android Emulator still responds as if the information sent was properly saved. But on the Google spreadsheet it isn't there.
Am I missing something?
This is my AsyncTask:
new BackgroundTask().execute(
student.FirstName, "entry_2030274183=",
student.LastName, "entry_1558758483=",
student.Age, "entry_1871336861=",
student.Gender, "entry.2013677542=",
student.Grade, "entry_1921311866=");
This is my Background.
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
HttpRequest reg = new HttpRequest();
String URL = params[0];
String FirstName = params[1];
String FirstNameEntry = params[2];
String LastName = params[3];
String LastNameEntry = params[4];
String Age = params[5];
String AgeEntry = params[6];
String Gender = params[7];
String GenderEntry = params[8];
String Grade = params[9];
String GradeEntry = params[10];
String data =
FirstNameEntry + URLEncoder.encode(FirstName) + "&" +
LastNameEntry + URLEncoder.encode(LastName) + "&" +
AgeEntry + URLEncoder.encode(Gender) + "&" +
GenderEntry + URLEncoder.encode(Age) + "&" +
GradeEntry + URLEncoder.encode(Grade);
String response = reg.sendPost(URL, data);
return response;
Do I need to put something in the entries if it is a required field?
If you want to look at the HttpRequest class go here (Not My Code):
Secure HTTP Post in Android
Much Appreciated
The only way I can immediately think of is by processing the response and then making your app behave accordingly.
For instance - I tried one test form and if the request send had some required field empty, then the HTTPResponse contains "Looks like you have a question or two that still need attention".
Another way would be to validate if the save was actually successful by searching for the text you gave in the "Confirmation Page".
In both cases, you should be able to differentiate between a successful post and a failed one.
I want to pass a (dynamic) variable through a hyperlink.
sname = "my image location";
out.println("hyperlink targeted_url name = sname ");
on targeted_url :
myvalue = request.getParameter("name").toString();
But whenever I tried to output that location, the output show me sname.
Is there any solution? I don't want to use session, cookie or form.
Is it possible within hyperlink?
You're not evaluating sname in your println. This will do that:
out.println("hyperlink targeted_url name = " + sname);
You haven't shown where you are creating your link, but when doing that you need to do the same thing - append the sname variable instead of including it as a string literal.
I am using the following code:
String zip = "75227";
String str = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20Title%2C%20Address%2C%20" +
"City%2C%20State%2C%20Phone%2C%20Distance%20from%20local.search%20where%20query%3D%22" +
"food%20pantries%22%20and%20zip%3D%22" + zip +"%22%20and%20(category%3D%2296927050%22%20or" +
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(str).get();
and it is producing the results I want by replacing the zip code value. I would like to also change the location. I tried doing the same I did with the zip code by doing this:
String zip = "32207";
String service = "food pantry";
String testOne = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20Title%2C%20Address%2C%20" +
"City%2C%20State%2C%20Phone%2C%20Distance%20from%20local.search%20where%20query%3D%22" +
service + "%22%20and%20zip%3D%22" + zip +"%22%20and%20(category%3D%2296927050%22%20or" +
When used this way the variable "service" gave me an error.
I initially tried to use the yql table like this:
String search = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=";
String table = "select Title, Address, City, State, Phone, Distance from local.search where " +
"query=\"food pantries\" and zip=\"75227\" and (category=\"96927050\" or category=" +
"\"96934498\") | sort(field=\"Distance\")";
String searchText = search + table;
Here is the error I am getting:
Exception in thread "main" org.jsoup.HttpStatusException: HTTP error fetching URL. Status=505, URL=http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20Title%2C%20Address%2C%20City%2C%20State%2C%20Phone%2C%20Distance%20from%20local.search%20where%20query%3D%22food pantry%22%20and%20zip%3D%2232207%22%20and%20(category%3D%2296927050%22%20or%20category%3D%2296934498%22)%20%7C%20sort(field%3D%22Distance%22)
at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection$Response.execute(HttpConnection.java:418)
at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection$Response.execute(HttpConnection.java:393)
at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection.execute(HttpConnection.java:159)
at org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection.get(HttpConnection.java:148)
at org.jsoup.examples.HtmlToPlainText.main(HtmlToPlainText.java:86)
However, this did not work either. Any ideas on how I can do this search and provide the service and zip code as variables?
Have you tried replacing String service = "food pantry"; with String service = "food%20pantry"; ?
and it is "food pantry" or "food pantries"... ?