I tried to login to my app on google app engine using gmail A, but then I switch account to gmail B, but when I open my app again, it still using google credential for gmail A, not for B. How can I make GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder to store the correct credential for the current user?
so i have been trying to publish my app on the amazon app store.
but as i have made my app on the firebase system i use mobile authentication or google login to let users login to my app but as amazon is not able to login to my app using those features they're unable to login to my app and is continuously rejecting my app.
can anyone please tell me what is the correct way to let them login to my app.
or do i need to create a fake login system with a fake account just for them to login.
here is my app link http://texts.ga
i did contacted them and told them to login via any of the two methods and they did login via the google login but still they are asking for login credentials again.
thanks in advance for any kind of help
Firebase Authentication, along with some other Firebase products, require Google Play services installed on the device in order to work correctly. Amazon devices don't have Google Play services, so Firebase Authentication will not work on them.
I want to build a login function in my app.
the user credential will be store on the local sever (no internet available).
So when the user try to login, the app will check the credential in the localsever.
Can you point me in the right direction . thanks
Which library API in Java that I should use to make my google apps on google app engine server can subscribe to user's google account. So when the user login to its gmail account, it will send message to my app saying that the user just login to it's gmail.
I have a requirement where I want images to be stored/retrieved from a single Google Account (this account has picasa storage). This should be done even if the user who is logged in to my web app, is different from the single google account (which has picasa storage).
(I plan to store all images used by this web app in Picasa Storage).
I couldnt find any example/reference for this particular scenario-- the docs talk about regular oauth authentication, where the user who is using the web app, gives permission to the web app to access his picasa images... What I want is, the single stored user (who has the images stored in his picasa account) is authenticated by the web app, even if a different user is logged in to the web app... Now the application can display images from the authenticated user's picasa albums...Can this be implemented? And ideally by using the google data apis client library for Java?
The answer is provided in Google Documentation of the API- at http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/docs/2.0/developers_guide_java.html#ClientLogin
The user id and password has to be stored in the application, and irrespective of whichever user is using the application, auth into Picasa will be done for the stored user only.
This is referred to as Single-user "installed" client authentication in the docs...
I want to send emails from my app engine application using one of my Google Apps accounts. According to the GAE python docs:
The From: address can be the email address of a registered administrator (developer) of the application, the current user if signed in with Google Accounts, or any valid email receiving address for the app (that is, an address of the form string#appid.appspotmail.com).
So I created a user account on my Google Apps domain, no-reply#mydomain.com, to use for outbound email notifications. However, when I try to add the user as an administrator of the app, it fails with this error:
You are not authorized to access this application
Is it possible to configure app engine to send emails using a Google Accounts email address?
You must restrict your App Engine app to a Google Apps domain upon initial registration of your App Engine application ID. Unfortunately, this setting can only be set during the initial registration of your app ID.
What you'll need to do is register another application ID, set your authentication option for Google Apps domain, and upload your existing app to the newly registered ID.
Simply going through the "Domain Setup" process in your Dashboard is not enough; you'll only be able to add the app as a service and "host" it using your domain name. To restrict the authorization to your domain only, you'll need to do the first step in the initial registration.
I had also problems adding administrators. In the end, I used a regular gmail account as the sender. Which only works if sending as *#googlemail.com. *.gmail.com fails.