Invoke a method on all subclasses from superclass? - java

I have recently stubled upon something that has always annoyed me.
Whenever I want a method to be invoked in all classes that have a certain interface, or if they are extensions, I would like to have a keyword that does the opposite of the keyword super. Basically, I want the invocation to be passed down (if a class inherits a method, and the method in the superclass is called, it will be called in the subclass as well). Is there anything that resembles what I am asking for?
The contemporary methods I am using are efficient, but not as efficient as I would like them to be. I am only wondering if there is a way of invoking a method, that has been inherited, from its superclass/superinterface. The last time I was looking for this, I did not find it either.
NOTE: All of the subclasses are unknown, hence impossible to utilize. The only known class is the superclass, which is why I can't invoke it. This can be solved using the Reflections API, which I am currently using. However, it does not always comply with what I am searching for.

Every method in Java is virtual with the exception of static methods, final methods and constructors meaning that if a subclass implements the method being invoked, the subclass's implementation will be called. If the subclass wishes to also invoke the immediate superclass method, that is accomplished via a call to super.
This is very common with abstract classes where some base class is utilized by a framework, but clients are expected to override. For instance:
public abstract class Drawer{
public void draw(){
//setup code, etc common to all subclass implementations
protected abstract void doDraw();
public class CircleDrawer extends Drawer{
protected void doDraw(){
//implementation of how to actually draw a circle
Now, when you have an instance of CircleDrawer and you call draw(), the superclass Drawer.draw() method will be invoked that is, in turn, able to call CicleDrawer.doDraw().
Edit Now, if CircleDrawer was this:
public class CircleDrawer extends Drawer{
public void draw(){
//do stuff
protected void doDraw(){
//implementation of how to actually draw a circle
Any invocation of Drawer.draw() on an instance of CircleDrawer will always invoke the CircleDrawer.draw() method.

If you mean something like this:
class A {
public void func1(){
//do stuff
class B extends A{
public void func1(){
//do more stuff
class C extends A{
What happens when I call new C().func1()? Remember, func1 is not abstract and therefore, you cannot require classes to define it.
A better solution is to do the following:
abstract class A {
public void func1(){
//do stuff
public abstract func2();
class B extends A{
public void func2(){
//do more stuff
Hence, you require your subclasses to define a function that you can call from the super class.

The is no such a thing. When calling an overriden method in Java, the child-most class's method will be always called. If you want to call parent methods as well, you need to use super.methodCall() in every class's method of your hirearchy.

Unfortunately, I don't believe the thing you are trying to do is as possible as you may think. It's not quite that easy to invoke your subclasses from the super class, because not all subclasses may behave in the same way so a generic keyword for that functionality would wreak havoc! Although, by the phrasing of "Basically, I want the invocation to be passed down." it sounds like what you want is normal inheritance.
Just define the most generic similarities that all subclasses have in common in the superclass, then simply start each subclass definition of the method with super()
I don't mean to point out the obvious, but OO was designed for that and not for what you are asking. I doubt you'll be unable to find a way to do what you want within the typical arsenal of OO concepts

I think you got confused describing what you need, I don't think this:
Whenever I want a method to be invoked in all classes that have a certain interface, or if they are extensions
Is the same as this:
I would like to have a keyword that does the opposite of the keyword super
From what I understand, in the first one, you are referring to calling a method for all instances of a base class and its subclasses. For the second one, calling a subclass' method is exactly calling that method on a subclass which has probably overriden it.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, maybe you should clarify with an example. Most likely, yours is a design problem which is solved in a different way than the one you are proposing. However, a "solution" came to mind when reading your question.
I'm a little more experienced with C# and python than with Java (and not even that much), but I'm sure more experienced programmers won't hesitate to correct me if I said stupid things.
You should have some kind of collection of objects of type of the base class and call that method, on each object, which each subclass must have overriden.
Maybe using the observer pattern, which is commonly used to reproduce event triggering, you can make all instances of a base class and its subclasses execute a "callback" whenever you want.


How to declare a method that can be used only inside another method in a java interface?

How to declare a method that can be used only inside another method in a java interface?
public interface VendingMachine_ADT {
public void selectDrink(Drink d);
public void MoneyEntered(Coin c);
public void DrinkSelectedandMoneyEntered();
public void cancel();//i want this method inside selectDrink();
Although you can, with come coercion, achieve this in C++ (which somewhat legitimises this question), you cannot do this in Java.
All methods in a Java interface are necessarily public. Really the concept of a private method localised to a particular function is more to do with the implementation of that interface rather than the interface itself.
So you'd need to enforce your restriction in an implementation of selectDrink().
You cannot do that. All methods in an interface are meant to be public.
Apparently, you have several classes that implement VendingMachine_ADT, and they use a method named cancel that is the same for them - or at least similar.
In this case, you can make a base class for VendingMachine_ADT, and make cancel a protected method of the base class. Your cancel method will be available to descendant classes.
Depending on your needs, you could even have cancel as an abstract method, to be implemented by subclasses. That is as close to an interface as you can get.

Interface Method Usage(Java)?

Can Someone Explain how the methods of interface used in classes?
Note: My Doubt is "Methods are already defined in Class then why we should implement it ? "
For Example :
interface printable{
void print();
class A implements printable{
public void print(){System.out.println("Hello");}
public static void main(String args[]){
A obj = new A();
why print() is declared in interface??
You define a method by giving its implementation. They are the same thing, so you are right that once you define a method, you don't also need to implement it.
An interface declares that anything implementing this interface will defined those methods. This is part of the contract for interfaces. This allows you to call any method of an interface knowing than any concrete implementation will have such a method.
BTW In Java 8, it will support virtual extensions which means an interface can give a default implementation. This has to be defined in terms of other methods provided by the interface.
An Interface is a contract that all classes that implement it, should have a definition for the methods specified in the interface. An interface does not define the method body as such.
An interface defines a set of method which must be implemented. It says nothing on how they are implemented. This is where the class definition comes in, since it defines how these methods are implemented.
Thus, when you call a class which implements a particular interface, then you know, for sure, that you will find whatever set of methods the interface defines.
Interfaces are usually handy when you need to expose some endpoints to your application, without the need to expose the logic.
EDIT: As per your example, the printable interface defines what behaviour should a class which implements it expose, in this case print.
This will allow you to do something along the lines of printable p = new A(); p.print();.
Assuming you have something which yields an object which implements the printable interface, then, whoever is calling that method will not need to bother what is the actual implementation of the print method. The interface makes sure that whatever you are returning, will contain an implementation of that method.
Welcome to Stack overflow!
I agree with Chris. You can replace the doSomething method with eat() method to get a better understanding. A dog may eat something different than a cat and to a giraffe.
Its up to you how you implement the eat method, and when using it create a reference of the interface Animal and point it to the instance of Dog, Cat or Giraffe which ever eat method you want to use. This makes your class design very extensible.
Hope you get a clear idea now.
Generally Interface based Programming is recommended, Because of the following reasons
1)Interface means rule , you should follow those rules while implementing those methods in Implemented class.
2) Dependency is less between classes while instancing your implemented class then call your methods from another class or some where.
3) You can publish your interface details only no need to disclose the implemented details of your methods to out side the world.
Defining an interface is the difference between:
public void doSomething(Dog d)
public void doSomething(Cat c)
public void doSomething(Giraffe g)
public void doSomething(Animal a)
Well, if all the classes just implement their own methods, there's no common reference between them. However, if they all implement the method from a common interface, they can be referred to by the same reference type; in this case Animal.

Java: static method in abstract class call abstract non-static method?

I have an abstract class A
I have about 10 classes that extend A
Class A has one or two static methods and it makes sense that these are static, because they belong to the 10 classes, NOT instances of them. One static method e.g. is called getAllFromX, which gets all all instances of the class from X, whatever that may be, it may be a server, well it actually is, but it doesn't matter. So you see it makes sense these methods are static and are not bound to an instance.
At the same time class A has a NON-static abstract method, each subclass overrides this method (just returns a string). I cannot make it static because static methods cannot be overridden (...).
To summarize: abstract class A has a static method and a abstract non-static method, that is overriden by the subclasses. I cannot make the second method static because it must be overriden. On the otherhand I could make the first method non-static, but it would be very ugly and bad programming style, so I'll leave it that way.
The catch? The static method in class A must get the value the non-static method returns (for the subclass the static method is inherited from, of course).
Is the "easiest" way to use reflection to get this done? I mean...really?
Like e.g., I get the class the static method is in:
Class<?> cl=new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingClass(); (a hack I found here, thank god...)
I then use getConstructor to construct an object of this subclass.
And then I use this object to call the non-static method.
Really?? Can it not be done easier? I mean that is if I want to design my program conceptually correct...
Coming from C# I don't like that (and the type erasure thing). It is just ugly. Doable but ugly. And a big stumbling block, at least for beginners. EDIT: after reading it again, I'd add: /rant end. Sorry, but I actually care.
I think what you in fact need is the following:
public class A {
public static Set<A> getAllFromX() {
public class B extends A {
public static Set<B> getAllFromX() {
public class C extends A {
public static Set<C> getAllFromX() {
(Just as the valueOf() and values() methods in enums, which is redefined in every Enum subclass, because static methods can't be inherited)
In this case, each class has its own static method doing whatever it wants. But your question doesn't make much sense because it says:
The static method in class A must get the value the non-static method returns (for the subclass the static method is inherited from, of course).
Indeed, the static method is not inherited by the subclass. Static methods are never inherited. If you define a static method foo() in A, and call;
the compiler doesn't refuse to compile it, but it translates it to;
So, there's no way to do in foo() something that depends on the class on which foo() is called, since it's always A.
You can always use reflection to invoke a method using class name e.g.
Object objectX = ClassX.class.newInstance();
//get your method passing argument types as second param
Method method = ClassX.class.getDeclaredMethod("methodX", null);
//invoke your method passing arguments as second param
method.invoke(objectX, null);
Since you mentioned your static method doesn't use any instance but you are using reflection to get the instance hence I am really not sure, how does it fit in your requirement though.
I think making it as an implemented method (non-static) in your abstract class is a better choice. That way you implement it once but its available in in all your 10 extending classes.
I think your problem is one of larger design. A different object should be responsible for retrieving instances of A or its subclasses. As you can see, relying on a static method to be replaced by subclasses does not work well. Without knowing more about the problem domain, it's hard to give a good answer, but I would consider something similar to the Abstract Factory pattern.
Broadly speaking: Define an abstract class, AFactory, with a method Collection getInstances(). Extend AFactory for each of the concrete subclasses of A you need to return and implement that logic in the overridden getInstances() method as appropriate. You may also provide a static method on the abstract AFactory, getFactory(Class), to get the appropriate factory subtype at runtime.

OOP: Can/Should an Abstract class be able to call its own abstract method?

abstract class Foobar
abstract void myAbstractMethod();
public void myConcreteMethod()
//busy code begin
// busy code complete
class childClass extends FooBar
public myAbstractMethod()
//busy code to make abstract method, concrete
Is this acceptable? Is this the correct approach? Is this poor design?
Totally acceptable. For example, you can't use the template method design pattern any other way..
Yes, you're using abstract classes correctly.
Yes, this makes sense and would be acceptable.
It is both legal and useful for an abstract class to call its own method.
This is one way for subclasses to extend the behavior of the abstract class.
You're using it as it should be used - the whole point of abstraction is that the class knows the method is there :)
Absolutely, that is one of the main benefits of abstract methods: You have an larger process provided in the abstract class, but are deferring a part of it to the subclasses. You call the abstract method to allow the subclass to fill in its contribution.
Yes. This is very much true. It indicates that you are delegating the responsibility of implementation of abstract methods to the consumer or you can say client and you are still using the method.
Event Listeners are implemented in this way only, when we don't know the implementation but still calling the method assuming that the client will handle the event in their own way.
Yes and this is how template method design pattern works which lets certain steps of the algorithm to be overriden by subclasses to allow different behaviours on different subclasses.
for example, you want a method first do some common work, then continue with sub-type (sub-class) specific work.
abstract class xxx{
public void work(){
abstract void specific();
This is possible and I think this is good approach. For instance, an abstract class Stone may have the implemented method getMass() where it calls its own abstract method computeVolume(). computeVolume() would be different for the cube or for the round stone.

How to call a base class method without changing all derived classes

I have a class called Base which has a method called execute(). There are about 100 classes which derive from this base class and provide their own implementation of execute(). Now, I have some common logic which I want to put in Base.SomeMethod(). This method needs to be called at the end of execute(). My question whether it is possible to call this without changing each and every derived class's execute() method?
public class Base {
public final void execute() {
protected abstract void doExecute();
public void someMethod() {
This solution prevents the super code smell.
Yes, but you have to change the callers then. Callers will have to call a doExecute() (find a better name for it though) method, which you define in your base class as final, and which calls execute(), then the common code.
Another option is aspect-oriented programming, but I wouldn't recommend it for this purpose, that is, to "hack" code.
The question is: why is changing the name of a method in a 100 or so classes such a problem? It's a click of the mouse with an IDE.
Not that I'm aware of. Next time you should consider that you might want to add some common action for all extended classes, and call for super.execute()!
Only by using something that instruments your code; this isn't possible with pure Java.
Let me state your problem as i understand : Animal class has Breath() method which has implementation and due to inheritance all the subclasses has this member and unless there is very different way of breathing nobody will override.
Now at the end of Breath method you want to call CloseEyes() method of animal class and may be that is true that some or all of the subclasses overrides CloseEyes() method.
So your problem : Everytime any animal breath you want to them to CloseEyes but from Animal class and not from the derived classes.
If there are already CloseEyes() methods in many derived classes then you are actually doing something wrong in calling base class's CloseEyes().
If you still want only base class's method to be called then why do you need same method name- you just say AnimalEyeClose() , make it private and have it in Animal class.
